I Am Hellscream

Chapter 542 I'm Grandpa Grandpa, and I came here to look for my grandson.

Gromash hugged Robin, and quickly broke through the clouds at a very fast speed, boarded the elephant's back, and landed on the'ground'.At this moment, Gromash really looked at this isolated country. A huge city wall was built on it, with watchtowers on both sides.

However, it seems that because of being isolated from the world for a long time, no one would walk to this place without hesitating fortunately to follow the feet of the Lord, so there are only two fur tribes that look a little like monkeys in the watchtower. Dozing off with nothing to do, there were no powerful frontier troops on the entire wall.

Looking at this scene, Gromash thought with some emotion: "Sure enough, I was born of sorrow and died of happiness. No wonder the big cat and dog who were able to fight Jack for three days and three nights were interrupted by someone. Who is it, this first line of defense will also be directly breached."

While thinking about it, Gromash didn't put Robin down in his arms. Gromash this guy had a bad problem when thinking about things. He either wanted to touch his chin or hit something. At this time, he was holding Robin in both hands. , I can't touch my chin naturally, so the finger taps very naturally,-the last blow is full of Robin's

On the chest.

This time, Robin was embarrassed, his face flushed, and his hands exerted force. He pinched the soft flesh of Gromash's waist and squeezed it fiercely.

The sudden tingling made Gromash also exclaimed, and before he realized what he had done wrong, Robin retaliated against himself like this, Robin has turned over lightly, and fell from Gromash's body. The elephant's back was on the ground that looked very uneven.

"Salted pig hands, you are not serious at all times," Robin said angrily, looking at Gromash.

But at this time Gromash reacted, and then touched his chin with a somewhat embarrassing expression, and then said: "Accidents, all accidents, usually I'm a good-kun son."

Recalling that Gromash was about to take a sneak peek at the bottom of his skirt and the ridiculous things that Gromash did in the past, Robin can believe him to be a ghost. Just when Robin was about to speak, he was exclaimed by Gromash. The two monkey-like guards who scared the doze away finally arrived late and found Gromash.

The figures of the two of them nervously aimed their bows and arrows at Gromash and Robin, and stammered and asked loudly, "Who are you two?? Why are you here???"

I don't know if they have been isolated from the world for too long, or the two little monkeys don't pay much attention to information from the outside world, and neither of them recognizes a big person like Gromash.

Seeing that his identity has not been exposed, Gromash smiled and said: "Don't be nervous, jehhahahaha, we are tourists in the sea below. We have long heard that the furry Principality is a beautiful and dreamy country, so I didn’t hesitate to run up to go sightseeing, you see, we didn’t bring any people, as you can see,

It's just a little couple."

After hearing what Gromash said, one of the little monkeys seemed to find that Gromash was not malicious, so he relaxed a little bit, but still said: "This is indeed a beautiful and dreamy country, but our furry principality does not welcome you to the sea. The human beings on the world so just stop here, you can’t and don’t have the right

Go on."

Gromash was stunned for a moment, and then asked, "Have you seen humans???"

Those two little monkeys were also a little regretful when asked by Gromash's words. They really haven't seen humans, but I heard from the elders in the family that most of the intelligent races on the sea are humans. When they saw Gromash and Robin, they directly regarded them as human beings. At this time, when Gromash asked them, they were also a little panicked.

Could it be that the two guys in front of you are not humans???

Before they can speak, the witty Gromash has already seen that these two cute little monkeys have never seen humans at all, so Gromash, who has a bad stomach, also laughed and said: "Just kidding, you can Think of me as a human, and I’ll ask you, have you ever heard of human heads with horns???"

Gromash touched the special horns on his head, looked at the two little monkeys who were crippled by him with a little amusement, and then said again: "Maybe you are young and haven't traveled, so I don't know. I will tell you the following things by the way. I am not a human being. If I insist, we are compatriots, you

Looking at my corner, don’t you think it’s familiar?? I have the blood of our fur race, ah, yes, I still have a part of the blood of the murloc race, anyway, it’s not a serious human, so don’t worry. Well, letting me in will not affect your rules, Jiehahahahaha. "

Robin was also very helpless by the various strange remarks from Gromash at this time. This fool will believe you, right?? Fur clan?? Compatriot?? You are so embarrassed to open your mouth.

But before Robin could talk about Gromash, the two little monkeys glanced at each other, and then one of them suddenly realized, "That's right, I look at your corners as if they are familiar to me. Think about it carefully. Isn’t it the sign of Mr. Deer’s house?? Could it be that you are the family of Mr. Deer lost overseas???”

Gromash's unicorn horns are indeed like deer antlers. Although he doesn't know what the ghost of Mr. Deer is, and which green onion it is, his uncle Gromash has no morals, so he nodded without hesitation. Said: "Yes, that's right, don't look at me like this. In fact, I am more than two hundred years old.

