I Am Hellscream

Chapter 556 The footsteps of the war.

In the City of Seven Waters, at this time Gromash and Robin had returned to their homes two days earlier.

In Gromash's office, Monet was talking to Gromash about something.

"In other words, the people on Marine are looking for my whereabouts??? What's going on between Kuzan and Sakazuki???" Gromash picked up the teacup, took a sip and asked softly.

Monet smiled and said: "The specific situation of Kuzan Admiral and Sakazuki Admiral is unknown, but they have been duel on Punk Hazard island for five days without a victory. According to rumors, the environment of the entire Punk Hazard island has already happened. It has been permanently changed, half icebergs and half volcanoes."

"Has the Marines sealed off the nearby sea???" Gromash asked curiously.

"Yes, before the two went to war, the Marines spent three days to conduct a thorough investigation of the Punk Hazard sea area, but it is understandable. After all, this is related to the fate of the entire Marine. Once something happens Chachi, that is really a disaster for Marine, it seems that even Marshal Sengoku is near the Punk Hazard sea area.

I'm sitting here..." Monet smiled and said.

And Gromash smiled after hearing Monet's words, then shook his head and said: "Yes, this is related to the fate of millions of Marines around the world. Marines don't pay attention to it and blame this. Don’t block the Marines under the circumstances, give them a signal, tell them my news, and make them feel at ease. Originally, I was really real.

We plan to go there to join in the fun, but we are too busy ourselves now, and there is no time to worry about their troubles."

"Good captain." Monet smiled, then paused, and then asked again: "I don't know which side you are more optimistic about?? Kuzan or Sakazuki?? Who is the marshal 01 is better for us? ???"

"Is it good? If I have the right to vote, I will definitely vote for Kuzan. After all, this question is very simple. Sakazuki and I have a big hatred. It's strange that he can see us pleasing to our eyes when he becomes a marshal. I found a chance to do a game with us." At this point, Gromash paused, then smiled again and said, "But Kuzan is good.

It doesn’t seem to have a good relationship with us, but it’s better than Sakazuki anyway, but Sakazuki’s behavior is very certain, not as swaying as Kuzan. Compared to Kuzan’s actions, we predict Sakazuki’s actions better than Kuzan’s actions. There are good and bad, but no matter who the Marines are marshals, we don’t need to pay too much attention to them for the time being.

, Just like ours is very busy here, Marine is also very busy to welcome this new era, don't forget, they still have a world conscription that has not tossed, and when they are finished, they don't know when it will be. Yes, but I guess it will take a year at the earliest."

"It's just an opinion after saying so much. I didn't say your prediction, Captain, who do you think is more likely to become Marshal Marine???" Monet asked curiously again.

Gromash smiled and said without hesitation: "Sakazuki..."

After hearing the accurate response from Gromash, Monet was also stunned for a moment, and then said: "Why??? How do I feel that Kuzan Admiral is stronger?? After all, he hasn't eaten too much against you several times. Sakazuki’s loss is actually Sakazuki.”

"That's just a restraint of ability. The strength of Sakazuki and Kuzan is almost the same. Otherwise, it is impossible that the two have played for five days and have not yet decided a victory or defeat. I think Kaido and I were just like that... Gromash took a sip of tea and said with a smile.

Then he looked into Monet's eyes, and then said again: "And the reason why I think Kuzan is going to lose is because he is not cruel enough than Sakazuki. If necessary, Sakazuki can be cruel to kill Kuzan, but Kuzan does what he does. There is no such thing as iron-blooded and merciless, this is the gap between him and Sakazuki, really,

Sometimes I think Sakazuki must be a great guy as a pirate, but unfortunately, he is still an enemy after all. "

Seeing Monet thinking about these words, Gromash smiled again and said, "Okay, let's not talk about these Marine matters, is that guy Cromwell here??? Also, it's about us The preparations for war have already begun, right??"

Marine's Marshal battle, even if Gromash thinks more about it here, it is impossible for Gromash to intervene to change anything, so there is not much discussion meaning. What is more important now is the preparation for the war with the bigmom pirates.

Although Gromash and Charlotte- Linlin have already torn their faces on the elephant's back, this real war is not just a fight. Think about how long you have been preparing for the top battle???

Naturally, it was impossible for Gromash to come back and go to war. Similarly, during this period of time, the bigmom pirates did not move much.

Since the battle between Gromash and Charlotte- Linlin took place on the Lord of Elephants, and the furry principality is a place isolated from the world, news of that battle has not been circulated so far, and no one on the sea should know about the Frostwolf Sea. The thief group and the bigmom pirate group have turned their faces.

Although this war is about to start, there are still many concerns from various quarters. What kind of war will be fought and what strategic goals it will accomplish must be confirmed before the war starts.

If possible, Gromash wants to sink her big boat, the bigmom pirates, just like they don't want Gromash to make a fortune, Gromash is also not happy to have too many competitors.

However, if you want to truly destroy the entire bigmom pirate group, it is not a war that can be completed casually. Kill Newgate, think about it, Marine has no idea how many times he has fought with the Whitebeard Pirates, but in the end it was just a preparation.


It's never a good situation for two tigers to compete. What's more, this New World is not only two tigers, Gromash and Charlotte- Linlin. The guy at Kaido is also looking forward to the opportunity. When Marine enters the New World, he also needs it. One goal comes to Liwei.

