I Am Hellscream

Chapter 819 The marshal and the pirates.

Sakazuki covered his broken arm wound with one hand, watching Gromash's figure crawling out of the lava pool, a fierce expression flashed in his eyes, and when he stepped on his feet, the ground began to tremble.

As soon as Gromash stood firm, the magma pool behind him surged, and then a huge magma hand stretched out from the pool and grabbed him, trying to drag him back into the magma.

However, Gromash didn't panic at all.The Hell Destroyer in his hand gave a violent wave, without turning his head back, the Hell Destroyer directly smashed the magma hand behind him to smash, and a large amount of magma was like flowing water. It poured down from the top of Gromash's head and poured on Gromash's body, but it did not cause him any inconvenience or discomfort.

The impact of interest.

"Why? Are you at the end? You can only use this little trick? It's not like you, Sakazuki." Gromash looked at Sakazuki, who was extremely embarrassed at this time, and said softly.

Sakazuki looked at Gromash. He was supposed to be full of anger, but he suddenly smiled, but it may be because the face of a dead man has been broken for decades, and the number of laughs is not many. This smile is very stiff. Gromash is very stiff. Awkward.

"Gromash, at this point, I really have to admit that you are different from ordinary pirates. Perhaps it is because of this that you can get to where you are now," Sakazuki said with a slight emotion.

"Jiehahahahahaha, it turns out that in your Sakazuki's eyes, pirates are divided into three or six nines? This really surprised me. I always thought that in your eyes, pirates are pirates. What an extra "tag"? After Gromash heard Sakazuki's words, he didn't seem to be anxious to do it, instead he laughed.

Sakazuki fell silent, and then said, "The pirate is indeed a pirate. There is no superfluous label, but whether it is Whitebeard back then or you now, they have made their own decision to stay behind. Isn’t it? From this perspective, perhaps you are not without respect."

Gro 323 Mashming knew that he had a power rock in Sakazuki's hands. Once it was concentrated and detonated, it would inevitably destroy the entire island. Its power was unpredictable, but he still stayed entangled with himself for so long, and there was no rush. Escape here.

Sakazuki knew that this was not because he was able to stop Gromash. Just now, Gromash hammered him Sakazuki, Polusalino, and Smoker in a few tens of seconds, and almost killed them by two sets of tricks. It also proved that they couldn't stop Gromash. Now Gromash is still standing here because he doesn't want to


Why doesn't he want to leave? Sakazuki knows very well, because Gromash, like him, is buying the most time for his subordinates to leave this dangerous and about to be destroyed island!

Perhaps Gromash feels that he has some means to deal with the devastating explosion of this dynamic rock, but Sakazuki believes that this method is by no means a foolproof means to ensure that he is the status of Gromash, and now he is already on the sea. An unstoppable pattern, he can still use his life and death to gamble on the life and death of his subordinates

This kind of heartiness can be felt even by Marine Marshal Sakazuki, who has never been pleasing to the pirates all his life.

In the end, Sakazuki seemed to let go of the obsession and prejudice in his heart at this moment of his own death, and was able to look at Gromash from a fairer angle and perspective.

At the same time, Gromash fell silent. He never expected that he could be "praised" by Sakazuki's brains in his life. This was indeed beyond his expectation.

I saw Gromash carrying the Hell Destroyer, standing there, watching Sakazuki not knowing what he was thinking, and Sakazuki also fell silent, the originally planned 30 seconds, also hurriedly passed, since Gromash did not want to run Meaning, Sakazuki didn't need to be so anxious to detonate anything.

"Only with a sound, Gromash threw the Hell Destroyer at his feet, then walked a few steps forward, picked up Sakazuki's broken arm, and said, "After so many years, we two (abeb) each The last time I met was either a fight or a curse. I really didn’t sit down. I had a good chat. Sakazuki was originally before the start of the war.

I was going to kill you with the most swift and violent means, but that guy Garp blocked the disaster for you. However, I didn't expect that after you blocked the marshal, you bastard changed so much, but let me look at you a little bit. It's pleasing to the eye. Now that our subordinates are evacuating the island, it is better to let us take a gamble. After this, who can


After speaking, Gromash sat cross-legged on the spot, then reached out and placed Sakazuki's broken arm in front of him, silently and did not speak any more.

And Sakazuki, who was standing with his arms over there, stared at Gromash's eyes for a long time, and slowly walked to the front of Gromash, and then the iron-blooded hawk commander, actually sat down on Gromash's. In front of him, he stretched out his hand to take his broken arm back and put it on his lap.

"Jiehahahahahaha, yes, but it has some tolerance and measure, Sakazuki, you Marine Marshal I Gromash approved, at the same time, you guy is also an enemy and opponent that I respect enough to be worthy of." Hero 'Two characters!' After Gromash watched Sakazuki sit down, he burst into laughter, and didn't mind the two of them.

They were hostile, but praised Sakazuki for coming.

Although Sakazuki agrees that Gromash's heart-warming attitude is beyond people's reach, he still doesn't like him, so he frowned and said, "Old man, I don't need you as a pirate to approve it! Speak, How to bet?"

There was a smile on Gromash's mouth, and he said, "You want to evacuate your men and leave the hope of your Marine. I want my men to evacuate. Don't continue to sacrifice before victory. Then we The "goals" of the two sides can be agreed, Sakazuki will let all the people on this island leave, and die in this Shura field today.