Mr. Deer, his grandfather, he came back this time to find his grandson. Come, quickly open the city gate and let me in."

The two simple little monkeys were directly fudged by Gromash. Upon hearing Gromash's words, there was no doubt that he said directly: "Is it Mr. Deer's grandfather?? It's amazing, I'm this. To help you open the city gate"

While talking, the little monkey was also preparing to activate the mechanism and opened the door to Gromash. At this moment, another little monkey suddenly said, "You can come in if you are not a human, but is that guy a compatriot???"

Speaking of the little monkey, he also pointed to Robin. After all, Robin looked like the human being portrayed by the elders. If it is really a human being, you can't let her in.

Gromash glanced at Robin with a very innocent expression, then laughed and said, "Why? Didn't you see that she also has horns on her head??? But it's because she is a little bit younger and the horns are not fully grown, come, I will show you her (abdi) hair"

Gromash turned around and put his hand on Robin's head while talking, and then took the opportunity to blink with Robin, and Robin was also smart and ice-snow.Although he thought it was naive for Gromash to bully the two little monkeys here, but I also thought it was very interesting, so I secretly activated my abilities.

As Gromash gently touched the tip of her hair, two fingers grew on Robin's head, and a few more knuckles appeared on those two fingers, which indeed looked a little bit like they had just grown out. Special corner.

Those two little monkeys were naive and ignorant. How could they have thought that there are such unscrupulous bastards as Gromash in the world, let alone that the world is so sinister, after seeing the "horns" on Robin's head, they also showed a touch of the original expression. , And then without any doubt, he opened the city gate and happily invited Gromash and Robin in.

Came to visit the furry Principality.

Before leaving, Gromash didn't know where he took out two bananas and gave them to these two silly little monkeys. In their reluctant eyes, they took Robin's upright "infiltration" to the furry. Here comes the principality.

Walking in the forest, Robin said a little bit angry and funny: "Grandpa Grandpa, you are here to find your grandson?? I really don't know that Grandpa Gromash has lived for more than two hundred years. It's interesting to bully the little monkey. ???"

"Jiehahahahahahaha, seeing those two little things are so cute, I can't bear to be rough with them, isn't it interesting?? Just come in???" Gromash laughed He said.

Recalling the two little monkeys that looked like ghosts, but were actually stupid, Robin laughed involuntarily, and then said: "I don't think the fur clan is so cute, I really want to bring one back."

Hearing Robin's words, Gromash was also taken aback. You must know that Robin's'aesthetic' has always been different from ordinary people. When he was a child, Robin kept a furry spider with a big washbasin as a pet in his room. Well, even Joz and Cromwell dare not get too close to that room.

Robin has always liked some messy things, such as the skulls of ancient Vikings and the blood totems of Satanism. In short, her pocket money and dividends are not used to buy some ancient books and new books, but to use it. I bought these messy things from the black market at a high price. In her private collection room, these things are countless.

The number of wins, that dark gloomy atmosphere is also very strong.

At this time Robin's aesthetic suddenly became'normal', can Gromash not be surprised?? But before Gromash could speak, Robin said to himself again, "I don't know if there is any spider man or something? ?? If you have one, you must take one away."

And after Gromash heard Robin's self-talk, he also showed a helpless smile, thinking: "Sure enough, I think too much. What kind of ghost is Spiderman?? Where is it cute?? The spider spirit is still about the same."

Just when Gromash and Robin were walking through the forest surrounding the "real" furry principality very easily, Pokmu Si finally got on the back of the elephant, but he was a serious fur. Clan, unlike Gromash, a bastard who pretends to be his grandfather, he will naturally not be stopped.

But he hasn't come back for many years, so after seeing this hometown, his chat box opened, and the two little monkeys guarding the city gate also had a great chat.

But after chatting, he felt that something was wrong, as if there was some terrible information.

I saw Pokmus push up his little sunglasses, revealing his little eyeballs, and then asked very seriously: "You mean, there is a man who is more than three meters tall and has long fiery red hair. , Two men with special horns like Mr. Deer’s head and a woman went in???"

"Yes, he also said that he is Mr. Deer's grandfather. It is really pitiful that he has lived outside for 200 years and never came back." The little monkey didn't care too much, and said with a smile to Bokmus.

But Pokmus cleared his throat, and then said: "Ahem, is his laughter like this? Jiehahahahahaha????"

After imitating Gromash's laughter, the little monkey said quickly, "Yes, that's the feeling."

There was already a drop of cold sweat left on Bockmuth's forehead at this time, and then he swallowed and asked again: "Then that guy is carrying a very Haki battle axe behind his back???"

"Oh?? How did you know??? It is indeed true, do you know him??? Mr. Bokmu Si??" The little monkey asked with some curiosity.

At this moment Pokmu Si's expression was gloomy and low, and then he spoke very heavily: "Of course I knew that guy is Proudmoore-Gromma, damn it, why did he appear here?? No, it must be I want to inform my mother of this news."

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