I Am Hellscream

Chapter 564 Trafalgar-Ro's action!

In a certain sea area near the New World portal, the originally calm sea suddenly began to emit a lot of bubbles. It didn't take long for an orange submarine to emerge from this sea area, and the submarine's sign was right. It is the symbol of the pirate group formed by the former Marine Rear Admiral-Trafalgar-Luo, one of the most evil generations.

The submarine was parked on the sea for a while, and it seemed that when the surrounding waves had stopped, the airtight door of the cabin was opened. Then Trafalgar-Luo held the demon knife that Rosinante once gave him, and Gui Cry walked out of it. .

Behind him were some of their little friends from the Red Heart Pirates Group, among them was Beibo, a bear man from the fur race. I saw Beibo opened the chart in his hand and compared it with the nearby waters, and then spoke. Said: "Captain, it should be here. There are rumors that the Devil Fruit appeared on the nearby islands, and then after a fight.

No one left alive, but the island is gone.”

Trafalgar-Luo looked at the empty sea all around, where is there any island, so he frowned and thought for a while, then looked up at the sky, and whispered softly: ``Could it be heaven? ?? Um, the possibility is unlikely, it should be a floating island, drifting away with the current"

Luo, this guy has left the Marine that is promising for him. The things he has to do and the goals set have never changed. He is not interested in One Piece or something. What he really wants to do is defeat Doflamingo and destroy his. All, revenge for Mr. Corazon.

But this is very difficult. How powerful Doflamingo is. He is very clear. Although he is not the top master, it is definitely in the top master sequence. At most, it is slightly weaker than Marine's Admiral. A little bit, and this is just Luo Zai's guess, even if Doflamingo has gained something new over the years.

It's not impossible for Xiyou to make his own strength further.

On the other hand, he himself, although he has some foundation in kendo, he also mixed the name of an extremely evil generation, and made a supernova, but what his true strength is, he is not without points, at most it is a Marine. The strength of Vice Admiral, using this strength to find Doflamingo is not revenge, it is going to die.

Luo is not a burial husband.Although his hatred of Doflaming 137 is getting stronger and stronger, he can still control his behavior.From the perspective of age, he is still very young. Maybe give him another ten. At eight years old, it is not impossible to catch up with Doflamingo, but the problem is that he really can't wait that long. Sooner or later, this flame of hatred will be there.

One day he will break through the shackles of his rationality, so before that, he needs to find a way to quickly increase his strength and bridge the gap with Doflamingo.

There are many ways to improve one's strength in this sea. Some precious medicines, human body modification and even research science are very good methods like the War House of Germa. There is too much capital to do these things, and most of these things are spread in the dark world, where is Doflaming

Brother's home court, he also has no ability to stir up the wind and the rain inside.

Therefore, Trafalgar-Luo wants to choose the simplest and most direct method, which is to become a Devil Fruit capable person.Due to Gromash's random entry, the handsome Paramecia- Op-Op Fruit that should have been taken and eaten by Luo has been developed very powerfully by the fatty and disgusting Doctor Hobackak, so he naturally did not become A capable person.

When he was at Marine, although he was taken care of by Marshal Sengoku, when he was not good enough, it was impossible for Marshal Sengoku to open a back door for him and take a powerful Devil Fruit from Marine to eat.

And Devil Fruit, who can really be admired by him, has never been met. After all, Luo is a man who wants to revenge against Doflamingo, and the fruits of waiting are not enough for this "rapid improvement of strength" qualification.

Therefore, for so many years, he is still an incompetent, but this is also a kind of capital. Luo, who has not eaten Devil Fruit casually because of hatred, finally waited for his return.

Flying Pirates-Golden Lion- Shiki and the strongest man Whitebeard-Edward-Newgate were defeated by Gromash's hands in the battle for the top in Malinford. When they die, they will naturally grow again in a certain corner of the world. Two top Paramecia Devil Fruits are produced.

Since the power of Shock Fruit and Lion Fruit in the hands of Newgate and Shiki (abeb) has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people of this world, when the two of them die, the major forces and treasure hunters are even large and small. The careerists have started to look for these two Devil Fruits all over the world, and even Gromash has not missed this

It also sent a large number of people to look for it.

But where is this thing so easy to find, the world is so big, it's not something you can watch if you want to see it, if this fruit is reborn in a ravine on an uninhabited island, maybe it won't be three to five hundred years It is also possible to see the sun again.

In short, Shock Fruit and Lion Fruit have not been found, but there are some gossips circulating from time to time. Every time there is related news, a large group of people will flock to them.

At this time, Luo also has one of these two fruits. Whether it is Shock Fruit or Lion Fruit, it is extremely powerful in his opinion. It is located at the apex of Paramecia, as long as you can find one of them and eat it. , Give him a while, and he really has the capital and strength to challenge and even defeat Doflamingo.

So Luo had to find one of these two fruits anyway. After a coincidence, he got news about Lion Fruit again. At this time, it was for this Lion Fruit, but after arriving, he found It was still empty, and the so-called "island" was not really found.

Several searches ended in failure, Luo this guy was inevitably a little frustrated, and saw him sitting on the deck with some regrets, and then said: "Is it really missed?? ?"

Beibo wanted to take two steps forward to comfort his captain. As a result, his feet slipped and a reel fell into the sea from the back of the submarine.

