I Am Hellscream

Chapter 568 A new era for Marine is here!

In fact, Trafalgar-Luo is indeed a good candidate to capture Lion Fruit. Their Red Heart Pirates are very small and they are just a man. He Trafalgar. Luo is also worthy of Marine's trust. After all, why does he leave? At this point, the big guys in Marine are very clear and understand, even if they think this is arranged by Marshal Sengoku

It's no surprise that an'anzi' is just like Stussy back then.

This is why Tsuru's Chief Staff Officer thinks Trafalgar-Luo is suitable for being Seven Warlords of the Sea, because he is a unique pirate.

Marines want to compete head-on with the Frostwolf Pirates and the bigmom Pirates for Lion Fruit in the New World. Now this situation is completely impossible, so they can only engage in small moves in the dark to fight for'steal chickens'. 'Success, and Trafalgar-Ro's group of Pirates of Red Hearts is small, not easy to be spotted and noticed. At the same time, it has a submarine.

This kind of equipment is suitable for sneaking, Trafalgar-Luo's strength is still pretty good, if he can get the secret support of his Sengoku Grand Marshal in the back, it is indeed very likely to be in the Frostwolf Pirates and the bigmom Pirates if you plan properly. Tuan and other forces succeeded in stealing chickens.

That's how a calm day passed. In a tavern in the living area of ​​Marinford, a group of Marine bigwigs were partying and drinking together.

"It's too slow??? What is the old guy Sengoku doing?? Why hasn't it been "One Five Three"??" Garp Vice Admiral held a wine glass and touched Zephyr teacher, a bit dissatisfied Du Xi said .

"Maybe I'm dating Xiaohe," Teacher Zephyr put the wine glass to his lips and said with a smile.

After participating in the promotion ceremony of Sakazuki's marshal tomorrow, Gion will go to New WorldG-5 Marine to report to the base chief Admiral. After hearing these words from Teacher Zephyr, he also showed a touch of emotion, softly. He opened his mouth and said, "It's really a feeling that was delayed by justice. It is said that Tsuru really has this kind of relationship with Marshal Sengoku.


Garp Vice Admiral laughed and said, "I don't know if there is a crane, but the old guy Sengoku must have it..."

And just when Gion was very interested in the emotional entanglement between the Grand Marshal and the General Staff, Mr. Zephyr looked at Gion and suddenly said, "It is said that Xiaohe and the others are'delayed by justice', Gion , Your boss is not too young, didn’t you look at anyone?? I said goodbye to you a hundred times???

"Ahahahahaha, you always ask me for advice, but Gion really has no plans..." Before Garp was finished, Gion waved his hand and said, "Impossible, I am still It’s a plus if you care about beauty."

The relationship between Garp Vice Admiral and Admiral Alternate-Tea Dolphin-Jia Ji is very good. Both of them are people of the same personality. After hearing Gion’s words, Garp had to sentence Jiaji to the death penalty.

It's not very good, it's very out of proportion to the Marine flower like Gion.

Teacher Zephyr smiled and shook his head and said, "Then Gion, who do you really like???"

Suddenly hearing this inquiry from Teacher Zephyr, I was stunned when I arrived in the garden.Then his expression became a little gentler, and then became annoyed. The change at this moment almost made Zephyr and Garp both stupid. Who is Gion's favorite person??

Before the two of them could ask questions, Gion said annoyedly: "I didn't see anyone. I am going to dedicate my life to justice just like Tsuru."

After listening to Gion’s angry words, Garp and Zephyr did not continue to question them, but instead they said, "This is not good, Gion, one day, you will regret this decision. Although we are Marine, we can pursue happiness while pursuing justice."

After hearing the words of these two old men, Jiyuan also whispered in a confused expression, "Will I regret it someday???"

After a short pause, Gion smiled helplessly, and then said softly: "I have long been no longer qualified to pursue this happiness."

That's right, when Zephyr asked that question, the first scene that Gion thought of was many years ago. When at Whisky Peak, Gromash carried Sakazuki's ultimate move for her. Because recalling this scene, her complexion showed a little gentleness in an instant, but soon, this followed.

Annoyed, she pulled Gion back, so her expression just became so strange.

Gion was annoyed that she was actually on this kind of problem. The first thing that came to mind was Gromash, the damn bastard. This was completely inconsistent with her position and justice as Marine, and even this thought made her feel a sense. shame.

For many years, Gion hasn't thought about this issue in depth. Why is she so obsessed with this guy Gromash?? Is it really because of justice and stance??

I chose to mobilize to G-5 Marine, did I really go with the idea of ​​"cutting out" Gromash?? With my own strength, although I have improved a lot, in Kuzan's words, he has the real strength of Admiral level However, Gion knew very well in his heart that she was still not Gromash's opponent.

It's just that she has been subconsciously ignoring this question all the time. Now when she thinks about it, isn't this she's avoiding it?? Escape herself to find the real reason for Gromash...

