"Please wake up." A voice came.

Chen Hao opened his eyes, and as soon as he opened his eyes, he found himself in an unfamiliar environment.

He looked around subconsciously.

This is a luxurious living room, but Chen Hao can be sure that he has never been to this place.

"Where am I? How did I appear here? I clearly remember that I was sleeping in bed, how come I came here as soon as I woke up?" Chen Hao muttered to himself, and he subconsciously looked across.

Opposite Chen Hao sat a woman, who was wearing silver armor and had a pair of white wings behind her.

Chen Hao's eyes had a hint of doubt: "Angel?"

This woman looked exactly like an angel.

But Chen Hao, as a materialist, never believed in so-called gods, angels and the like.

The first time he saw this angel, three words came to Chen Hao's mind.


But..., that's not right.

Pranks always have to have a reason.

It was a prank between friends, but Chen Hao was just an office worker, who went to work every day and stayed at home playing games, with basically zero social interaction. The woman in front of him was very strange. It shouldn't be a prank between friends.

Was it for money? A prank?

However, Chen Hao had no money, but he had some loans.

After thinking about it, Chen Hao couldn't figure out who was so bored to do this to him.

The female angel looked at Chen Hao's expression and said, "This is not a prank."

Chen Hao's heart skipped a beat, and he frowned and stared at the female angel.

Can she hear her own voice?

The female angel said, "First, I need to tell you something unfortunate. You are dead."

"Dead?" Chen Hao was stunned: "What nonsense are you talking about?"

While talking, Chen Hao subconsciously looked at his body.

When he saw it, Chen Hao's pupils condensed slightly.

He found that his body was translucent at the moment, without any substance.

Chen Hao subconsciously stretched out his hand and touched his body, but his hand went straight through his body.

Soul? These two words immediately appeared in Chen Hao's mind.

Is this a soul?

I'm dead?


Chen Hao recalled his life in his mind.

He was born in an ordinary family with average family conditions, so after graduation, Chen Hao just went to work.

Since graduation, he has been going to work and going home, going to work and going home, repeating every day, spending countless days and nights.

Too lonely, Chen Hao once thought about finding a girlfriend, but too poor, coupled with several failed relationships, Chen Hao was completely desperate for love.

He stopped looking for a girlfriend, he just continued to mess around, going to work every day, playing games at home, and messing around day by day.

It seems that it doesn't matter if I die, anyway, no one cares about me.

Thinking of this, Chen Hao's shock just now slowly recovered.

He looked at the female angel; "Can I ask how I died?"

The female angel said: "You have a hereditary heart disease, plus you stay up all night every day and work under high pressure. When you were sleeping this time, you had a heart attack and died suddenly in your sleep."

Upon hearing this, Chen Hao showed a bitter smile.

Every time he went to bed after staying up late, he was always afraid of sudden death.

Unexpectedly... I didn't escape in the end.

However, dying suddenly in sleep is considered lucky, right?

Chen Hao looked at the female angel: "You are an angel, so... is this heaven?"

The female angel said: "I am not an angel, and this is not heaven. According to your saying, you can call me God. But it doesn't matter..."

"I brought your soul here because of a friend's request." She looked at Chen Hao; "I can't tell you his identity, you just need to know that you have some relationship with him. He asked me to take care of you more, so next, I can let you start over again."

Start over? Chen Hao's eyes lit up immediately, he looked at her and said: "Start over?"

She nodded slightly: "I can let you reincarnate into another world, and let you start over again in another world. In order to make you live happier in your next life, you can tell me your wish."

"Wish..." Chen Hao thought for a while.

Chen Hao looked at her: "I like to raise things, but in the previous world, I didn't have any space or enough food to feed animals, so I want to have space to raise animals and unlimited food."

"By the way." Chen Hao suddenly thought of his sudden death, and he said: "Can I... have an immortal body?"

But after saying this, Chen Hao suddenly felt that he was a little too much.

The first two were already too much, and now this immortal body is really too much and outrageous.

Chen Hao subconsciously touched the back of his head.

The god looked at Chen Hao, and she said; "Okay."

Chen Hao was stunned, and he looked at the god.

For a moment, Chen Hao was a little curious about the friend that the god mentioned.

Who is that friend? What is his relationship with him? What kind of friendship does he have with this god? This god, seeing his face, can actually agree to his unreasonable request.

The god said: "The space you want to raise animals happens to have a world setting, which is very suitable. That world can turn anything and animals you see into cards."

"Just like this." As he spoke, God stretched out his hand, which was on the table in front of him: "Change."

Under Chen Hao's gaze, the table disappeared out of thin air and was replaced by a card, which was suspended in mid-air.

Shen stretched out his hand, held the card, then turned the card and showed Chen Hao the front.

There is a pattern on the front of the card, and that pattern is exactly the pattern of the table.

Seeing this, Chen Hao's eyes lit up slightly.

God continued: "To turn things into cards, you only need to think in your heart and then say change in your mouth."

"If you want to turn the card back into something, that's it." As he said that, God threw the card in his hand in front of him and said, "Transform."

The cards suddenly disappeared, replaced by a table that appeared out of thin air.

Chen Hao's eyes lit up.

God looked at Chen Hao; "Animals can also be turned into cards, just like things. However, after turning into cards, they will also grow and need to consume food. They need to change back to their original appearance before they can be fed food."

Hearing this, Chen Hao suddenly became excited: "This world is very interesting, almost like a game! I want to go!"

It’s so interesting. You can turn animals and things into a world of cards. How interesting it is!

Shen looked at Chen Hao's expression and said, "As long as you like it."

Suddenly, a book appeared out of thin air in front of Chen Hao.

"This is……?"

God said; "There are endless card slots in this book, which can be used to place all kinds of cards you have. In addition, it also has various functions that can help you obtain some animal babies in that world. . If you want the book to appear, just say 'book', and if you want it to disappear, just say it again."


As God's words fell, the book opened automatically.

On the first page of the book, there is a card. The front of the card depicts various ingredients, including grains, vegetables and fruits.

"This card can give you unlimited food. If you want that food, just say the name of that food and you can get it."

"Then, goodbye." God said the last words slowly.

The moment the last sentence was spoken, Chen Hao felt his eyes go dark and his consciousness disappeared.

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