I Am Hellscream

Chapter 557 Marshal's Controversy-Sakazuki's victory!

In the Frostwolf Pirate Regiment in the Capital of Seven Waters, there is a medium-sized laboratory. This laboratory is equipped with complete equipment. It is a laboratory shared by Guy Sana and Hogback.

There are not many people here on weekdays. After all, Guy Sa and Hogback are basically nested in The fish men island, except that Guy Sa occasionally does some mass destruction experiments and will go to Calm Belt or Sky Island to toss. Basically, these two dead houses in scientific research and medical circles do not go out, nor do they come to the city of seven waters.

Therefore, this well-equipped laboratory is basically empty, only occasionally used by Guy Sa and Hogback who come here to do small experiments that are not important.

However, in recent days, the laboratory is brightly lit, and people have been using this place all the time.

This pretentious guy is no one else, but Cromwell, a gem hunter.

"Five days, five days!! Do you know how I spent these five days??" Gromash patted on the table in the laboratory, looking at Cromwell with hatred of iron and steel.

As soon as Gromash's voice fell, Monet who stood behind couldn't help but spit out: "Every day I sneak to the port to fight the landlords???"

After hearing Monet's words, Gromash suddenly broke his gong after hearing Monet's words, and said with a bit of embarrassment, "That is also a kind of practice. Just win a lot of money from me??? Especially Mihawk, every time this bastard wins from me

Three or two hundred million Baileys will be used as living expenses. Is there a little bit of the world's largest swordsman?? It is shameless, can it be done without giving them a lesson??? So I am also practicing qigong."

"Yes, yes, you are right, Captain." Monet smiled and said quickly.

Gromash didn't bother with this, otherwise he would lose face. Then he cleared his throat, patted the table again, and said, "Ahem, five days, Cromwell, you need to experiment. Room, I gave it to you, you want 137 to use Demon fruit power to practice hands, I also found a batch for you, but you haven't given a point for the past five days.

Performance??? Can you be more reliable???"

This guy Cromwell was still wearing a white coat and a doctor's hat at this time, matching his sturdy figure, looking very funny, after hearing Gromash's words, he was also a little uncomfortable. Embarrassedly said, "I don’t think I can concentrate more in such a serious environment??? But this

Things can’t be anxious, and I really want to succeed, but after all, Captain, can this Dark Fruit really capture the power of the capable??? After so many days, you have also seen the results.”

Speaking of this, Cromwell still innocently pointed his finger at the other side of the laboratory. A transparent glass partitioned off the two rooms. Through the glass, you can see that about a dozen dead bodies have been lost. Over there.

Those corpses are all troublemakers caught by the Frostwolf Pirates from New World. There is never a shortage of brash and iron-headed guys in this world. When Newgate was the strongest man, he still had it every day. The endless stream of pirates wants to challenge him, and thanks to his sons, he can come forward and solve it for him.

As soon as the Frostwolf Pirates entered the New World, they seized the territory that originally belonged to the Whitebeard Pirates. Naturally, there were also a large number of unconvinced people who came to challenge their side. Some of those who were beaten died on the spot, and some were sent to Cromwell for experimentation, and now they are all dead neatly.

Looking at the corpse over there, Gromash covered his head, and then said: "You are so embarrassed to say that although the guy Hogback has accumulated countless lives in his hands, he has given it to him. The results have come out, can you give me some hope??? Before the start of the war, I still want to use Owen's head to sacrifice the flag, yes

Can't satisfy my cautious wish???"

Cromwell also said helplessly: "Captain, I am a Munch-Munch Fruit capable person, not a real Dark Fruit capable person. Is it good to be able to do this step? But believe me, as long as This Dark Fruit can really seize power, I can definitely do it, give me some more time"

Thinking of Cromwell this guy is also very embarrassed, Gromash didn't continue to fuck him. Coming here today is just to express his attitude and tell this bastard that he is very anxious and don't fish in troubled waters here.

"Well, hurry up anyway, the war preparations on our side will take a while, I can wait for you, but Webber can't wait, he can't wait to come in and grab you and finish quickly" Gromash smiled and shook his head.

"Why don't you let Teach out and let him try???" Cromwell thought for a while and asked.

Gromash shook his head and said, "It's not necessary. Besides, that bastard's limbs were amputated by us, and the ambitions and dreams of his life were also broken by us at his peak. We do things??? Don’t think about it"

At this moment, Robin suddenly opened the door of the laboratory, and then handed a newspaper in his hand to Gromash and said, "Captain, take a look, Marine has the result, and the battle for the Marshal's throne is also coming. The curtain is down"

Gromash hadn't gotten the newspaper before, so he said directly, "Sakazuki won, right???"

Robin nodded after hearing Gromash's question and said, "Yes, after ten days and ten nights of life and death, Sakazuki won."

Gromash took the newspaper, and before he could speak, Monet quickly asked, "What about Kuzan?? Is he dead???"

"That's not..." Robin said with a smile.

"What, Sakazuki would be merciful?? Really," Monet said with a bit of unhappy.

