I Am Hellscream

Chapter 570 The most poisonous woman's heart?

In the capital of the seven waters of New World, Gromash carried a fishing rod and walked back early in the morning. It seemed that he had gone fishing in the early morning.

Carrying a bucket in his hand, there are two fresh and plump marine fishes wandering in it, and Gromash, who seems to be in a good mood, is also humming a little song.

On the way back, Gromash suddenly saw a familiar figure, and then smiled and said, "Oh, isn't this our hot fruit ability Master Webber??? What? I came out early in the morning for morning exercises. ?? ?"

Weber, who was biting a cigarette, also smiled after seeing Gromash, and then said: "Boss Gromash, there is a big incident today, everyone is waiting for you..."

Gromash was stunned when he heard the words, then smiled and said, "Is it waiting for me??"

While talking, Gromash gave the bucket and fishing rod in his hand to Weber. Just when Weber's expression was a little inexplicable, Gromash smiled again and said, "Those who are in trouble with the cook will make this lunch."

"I'm a combatant," Weber said helplessly.

But Gromash didn't care so much, he walked forward carelessly, and Weber could only shook his head helplessly, and followed Gromash.

Soon, Gromash and Webber came to the conference room of the City of Seven Waters. At this time, Cromwell, Joz, Robin, and Monet were all here. The rest of the cadres were not in the City of Seven Waters. Busy with other things outside~.

"Hmm??? Webber, I asked you to go to Gromash boss, you even took the time to catch a fish???" Cromwell was also very surprised after seeing Weber-said.

"I've only hunted and killed beasts. When did you see me going fishing with leisure??" Webber said casually.

"Okay, okay, don't worry about these details, what are you doing here early in the morning??? Weber just said that there was a big incident?? What big incident???" Gromash sat down on the seat. , Asked after waving his hand.

At this time, little secretary Monet quickly handed Gromash the newspaper he had just gotten today. Gromash didn't think much about it, and then began to read it carefully.

The entire conference room also quieted down, except for the fish in the bucket that Webber placed next to him. From time to time, everyone was waiting for Gromash to finish reading the newspaper.

After a long time, Gromash threw the newspaper in his hand on the table, then touched his nose, and said with some emotion: "This Sakazuki is a marshal but it is different. He is much more vigorous and vigorous than Sengoku.. Just took office. Did you sort out all these big movements one after another???"

"Captain, what do you think about these things??? Maybe these will affect some of our plans," Robin asked softly.

Gromash stroked the small beard on his chin, and then asked, "Are you asking me what I think??? Trafalgar-Luo was promoted to Seven Warlords of the Sea??? Or was it started by the World government and Naval Headquarters? "The World Conscription Plan??? or Sakazuki announced that he will move Naval Headquarters to New World???"

That’s right, today’s newspapers are strong enough. Sakazuki only became Marine’s Grand Marshal yesterday. Today Marine and the World government had tossed a lot of'big events', and it was enough for people on the sea to discuss it for a long time. .

"Boss Gromash, tell me everything," Joz said after thinking about it.

"In fact, there is nothing to say. Haven't we already foreseen these? The relevant preparations are almost done. This is just a start. Except for Trafalgar-Luo becoming Seven Warlords of the Sea, which has some influence, similar to' The World Conscription Plan and the "Naval Headquarters Migration" plan all take a certain amount of time to complete.

Before these so-called "big events," those Marines were not a threat to us." Gromash said nonchalantly.

"But judging from these incidents, there is no need to guess the ambitions of the new Marine Marshal Sakazuki. Once he enters the New World, it is not a good thing for our Frostwolf Pirates. After all, the boss of Gromash You and the mad dog Sakazuki have blood feuds, and the mad dog is unreasonable" Cromwell said with a smile.

Gromash was also silent when he heard the words, and then said: "So before the Marines can react, we must handle our affairs in New World, and we must not fall into a state of being attacked by the enemy.

"Then there is something about Trafalgar-Luo this kid becoming Seven Warlords of the Sea, what do you think of Captain???" Monet asked after thinking about it.

"How else to read?? Just read it from the newspaper and sigh??? Jiehahahahahaha, this matter has nothing to do with us, at least it has little to do with us now, it is the cause and effect that his young master Doflamingo planted himself, sooner or later I have to settle the cause and effect by myself, so I say, cut the grass to eliminate the roots, and eliminate the evil." Gromash still does not care.


Then, without giving Monet and Robin time for them to continue talking about these things, Gromash said directly: "There is nothing to do with us about these things that happened today, so don't discuss them. News from Lion Fruit. How is it??? This is our top priority!!!"

Indeed, from the present point of view, Gromash didn't pay attention to Marine who was busier than him. It was impossible for Marine to enter the New World to do things before it stabilized.

For this Trafalgar-Luo, Gromash also didn't take it to heart.Perhaps Trafalgar-Luo is much stronger than the other supernovas, but that's it. His Grandpa Gromash doesn't need to punch him a second time. The breeder needs to be trained for another two years before it can be effective.

