I Am Hellscream

Chapter 581 People don't have a brain when they pretend to be compared!

At this time, Gromash and the rough guys are discussing how to promote the relationship between Aladdin and Praline, so that the two of them can quickly pair together, and at the same time bring Praline to our Frostwolf Pirates ship.

Regarding whether Praline will stand on their side and deal with the bigmom pirates together, Gromash feels that this kind of certainty is still quite big.According to his memory, if he hadn't gotten into it without his uncle Gromash, Aladdin and Praline It is indeed time to make a pair, after all, Jinbei is watching the end of the war in Malinford.

Later, after the Whitebeard pirate group collapsed, they turned to the safety of The fish men island and committed themselves to the bigmom pirate group. As a marriage, Aladdin, Jinbei’s ship mate, was not very popular in the Charlotte family. Charlotte-Praline, it was about this point in time.

In fact, thinking about it, Aladdin is probably not a character in the eyes of Charlotte- Linlin. Thanks to the big brother Jinbei who is covering him, otherwise it is impossible for him to marry the Charlotte- family, and in his identity, The marriage can only hook up with Praline. Who said that Praline's identity is not very high, and it happens to be a half-mermaid?

?? In Charlotte-Linlin's eyes, maybe it matches Aladdin.

And it didn't take long. After the two got better, Praline's heart was all attached to Aladdin. The two had a very good relationship, and even later Praline even dispelled all the surveillance insects on the seabed for Aladdin. Now, let Aladdin and the others who have betrayed the bigmom pirates successfully escape from Totto Land. The sea of ​​Cake Island


It can be seen from this that Praline is indeed a person like Lu Qi said. She has no good feelings for the bigmom pirates. The reason why she was still there before 01 is also because she has nowhere to go and has no guts. Betrayed the bigmom pirates, but now his grandfather Gromash’s Frostwolf Pirates is supporting her, she should be

Make your own choice.

After several people discussed for a while, Drake suddenly said: "No, no, we all seem to be "routines" and not sincere at all. It is a way of preparing for those passionate "professional beauties," people. Brother Latin wants to talk about feelings. After all, he has been obsessed with it for five years. It seems not so good for us to give him pointers like this???"

Joz and Tezolo also froze for a moment. It seems that Drake is right. Although the two of them have not experienced anything like Lu Qi, they are also single dogs without girlfriends. All of his skills are dealing with enthusiastic young ladies, how can there be any serious methods???

After thinking of this, they put their eyes on Gromash, and Gromash also said in a bit of surprise: "What do you guys see me doing???"

"Don't pretend, Boss Gromash, you are the only one in our group who has a girlfriend, and there are two at once. Monet and Robin are not ordinary women. You can take them both, just right. It shows that you are superb in this regard, fast, and talk about your methods, then we can also give Aladdin some pointers." Joe

I didn't give Gromash a chance to pretend to be a match at all, I just urged him to speak.

And Tezolo also nodded quickly and said: "That's right, don't be embarrassed, your Highness, you have to understand that this is for the victory of the war, it is a business!! It should be justified!!!"

Tezolo's words are righteous, and it looks like he is for the country and the people for the Frostwolf Pirates. In fact, these appearances are all nonsense. He just wants to take the opportunity to understand him. The emotional history of idol Gromash is just that.

Drake also smiled and said, "Boss Gromash, you see that our boss is not too young. It must be inappropriate to always be like this. It's not that you didn't meet the right girl if you want to come. It's just that everyone has no experience. It's still this miserable situation, I think we can be considered as good-looking, successful in business, young and more golden

, Don’t you feel ashamed to go out like this??? So you also teach a few hands, not only solve the problem of Aladdin, but also let us learn."

After Drake finished speaking, he winked his eyebrows at Lu Qi, and seemed to suggest that Lu Qi also said a few words quickly, but Lu Qi is a straight man of steel, and he does not like Drake's thoughts at all, but it seems to think of this thing. There was indeed a war situation about the Frostwolf Pirates, so he finally mumbled reluctantly: "Gromash

, You can talk about it quickly, it's not a trivial matter."

Gromash this guy was flattered by a few of them, and the whole person also felt good, and instantly swelled, I saw him stretch out two fingers very pretentiously, Tezolo is also very winking and hurry up He took out a luxurious cigar from his body and placed it respectfully between the two fingers of Gromash.

He quickly lit a cigar for Gromash.

Then Gromash took a couple of breaths, spit out a puff of smoke, and said in a very pretentious mouth: "Well, this kind of thing is also about talent. The first thing to look at is the charm. The charm I said is not. It only refers to the appearance and value, in all aspects."

Just when Gromash gave him some color, the guy he dared to open the dye shop was pretending to be in the combat command room. In another room not far from here, Monet was also doing her work.

This poor girl, Castad, was already dying by Lu Qi's tossing, her body was extremely injured, her consciousness was not so clear, and it was the best moment for Monet to invade her thoughts.

At this time, Castade was fixed on a seat by Monet, and her injuries were also dealt with a little bit, lest she would stop cooking before getting the news.

