I Am Hellscream

Chapter 558 Chief Staff Officer Tsuru: Why don't I retire?

Sakazuki won the battle of the marshals and seized everything as a winner, and the position of Marshal Marine naturally fell into his hands.

The World government was standing behind him. Marshal Sengoku did not stop this ten-day and ten-night battle, which meant that he was betting on Kuzan. After all, Kuzan was not up for it, and he could not win the bet. The loser naturally has to accept the ending.

With the support of the World government, Sakazuki was the green light after defeating Kuzan. All the procedures and processes were handled extremely quickly. Now he is left to deal with the old marshal Sengoku, who is at hand. The handover should be handed over. After a while, you can learn from Garp and retired.

That's right, such a big thing happened on Marine. Sakazuki and Kuzan played in Punk Hazard for ten days and ten nights. Sengoku, Marine's Grand Marshal, personally took part in the battle in New World, but Garp is really the same. I don't care about anything when I retire. I have a great time playing in East Blue, and I didn't even ask about the fighting situation here.

East Blue’s Goya Kingdom, there is a small village on the border of this kingdom called Windmill Village. At this time, Marine Hero-Garp is in this Windmill Village. This is his hometown.

At this time, Garp was drinking in Makino's tavern. He did not wear his Marine big engine and off-white suit that he had always stayed away from. Instead, he was very sloppy wearing a Hanamura shirt, big pants, and flip-flops. , Looks like an old hooligan.

At this time Makino has become more watery, the whole body is filled with a gentle "one three seven" "demure breath, very likable, she is no longer a girl, and now she has a happy family. With a little baby.

It's not Shanks' species. Although the guy has been to East Blue several times later, he has never set foot here. Makino did have some strange feelings for Shanks back then, but this feeling is still going by with the passage of time. It became a sweet wine, which was stored in the heart of that girl Makino.

Sitting in front of the bar, Garp teased Makino's baby son, and smiled and said, "Makino, give the old man a glass of wine and put it on the account. In return, I will train your son to become a man. Excellent Marine"

Makino soon brought Garp a glass of wine after hearing Garp's old words, but he smiled and said, "The wine can be put on your account. Anyway, you are a magnificent Marine hero. You should never owe him The account won’t be repaid, but my son doesn’t need Mr. Garp to train me on my own."

Just kidding, he doesn't have any other skills for Garp. From the perspective of cultivating talents, he has cultivated a lot of extraordinary characters. What is the second division captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, Portcas-D. Ace, what is it? The supernova of the evil generation-Straw Hat-Luffy, or the most murderous criminal in the world-Monkey-D-Dorag

One of the two sounds very cowhide, but if you think about it carefully, what kind of ghost is this? One is counted as one. From the perspective of universal values, there is no good person. Makino does not hate pirates. , But I don’t want to let my children go on such a dangerous road, so I am not interested in Garp’s proposal at all.

Yu that became an excellent Marine?? Uncle Garp is joking with me???

"Why?? Makino, are you looking down on my Garp's abilities?? I was too busy before. I didn't have much time to educate Luffy and Ace, so that they two became the evil party they are now. , But now I am retired, and I can definitely train qualified Marines," Garp said with dissatisfaction.

"Yes, Mr. Garp, you are absolutely fine, but my son will inherit the tavern, so you should choose another target to train," Makino smiled and said.

Then when Garp was about to complain a few more words, the old village chief of Slapp walked in with a cane, looked at Garp and said, "Garp, this is today's newspaper, you Marine's marshal. The dispute seems to have settled down, don't you want to know???"

The guy Garp picked up the drink in his hand and drank it clean, and then he said, "Ahahahahaha, my old man, I have retired. Even if Marine becomes a marshal, I don't need to be too concerned. Right?? But in my opinion... Sakazuki should have won, right??"

Slap looked at the figure of Garp, then nodded and said, "You guessed it, it's Sakazuki."

After Garp heard the news, he paused insignificantly. Then he smiled and said, "Isn't this good???"

In fact, Garp himself is on Kuzan's side. After all, Kuzan is his little follower, he has been trained by himself, and he is compatible with him in various concepts. Of course, Garp will support Kuzan, but when Kuzan and Sakazuki are going to duel After the news came out, he had already foreseen the future. Kuzan is good at everything, but he is easy to soften his heart.

This problem will become a fatal problem when faced with a man of iron and blood like Sakazuki

However, Garp only supports Kuzan, not against Sakazuki as the marshal. He is like a melon-eater.

Sakazuki didn't kill Ace because of Gromash's chaos, so the relationship between Garp and Sakazuki did not change drastically. It is still the same. Sakazuki respects Garp, the Marine hero, and Garp does not have too much hatred for Sakazuki.

After a short pause, Garp asked, "What about Kuzan??? Was he killed by Sakazuki???"

Although he seemed casual when he asked, Slap realized that Garp seemed to have no bottom in his heart. Thinking of this, Slap didn't sell anything, and threw the newspaper directly to Garp and said: "Look for yourself, but Kuzan Admiral is not dead."

While this guy Garp was looking at the newspaper in his hand, a Marine suddenly pushed the door in, then knocked on both feet, saluting a military salute and said: "Report Garp Vice Admiral, we received a call from Naval Headquarters, requesting Garp Vice Admiral, you lead us back to Naval Headquarters. Malinford"

Garp said without raising his head, "I see, it's really troublesome, it didn't take long to come out obviously."

