I Am Hellscream

Chapter 595 Killing Four Emperors here won't be discovered, right?

The entire island tortoise's back was in chaos at this time. The top masters from all walks of life gathered here to make a big chaos, no matter how you think the scope of this influence will not be small.

From time to time, you can see thunder in the sky, fires erupting on the ground, glutinous cake dumplings flying everywhere, biscuit dregs shooting everywhere, gold shining like a fountain in the forest, and huge slashes are also constantly Destroy the forest.

Everything seems so chaotic, and at this time Gromash is also fighting against Charlotte- Linlin. Compared with the current form, the cadres on their side helped themselves to contain some people who were in the way, bigmom The Pirates may have other cadres coming here, but their Frostwolf Pirates also have follow-up support.

Aid is also coming here, not to mention Nanye Buck and the others, Jinbei, Urouge and others should almost be here.

After thinking of this, Gromash suddenly realized that this might be a good opportunity. Seeing the current situation, it is entirely possible for him to kill Charlotte- Linlin here. If this is really achieved, don't say it. New World has a firm foothold, and can even reap another wave of benefits.

To say that Gromash may have taken into account balance and other related things in the past, let Charlotte- Linlin a horse, but now the whole world no longer needs balance, this is an era of kingship, Charlotte- Since Linlin dared to be the first to jump out and have trouble with his uncle Gromash, don't blame yourself for being cruel


Gromash is right. Now is indeed an excellent time. The people in Naval Headquarters have not had time to enter the New World at this time, so Gromash doesn't have to worry about being attacked back and forth. At the same time, according to the information known by the intelligence, Kaido doesn’t seem to be moving, he thinks that this war should be fought for a long time.

It is not the time for him to take action.As for Shanks, he is not a threat here at Gromash.Even if Shanks suddenly becomes nervous and wants to have a game with him, Uncle Gromash, it will definitely not be at this point in time. The friendship between people must be to hand over war posts to each other first, then declare war openly, and then find a spacious

The places were divided up and down, and then everyone got together to hold a banquet..

However, the plan couldn't keep up with the changes. All this happened too fast. Gromash originally thought that the war would be a long time, so he planned to let Aladdin pick up girls by order, thinking about using this trick to break Charlotte-Linlin's cake island in the future.

But as soon as God came back, Gromash suddenly found out that this has already hit the situation of'king against king, and'will against general'???

And this is not the kind of people he thought at first that everyone appeared near this sea area, then intimidated and intimidated each other, made a stalemate, and then fought back and forth to find Lion Fruit or something~.

But from the very beginning, I started a hand-to-hand combat and started a hand-to-hand battle. Combined with the current state, it is a perfect time to kill Charlotte- Linlin in one fell swoop??? Then I secretly killed a Four Emperors here shouldn't Yes-someone found out?

Gromash can think so, Charlotte- Linlin thinks so, not to mention whether she has come up with a good way to deal with Gromash after the first battle of Zou, but if she kills the Frostwolf Pirates on this island For a large group of cadres in the regiment, that is also a proper way to make money without losing money.

Thinking of this, Gromash grows guilty, and the original strength in his hands has been increased again. A battle axe dances a tiger and a tiger.

"Mountain style!!!" Gromash roared, and the muscles of his arms swelled suddenly. The axe handle of the Hell Destroyer was first used by him to knock open the Emperor's sword of Charlotte- Linlin, and then took advantage of the situation to pull out a flower shadow. , Both arms slammed the rear end of the axe handle, and with the force of inertia, Gromash slammed the axe at Charlotte- Linlin's head.


Charlotte: Linlin was also taken aback by Gromash's sudden eruption. Fortunately, she didn't move slowly. The Emperor Sword quickly blocked her in front of her, trying to parry Gromash's axe.

At the moment when Gromash's Hell Destroyer was about to smash on Charlotte- Linlin's Emperor's Sword, a smile hung from the corner of Gromash's mouth, and he saw his eyes instantly turn into a more scarlet color, and the momentum on his body It also flipped over suddenly, a long fiery red hair fluttered in the wind, and the whole person entered the half beast in this moment.

In the state of transformation.

That's right, in this instant, Gromash started the autonomous rage, and at the same time used his own abilities. With the blessing of these two, the strength of the battle axe in his hand rose sharply by a step.

This is a fighting technique. From the moment Gromash knocked off Charlotte-Linlin's emperor sword with the axe handle, it was already a trap. When people fight each other, why do they try first?? There is not much difference with his own strength.

In most cases, there is a subconscious mind. Gromash knocked off Charlotte- Linlin's emperor sword with appropriate strength. In fact, he was giving Charlotte- Linlin a'subconscious', so that she was familiar with this force. , The next moment, this axe smashed over, Charlotte- Linlin instinctively will parry this slashing according to the strength she just endured.

Hit, this is an inducement, and the more you are among the masters, the more you are defensive, the easier it is for this instinct to play.

Of course, there are few people who can start the violent violent instant in the middle of the shot like Gromash, using this weird way to increase the strength of their moves, so this technique is not very common, and Gromash is rarely used.

Charlotte- Linlin's face changed suddenly after seeing Gromash's operation, but everything was a little too late. Gromash's capture of this timing was perfect. If he moved a little earlier, Maybe Charlotte- Linlin will have a moment to adjust his power, but it is Gromash.