Seeing Monet's expression of failure, Gromash also smiled, and then looked at the newspaper in his hand. The eye-catching photo was not a portrait of a person, but a "landscape", and the entire Punk Hazard island was ice and ice. Fire, the opposites form each other, forming a very weird island. It seems that the battle between Kuzan and Sakazuki is still very fierce.

The terrain of the entire Punk Hazard has been permanently changed, let alone the climate.

Then Gromash looked at the text below, and it turned out that Sakazuki finally won and ended the battle as a winner. However, it was a colleague who had been in Marine for so many years. When he was in Ohara, Kuzan also saved it. After Sakazuki was a dog, at the last moment, Sakazuki was also merciful, and did not

Really hurt Kuzan.

"It's really not what I expected," Gromash whispered softly.


Back in time, on the last day of Punk Hazard's decisive battle, Sakazuki and Kuzan also reached their final moments.

At this time, one of Kuzan's legs had been bitten off by Sakazuki's Dark Hound two days ago. The reason why he can still stand here is to use his power to create a prosthesis to support his actions.

Although Sakazuki didn't kill Kuzan at the last moment, he was merciless before. After the Dark Hound bit off Kuzan's leg, he didn't even leave any residue for Kuzan, so he burned it clean.

Therefore, Kuzan don't even think about getting his legs back. In this life, he will have to receive the "disability allowance" with Shanks.

On the other hand, Sakazuki, this guy is not much better. After all, Kuzan and his strength are almost the same, and even the victory or defeat can be said to be luck. If Kuzan's luck is slightly better, it is not impossible for Sakazuki to lie on the ground. of.

His Sakazuki broke one of Kuzan's legs, but his left arm was also completely frostbited, and the huge scars stretched to his neck. The blue-purple skin was necrotic. Even if his physique was magma, it couldn't To reverse this frostbite, it can be seen that Kuzan's methods are also very scary.

Both of them are in a very bad state at this time, and they may fall at any time, but no one has given up in their eyes. It seems that if a victory or life or death is not decided, this battle will last forever.

Looking at each other for a while and was silent for a while, neither Sakazuki nor Kuzan spoke, but the atmosphere became more and more suppressed.Both of them saw a touch of determination in each other's eyes. This was the last blow...

Suddenly, the two of them were very tacitly involved. Kuzan's hands brought a cold air, a trace of unbearableness flashed in his eyes, and then he said softly: "Absolutely zero-time freezes."

Sakazuki's arm was also directly turned into rolling magma, and he hit Kuzan. His eyes were still so ruthless. It seemed that the opponent in front of him was not Marine, but a pirate.

"Karma Fire Red Lotus-Dog Bites!!!" Sakazuki roared, and in an instant, hot lava hit Kuzan's freezing gas, and the collision of ice and fire caused a large amount of white water vapor to come from where the two of them met. It broke out, Kuzan's ice awn was melted into steam by Sakazuki, and Sakazuki's magma was also frozen into gravel by Kuzan.

After all, Kuzan couldn't hold on. Sakazuki also seized the opportunity. One of his hands exerted force, violently broke free of the shackles of the moves, and hit Kuzan's chin severely.

Kuzan, who was already exhausted, could not hold the volcanic power of Sakazuki. He was also dizzy with a punch, and after falling on the ground, he was unable to get up and fight anymore.

Looking at Sakazuki who gradually came to him, Kuzan did not weakly ask for mercy, but stared at Sakazuki's eyes with his own eyes.

And after Sakazuki looked at Kuzan's sight, he said in a deep voice, "I won, Kuzan, you failed to hold on to your justice in the end. If you really don't agree with me, then you should not be merciful at the last moment. This is also the reason why I can't hand over Marine to you. You are too soft-hearted. In New World, this is a fatal threat!!


Kuzan didn't speak. What he said at this time was a bit like a wailing dog, why bother to lose this face???

Sakazuki didn't seem to expect Kuzan to respond to him, but saw him slowly raising his fist, hot lava dripping from his arm to Kuzan's side, a trace of murderous intent flashed in his eyes, and he said, "The loser has no complaints, The dead have no mouth...""

As soon as the voice fell, Sakazuki's punch wrapped in hot magma slammed Kuzan's head fiercely.

Kuzan didn't avoid anything, just closed his eyes and seemed to accept the defeat and death.

I didn't feel the pain and death coming, I just noticed a hot breath right in front of my face.After a long time, Kuzan finally opened his eyes and looked at the huge, not far away in front of him. Fist of magma, and then he said: "Why didn't you kill me??? Are you softened?? Sakazuki.."

Sakazuki slowly retracted his arm, then looked at Kuzan and said, "Ohara, I will repay your kindness here. From now on, we will not owe each other."

After speaking, Sakazuki did not pay attention to Kuzan anymore, turned around and left here, heading towards the coastline of Punk Hazard.

Kuzan was lying there, recalling the scene where he saved Sakazuki's life from Gromash when he was in Ohara.

"Should I save you in the first place???" Kuzan whispered softly, and the answer is not very complicated. I'm afraid Kuzan will save Sakazuki even if he knows the final outcome, right??

"Ala, fortunately I survived..." Kuzan murmured at last, then closed his eyes and fell asleep deeply. .

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