I Am Hellscream

Chapter 580 Give you a chance to pick up girls by order??

In the combat command room on Beehive Island, Gromash and his team are sitting here drinking tea together. Not serious at all.

In fact, it's not that they don't want to discuss something, but that the "premise" has not yet been obtained. Monet is currently obtaining information from Castad. Only when Monet's information is available, Gromash and the others can determine a direction. , To formulate a follow-up combat plan.

At this time, Lu Qi and Tezolo were comparing whose eyes were more artistic, holding a piece of gold in each hand, and constantly using their abilities to shape something.

In a short while, the gold in Tezolo's hand was quickly shaped into a beautiful mermaid girl, who looked lifelike, as if she would come to life from this gold in the next second.

On the other hand, Lu Qi, the gold in his hand was quickly wrapped in electric light, and it didn't take long for him to shape a mighty Haki Elune with gold.

"Art, art, do you understand? Senior Lu Qi??? Art must be beautiful and pleasing to the eye," Tezolo looked at the Elune in Lu Qi's hand, and said helplessly.

On the contrary, the guy Lu Qi put on a look of disdain, and said, "This is art, can't you see the beauty of this Elune is full of power? I think it is very impressive. It's pleasing to the eye, but the mermaid sculpture in your hand is completely meaningless, right??? Thin and thin, you will run away in a hurry,

Where is the beauty?? If I say that women are cumbersome, they are simply a hindrance. Gromash has been affected by Robin's spoiled guy over the years, and it is not as irritable and cold as it was back then."

"Hey, hey, you two are fighting with each other, don't get involved with me, what's irritable and cold?? My grandpa Gromash has always been a gentle-kun son, if it weren't for the mistake of stepping in back then, I accidentally walked in. On the road of the pirates, I should be sitting in a certain office of Mariejois, and the senior officials with a decent life are right."

Marsh said shamelessly.

"Senior Lu Qi, if you really think that women are a burden, you are not asking for this cumbersomeness now??? Without Sister Monet, intelligence would not be available..." Drake smiled Laughing, I also rebutted ーXia Luqi's mysterious remarks~.

And Joz smiled and said, "Boss Gromash, do you understand now??? To me, this kid Lu Qi can't have a girlfriend-"

Lu Qi frowned very dissatisfied after hearing these people arrange his words, and then said, "What girlfriend do you want??? Is it useful? -??"

Tezolo showed a wretched smile, and then said softly: ``Oh, I was really delayed by my strength, Senior Lu Qi, after this war is over, you and I will go to the Golden City for two days, right??? I promise to let you know what is fun between men and women"

Lu Qi turned to Byakugan and said, “I didn’t see Gromash and Joz’s boss secretly doing these things together, but what's the point? I might as well go out and kill two bigmom The joy of the thieves’ people"

Tezolo was stunned for a moment, then cleared his throat and hesitated a little, but still boldly asked, "Senior Lu Qi, are you a young man???"

When Tezolo asked these words, the rest of the people, including Gromash, put their eyes on Lu Qi, and they seemed to be very curious about this question.

Although Lu Qi has followed Gromash since he was a child, Gromash is really not very clear about this matter. After all, he is not a pervert. What does Lu Qi's privacy issues do all day?

Although Lu Qi didn't understand why everyone looked at him suddenly, he didn't care about that much, but wrinkled and didn't ask: "What is a'young'??? What do you mean???"

As soon as he said this, everyone immediately understood that the guy who dares to love Lu Qi hasn't gotten rid of him for the first time. Everyone in the world enjoys great prestige, and wherever he goes, it’s not majestic??? People like him don’t even understand this aspect of things.

Love is simply amazing.

"That's it, that's it, I'll just say why Lu Qi, your kid, can be so upright, it turns out that it has never been." When Joz was about to say something, Gromash coughed twice and interrupted Joz's words. .

Isn't Lu Qi cute like this, what a pure child, although he is not young, he can't let the old bastards like Joz and the others spoil him.

I saw Gromash cleared his throat quickly and started to change the subject: "Ahem, Lu Qi, who is that half-mermaid girl???"

Lu Qi was also very surprised and said, "You can recognize her as a half-mermaid with just one glance???"

"Just kidding, this uncle is still a murloc. I sniff this kind of thing, and I know everything. She smells like a human," Gromash said with a terrible fart.

Then Lu Qi didn't hide anything. Anyway, everyone knew about this, but he happened to ran into him, so Lu Qi said without thinking: "It was Aladdin who asked us to invite her to The fish men if we met. The man from the island, the twenty-first daughter of Charlotte-Linlin, Charlotte-Prullin"

After hearing Lu Qi's explanation, Drake and Joz laughed. The story of Aladdin, an infatuated man, is also widely circulated in the Frostwolf Pirates. After all, this story is also a bit legendary. , It’s just that I saw each other from a long distance more than five years ago.