Monet's hands were pressing on Castad's temples, and the power fluctuations of the Illusion Fruit also spread out from Monet's hands from time to time, and intruded into Castad's head.

It seemed that he was constructing some illusory scene. Monet was very careful in this regard. After a long time, Monet removed the energy from his hand, and then began to wake up the hapless girl Castad.

When Castad opened her eyes and saw Monet, she was a little surprised and said, "Mom???"

Monet smiled in his heart and said to himself: "It's done."

However, on the surface, Monet showed a gloomy expression, and said in a deep voice: "Kastad, you really disappoint me. You will be captured by the bastards of the Frostwolf Pirates!!! "

"Mom, listen to me. Although I lost to that damn Lucky, I didn't leak any information." Castad's fear of Charlotte- Linlin also seemed to be very big, facing Monet. She was simply powerless to fight against her hallucinations.

After a long time, the door of the house holding Castad was gently opened from the inside. There was a satisfied smile on her face, she had already got the information she wanted to know from Castad’s mouth, and she had not lost a word of this information.

It's a great achievement to record it on a small book.

"Hmm~~" Monet hummed a little tune in a very good mood, walked gracefully to the door of the combat command room not far away, and then she pushed open the door of the command room very lightly.

The moment she opened the door, she heard Gromash's voice.It seemed that the captain and boyfriend of her own was blowing to Joz and the others, what kind of cowhh is it, and the reason is that Monet knows Gromash very well, Gromash The tone of this person's boasting is different from usual, full of stinky and unbelievable feelings.

Sure enough, Monet heard Gromash's words that annoyed her in the next second.

As the saying goes, people have no brains when they pretend to be compared. Gromash this guy is pretending to be compared at this time, and he has no brains at all. The sound, even less noticed that Monet, who walked into the combat command room from behind him, looked very gloomy at this time.

"So under my charm, what I want her to do, she has to do it, and she has to do it happily. If Aladdin can have the master's three-point skill, our plan can be implemented 100%." Gromash said foully.

At this time, he seemed to notice that the expressions of Joz, Luchi, Drake, and Tezolo seemed to be a little bit awkward.

But maybe people don’t have a brain when they pretend to be compared? Gromash didn’t realize what was going on at all, but thought they didn’t believe what they said, in order to make them believe in their own cowhide. , Gromash took a sigh of cigar very arrogantly, and then Haki said: "What???

All of them have this expression?? I don’t believe my uncle, do you? Okay, I will show it to you in person after a while, and after Monet's affairs are processed, I want her to pour tea and she will have to Pour tea, if she wants her to light me a cigarette, she has to light me a cigarette, and ask her to knead my shoulders huh??? Why is it a bit cold???"

Joz, Luchi, Drake, Tezolo, they have been with Gromash for many years. They are very clear about the urinary sex of Gromash in front of Robin and Monet, and they seem to have foreseen it at this time. A tragedy is unfolding.

I saw Joz covered his eyes, then shook his head 153 and said to Gromash, "It's right to feel cold, murderous, murderous.. You guy doesn't feel murderous anymore???"

Tezolo also had a hesitant expression, and finally he sighed and said, "Fate, it's all fate."

Lu Qi had such an expression as expected, and said: "It seems that the easy life has degraded you, and you can't even feel such a strong murderous intent."

Only Drake had some conscience, he swallowed, and watched the long emerald green hair behind Gromash floated in the air with murderous intent, Monet, whose expression was like an evil spirit, then gave a dry smile and said. Said: "Sister Monet, is the intelligence available???"

Being reminded by Drake, Gromash instantly retreated from the'irrational' pretend mode, his expression changed, his complexion was very calm, as if not panicked at all, then he said without looking back: "Mo Nai, let's go down and talk about something, now we do business first, there is information about it!!! It hurts, it hurts, let go

Hand, I was wrong!!! I shouldn’t pretend to be compared.”

"No, how could you possibly be wrong, Captain??? It must be that I did not massage you with the right strength, it should be increased a little bit more, right???" Monet squeezed Gromash's face, Shou said with a smile, and at the same time Another hand was pulling on Gromash's long fiery red hair.

"It hurts, don't pull your hair," Gromash said painfully.

"My little secretary worked so hard outside to gather information, and your big boss arranging me like that behind my back really made me feel angry, humph!!!" Monet snorted angrily and let go. Own demon claws.

She also knew that it was not the time to be angry with the shameless guy Gromash, and the most urgent thing was to look for Lion Fruit.

And Gromash also quickly turned his head and said with a pleased smile: "Misunderstanding, it's all misunderstanding."

Originally, Gromash didn't turn around, it didn't matter.At this time, he showed his face, and the anger that Monet had just suppressed instantly burned up, and then instinctively punched Gromash in the eye socket.

After the fight, Monet took a long breath, and the whole person seemed to be refreshed, and then she smiled and said: "Ah, it feels much more relaxed, let's talk about business, I have got the information...".

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