I Am Hellscream

Chapter 563 Hot Fruit Ability-Weber!

There is a tavern in the City of Seven Waters that is not open to the public. It only accepts the cadres of the Frostwolf Pirates. It is considered a "state-owned enterprise". This guy Gromash drinks with people and is very ignorant, completely unlike other bigwigs. , Make a small courtyard by yourself, and three or two friends sit together, drinking and chatting.

His Grandpa Gromash is a marketer, and he likes a large group of people to rush into a tavern, sit together indiscriminately, and then start eating and drinking, and then blowing cowhide together, although the feeling is not Compelling, but he was liked by his uncle Gromash.

With the ups and downs, the cadres of the Frostwolf Pirates were led by Gromash in this way. When there was no work to do, they would find the opportunity to get together in the tavern, not much different from the little gangsters.

At this time, in the corner of the state-owned enterprise's tavern, Gromash was drinking with Jinbei and Cromwell. In the tavern, there were also some other cadres, big and small, down to the gate of the dock and the port. People, up to the leading Gromash, can be said to be complete.

But there are not too many rules in this tavern. Everyone comes in to drink and have fun, and no one cares about anyone.

"Boss Jinbei, don't you think about eating a Devil Fruit? Don't be afraid of not finding a suitable one. If you are interested in someone's ability, just tell this uncle, I will take his ability to you in minutes Come here." Cromwell took a sip of wine, and then said with a terrible fart, as if he didn't put the world's heroes in his eyes.

Jinbei smiled and shook his head and said: "Our murlocs "One Sanqi" tradition is not to eat Devil Fruit. How can I say that I am also a craftsman who relies on the sea, how can I abandon the sea???"

"Jiehahahahaha, Cromwell, it's not that no one of the murlocs eat the fruit, but after all, there are a few rebellious like me, and the most important thing is that I have not been abandoned by the sea after eating, so you don't I want to fool Jinbei, besides, the hunting of this capable person can't be random, otherwise we will easily become the target of public criticism."

Marsh took a sip from the wine glass and said with a smile.

Then he looked at Jinbei, the cute fat blue man, and then continued to ask: "Okay, let's talk about your business."

Jinbei didn't care about Cromwell's persuasion when he saw this, but hurriedly said, "Boss Gromash, I think it's very wrong about the weapon to be used in this war, and it will affect your reputation. of.."

"Jiehahahaha, Jinbei, what reputation do I have as a pirate??? It's nothing more than notoriety. The secret weapon shipped this time, I only plan to use it during the landing on Cake Island, but can we fight it? Cake Island is still a problem, so whether this secret weapon will be used in the end is still unclear." Gromash laughed.

He patted Jinbei on the shoulder and said.

Then, before Jinbei could speak, Gromash continued: "As for if we really land on Cake Island and use these secret weapons, and then end the entire Battle of Cake Island landing within forty-eight hours, we will be able to use the antidote. Come to rescue those who are not lucky enough to be implicated. This is a necessary method. Otherwise,

Attacking Cake Island may cause us a lot of casualties, you don't want to see this scene, right???"

"Ahahaha, Boss Jinbei, this is war, and will there really be unlucky people on Cake Island??? I don't think so, just like the people of the City of Seven Waters, they exist. They are completely tied to our interests, even if they are not true pirates, they still contribute a lot of strength to us, don't they???

If you really want to make a conclusion, they are also evil members. As Totto Land-the capital of all nations, how can Cake Island be called "innocent"???" Cromwell laughed and said.

Jinbei also fell silent at this time. Before he came up and said a few words, he was educated by Cromwell and Gromash in turn. While Jinbei was thinking about these questions, Gromash opened his mouth and continued: "Okay, don't worry, I know what you are thinking,

But I am not a real lunatic, I will only use these necessary weapons when necessary.. Try to minimize these hazards."

Jinbei thinks about it carefully. It is indeed the same. He is still a little too naive, so he also smiled, nodded and said: "Then let the boss take you."

Before he could finish his words, the door of the tavern was pushed open, and then he saw a man with a spear in his hand looking inside. This guy had a colorful tattoo on his body. From the perspective of dress and breath, it is very full of primitive taste, but this kind of person is also very common in the territory of the Frostwolf Pirates.

The famous fighting race in the regiment-Shandia.

And this Shandia is not someone else, it is the great warrior of this generation of Shandia-Webber. What Weber is looking for at this time is Cromwell and Gromash. After returning from some tasks from outside today, he was on the road. I met Robin who was about to go to work, and then Weber immediately knew what happened today, and he waited a lot.

The long-term thing seems to have been realized, and when Robin said that some of them were drinking here, Webber immediately found them.

After seeing Gromash and the others sitting in a small dim corner, Webber also showed a smile on his face, and walked over there at his own pace.

No one in this tavern cares about the identity and status of the other party. Everyone is a companion who comes here to drink. This fellow Webber obviously does not come less. Therefore, when he just walked two steps, someone called out: "Boss Webber, today Would you like to have a couple of drinks???"