Zolo, these scumbags can't understand at all.

But yes, if they can understand this kind of thing, they won't be single until now.

Although Joz and the others just had an idea of ​​watching the excitement about this, Gromash frowned after hearing the identity of Praline, showing a thoughtful expression.

Lu Qi saw the appearance of Gromash and said, "Don't worry, that Praline is not a diehard member of the bigmom pirates. I still have the ability to see people."

Gromash waved his hand and said: "I'm not thinking about this problem. Although your Lu Qi often causes trouble for me, I don't think I need to remind you of these aspects. Since you have brought people back to our hive. By the way, it means that Praline has already gained your trust. Since you trust her, I trust you too, then no

What's the problem?"

After listening to Gromash's words, Lu Qi said more confusedly: "Then what are you thinking???"

"Praline is actually a very useful person for us.. Although people have just arrived, I just thought about how to use her, which is a bit unsuitable, but now it is during the war..." Gromash sighed. Some said softly with emotion.

And Joz, Drake, and Tezolo all looked at Gromash, and then Tezolo said: "His Royal Highness, whether this is during the war or not, but we are pirates who do all the evil."

"Jiehahahahahahaha, you are right." Gromash said with a big smile, and then he asked: "What about Aladdin??? Where are the Pirates of the Sun fighting?"

0-Seeking flowers...

Joz thought for a while and said: "The Pirates of the Sun is a guerrilla group. It is active in the field of the bigmom pirate group. They are attacking their logistics everywhere. After all, it is a pirate group composed of murlocs. It is very easy to come and go."

"Tell them to come back to the hive to see me. Maybe there is something they can do." Gromash said with a wicked smile. After a pause, he seemed to have thought of something and said, "Also, take Jinbei that Call me guys too!"

Seeing that the guy Gromash confirmed the identity of Charlotte-Praline, he began to issue a series of orders. Joz and the others were also very curious. After responding to Gromash's words, Drake asked, "Captain Gromash, you Is there any new plan for this???"

Gromash licked his lips and said, "Is there any method that will help us win the war better than breaking the enemy's capital???"

After hearing Gromash's words, everyone's eyes lit up, and then they looked at Gromash with very expectant eyes, ready to listen to his explanation and plan.

Gromash didn’t sell anything, and said directly: “As everyone knows, Charlotte-Linlin, a dead old woman, has a severe “persecution delusion”. The vicinity of Cake Island is densely packed, which is why no one can attack Cake Island.

The reason, because as long as you step into that sea area, the bigmom pirates can quickly find you and find you."

After speaking here, Gromash took a sip again, moistened his throat and continued: "Because of the bigmom Pirates' defense in this respect, I didn't want to raid them in the past. I want them to be in the air. There will be a means of guarding, after all, it is not a secret that we can fly.

Then Gromash put down the tea cup, looked at Joz and the others with his smile full of eyes, and then said: "For so many years, the bigmom pirates has never had anything to do with this aspect, so they are very concerned about their relationship in the sea. The monitoring method in the middle school should be extremely confident, and the more confident the place, the easier it is to be drilled.

Kongzi, because people will subconsciously skip this point, thinking that this place is unbreakable, but unfortunately, we have already reached the key to enter the bigmom pirate group's door..."

"Charlotte-Praline???" Lu Qi asked in surprise.

"Yes, if I am not mistaken, Charlotte-Praline does have the means to control the sea surveillance insects. If she can cooperate, then the Pirates of the Sun can take the cake island of Totto Land all the way from the bottom of the sea and destroy it. The entire Totto Land, the capital of all nations, give the bigmom pirates a heavy blow!!!" Gromash revealed

With a confident smile, he said.

"But even if Jinbei boss takes the shot, he is not an opponent when facing Charlotte-Linlin???" Drake said after thinking about it.

"Just kidding, I must wait for the dead old lady Charlotte- Linlin to do it when she is not on Cake Island, think about it, when I start to appear on the battlefield, can she still live on Cake Island as she does now??" Gromash Said with a smile.

Joz smiled and said: "If it is true, it does have a good feasibility, but the premise is that Aladdin can really win Praline and let Praline completely stand on our side."

Tezolo also showed a smile and said: "Ahahahaha, now Aladdin can pick up girls by order?"

"Are you not mistaken about feelings and career?" Gromash also smiled and said. Mountain.

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