The Marine didn't urge Garp when he saw it, but quickly turned around and left the tavern. Then Garp threw the newspaper he had read on the bar on the bar, and then reluctantly said, "A change of marshal will also be necessary. Let me go back, really..."

Although the Marine did not say what it was, Garp also knew very well what else could happen at this juncture?? It was nothing more than the change of Marshal Marine...

"How can you say that you are also the hero of Marine. The change of Marine's marshal will inevitably receive a lot of media attention. If you are not there, there will be rumors and rumors. It is very bad for Marine's image and will affect Sakazuki. Isn't the new marshal's prestige??? So hurry back," Slapp said with a smile.

"Oh, you know very well, the village chief might as well go back to Malinford with me, and promise to arrange a staff position for you. Our Marine's chief staff is single..." The guy Garp spoke out of form. Slapp said.

Slapp was also blushed by Garp's old face, and angrily cursed: "You old bastard, can you be more serious?"

"Ahahahahahahaha, parting is always sad, don't I want to make everyone happy??" Garp Vice Admiral stood up, took out some Bailey from his pocket and put it on the bar. It didn't really matter. After removing the account, he said: "Okay, I should go back to the headquarters, too. Recently, I feel a little uncomfortable, and I always feel that something is going wrong."

"You just can't stay idle" Slapp said softly, then paused, and then the wrinkled old face seemed to have a little blush, and he asked with a little embarrassment: "Ahem, Garp, the Chief Staff Officer is really single???"

The guy Garp almost didn’t get the scalp numb by Slap’s magical operation, but he laughed quickly and said, “Well, Tsuru is indeed single, but the guy Sengoku is going to retire. "

In fact, it's quite normal to think about it.When he was young, Tsuru's chief staff was also a branch of Marine. He was heroic and strong. Naturally, he has a large number of admirers. When he wants to come to Slap, the old village chief will also do it when he is young. I admire that heroine, a big adviser, and even regard her as an idol?

At the same time, in Naval Headquarters-Marinford, Tsuru Chief Staff Officer suddenly sneezed, then frowned and said, "Who is hitting my attention??"

And Gion, who was next to her, smiled and said, "Sister Tsuru, isn't it because you have a cold???"

"Old lady, I'm not so weak, right?? From my point of view, it's almost always Garp's bastard who is slandering me." Tsuru's chief adviser smiled and said 0.

Then she sorted out the documents in her hand, put them on the table, looked at Gion and said, "Gion, it is inevitable for Sakazuki to take office as Marshal, Kuzan..."

"I'm afraid Kuzan won't stay in Marine anymore, right???" Gion said with some emotion.

"Yes, so Marine Admiral will have two vacancies at once. You and Jia Ji are the most qualified candidates for this new Admiral. Do you know what you think???" Tsuru Chief Staff Officer was curious. Asked.

Gion shook his head and said, "Sister Tsuru, I won't be an Admiral under Sakazuki, otherwise I'm really afraid of conflicts someday."

"You're not an Admiral, and that bastard looks like Garp again. Knowing that you refuse, he will definitely not be an Admiral. Do you want to return Marine to the situation where only Sengoku was the only Admiral that could be used in the first place? ?? No, this time is different from the past. It is a critical period for our Marine to enter the new era. There must be no less than one of the three Admirals." Ah

Seeing that Gion had rejected the proposal to be promoted to Admiral, Tsuruda's staff spoke patiently and said again.

"Sister Tsuru, have you forgotten something???" Gion said with a smile on his face.

"What???" Chief Staff Officer Tsuru frowned and asked. Before Gion could speak, she seemed to have thought of something and shook her head and said, "No, Admiral is not just playing around, the world. Conscription is not such a usage"

"Then I can't control it. I have already sent an application to Marshal Sengoku. I won't be Admiral. It won't be long before I will be transferred to the G-5 Naval 4.1 Army Base as the base commander. The bastard’s account should also be forgotten. He used to be Seven Warlords of the Sea, and I couldn’t deal with him. Now he is a villain again..." Zhiyuan said,

His expression also became gritted, as if he couldn't wait to bite two pieces of Gromash.

"G-5??? Smoker seems to have been transferred there too," Chief Staff Officer Tsuru said in surprise.

"Yes, if it weren't for him, I couldn't think of this. It happened that there was a lack of a base captain on the G-5 side, and Smoker's Rear Admiral rank was not qualified. I applied for transfer. Approved, so I don't have to face the guy Sakazuki at the headquarters when I get it," Gion said casually.

Listening to Gion's words, Tsuru's Chief Staff Officer also shook his head helplessly. It seems that Marine's Admiral is really poisonous. Some people retire early (Zephyr), some refuse to be promoted (Garp), and some run away from home ( Kuzan), now these three Admiral are going to be the second, and the other is the salted fish of Polusalino, how can I think it is not reliable,

It is necessary to quickly replenish them, but this candidate is also a bit difficult for a while, is it really going to be recruited by the world???

With a bitter gaze, he glanced at Gion who looked like "It's nothing to do with me." The Chief Staff Officer Tsuru sighed and said, "Should I also consider retiring?? It's not easy to do, you always give me problems."

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