"Let's make a difference today, I can definitely pour you out!!!" A strong man held up a wine barrel with a large tabletop, and said very imposingly.

Even Gromash and the others were attracted. They saw Webber's figure, and then Webber waved his hand and smiled and said, "No, no, I'll find the captain and they have something to do. Let's compare it another day."

Bypassing the crowds in the lively tavern, Weber quickly came to Gromash and their table, and then he was not polite at all. He also said: "Captain, I ran into Robin on the way here. She said that you have successfully completed that today.

The development of abilities and the capture of Charlotte-Owen’s Paramecia, the fruit is hot, is it true???"

Before Gromash could speak, the fellow Cromwell laughed and said, "Ahhahahaha, how is it? My uncle is still very good. I was on the boat that day and I said no. I will disappoint you!"

As soon as Weber heard this, he knew that the matter was settled, so he smiled expectantly and said, "What about the fruit???"

Gromash didn't toss Webber, he smiled and put the hot fruit he brought on the table, and then said: "Paramecia-hot fruit, top ability will never let you down, Jie Hahahahaha, with this, you will soon be able to go further in strength"

Webber’s strength is indeed not weak. Did not reach the level of first-class cadres like Cromwell, Joz, and Lucky. Like Urouge and Drake, they belong to

In terms of strength, the cadres of the next-level fighting faction have not stepped into the "top" sequence.

Measured by Marine's strength division, it is the kind of elite Vice Admiral that is slightly stronger than the real power faction like Yumo, but it is not much stronger, and at the same time, it is weaker than the Admiral alternates.

But this is already very good. After all, Webber is not a man who has opened the hanger. All this is done step by step. Now he can finally go one step further. After eating this Devil Fruit, he becomes Paramecia- Hot Hot A person with fruit ability, with his combat quality and current strength, with his own abilities, he can completely fight

Open the door to top masters and successfully promote yourself to 0.

Even if it is the last of the top masters, it can be regarded as a master in this world.

Looking at the Devil Fruit on the table in front of him, Weber suddenly smiled and said: "I haven't found a faculty that I like for so many years, but this hot fruit really makes me look forward to it. Maybe this is me. "Destiny"

After speaking, Weber grabbed the hot fruit on the table, and then said: "I can't wait to eat it here, right???"

Gromash laughed and said, "You can eat with confidence, and don't look at who is giving you the "squeeze". With me and Cromwell and Jinbei here, even if your abilities are gone, we It can also be cured, don't worry. "

Cromwell also laughed and said, "Do you regard my Dark Fruit ability as a decoration? ?? There is no ability that my Master Cromwell can't cure. No, except for the captain."

Jinbei also smiled and said, "Don't worry, there will be no accidents. It is not certain whether the ability will run away. Many people will not change after eating Devil Fruit..."

Weber was not a hesitating person either. He looked forward and backward. After hearing the words of his three little friends, he also smiled and said, "Then I'm welcome!!!"

After speaking, Weber handed the fruit to the edge of his mouth, took a bite, and then threw the remaining part on the table.

Only one bite is enough for this Devil Fruit. Only new talents will eat this fruit full of disgusting taste that cannot be expressed in words. Generally, people who understand these "unspoken rules" will only eat the first bite.

Webber is obviously a veteran, and it is impossible to make such a low-level mistake, but Gromash is a very bad-hearted guy. He looked at Weber's frowning expression because of the weird smell, and then said with a wicked smile: " Webber, don’t lose your power at this time. This Devil Fruit is different from the naturally formed Devil Fruit. Maybe

What will be the difference, listen to my advice and eat all the fruits."

Cromwell is not a good thing. After hearing Gromash's words, his reaction speed is extremely fast. If there is really any difference, it will be bad, so Weber, eat it all, listen to us, yes..."

After hearing this, Webber's expression was a bit pitiful, but think about it, it seems that Cromwell and Gromash, the two bad-hearted 4.1 guys, are right. After all, this is not a natural Devil Fruit. , What if there is a different problem??? I have reached this point, but I can’t play it.

Thinking of this, Webber's face darkened, and then he picked up the remaining fruit that had just been placed on the table, and then he was heartbroken, closing his eyes and sending it to the side of his mouth. Devil Fruit, which was full of disgusting taste, swallowed it.

Afterwards, it seemed that in order to suppress the odor in his mouth, Weber quickly picked up a glass of strong wine and poured it down without hesitation. Then he burped abruptly, and then said: "This feeling is really me. The most disgusting thing I have ever eaten in my life"

‘Zizi, there was a faint burning sound. Before Gromash and the others could speak, Jinbei pointed to the place where Weber was holding the wine glass and said, "Your ability has worked."

Webber himself didn't notice this. Like the others, he placed his sight there, and saw that the handle of the wine glass had been burnt red, and the wine inside began to roll.

Weber was taken aback for a moment, and then he gave a satisfied smile, and said, "It's no match for me to eat such a disgusting thing. This ability really meets my expectations."

"Jiehahahahahaha, from today, you are the hot fruit ability-Webber," Gromash said with a big laugh.

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