I Am Hellscream

Chapter 543 Godsend-Raid Gromash!

Although he hasn't really searched and confirmed that the person the little monkey said is Gromash, Pokmu Si has an unusual affirmation in his heart. It must be Gromash, but he doesn't know what he is doing in the furry Principality of Zuow? ?? Traveling??? I shouldn’t really come to see my grandson, right??

But no matter what, Pockemus still has to tell his mother the news first. For some time now, their Bigmom Pirates have been looking for an opportunity to'weigh' the Frostwolf Pirates. Is the "different army" in this New World qualified to be on an equal footing with their veteran Four Emperors pirate group?

As a cadre of a bigmom pirate group, Bokmu Si also understands exactly what the mother is doing, saying it is "weighing", but does the Frostwolf Pirates group still use "weighing"??? I want this opportunity to kill Gromash and their competitors.

At this time, Gromash came alone to the elephant lord's back, and the elephant lord was also in the territory of their bigmom pirate group at this time. Once this opportunity is seized, wouldn't it be possible to fight him with all kinds of troops? Gromash is one??? Maybe it can really destroy the core of the Frostwolf Pirates in one fell swoop??? Turn them into the Whitebeard Pirates too

Kind of'remnant party!!!!

Thinking of this, Pockelmus was still a little excited, and saw that he quickly left the neighborhood, found a secluded place, and dialed the phone bug to his mother.

It didn't take long for the electric "two seven three" bug in Pokkermus's hand to be picked up, and Charlotte Linlin's evil voice came out from it.

"Pockmoss??? Have you heard that you have returned to Zuow on vacation?? Did you find any problems when you contacted me??" Charlotte- Linlin asked casually.

In fact, for the cadres of the bigmom pirate group, as long as Charlotte-Linlin's schizophrenia does not occur, as long as it does not defy Charlotte-Linlin's will, then this mother is usually not terrible, although once this guy becomes terrible , The kind that no one can stop

Therefore, after hearing Charlotte-Linlin’s inquiry, Bokmu Si immediately said: "Mom, it is me. I have indeed returned to Zuow, and I have indeed found a big news."

Charlotte- Linlin knows very well that her supreme status and majesty in the bigmom pirate group have long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, so at this time Bokmus told her that something must have gone wrong, anyway. It is absolutely impossible for a cadre to dare to joke with her...

So Charlotte- Linlin asked: "What's the big news??? Is there any treasure?"

"No mom, according to what I got here, that Hellscream. Proudmoore- Gromash is probably in the furry principality, and only brought a woman," Pockems said quickly.

At the same time, Charlotte-Linlin's breathing became dull, and he didn't reply to Pockems the first time, so the whole atmosphere fell silent.

This brief silence even made Pockemuse feel a great deal of pressure, sweat began to flow on his furry head, and his heart was a little uneasy.

At this time, he suddenly thought of a lot of things. After learning about Gromash just now, he hurriedly told his mother, but if you think about it carefully, if you really want to launch an attack on Gromash here, it will be furry. Isn't the hometown of the Principality going to end???

Although Bokmu Si is already an old cadre of the bigmom pirate group, but no matter what, this furry Principality is also his hometown, living with many of his compatriots. Thinking of this, he regrets it again in his heart.

But when his thoughts turn again, Gromash this bastard must have come here for a purpose, otherwise, why would he take the risk to enter their bigm om pirate group in a low-key turf??? Gromash's evil degree is in the sea The thieves are among the best. For his purpose, he will do whatever he can. Once he is really in the hair

If there is any purpose in the Principality of Velvet, it may also lead to the destruction of the entire Principality. The famous tourist hot spring island in New World: Fas Island is an iron proof.

At this time, although I don't know what Gromash's purpose is, Pokms can only bet on two directions, either Gromash will be kind and not destroying the furry principality, or their bigmom pirates will take care of this place with some conscience.

As an old cadre of the bigmom pirates group, it is obviously impossible for Pockemus to bet with Gromash for kindness. It is simply too nonsense. Maybe the bigmom pirates will look at his face and attack. Before Gromash, it was not always necessary to give this place a chance to evacuate???

Thinking of this, Pokmus convinced himself, and he succeeded in making himself think that he was not destroying his hometown, but was helping his hometown to find a way out.

Just after Bokmus' "Self Hypnosis" succeeded, Charlotte-Linlin's phone worm, who had been silent for a while, also heard her voice again.

"Is this news sure?? Pockems, have you seen that Gromash is in the furry principality??" Charlotte- Linlin asked in a deep voice.

But Bokmu Si swallowed, and then said nervously: "No, mother, I just inferred all this through other people’s descriptions, but I think the world meets the first-born double horns at the same time. With long flaming red hair, more than three meters tall, carrying a battle axe, and a person with such a unique laughter, it should not appear so coincidentally

Another one??? And I don’t dare to track Gromash’s actions too deeply. ,mother"

Pockems is right. He also discovered Gromash's whereabouts by this coincidence. If he really dares to follow this clue to'check it down', with the strength of Gromash, he will definitely find him. The traces of Kemusi will be on guard at that time, and all subsequent plans of the bigm om pirate group will be greatly affected, even

It's not necessarily true that Gromash left directly.