"Damn it!!!" Gion suddenly hit the table with a very anxious punch. Fortunately, the table top was strong enough, but it was not broken by her punch, but Gion's move did Garp and Zephyr were so scared that they didn't know what Gion was going crazy.

Before the two of them came back to their senses, Gion picked up the blackjack in front of the table and said, "It's really an annoying problem, no matter how much it is, drink and drink!!!"

Seeing Gion's boldness, although Garp and Zephyr didn't understand what was going on, they still raised their wine glasses and laughed and said, "Cheers!!!"

This time, the Admiral candidate of Naval Headquarters-Momousagi-Gion once again chose to escape reality.

Early the next morning, the atmosphere in Malinford became serious, and a large number of reporters and staff of the World government entered this broken island.

Walking on the way to the square, Garp Vice Admiral rubbed his head while frowning and said, "I drank a bit too much yesterday..."

"Why didn't we arrive yet, you and Zephyr and the garden are almost drunk???" Sengoku no longer wears the marshal's costume at this time, but hangs the epaulette of the grand inspector. From today, He is no longer Marine's marshal, but Marine's chief inspector.

After hearing the words of Sengoku Chief Inspector, Garp buckled his nostril with his little finger, and then said casually: "I have forgotten what happened. It seems that the girl from Gion suddenly became irritable. Keep drinking, in this case, how could Zephyr and I let her drink alone???"

On the other side, Gion, who drank too much last night, was also walking with the Tsuru chief staff. While spreading her forehead, she said in shame: "Damn it, that bastard, I'll be so gagged sooner or later. Kill you"

The Chief Staff Officer Tsuru, who was next to Gion, looked at Gion, who had always been taken care of by her sister, and then asked with some confusion, "Gion, what happened? ?"

Gion's face flushed suddenly, and then he shook his head quickly and said, "It's nothing, Tsuru sister 0."

The big bosses of Marine from all walks of life gradually gathered on the square, and then the generals and officers from all over the place neatly began to enter the square and found their own place.

Smoker was biting a cigar at this time, and without looking back, he said to Tashigi who was following him: "Are you really going to go to G-5 Marine with me??? It's very dangerous there. With your strength"

"Smoker Rear Admiral!" "Tashigi interrupted Smoker's words directly, and then put his hand on the famous knife Xiaoye Shiyu on his waist, followed by a wave of Haki power, which is not too strong, but not bad. Up.

Watching this scene, Smoker let out a puff of smoke and said, "It seems that you have made a lot of progress during this period of time..."

Seeing that Smoker did not continue to talk about his entry into the New World, Tashigi smiled and pushed the spectacle frame on the bridge of his nose, and then seemed to think of something, and said with some excitement, "Mr. Smoker, I heard that Is it true that the head of the G-5 base has to be replaced by Vice Admiral?"

Smoker, who is going to be the second-in-command in G-5 Marine, of course knows all these things very well, so he nodded and said, "Yes, Gion is the head of G-5."

"Great!!" Tashigi said excitedly.

Smoker asked with some doubts: "Why?? Is Sister Gion your idol??"

"Of course! Peach rabbit Vice Admiral is the idol of all of our female Marines. Not to mention the beautiful appearance, the personality is also very good, and the strength is not to be said. If I can have half of her in the future, I will Satisfied," Tashigi said, looking forward to it.

Smoker and Gion are very familiar, so after hearing Tashigi's words, I remembered Gion's somewhat awkward character and sometimes violent temper, and then shook his head and said, "Sure enough, the one who knows the farthest Distance is "Longing"

Tashigi was so excited that he didn't hear Smoker's words clearly, and asked a little curiously: "Mr. Smoker, what did you just say???"

Smoker flicked the soot, 4.1 then shook his head and said: "It's nothing, there are some things you will learn slowly by yourself."

One after another, when the Marines who are qualified to come to Marlinford have made preparations, the live broadcast equipment set up has also been debugged.

At the same time, all the big screens in the world that can receive live signals are lit up, and the scene in the screen is the current Marine headquarters-Malinford.

Marine's solemn and sacred military music, full of justice and unyielding, soon played. It didn't take long for a tall figure to appear in the distance of the ceremony stage. The figure was wearing a red suit and With the justice of Marshal Marine, wearing a Marine hat that symbolizes justice, I also put a pink flower in my heart.

This figure is the protagonist of today.

Marine's new marshal-Sakazuki!

In the conference room of the City of Seven Waters, Gromash was biting a cigar and was watching the live broadcast. When he saw Sakazuki's figure, he couldn't help but smiled, and whispered softly: "New belonging to Marine The time has come"

I have to say that Sakazuki's momentum at this time is also very strong.Across the screen, Gromash can feel a sense of wind and rain. As Sakazuki is promoted to marshal, the migration of Naval Headquarters may not be far away, and the world's recruitment is almost the same. It's time to start, this New World is really getting more and more magnificent.

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