I Am Hellscream

Chapter 594 The movement of Wanokuni.

Just when the officials of the Frostwolf Pirates and the Bigmom Pirates were fighting fiercely and happily, Charlotte Smoky, who was also a dessert star, did not participate. Instead, he used his own. Ability, reduced the originally tall body to the level of an average person.

That’s right, Smoky’s squeezing fruit does have this weird ability. She can replenish water in the body to make herself huge, and at the same time, she can “squeeze” the water from her body and let herself shrink.

After condensing his breath and sense of existence a little, Smoky didn't even think of a sneak attack, but quickly quietly left the chaotic war zone alone.

Smoky knew very well that the battle here should be deadlocked for a while, so what she should do is not to participate in the battle, but to find Lion Fruit.

Just after Smoky left this chaotic war zone, in the depths of the jungle, a sturdy man, eating fruit, put away his Observation Haki.

Then the strong man bit the apple in his hand, looked at the little secretary Monet next to him, and said, "Monet, what are you going to do???"

Monet was also using Observation Haki to carefully perceive the battlefield over there. After hearing the question from Joz next to him, he quickly said: "The situation over there is almost a stalemate. I have to follow the captain. I’m looking for Lion Fruit, what about you Brother Joz???"

Joz ate the apple in his hand with the cores, and then smiled and said, "I heard that Charlotte-Smoggy always has the beauty of the Gromash boss. Anyway, the boss said that, in order to avoid Your relationship with Robin-chan is disturbed by other people, I will help you clean up that woman"

Monet's face blushed slightly after hearing Joz's ridiculous words, but she quickly said, "Don't say these deceiving things, what's the real reason???"

"Ahahahahahahaha, have you been seen through??? Let's get it straight, I heard that Charlotte-Smoky is the master female of the bigmom pirates, second only to the old lady Charlotte-Linlin, since Katakuri I was robbed by Lu Qi, so I will reluctantly weigh Smoky's combat effectiveness." Joz laughed and said.

"What about Lion Fruit???" Monet asked.

"Leave it to you, Monet!" Joz said very decisively.

And Monet showed a very speechless expression and said: "Are you people from the fighting faction so irresponsible??"

Before Joz could speak, a slightly weak voice came from not far away, and then the figure of Weber's wolf fox pushed aside the branches of the jungle and appeared in front of Joz and Monet.

"Boss Joz, Monet, I just want to ask if Mr. Hobackak hasn't come???" Webber sat down beside Joz and asked.

Joz and Monet didn't show any surprised expressions about Webber's sneaking appearance here. They seemed to have noticed it a long time ago, and then Monet said embarrassingly, "Hokkubak's death pervert is a little later than us. Arrived, because his previous destination was the front line of Beehive Island.

Come on."

Hearing Monet's words, Weber also said helplessly: "Sure enough, I can only rely on myself..."

While talking, he took out some original-looking ointment from the small cloth Kabuto on his waist, and then smeared it on his body.

At this time, what Weber applied to himself was the secret ointment passed down from generation to generation by their Shandia clan.

Generally speaking, when the ointment is applied to the body, it takes seven or eight days before it can be completely absorbed into the body and heal the wounds on his body.

But after applying the ointment, Weber took a deep breath, and then his aura changed, and he spoke softly and whispered: "Six Styles-Life is Back!!!"

With the fall of Weber's words, the Yaoqing on his body was gradually dissolving on his body at a speed visible to the naked eye. With the healing effect of the return of life, Weber's state is recovering at an extremely fast speed.

It didn't take long for Weber to move his arm after doing all this, and experience the feeling now, and then he said: "Well, although there are still some injuries in the body, this ointment still suppresses these injuries. , At least now the activities are not hindered by Monet, my task is to find Lion Fruit, since I am not dead yet,

Let's act together then"

"Ahahahahahaha, with Webber participating, I don't have to go, let's take a step first, lest the Smoky ran away, and I won't be able to find it" Joz laughed and said, then shot He clapped his hands and stood up, without waiting for Monet and Weber to respond. When he turned around, the sturdy body quickly disappeared into the jungle.

Although Monet was speechless, he couldn't say anything about it.It was obvious that Smoky was looking for Lion Fruit.Although Joz's behavior seemed to be a bit irrelevant, he thought about it and stopped him. Smoky is actually creating more chances for Monet and Weber to get Lion Fruit, and he is still doing the best job.

The dangerous one.

Monet looked at Weber who had forcibly suppressed the injury in his body, and then said, "Is it really okay???"

"Hahahaha, are you afraid that I will hold you back???" Webber also smiled and said.

Monet nodded seriously, and then said: "That's right, if it doesn't work, just take a good rest here, lest I lose the chain at the critical moment."

After a moment of silence, Weber said: "If that happens, Monet, you can use that ability on me, and then I will give you the queen. It's pretty good, isn't it???"

