I Am Hellscream

Chapter 569 Grand Marshal-Sakazuki!

As Sakazuki became Marine's generals, the whole world became turbulent. Everyone knows what character Sakazuki is. When he became a marshal and the Resourceful General of Sengoku, his meaning was completely different. Marine is also completely different.

Sakazuki, who is swift and violent like a volcano, is quick and resolute. It seems that he has been preparing for a long time. As soon as he took the stage, he began to deal with several major issues for Marine.

Sitting in the Marshal's office in Marlinford, Sakazuki was rubbing his hands at the frame that the old marshal Sengoku left him on the table.

After looking at the group of people in the photo, the cold and ruthless gaze seemed to gradually soften. Although Sakazuki pursues absolute justice, he is also a human. As long as he is a human, how can he have no emotions?? Putting Kuzan on Punk Hazard, didn't kill him, and it was really just because Kuzan once saved him


"Marshal's treasure???" Sakazuki whispered softly, and then he reached out and put the frame back in its original position without putting it away.

It seems that Sengoku, the old marshal's "treasure" left to Sakazuki, is still somewhat useful.

Soon, Sakazuki looked at Vice Admiral, the ghost spider who was sitting on the office sofa, and then reached out and pulled out a copy from a pile of documents, and then said: "Inspector Sengoku Yuanda has processed it before he finally resigns. Many things, the things left to me are also very neat, and I will soon be able to take over in full."

The ghost spider Vice Admiral bit a cigar in his mouth. After so many years, their hawk Marine finally has a marshal. At this time, he is also very happy. After hearing Sakazuki's words, the ghost spider Vice Admiral also showed a little grin on his gloomy face, and then he said, "Although he is a dovish Marine, Chief Inspector

But he has not done any favoritism, just like the commander-in-chief Kong told him back then, to smooth out our internal affairs."

Sakazuki also nodded, and then said: "This is something that is beneficial to both justice and Marine. Tell Daubman them not to do too much. What we need at Marine now is unity, and we must integrate all our strengths. Only then have the strength to enter the New World and clean up those damn pirates!"

After Sakazuki became a marshal, he was not prepared to suppress Marine, which is still the strongest faction "Dove". For Sakazuki, the strength of the faction is not determined by this kind of thing. The reason why the Dove is so. Strong, because the previous two Marine Marshals were all pigeons, this time if it wasn't for his strong Sakazuki, the doves

Maybe he will continue to command Marine, and Kuzan will be the third marshal.

But now he Sakazuki is Marine's marshal. With the implementation of his series of ideas and actions, after entering New World, Marine's overall wind direction will change from top to bottom, and then their hawks will follow More and more blood is added, and it will definitely grow gradually, so there is no need to suppress any dovish Marine, it is not him.

What a Marine Marshal should do, Sakazuki also wants to level a bowl of water in this regard, unite the power of the entire Marine, and kill the bastard pirates of New World.

After looking at the document that he just took out, Sakazuki sighed after all, ``Go and implement this matter.This is also a gift left to me by the chief inspector, although I am not very interested in this gift. .~.."

The ghost spider Vice Admiral stood up and walked to Sakazuki's table. Then he reached out and took the document. It was the "Seven Warlords of the Sea Completion Plan". After flipping through it, the ghost spider Vice Admiral was slightly silent. After a while, he said, "Trafalgar-Ro, from a certain point of view, he is indeed suitable for this position..."

"The relationship between him and our Marine is very delicate. Even if it is me, I still need to think about how to treat him. But for now, maybe we should continue the idea of ​​Sengoku Yuan cough, the general inspection, maybe this will bring us Some unexpected gains, such as the Seven Warlords of the Sea organization, which will no longer have Gromash, has begun to gradually go downhill

Banned..." Sakazuki said in a deep voice.

Seven Warlords of the Sea, from the very beginning of this plan, it was not only Sakazuki who wanted to toss it, but all Marines hated this plan, but it was also due to the power of the World government and had to pass this plan. , Formed the Seven Warlords of the Sea organization.

Later, to a certain extent, the Seven Warlords of the Sea organization did indeed play a positive role. With Gromash, the guy who carries the flag, the entire Seven Warlords of the Sea sequence can indeed be regarded as one of the three major forces on the sea. One's first name.

However, all of this was wiped out with the battle on the top of Malinford. Although the current Seven Warlords of the Sea is not a rotten sweet potato or a stinky egg, in Sakazuki's view, it is of little use. , Is also in the most "weak" time of this organization.

If the methods and means are proper, perhaps this evil organization that has put justice to shame can really be abolished in one fell swoop.

Although Sakazuki is not as witty and scheming as Sengoku, he can be elected as a marshal, which is enough to prove that he is not a fool. After seeing the document left by the old marshal Sengoku, he saw Trafalgar. After the name Luo, Sakazuki already understood what the old marshal Sengoku wanted to do.

That is to support Trafalgar-Luo, and then use Trafalgar-Luo's hand to cut off the evil pirate Doflamingo. For the old marshal of Sengoku, this is a revenge for the death of Naval Headquarters Vice Admiral- Rosinante. But this does not affect justice, so Sakazuki did not feel any bad about this matter, and

And he is also ready to push the boat along the river.