Therefore, Trafalgar-Luo at this time is not in Gromash's attention, so Gromash is not clear, Trafalgar-Luo is also secretly looking for news of Lion Fruit, and also received the secret support of Marine.

After hearing Gromash's inquiry, Robin also said softly: "There has been some progress, but we have not yet established a foothold in New World, especially the intelligence department on Cromash's side, so the progress is not very fast. , It can only be concluded that the "island" that disappeared was not the real "island", but an island turtle wandering around.

Now we are sending more people to look for island turtles near the sea in New World."

Gromash also frowned when he heard this. Although he has a large number of murlocs under his master Gromash, it is not easy to run in New World, and finding an island tortoise is indeed not so easy to find. This kind of thing is also urgent. Not coming.

Therefore, after thinking about it, Gromash said: "No matter what, you must pay close attention to this issue. If necessary, cooperate with the young master. After all, Doflamingo is a snake in New World. For Lion Fruit, allies are here. It should be effective when planting, right"

After thinking about it, Gromash spoke again: "The intelligence capability of the bigmom Pirates is called the'first in the industry', and New World is also their home field. We are naturally at a disadvantage in this regard, so we have to call Lu. Qi they made more friction for me outside, dragging their hind legs..."

Robin nodded quickly and said, "Okay Captain, I will tell Lu Qi about them."

After discussing this topic, Gromash asked, "How is Shiryu?"

Speaking of this topic, Robin was also interested and said: "Shiryu is still leading people to find the ancient town of Sleeping, and there is not much progress at present, but Captain, is there really some unknown history hidden in the ancient town of Sleeping? ???"

"I don't know too much, but there is indeed some history recorded in ancient words, I think you will be interested." Gromash smiled and said.

At this moment, the phone worm in Monet's handbag suddenly squeaked and screamed, and they were shocked by Gromash.Soon, Monet helped Gromash connect the phone worm. The voice also came out.

0-Seeking flowers...

"Captain Gromash, the news about Lion Fruit has made some progress, but it is bad news. Our opponents have added some more. The remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates seem to be looking for the whereabouts of this Lion Fruit." Luo spoke quickly.

And Gromash's expression also became a little helpless, and then he whispered softly: "This is really a way to heaven, you don't go, there is no way to hell, you break in."

"What about these people??? It's still the same as before." Before Crowe finished speaking, Gromash interrupted his thoughts.

"I promised the old guy Newgate to let them make a living, but it was only one. Now these defeated dogs have jumped out to be embarrassed with me. If I have a good temper, or what?" Gromash some Said uncomfortably.

After thinking for a while, Gromash said again: "Don't be merciful anymore, just hit me to death if you see it."

Crowe was silent for a while, then smiled and said, "Good Captain."

But at this moment, Robin said, "I'd better show mercy."


Gromash was stunned for a while after hearing these words, and thought: "Robin, you little nizi started turning his elbows out??? Recognize your position.

But before Gromash could speak, Robin said directly: "Whether it is Logia Mera-mera Fruit or the Undead Fruit of the Eudemons, they are all very rare abilities, so it's fine to fight half-dead, don't forget. We have Cromwell"

Hearing the extremely evil words that Robin said later, Gromash and the others were all stunned. Cromwell even shook his head and said, "Sure enough, the old saying is good, the most poisonous woman's heart."

"Our goal is to seize the hegemony of the entire New World. There is nothing wrong with me doing this?? At this time, I can't be merciful." Robin glanced at Cromwell and said uncomfortably.

Gromash laughed and said, "Jiehahahahahaha, Robin is right. Those two Devil Fruits are indeed rare treasures. Just do what Robin said, Clo!"

"Good Captain, there is one more thing that needs to be reported and asked." Crowe said with a smile.

And Gromash also asked: "What's the matter???"

"The "World Conscription Plan" planned by the World government and Naval Headquarters has already started, so I don’t know how you think about Captain Gromash about the little princess of Sugar? I have already prepared the relevant preludes here. Now, a perfect set of false identities can ensure that there is nothing wrong with the World government. "Clo said softly


In fact, in this relatively backward era, it is not a big problem to perfectly disguise a fake identity. Although Sugar is Monet's sister, it does not have much exposure, and there is no reward. , In general, it is really not easy to want her to mix into Marine, but when the world is recruiting

, This is much easier to operate.

Gromash has no doubts about Crowe's ability to do things. The things that he entrusted to Crowe to do have not yet been dealt with. Since he has said that he has produced a perfect fake identity that the World government can't find out. Gromash is also trustworthy. I think Doflamingo could secretly take his own family that grew up with him.

The top cadres have been stuffed into Marine for so many years without being discovered. It is not difficult for a little girl to go in, so Gromash didn't ask about the details.

Thinking of this, Gromash looked at Monet, and Monet looked a little embarrassed. When Gromash saw this, he shook his head and said, "I'll give you an answer to this matter in two days." Shan,

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