I Am Hellscream

Chapter 820 The destruction of Naval Headquarters!

Gromash didn't mind telling Sakazuki the news, but Sakazuki was very surprised. Then he looked confused and looked at Gromash.

Then Sakazuki asked, "Since you have two Ancient Weapons in your hands, why don't you use them? With the existence of these two ultimate powers, even if you want to conquer our Naval Headquarters, it's easy, right?"

Gromash laughed and said, "Jiehahahahaha, isn't that too boring? Sakazuki, what do I really pursue in my life? Is it the One Piece? Or is it fighting for the world?"

When Sakazuki heard Gromash's words, he was also a little silent, and then said, "I used to think so, but now, you guys don't seem to care about that, otherwise you won't take this risk. , Sit here with me..."

"Jiehahahaha, yes, One Piece? The world? These are meaningless. In my whole life, what I have been pursuing is the process of competing with the heroes of the world. In this turbulent era, who is the most shining one? Stars are what I pursue. What One Piece, what world is just something that I get naturally in this process.

Already, it's a bonus "Ah, Sakazuki!" Gromash laughed and said, his tone of voice is unspeakable heroic.

Even when Sakazuki looked at Gromash at this time, he felt a little more in his heart. In his opinion, it was impossible to have the "admiration" in his heart.

"Before this, I have defeated countless heroes, such as Golden Lion, "Three Two Three", Whitebeard, bigmom, Kaido, Sengoku, Garp, and you are probably the last one, and it is precisely because you fit my mind's "hero". Laozi will sit here and "betting" this round with you, otherwise you are already dead. I can indeed use Prudential

Please come to level down your Naval Headquarters, but in that process, I can't get what I want to pursue, and now, being able to sit here is what I really want. As for Poseidon, I Gromash is not shameless yet. I need a little princess who has never seen cruelty in this world and is full of innocence and kindness to shoulder the responsibility of killing."

Romash grinned and said softly.

Sakazuki didn't respond after listening to Gromash's words, but just sat there in silence.

Gromash didn't expect anything. After overturning the power rock in his hand, he smiled and asked, "I don't know, what are you pursuing? Are you interested in hearing it?"

Sakazuki glanced at Gromash, then moved his lips and whispered softly: "Justice"

"Ah, okay, okay, it seems that we really can’t get along, even in the end, the justice and evil frame hahahaha, this kind of thing, even if you search the whole world and find the end of the sea, you will not find it. This is the final answer, Sakazuki." Gromash heard Sakazuki spit out the word "justice",

He interrupted Sakazuki's words very impolitely.

But Sakazuki didn't care about anything. Instead, with his eyes full of determination, he looked at Gromash and said softly, "Gromash has something, do you need an answer?"

Gromash fell silent after hearing Sakazuki's words, looked at Sakazuki's firm eyes, then suddenly smiled, and said, "Yes, many things don't need answers. In this life, people always have to Some pursuits are good, even if this pursuit is fruitless"

The justice that Sakazuki pursues, Gromash is indeed incomprehensible, but this does not mean that he is qualified to deny Sakazuki's life.Perhaps Sakazuki has a thousand bad things, but after all, he is still in all the Marines that Gromash knows. The person who is the most determined to carry out this justice, Kuzan can't compare, Polusalino can't compare

, Even Garp, the Marine’s hero, can’t be compared.

It was accidental and inevitable that he could become Marine's marshal!

After talking to himself, Gromash turned his head and looked at the battlefield that had gradually calmed down, and then said with some emotion: "It's a pity, but I didn't expect to sit down with you, the justice general, and talk, otherwise, if it is If I knew this would be the case, I would bring a bottle of wine to see you off."

"Hmph, in the end, it's still fangs and sharp mouths. If your decapitating wine is yours, I would be happy to have two sips!" Sakazuki looked at Gromash and gave a cold snort, and said.

As soon as these words fell, both of them became silent. Then Gromash played with the power rock in his hand and said, "Really, in the past twenty years, I really rarely bet on my life like this. , Yes, in the end, this is the way to be more exciting, this is what I am after!"

When Sakazuki heard Gromash's words, a smile flashed in his eyes, and he said, "Sure enough, I guessed it? You can only resurrect once every sunset?"

"Well, almost." Gromash didn't hide anything this time, and directly told Sakazuki the answer.

Then Gromash didn't waste any time, he smiled and said, "Tell you a secret, death is not the end, Sakazuki, maybe there will be another whole new world waiting for you and me..."

"Huh, you're so arrogant, isn't it because you guy comes from another world?" Sakazuki snorted, and said in a mocking tone.

Gromash grinned and said with a wicked smile: "That's hard to say."

As soon as the voice fell, Gromash slowly lifted the dynamic rock he was playing with in his hand between him and Sakazuki sitting opposite each other, and then neither of them spoke any more, seeming to be waiting for something.

A breeze mingled with blood and gunpowder smoke blew past them, bringing up Gromash's long and flowing fiery red hair, and at the same time, the great justice behind Sakazuki surging slightly. .

In the next second, a calm smile appeared on Gromash's face, a sudden force in his hand, directly squeezing the power rock device to a smash.

With a soft bang, the purple rock in the bottle fell into Gromash's hands, and then Gromash threw it up very neatly, and the whole body immediately entered the Iron Body mode. , The fine scale armor instantly covered his whole body, and the mighty Armament Haki also wrapped himself in.