I didn't even give her a chance!!!

With a loud'bang!!!', Charlotte- Linlin's arm was subjected to a huge force, and it was not over yet, the shock sensation brought by Juli also made it difficult for her to control her palm, the next moment , The huge Emperor Sword was directly slashed out of Charlotte-Linlin's hands by the axe of Gromash.

That's right, Charlotte Linlin's weapon was knocked down by Gromash, and the Emperor's sword came out, just as Weber's spear broke at that time, Gromash's hell destroyer also lost its focus in an instant, with the rest. His strength grabbed a semicircle from top to bottom, and if he wanted to cut the Hell Destroyer to Charlotte- Linlin again, it must be

There must be a stagnation, which is the inherent defect of heavy weapons.

And Gromash also seemed to have anticipated this a long time ago. At the moment when the Destroyer of Hell smashed the Emperor's sword in Charlotte- Linlin's hand, and shook Charlotte- Linlin back two steps, his hands were beautiful, and the empty door in front of him was opened. Gromash also loosened his hands holding the handle of the Hell Destroyer's axe, and let the Hell Destroyer hit the ground fiercely.

At the same moment, Gromash's strong arms had already grabbed Charlotte- Linlin's head from left to right, and the meridians on the arm muscles were surging, and the brute force of the body pulled Charlotte- Linlin and it was too late to resist. Pressed his head towards his side.

At the same time, Gromash's calf, which had turned into a recurved hoof, also instantly ejected from the ground, and a heavy knee impact hit Charlotte-Linlin's head.

Boom!!!' There was another dull sound, Charlotte- Linlin's head was between the sparkling flints, and Gromash slammed his knee, and the invincible defense seemed to have been breached under this powerful force. No, the nasal bridge was directly smashed by Gromash, and a lot of blood gushed out from Charlotte- Linlin's nasal cavity.

Consciousness was also dull and dull by this sudden blow.

0-Seeking flowers...

At the moment the knee hit Charlotte: Linlin's head, Gromash's hands that originally grasped Charlotte- Linlin's head had already loosened, so Charlotte- Linlin, who was bearing this force, couldn't help but held his head high and waved his nose. Blood, raised his head behind him.

As the saying goes, it is not forgiving. Gromash knows how pervert Charlotte- Linlin's physique is. It is also one of the monsters. I can recover from the boring state that I can't resist, so I must seize the opportunity to take advantage of her illness and kill her!!!

The strong arms quickly ignited the scorching unicorn fire, and a violent light flashed in Gromash's eyes.

As the roar fell, Gromash's arms slammed on Charlotte- Linlin's involuntarily raised neck, and then a strong force directly caused Charlotte- Linlin to spit out a stream of blood. In an instant, her huge body was forced to the ground by Gromash, throwing up a huge cloud of smoke.

With a fist in Gromash's hand, the huge fist slammed into Charlotte- Linlin's head without mercy, but just when Gromash was about to hit Charlotte- Linlin, the dead old woman finally recovered from this series of blows. With some clear consciousness, he raised the left arm that had been removed by Gromash once, and slammed

, Very accurately grasped Gromash's fist.

A wave of air immediately broke out from the place where the two fists met, blowing away the smoke and dust around it.At this time, Gromash was a little surprised.He never expected that he was in this explosive state. The full blow was blocked by Charlotte- Linlin.

And as soon as the smoke dissipated, Gromash also discovered that Charlotte- Linlin's left arm seemed to no longer be an ordinary arm, and huge fluctuations in soul power were emanating from her arm. If nothing else, after the pain of the last broken arm, Charlotte-Linlin seems to have developed some new methods for herself.

"It hurts, Gromash, you bastard!!!" Charlotte- Linlin cursed angrily, then roared: "Soul crit!!!"

Along with Charlotte-Linlin's roar, Gromash's fist instantly felt a huge resistance, and in the next second, the brutal force pushed him away by two steps.

When she stood firm and looked at Charlotte- Linlin again, Gromash found that the naked eye on her left arm was wrapped in the rich green soul energy, and the manic soul energy was constantly erupting outward. Catharsis.

And Charlotte- Linlin also stood up while clutching his bloody nose, looked at Gromash with a hateful look, and said, "Thanks to you bastard, I thought of something that I hadn't thought of before. The method I have poured 50,000 souls into my arm, the power of this power, even I feel addicted, this

Once, you must blow your head!!!!"

Fifty thousand souls??? Gromash was already a little shocked at this time. It seems that Charlotte- Linlin really hates him Uncle Gromash to the ultimate ah, fifty thousand souls, how to say they have slaughtered a town and island. , What a crime.

And looking at the appearance of her arm, it is estimated that this idea should be from when she was in a battle with her on Zow Island, and she was in a state of'Hundred Ghosts', which gave her some inspiration.His Uncle Gromash was a grievance , Curses, evil spirits and other "swallowing" into his body, and Charlotte- Linlin seems to use a pure soul to enhance the self

My arm As for why she only has an arm, I am afraid it is because no matter how much she is, even if she is the'king of the soul', I am afraid that she will not be able to bear it, right??? Shan.

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