Fortunately, Beibo is not a Devil Fruit capable person, and the others did not worry about anything. After a short while, Beibo exposed his big head from the sea, and then said with some surprise: "Captain, this sea is so shallow. Ah, you can see the bottom of the sea at a glance"

"Isn't this kind of thing normal in New World??? Maybe it's impossible for the sea to split suddenly..." Luo said casually.

"There are a lot of huge eggs underneath. I really want to taste what it tastes like, but we definitely can't take it anymore," Bei Bo said with some regret.

After Luo heard the words, he was stunned for a while, and then put the ghost crying on the outer deck. The whole person jumped into the sea, and then saw the scene that Beibo said. The seabed is indeed not very good. Shen, there are a dozen huge'eggs neatly placed there. Looking at these eggs, Luo's face shows a touch of it.

His expression, then returned to the surface of the sea, stretched out his hand to wipe the sea water, and said, "It's an island turtle!!!"

Beibo asked a little strangely: "Captain, what island tortoise???"

"The location of Lion Fruit is not an island. It is the back of an island turtle that is laying eggs. We are a little late. The island turtle has already laid eggs and left, but it doesn't matter. Island turtles rarely dive into the water and their backs will be exposed all year round. On the sea, as long as we look for information near here, where suddenly an island or something is added, it is mostly

The island tortoise is now. As long as we find the island tortoise, maybe we will be able to find Lion Fruit." Trafalgar-Luo said with some excitement.

Island tortoises are indeed not a very common creature, but they are found in all sea areas. They usually live in the Calm Belt, but they will also travel the world. Just as Trafalgar-Ro said, island tortoises are like They will not dive into the sea, they will expose their backs to the surface of the sea, because they can live for hundreds or even thousands of years,

So the back exposed to the sea can easily be regarded as an island. Even the forest on the back is not surprising. Some countries even build on the back of the island tortoise.

If there was no intervention from Gromash, Tezolo’s golden city would have been built on the back of the island turtle.

Just in Trafalgar, Luo was about to climb onto the submarine and began to look for the'mobile island' nearby. A small partner ran out of the submarine and said, "Captain, it's the phone worm who is looking for you."

Trafalgar-Luo stroked his hair wet by the sea, and then asked: "Who is looking for me??"

The little friend said in an unbelievable way: "He said he was Marine's marshal Sengoku. I always think he is a liar, but he said let me tell you, you will believe it naturally."

Luo also froze for a while.Since leaving Marine, Marshal Sengoku has known his contact information, but he hasn't really been contacted yet. There is no evasiveness like that???

So when he heard that Marshal Sengoku had contacted him at this time, Luo was also very surprised, but surprised to surprise, he quickly said, "That's really Marine's Marshal."

After speaking, Luo didn't care about that much, he walked into the cabin wet, and soon came to the phone worm. First there was silence, and then he said in a slightly trembling voice: "Marshal..."

Marshal Sengoku was also full of emotion after hearing Luo's voice for a long time. He also smiled and said: "Luo, it's been a long time since I heard from you. What are you doing??"

"Preparation for revenge," Luo said softly.

Marshal Sengoku was also silent for a while, and then didn't ask much, but directly said: "You should have paid attention to our side too, old man, I am going to resign from the position of marshal."

"Well, I did guess that, long before Sakazuki Admiral and Kuzan Admiral met, after all, the battle at Malinford was really difficult." Luo did not show mercy to Marshal Sengoku, and said sharply.

Marshal Sengoku also smiled and said, "Yeah, the war made a lot of mistakes, so I had to take the blame and resign, but before that, the World government gave me one that must be completed before resignation. And I think you may be able to cooperate with me to complete this task. After all, this is a thing that is beneficial to both of us.”

Luo is a very smart guy, so after hearing these words from Marshal Sengoku, he thought for a while, and then as if he had guessed something, he said softly, "Seven Warlords of the Sea???"

Marshal Sengoku also didn't sell Guanzi, but directly said: "Yes, Seven Warlords of the Sea, currently Seven Warlords of the Sea is still two positions away, but we only plan to add one, before I resign from the Marshal. , To finish this matter, you are the most suitable person I think. Although the power of Seven Warlords of the Sea has already declined, no

As before, but how can I say that this level of identity is also useful to you. If it can't help you in other places, let me help you here once..."

Luo also fell silent after hearing these words, but it was exactly as Marshal Sengoku said, although this Seven Warlords of the Sea is not as powerful as it was when Gromash was in the past, but it is not as powerful as it was when Gromash was in the past. Falling into the mortal world is still very useful to him as a petty man. It is a symbol of identity and status, and it is also convenient for him to do

More things.

Therefore Luo asked softly: "Marshal, this is indeed a very good cooperation. I have no problem here, but with my strength, is it really possible??"

"It's fine if you agree, and I will help you with the rest," Marshal Sengoku said with a smile.

After the two talked about the rest of the matter, Marshal Sengoku was about to hang up, and at the last moment, he said softly: "Luo, pay attention to safety."

After Luo heard this long-lost concern, his heart was warm, and then he said, "Marshal, you too."

After hanging up with Luo, Marshal Sengoku looked at the plaque with the word "Justice" hanging in his room, and sighed in his heart and said: "I can't think of the last thing I did in the marshal position. It's so funny that it turned out to help a Marine who "degenerate" into a pirate."

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