Now he urges the ghost spider Vice Admiral to announce the identity of Trafalgar-Luo. It is for this purpose. When Trafalgar-Luo becomes Seven Warlords of the Sea, he wants to avenge Doflamingo again. There is a civil war within the Seven Warlords of the Sea organization.

Before the change, Marine must come forward to mediate, but now Sakazuki decides to fan the flames. The Seven Warlords of the Sea organization is now not even looking for people. If Trafalgar-Ro and Doflamingo go to war, then this is originally Organizations that are crumbling will inevitably suffer a greater blow.

No matter how you look at it, Doflamingo and Trafalgar-Ruo will definitely be lost after the battle. If possible, Sakazuki is also going to make a secret shot and get rid of both of them directly.

In this way, the original Seven Warlords of the Sea, which had only six left, has directly become four, and the guy Bartholemew-Bear has no self-consciousness, and is still hanging on Seven Warlords of the Sea. It doesn’t matter to the World government.

Looking at it again, there are only three left. That clown Buggy is nothing to worry about. Just like his name, he is a jumping clown. Sakazuki, this guy must look down on Buggy, the Pirate Empress-Boya -Hancock does not necessarily appear once a year, and so does the world's largest swordsman-Dracule- Mihawk.

So in Sakazuki's view, the person who is really leading the Seven Warlords of the Sea card is now Doflamingo, as long as Trafalgar is supported, Doflamingo is removed, and the Seven Warlords of the Sea organization is completely disintegrated. It can be said that it is in name only.

When the time comes, he is launching some actions, and perhaps he will be able to completely end the criminal organization of Seven Warlords of the Sea.

Thinking of this, Sakazuki is still a little excited.As a Marine's marshal, he naturally wants to make enough achievements. Things that you did not stop, and things that you failed to do, I Sakazuki. Just came up and did it, wouldn't this also prove his Sakazuki's ability???

Although somewhat conformed to the trend of the times and took a good opportunity, but if he did it, he did it. By then, his Sakazuki's reputation will rise again in Marine, which is very cost-effective.

As Sakazuki’s deputy, the ghost spider Vice Admiral is very clear about some of the plans and actions of the hawkish head of state, so he also nodded and said: “Indeed, now we should continue to implement it in accordance with the general inspector’s thinking. Will report the news about his Trafalgar-Raw becoming Seven Warlords of the Sea in the paper, leave it to me"

"Yeah" Sakazuki nodded first, then he took off his Marine cap a little irritably, and took a handful of his very capable inch.

After seeing this scene, the ghost spider Vice Admiral also asked with some doubts: "What are you thinking about??,

"Admiral" Sakazuki didn't hide anything, so he said it directly, then he paused and continued: "The idiot Kuzan, he left without taking care of his own affairs. In the end, the old man had to come to him. Clean up the mess, now we only have Polusalino in Marine Admiral, but Polusalino's sex

You don’t know Ge, so you have to select two Marine Admirals as soon as possible to make up for this vacancy. But at this time, the only garden applied for transfer from the headquarters and went to G-5. In addition, this bastard is also a life and death. The performance of refusing to take up the post really humiliated justice!!!"

Ghost spider Vice Admiral smiled bitterly after hearing Sakazuki's complaint, but in this matter, he has nothing to do. Marine Admiral is the world government's'highest combat power', let alone other things, first of all You must be able to play and your strength must be up to the standard. The rest is for reference. No matter how high your qualifications and merits are, as long as your strength is not up to the standard

Don't even think about getting involved in the position of Admiral.

So although the ghost spider Vice Admiral wants to let their hawkish generals take up this position, but there is no way to do this. To say why, it is also because they themselves are not up to date, including his ghost spider, what Dao uncle Man, Dalmatian and so on, although the qualifications are enough, but none of the strength meets the standard.

Among Marine’s Vice Admiral and Admiral candidates, only two people who are strong enough to serve as Admiral rejected this position, so Sakazuki would be extremely troubled.

Thinking of this, the ghost spider Vice Admiral could only speak: "If it really doesn't work, you can only choose two Admirals from this world conscription according to the instructions of the general staff. "

After Sakazuki heard these words, his expression was also very weak.He is always asking himself as a soldier, so he prefers to use those "old people" in Marine to be Admiral. After all, everyone They are all military personnel.

To be executed.

If you look for Admiral in the way of the World government, it is indeed enough to find those powerful people to take up this position, but they are not orthodox soldiers, and Sakazuki is not stupid. Of course, you can see the hidden dangers behind it, so He is reluctant.

But at this point, Marine's Admiral position can't really be vacant. After all, it's not in that era. Now their Marine is going to enter the New World. They don't even find their own cards, and they also enter the ass.

After a long time, Sakazuki said in a deep voice, "Then start the World Conscription Plan and add two Admiral positions to the plan!!!"

The ghost spider Vice Admiral also sank after receiving Sakazuki's order, and said, "Yes! Everything is for justice!"

Soon, the ghost spider Vice Admiral left with Sakazuki's mission, and after only Sakazuki was left in this huge marshal's office, Sakazuki opened another document, and it was printed on it. News about "Lion Fruit".

After looking at these things, Sakazuki thought for a while, but in the end he didn't take any action, and he threw the document in the corner and didn't bother about it anymore. .

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