If Gromash and Charlotte-Linlin smash to the end, the bastard Sakazuki and Kaido will never miss this good opportunity, and even the two will have a tacit understanding of one eating Gromash and one eating Charlotte-Linlin.

In this way, Kaido killed two heavyweight opponents in one fell swoop. Shanks is not a real enemy. He can dominate the New World all at once. Who else is qualified to grab the position of One Piece with him? ??

As for Marine, it is also beautiful. After killing the two top pirates of New World in one fell swoop, his Sakazuki prestige will be instantaneous, and the momentum of the entire Marine will become unprecedentedly strong. After opening it, you can start to dominate the New World things more conveniently and more powerfully, which is also beautiful.

As for whether Sakazuki will worry about the bad effects of Kaido's dominance of New World alone? Maybe Marshal Sengoku will think about these issues when he is in charge of Marine, but Sakazuki will definitely not think about it, he will only think about it afterwards. How to clean up Kaido.

When I want to come to Sakazuki, I must be thinking, "I can't let Charlotte- Linlin and Gromash just because I'm afraid of Kaido dominance? Is that still what Marine should do???".

Therefore, Gromash has roughly determined the strategic purpose and extent of this war.

First of all, it is absolutely impossible to smash with Charlotte- Linlin. Although Charlotte- Linlin took the lead against him this time, his Gromash master did not suffer. On the contrary, he also made a fortune, so he has nothing to hold back in his heart. I'm wrong, so I don't want to fight Charlotte-Linlin.

Secondly, to reach the point of being able to build prestige, we must "win" as the goal, we must win the bigmom pirates, and the last time we must tie. Only in this way can he truly be called the "Four Emperors". Sit your head firmly, otherwise you will always feel shortcomings, even if you clean up the remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates, it will always give people a sense of'slick'

Yes, so Gromash needs to use the bigmom pirate group to prove his strength here.

The last is to find the time in this war. If there is a chance, then you must seize the opportunity and sink the bigmom Pirates ship!!

Not to mention what Gromash thinks, after hearing Gromash’s question, Monet smiled and said: “Cromwell will be there this afternoon at the latest. We are also working on preparations for war. The Queen of Spring Island and Gaya Island have been set up, and the connecting sea train track is being erected. The fish men island also has a large number of ministries.

The team is gathering"

"Jiehahahahaha, that's good. We sold sea train technology to Newgate back then. This guy Newgate really did not disappoint me. Although it is not as popular as we used to be in the first half of the Grand Line, it is still somewhat. Achieved, it won’t leave me a big stall, Master Tom has already started to bring people on our site

Continue laying the sea train, right???" Gromash asked with a laugh.

"Yes, new construction will also bring new jobs, and most of the younger generation of fish people are already grown-ups. A lot of fresh blood has been injected into our engineering team. I believe that with the unfolding of this infrastructure movement, we The finances will be more stable," Monet said with a smile.

"In this war, in addition to competing with their respective masters, in the final analysis, what we are fighting is financial and material resources. On the master side, we are not worthy of their bigm om pirates. On the financial and material side, although we are not stable in the New World, Now that the war is a bit of a loss, but I believe we can still hold 137. As long as we win this war, we will not

This is our world!!!" Gromash said with a big laugh.

At the same time, in the sea area near the City of Seven Waters, a huge sailing warship was advancing towards the City of Seven Waters, and Cromwell was on this ship at this time.

He was followed by the fellow Webber, and the two seemed to be chatting.

"Whether I can get a strong fruit this time, it depends on Brother Cromwell, you are not strong enough," Weber said to Cromwell with a smile while biting a cigarette.

"Ahahahahaha, although it will take a while, but I will soon master the skills, don't worry, I won't let you wait too long, I brought all the experimental materials." Cromwell laughed He said.

"Experimental materials???" Webber was stunned for a moment, and then remembered that a dozen Demon fruit power had been imprisoned on the bottom of the cabin. He suddenly realized that he said, "That's it."

"It's the Gromash boss really can't stay idle. He also said that others are "troublemakers. I don't think he is any better. He is obviously looking for a historical text. Why suddenly he turned into a battle with the bigmom pirates." I caught Owen back, hahahahahaha. "Cromwell said with a big laugh.

"It's also pretty good, isn't it??? There should have been a battle long ago, and it just made our name as the Four Emperors-level pirate group true..." Webber said, looking forward to it.

As a big warrior, how can you do without fighting??? As early as the first half of the Grand Line, he felt very boring guarding Gaya Island. After finally entering the New World, he naturally wanted to show his skills. , The remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates are not enough for them. Now they are going to fight with the bigmom Pirates, which is the real "main course".

"By the way, Webber, I heard that your mission this time is to capture the "Hive" of New World's Pirate Paradise? ?? Did it succeed?? The location of the hive is still very important. It happens to belong to us and the bigmom Pirates. On the front line, I guess this war should start from there. If the boss of Gromash will not airborne the City of Seven Waters to the front line, right??"

Remwell touched his chin and said suddenly.

"The City of Seven Waters should not move. After all, Master Tom and the others have already started to re-erect the sea train tracks, so the hive should be our frontline base camp. Don't worry, we have already taken it there. Drake is doing it over there. Rectify it," Webber said with a smile.

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