At the same moment, when Gromash finished all of this, the power rock thrown by Gromash in the air was in contact with the air, triggering his own explosive characteristics.

Boom! A loud noise, a violent shock wave came from above, and directly lifted the figure of Gromash sitting on the ground. Then, the power rocks that were originally placed on the ground were also shattered, one after another. The explosion immediately swallowed the surrounding area. Then, the entire island seemed to be touched by the explosion.

The dynamic rocks that Sakazuki buried in various places under the island also began to explode with their own power.In a moment, the entire island was swallowed by fire and pillars of fire rising into the sky, and the building that symbolized the justice of Marine was also there. It collapsed in an instant.

New World, Naval Headquarters, this justice base camp that has been standing in New World for a short time, has fallen into the boundless sea of ​​flames at this time, and can be called complete destruction!

The air wave caused by this violent explosion swept over the Elune in an instant, causing Doflamingo, who was looking at the island with a telescope, to be blown by the wind pressure from the air wave. Some.

"Fufurfurfurfur, it's really bold. Uncle Gromash is playing this kind of game willfully at this time. Are you Zoan people so afraid of death???" Doflamingo slowly moved the telescope He took it down from the eyes, with an evil smile on the corner of his mouth, and whispered softly.

"That bastard did such an irresponsible thing. Is this what the captain should do?" Monet also gritted his teeth very angrily while holding the telescope in his hand.

However, although her tone was very angry, looking at her slender fingers that were a little white while holding the binoculars, you could see how nervous she was at this time.

At the same time, on the warship that had left the Naval Headquarters some distance away, Sengoku, the Marine's old marshal, also looked sadly at the burning island, raised his hand and gently pushed the bridge of his nose. 'S frame, whispered softly: "Justice is burning..."

And the expression on Gion's face standing next to the old marshal Sengoku is also very complicated.She hopes that the sacrifice of Marshal Sakazuki, Marine Marshal, will not be wasted, and at the same time, she is also praying in her heart that the bastard Gromash will not die in such a simple way. .

It can be said that she is very entangled at this time, but in the end she doesn't know how to vent her emotions...

At the same time, the fierce explosion of the dynamic rock directly exploded the middle of the entire Naval Headquarters into a lake. A large amount of seawater poured in, mixed with the magma calcined by the high temperature in the lake, and the seawater was being The magma evaporates continuously, igniting a lot of steam.Sakazuki, the Marine's marshal, hurriedly climbed up the scorching heat with great difficulty and difficulty before the sea water overflowed the magma, and was also on the melting ground, and staggeredly supported the ruins of the collapsed Justice Building. Reluctantly stood firm.

Although he is a capable person of Logia-Lava-Lava Fruit, he can avoid the power of the power rock through elementalization, but the powerful impact has also exploded him back and forth countless times, and almost failed to recover the condensation. The entity comes.

Looking at the Naval Headquarters that had turned into a boundless purgatory, Sakazuki's face also showed a touch of sadness. This New World Naval Headquarters, the symbol of his Sakazuki, is now gone.

But at this time Sakazuki knew that it didn't make sense to think about it now. It's better to be sure about Gromash's life and death. After waiting for a long time while holding the ruins there, Sakazuki didn't see where Gromash's figure emerged from.

A trace of excitement flashed in his eyes, and he whispered softly: "Did you still blow up your damn bastard after all?"

As soon as the voice fell, the entire burning Naval Headquarters shook, and then the island began to tilt up. Sakazuki knew very well that this was a sign that the island that symbolized justice was about to sink into the sea.

At this moment, by the lake where magma and seawater are mixed, one has broken two fingers and is covered with terrible wounds.The bloody arm suddenly stretched out and grabbed the hot and hot. On the ground, a figure that looked miserable then climbed up from the lake with one arm supporting the ground. If you want to talk about why it is with one arm, because

This figure had already disappeared a hand at this time. 4.1

Maybe they were all blown up to fly ash in the explosion just now.

This figure is the arrogant fellow Gromash, he still looked down on Power Rock after all, or, at least this time, his luck was not as good as Zephyr, and the powerful impact was constantly hitting at the time. On his body, and what is even worse is that when he was lifted off several times, he landed on the power rock that was about to explode.

Therefore, the bombing was extremely miserable.

Opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of lava, a black smoke came out of Gromash's nose, and then a smile hung on the corner of Gromash's mouth, whose face was full of black smoke traces, looked at the figure of the guy Sakazuki, and spoke. Said: "Sakazuki, after all, I still didn't blow me up. It disappointed you. But I am seriously injured now.

How to choose Marshal Marine?"

Sakazuki looked at the embarrassed figure of Gromash, and a cruel color flashed in his eyes.If it is now, maybe he can kill Gromash here, which of course makes his heart move, as for what promises and the like. , He Sakazuki is for justice, this life can be spared, will he care about his reputation?

But just when Sakazuki wanted to make up his mind to take action, he saw Gromash just standing by the lake. Behind him, a large amount of water poured in has submerged the magma in the lake...

Seeing this scene, Sakazuki suddenly smiled helplessly, and whispered: "Heh, what a cunning guy. Finally, don't you want to show flaws?".

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