I don't know how long it took before Chen Hao's consciousness returned.

Chen Hao opened his eyes.

"Is it a dream?"

What you see is the blue sky.

Looking at the blue sky, the corner of his mouth twitched: "It doesn't look like a dream."

He stood up and looked around first.

"Crash..." Suddenly, a voice sounded.

Chen Hao raised his head and looked at the source of the sound.

Upon seeing it, Chen Hao's eyes widened.

Chen Hao is surrounded by trees. He is in a forest, and at this moment, he is in the sky directly above the forest.

A giant bird with crimson feathers that looked like a flame flew past.

It was far away from the forest, but the wind it brought due to its huge size still affected the forest, causing the leaves of the forest to rustle.

The wingspan of this giant bird is estimated to be close to more than thirty meters, making it look very huge.

A sense of shock came.

Chen Hao felt a little excited and trembling all over his body.

The giant bird didn't see Chen Hao, it flew away.

Chen Hao slowly stood up and watched the giant bird disappear from sight.

"This giant bird is so big, it's almost as big as a small passenger plane."

Chen Hao looked at the forest around him: "It seems that I am not dreaming. In other words, I have really been reincarnated, and this is a different world."

"By the way, let's see if the things are still there first." Thinking about it, Chen Hao said: "The book."

As Chen Hao's voice sounded, a thick book appeared in front of Chen Hao.

It breaks away from common sense of physics and flies in mid-air.

"It's really amazing." As a materialist, Chen Hao felt that his world view collapsed when he saw this scene.

Chen Hao reached out and opened the book. After turning the first page, what he saw was the ingredient card.

"With this, I don't have to worry about food for the time being. I remember, when I left, God said, this book has other functions. What other functions will it have?"

Thinking about it, Chen Hao turned another page.

When he opened it, Chen Hao's eyes lit up slightly. He found that there was also a card slot on the second page, and there were cards on the card slot.

There is a pattern on the first card, and the pattern depicts a wooden house.

The image on the second card is that of a bonfire.

The pattern on the third card looks like a rope.

The pattern on the fourth card is a black shiny metal sphere.

Seeing this, Chen Hao suddenly understood, and he smiled: "In this way, the problems of shelter and fire are also solved. It seems that the friend God mentioned is really not small, and he can actually do it To this extent.”

"But...who is that friend?" Chen Hao was confused.

Chen Hao shook his head: "Forget it, I can't even think about it."

"It's strange. The wooden house and the bonfire are understandable. The question is, what does this rope and this metal sphere mean?" Chen Hao looked at the third card with a rope.

He picked up the card and looked at it. There was a name on the card.

This rope card also has the name ‘Animal Trapping Rope’.

"Animal trap?"

Chen Hao murmured and continued to look at it.

Under the pattern, there is a description of the card.

The card description reads: Any creature can be captured and forced to become a card. The weaker the creature, the higher the success rate.

Chen Hao's eyes suddenly lit up: "Awesome!"

Chen Hao had a smile on his face: "I was having a headache just now about how to get animals to raise. With this thing here, it will be easier."

After Chen Hao read the animal trapping rope, he looked at the card depicting a metal sphere.

"Biological identification device... can identify living things." Chen Hao looked at this thing and blinked: "Is this thing an identification device? Why does it look like this..."

Chen Hao took out a biological identification card and said, "Transform."

The card disappeared out of thin air. At the same time as the card disappeared, Chen Hao felt his hand sink.

He looked over and found a shiny black metal sphere in his hand.

Chen Hao looked carefully and found a black button on the metal sphere.

Chen Hao pressed the button.

Suddenly, emerald green lights appeared on the metal sphere.

The light slowly condensed directly above the sphere, directly projecting a translucent picture.

There is a center in the middle of the screen.

Seeing this, Chen Hao's eyes lit up slightly: "High technology."

He looked around, and his eyes fell on a big tree not far away. He aimed the center of the picture at that tree.

Suddenly, the scene changed.


'Identification successful...'

'The blue-leaf tree has green leaves in normal times, but in winter, the leaves turn blue, hence the name blue-leaf tree...'

"Oh." Chen Hao smiled: "Good thing, I don't understand the plants and animals in this world. It will be much more convenient if it is here."

"Roar!" Suddenly, a roar sounded.

This voice attracted Chen Hao's attention.

He subconsciously looked towards the source of the sound.

"Whoosh!" Accompanied by this roar, the surrounding leaves were blown loudly.

There was a hint of curiosity in Chen Hao's eyes, and he silently recited the words "Book" in his heart.

The book disappears automatically.

Chen Hao held the biological identification device and walked towards the source of the sound.

Not long after walking, Chen Hao saw two creatures confronting each other not far away.

One of the two creatures looks like a wolf and the other looks like a bear.

But this thing is completely different from the wolves and bears Chen Hao saw in the zoo.

The wolf, lying on all fours, was nearly two meters tall at the shoulders. It had gray and white hair all over its body and crisscrossed muscles.

A normal person would probably be frightened to the point of weakening his legs if he took one look at this thing.

At this moment, the giant wolf was sullenly staring at the bear-like creature ahead.

The giant bear looked like a human at the moment, standing on two feet. Its hair was golden and its belly was white.

It stood on two legs, with a shoulder height of nearly four meters, and its muscles were crisscrossed, making it look extremely scary.

It bared its fangs and stared at the giant wolf.

The moment he saw the two creatures, Chen Hao felt a chill surge from his heart and his legs became weak.

Driven by fear, he hurriedly retreated behind the big tree. He turned his face sideways, stuck his head out from behind the big tree, and looked at the two behemoths in the distance.

Chen Hao had cold sweat on his forehead: "In the world of the previous life, if an adult encountered an ordinary wolf or an ordinary bear in the wild, he would shout for help. I was really lucky. I met two of them at once. , and these two don’t look like ordinary wolves and bears no matter how you look at them... If they are discovered, I probably won’t have enough meat to fill their teeth.”

Thinking about it, Chen Hao withdrew his gaze and was about to apply oil on his soles and slip away quickly.


"Boom!" accompanied by a loud noise.

Chen Hao was immediately attracted by the sound, and he subconsciously looked behind him.

I saw that the giant wolf had moved at this moment, and it rushed towards the giant bear.

When you get close, it opens its mouth.

Under Chen Hao's gaze, the hair on the giant wolf fluttered with the strong wind. In front of the giant wolf, three half-moon-shaped wind blades suddenly appeared and shot towards the giant bear.

Chen Hao's eyes lit up when he saw it: "Is this... magic?"

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