Monet was silent for a while after hearing Weber's words, and then he said, "That is very likely to die...Well, you Shandia are also looking for this, aren't you??? Okay, let's go together let us go!!

After speaking, Monet and Weber did not continue to delay anything, but quickly disappeared into the jungle.

At the same time, in Wanokuni of New World, Kaido was tantrums with anger, and the wine glass in his hand was smashed to the ground by him.

After seeing his long and narrow beard surging for a while, he said so gloomily, "What the hell is going to do with Shanks???"

"Boss Kaido, it is estimated that he is just guarding us, and there is no extra meaning. It may be that we are afraid that we will mix up this chaotic enough situation now that it is even worse," Yanzhan-Jin said softly, seemingly right. Kaido's rage was nothing to fear at all.

But think about it, Kaido's mood changed three times a day after drinking, and he was still angry one second before, and the next second he might just take your shoulders and talk to your brother.

"The situation??? Linlin and Gromash?" Kaido murmured a little drunkly, and then he said, "I don't bother to take care of their affairs, Quinn, Jack, what was the news before? Situation??? Is Kozuki Oden resurrected???"

Jack was a younger brother in the Three Plagues. He was not qualified to speak on this occasion. I saw Quinn, a chubby guy who was repairing some machinery, and said, "It's not like that, boss Kaido. , It’s just that someone saw some of the Kozuki’s retainers of the Kozuki clan 20 years ago in the ruins of Jiuli, but

We sent people there to search, and there was nothing. Some people said they were ghosts and ghosts. I don’t think it’s a big deal, but our general is very nervous and scared recently, and he keeps thinking about something.” The Kozuki's revenge is coming after twenty years, "what's the word"

Kaido said with a disdainful expression after hearing these words: "The Kurozumi snake is just a waste, it has blinded the ghost of the Kozuki family with the fruit ability of an illusion beast? ?? I have killed all living people. Once again, there are some lonely ghosts, what is there to be afraid of??? If that Kozuki Oden is still alive, it will be

It's a good thing, Laozi, I can take this opportunity to torture some news about Raftel and the historical text."

Don't look at Wanokuni's general as Kurozumi Orochi, but in fact, he is nothing too great. If Kaido were not there, he would not know how many times he had died. The reason why he can still sit in the position of general now is also Because he is obedient enough, what Kaido tells him to do, he will do what he will do, and even do very well.

". Kaido boss, we did not find the bones of the Kozuki Oden's retainers and his two heirs. There are rumors that the Kozuki Chibi has a mysterious ability that can make people disappear. Maybe this is related to What happened back then was not unrelated Momosuke, Kozuki Hiyori, the two of them are Oden’s children,

It may be able to unravel the text of the history. The "rumors" of the twenty years seem to have not been without wind and waves. There is indeed a force in Wanokuni that we can't touch the context yet," Yanzhan-Jin said softly.

After being silent for a while, Kaido looked at Jhin, and then said, "Jhin, you mean that the two little ghosts of the Kozuki family are very likely to be alive, right? This time they did it. of???"

Yan nodded and said, "I do have this idea."

After thinking for a while, Kaido took two sips of wine suddenly, and then said, "Then go find!!! Investigate. Once there is any evidence to prove this, you must take the two of Kozuki who may know the text of the history. A little devil finds it for me and brings it to see me!!!"

"Okay, boss Kaido!!" Jhin smiled, then answered.

On the other sea area of ​​New World, some of the Kozuki's two stuns are drifting on this sea at this time. Jinweimen looked at the sea in the distance, holding a record pointer and a chart, and after a long time of comparison, he spoke. Said: "It can't be wrong, the front (good Li) should be the sea of ​​restlessness, and the Proudmoore-Gromash should be right now.

In the sea ahead"

Standing behind Jinweimen, Raizou frowned, and still spoke a little uneasy: ``Nishemon, now that sea area is the most dangerous place in the entire New World, where are we really going??? ?"

"According to the chart, there is an island in front of you. After you get there, you and Kanjuro are defending His Royal Highness. I will go alone to meet that His Royal Highness," Jinweimen said in a deep voice.

Although Raizou and Kanjuro felt that the risk was a bit high, they had no choice at this time. Originally, they wanted to go to the City of Seven Waters to find Gromash, but because the City of Seven Waters came from the first half of the Grand Line, the magnetic field It hasn't stabilized yet, and most people can't find that place at all. It's even more impossible for them to find the Seven Waters if they live together here.

All the pointers are recorded, so I can only come here to take a risk. If you can find Gromash, you will make a lot of fire.

Just when Kinemon was thinking about how to speak if he was lucky enough to meet Gromash, the boat that was driving on the sea suddenly seemed to hit something, and he stunned.

Then Kinemon swiftly leaned on the side of the ship and looked at the sea below, and then said with some surprise: "Ice??? Why is there a trail of ice on the sea??? It's really weird."

However, I think of it as New World, and everything is normal at sea, so Jinweimen didn't think much about it, only when there was a small accident.

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