There are already enough people in there, isn't it? Then, I will be here, watching you detonate the power rock, and you will bet to see if I will be blown to death!

"What about after this?" Sakazuki stared into Gromash's eyes and asked softly.

"If Laozi isn't dead, you guys will kill yourself. As a winner, I will give you the last decent, Marshal Marine," Gromash said in a very awkward voice.

Sakazuki stared at Gromash's eyes firmly, and then said, "This is obviously full of unfair treatment for you, right?"

This kind of bet is very cost-effective for his Sakazuki, because he can't find a means to kill Gromash, he can only detonate the power rock, if it is detonated now, it will involve a lot of Marines, Sakazuki was willing to do this before. , Because he was afraid that Gromash would run, but now, Gromash took the initiative to let him take a gamble

, This is indeed unfair, because he Sakazuki can't kill Gromash by other methods, but Gromash can kill him Sakazuki!

This is equivalent to Gromash abandoning all his advantages and returning to the same line with Sakazuki again, which is naturally somewhat unfair to Gromash.

"Jiehahahahahaha, what's fair and unfair, there is so much fairness in this world, this uncle sees you as a pleasing eye today, and gives you some special favors, Sakazuki, this boring life is always to be pursued. Exciting! And it's just a mere kinetic rock, do you really think you can kill Laozi?" Gromash laughed and said

In his tone, he didn't take his own life seriously, and he was extremely heroic.

Sakazuki looked at Gromash's heroic smile, and was touched a little, and then said: "Huh, since you are looking for death by yourself, then your bet, the old man will take it!"

After speaking, the magma on Sakazuki's body began to surging. After a while, he placed a dozen transparent devices with dynamic rocks in front of Gromash and himself one by one.

During this process, Sakazuki has been staring at Gromash's eyes, and now he, Marine's general, has bet all these bets on the "credibility" of the bastard Gromash, if at this moment Gromash violently snatches the power rock. , But it's a bit heartbreaking.

Fortunately, the credibility of Gromash is the famous golden sign on the sea. For the first time in his life, and probably the last time Sakazuki has experienced that feeling from Gromash.

Even if he put the power Kayan in place, Gromash didn't try to snatch anything.

However, in the face of this situation, Gromash didn't seem to care at all. He picked up a power rock from Sakazuki's staring gaze, held it upside down in his hand, smiled and said, "This is how you are. Do you think it can be comparable to Ancient Weapon's'Power Rock'? But to be honest, you may be overestimating this ghost thing."

"After you have eaten this gift I am going to give you, you will know if it is overestimated..." Sakazuki curled his lips and said in a slightly unkind tone.

Gromash didn't care about Sakazuki's attitude, and suddenly remembered something, he asked, "By the way, depending on your situation, it should have been a fight with those five old corpse-position vegetarian food, right? Hahahahaha, too Well, anyone who wants to do something practical, sitting in your position, shouldn't be able to bear their five bastards."

Sakazuki thought of the five old things, and his heart was angry.Even at this time, he felt that even Gromash would be more pleasing to the eye than the five bastards, but after all, he just gave a cold snort. Wai Yang, he hasn't planned to let Gromash come to see this joke.

Gromash played with the power rock in his hand, and said, "Relax, in a few years, this world will be free from that decay. Dorag's revolutionary army is not a group of anarchists. They don't want to destroy this order, on the contrary, they just want to change the decay and darkness in this order."

After Sakazuki heard Gromash's words, he still didn't speak, but just sat there in silence, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Im, at the height of your Marine Marshal, should have known this guy? Maybe it's a kind of curiosity. Is there any other trump card in the hands of the World government? Is it convenient to disclose? Jiehahahaha." Gromash Asked with a big laugh.

The tone seemed like he and Sakazuki weren't life and death enemies at all, but rather old friends who hadn't seen each other for many years.

Even Sakazuki is looking at Gromash with a complicated eye at this time.Previously, he felt that although the bastard Gromash is a pirate, his heart and heart are all the best in the world.Now it seems that, in addition, his The face is not worse than this heart-warming attitude, and it is also the best in the world.

Marine Admiral is not qualified to know the existence of'Eim', Marshal Marine actually has no qualifications, but Sakazuki was the marshal supported by Five Elders at first, but he vaguely knew what to do. In fact, when Sakazuki knew about the "Eim" After the existence of', his heart was very angry, but he could only endure it.

At this moment Gromash mentioned this guy, and he was really angry. After a long time, Sakazuki still opened up.

"Uranus. Uranus.. The real Ancient Weapon." Sakazuki said in a deep voice.

Gromash's eyes also flashed a curious look, and he asked, "Sure enough, the Master of the World government holds the Ancient Weapon, Uranus? It didn't surprise me.."

After a short pause, Gromash grinned at the corner of his mouth, and said, "If you want to talk about this Ancient Weapon, I also mastered two of them."

Sakazuki, who hadn't had any expressions, looked at Gromash in surprise after hearing Gromash's words, seeming to be questioning something.

"Pluton, Pluto's design drawings are in our Frostwolf Pirates. If I want to, I can build a few ships at any time, Poseidon. Poseidon" Gromash said, his mouth grinned, showing a touch of pride. With a smile, he said, "Poseidon's true identity is my fiancee, Princess Shirahoshi, which has been passed down from generation to generation by the Neptune family.

The ultimate power of The fish men island, that is to say, even if there is a bloodline of'God' in this world, it is by no means the dirty Celestial Dragons, but the'fish' they look down upon!".

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