Charlotte- Linlin also understands this truth, so after hearing this explanation from Pokkimu Si, she smiled and said, "Well done, Pokkimu Si, this is indeed an opportunity, and the world does not. There will be a second person who is so unique. If it really is what you said, that person must be Gromash!!! I didn't expect his

I'm so courageous, I dare to sneak up on my site alone, let's see how he runs this time!"

Pockelmus wanted to say,'Not one person, but two people, but if you think about it carefully, whether it is the cadre of the Frostwolf Pirates, whether it is Nicole Robin, the powerful queen in the dark world, or Monet, the low-key mysterious. , The little secretary who always follows Gromash should not be too strong, so there is no nonsense.

After a pause, Charlotte-Linlin said again: "Well, Bokmu Si, you have done a good job this time, and I will reward you as you deserve. Then you should not act rashly, lest you let What is wrong with that Gromash, we will get to Zuow soon"

"Yes, Mom, I understand," Pockems said quickly.

At the same time, on the cake island of Totto Land, as soon as Charlotte- Linlin hung up the phone worm, the sleeping fluid with corrosive stomach acid dripped from her mouth to the ground uncontrollably, corroding the ground. Out of the pitted karst cave, and then served Charlotte: The servants of Linlin watched this scene and quickly went to prepare beauty for the terrifying master

Food and dessert went.

The servants who often serve Charlotte-Linlin know very well that her mother must be very excited at this time, and she must have found some prey, otherwise it is impossible to have such an appetite.

Soon, under the call of Charlotte-Linlin, the perfect man-Kata Kuri, Jiangxing-Smoky, Jiangxing-Cracker quickly came to her.

At this time, Charlotte- Linlin was eating snacks with big mouthfuls, and his expression was also very happy. Seeing the appearance of her own mother, the three of Kata Kuri were also a little puzzled. Has something good happened???

The three looked at each other, and finally Kata Kuri, the perfect man who was most loved by Charlotte-Linlin, asked.

"Mom, depending on your mood and look today, has something good happened???" Kata Kuri asked.

And Charlotte- Linlin swallowed a huge cake in one bite, and then said with a contented expression: "Kata Kuri remember what we talked about before??"

"Is there anything about the Frostwolf Pirates??" Katakuri thought for a while and asked.

"Yahahahahaha!!!" Charlotte- Linlin burst into laughter. After laughing, she said again: "Yes, Katakuri, we are looking for the one who destroyed the Frostwolf Pirates Opportunity, and now this opportunity has appeared, when the guy Pokmus was back in the Zau-Furry Principality, he stumbled upon the bastard Gromash.

Shi has sneaked into our territory sneakily, entered on the back of the elephant, and only brought a woman with him. You can be called alone. Isn't this a godsend opportunity???"

After Kata Kuri, Smoky and Cracker heard the news, the expressions on their faces were all startled, and then they showed a sense of surprise.

Since the last time Charlotte- Linlin was persuaded by Kata Kuri, Kata Kuri has been looking for the flaws in the Frostwolf Pirates, but this thing is not so easy to find, Frostwolf The people in the Pirates are not fools, they know that New World is dangerous, and they are in the most unstable time, showing you so many flaws?


Therefore, even Kata Kuri did not find this opportunity, but now that Gromash has given the opportunity to them, of course they were surprised and of course happy.

"Mom, if there is only the guy Gromash, we only need to gather some masters, and maybe we can kill the elephant on the back or even grab him..." Kata Kuri said with some excitement.

And Simu 3.8 Ji also licked his coquettish lips, and then said: "Think about it carefully, the back of the elephant is completely a battlefield that limits the ability of the guy Gromash, because there is no sea around!! "

"As long as Gromash is taken, the Frostwolf Pirates will be nothing, and we may even include them. By then, there will be no one on this sea that can be an enemy to us!!!" Cracker is also very good. Said excitedly.

Until then, Charlotte- Linlin said: "Yes, this is a great opportunity. This guy, Gromash, must have never expected such an accident and exposed his whereabouts to us. At the same time, I am right. He is also very curious about the purpose of going to the furry Principality. What attracted him and took the risk to enter our territory in a low-key manner.

What? Or maybe we can have any unexpected gains here??? Kata Kuri summoning our combatants, as long as the masters, in the battle against Gromash, those who are not strong enough will only hinder us!!!"

Kata Kuri nodded quickly and said, "Yes, Mom, I'm going to gather people!!!"

After Katakuri and the others left, Charlotte-Linlin's healing gaze seemed to pierce the space and see Gromash in Zouri, and the saliva with strong stomach acid dripped on the ground again.

"Dim sum, I want more dim sum!!!" Charlotte- Linlin ordered loudly. .

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