The wind blades spun wildly and shot at the giant bear.

The diameter of the wind blades was nearly one meter. Three wind blades whistled over. The giant bear had no way to hide, and it did not hide.

"Roar!" The giant bear roared angrily, and a brown light shone all over its body.

As the light came on, the giant bear was covered with a layer of rock armor.


With a loud bang, the wind blade hit the rock armor on the giant bear, and the armor made a loud noise.

However, the wind blade failed to penetrate the armor.

The other two wind blades did not hit the giant bear, but passed by the two sides of the giant bear and flew away.

"Shua shua shua..." Those small trees as thick as bowls were cut in half. The wind blades continued to move forward and hit a big tree. With a loud noise, a towering tree not far away was cut off!

"Boom..." The big tree fell down with a loud noise.

Chen Hao's eyes were straight.

The giant bear ran and rushed towards the giant wolf, and the bear paw slapped the giant wolf.

The giant wolf's pupils condensed slightly.

"Ah..." accompanied by a wail.

The giant wolf's body was slapped away.

It fell heavily on the ground, and there were three sharp claw marks on the wolf's waist.

The giant wolf struggled to get up, and it hurriedly fled to the distance!

The giant bear did not catch up, it suddenly opened its mouth and howled to the sky.


The roar made the whole forest seem to tremble.

Seeing this, Chen Hao swallowed his saliva, retracted his sight, and took advantage of this guy still immersed in the joy of victory, and left carefully.

He walked away, and he didn't feel the giant bear approaching, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fuck..." Chen Hao leaned against a big tree softly and sat down slowly: "What the hell is that? Fortunately, it didn't catch up, otherwise I would have to see the god again."

Suddenly, Chen Hao thought of the trap rope.

"Can we catch that giant bear with the trap rope?" Chen Hao shook his head immediately: "No, the instructions for the trap rope say that the weaker the opponent is, the higher the success rate. The giant bear doesn't look weak. If I do it, I'm afraid I'll become its food."

"But... it would be great if that thing had a cub. I'd raise it and ride it. That would be awesome."

"Magical creatures... it's really scary to watch a fight between magical creatures up close. Such a thick tree was cut into two pieces." Chen Hao muttered. He recovered and stood up slowly.

Suddenly, Chen Hao's mind flashed, and he instantly thought of the scene of the giant wolf being injured just now.

Chen Hao took out the trap rope card from his trouser pocket and looked at the words on the trap rope card.

"The weaker the opponent is, the higher the success rate..."

The giant wolf was seriously injured just now. It's estimated that it won't last long with such an injury.

Chen Hao's heart warmed up when he thought of the attack used by the giant wolf.

Chen Hao licked his lips: "I want that wolf."

As he said that, Chen Hao walked back.

Of course, Chen Hao was not stupid enough to run directly to the place where the giant bear was.

He deliberately and carefully bypassed the place where the battle had just taken place.

"The giant wolf was seriously injured. Such a serious injury must have left blood. As long as I find the blood and follow the blood, I can find its location."

Chen Hao thought so.


An hour later.

Chen Hao was lost.

Chen Hao stood in this forest full of trees, and his mouth twitched.

"Who can tell me where the east, south, west and north are..."

As a modern man, Chen Hao lives a straight line every day. He has never had any experience in surviving in the wild. It is simply a joke for him to walk in the forest and track a target.

Suddenly, Chen Hao's heart moved.

"By the way, since God has prepared a wooden house and other things for me, she must have prepared a map for me, right?" Thinking of this, Chen Hao took out the book again.

He opened the book and turned to the fourth page.

Sure enough, there was a card on the fourth page of the book.

It was a card depicting a white and shiny spherical metal pattern.

There were words on the card.

"Biological sensor, can sense and explore the location of surrounding creatures."

Seeing this, Chen Hao's eyes lit up.

He took out the card and said, "Transform."

The card turned into a white metal sphere and fell into Chen Hao's hand.

Chen Hao pressed the button on the white metal sphere.

As soon as the button was pressed, the metal sphere lit up with a blue light.

In an instant, a translucent circular flat screen appeared in front of Chen Hao.

On this screen, you can see a little green dot in the middle, and some red dots can be seen around the green dot.

There are big and small red dots, some are gathered together, and some are single.

Some are moving, and some are in a stopped posture.

The screen also shows pointers in the four directions of southeast, northwest, and northeast.

"Sure enough, God will not let me down." Chen Hao had a smile on his face.

"The location of the giant wolf should be nearby." Chen Hao looked at the red dot closest to him.

At a glance, Chen Hao found that the red dot closest to him was overlapping with him.

Seeing this, Chen Hao looked around, but did not see any living creatures.

"Huh? There is nothing, is this thing broken?"

"Sha!" Suddenly, Chen Hao heard a voice from above.

Hearing this voice, Chen Hao's pupils condensed, he suddenly raised his head and saw a green snake shooting towards him from above.


Chen Hao cursed inwardly, and he quickly raised his hand and held the body of the snake. However, the body of the snake was too long, and it turned its head and bit Chen Hao's arm.

Chen Hao watched its teeth bite his arm, and he felt the scales of the snake rubbing against his arm and the teeth touching his skin.

Chen Hao had goose bumps all over his body, and he almost instantly slammed his head to the ground.


Chen Hao stepped over and stepped on the snake's head, crushing it directly.

"Huhu..." Chen Hao panted because of nervousness, and he looked at his bitten arm.

I don't know if it's poisonous. If it is poisonous, I guess I'll have to report to God in a while.

Seeing it, Chen Hao was slightly startled.

He found that there was no wound on his arm.

"What is this...?" Chen Hao clearly saw that his arm was bitten by the snake, and the feeling of the snake's teeth falling on his arm was still very clear.

But there was no wound.

Chen Hao had a flash of inspiration.

"Immortal body..." Chen Hao smiled: "Is this the effect of immortal body?"

"Not bad." Chen Hao was very satisfied.

With this immortal body, even if the snake is poisonous, it will be fine.

Chen Hao looked at the map in his hand.

Where is the next red dot?

Chen Hao went to find the second red dot with the idea of ​​encountering another biological attack.

But this second red dot was together with the other three red dots.

Among the four red dots, one was big and three were small.

In order to find the giant wolf, Chen Hao mustered up his courage and walked over there.

He passed through layers of dense forests and came to the location of the second red dot.

"This is..." Chen Hao looked at the scarlet blood on the ground, his eyes lit up, he looked forward along the blood, and there was a vine blocking the front.

He pushed the vine blocking in front of him and passed by the vine.

In sight, Chen Hao saw a nest made of dead grass under the roots of a big tree.

In that den, there was a giant wolf lying, exactly the giant wolf just now.

The giant wolf was lying, and in the giant wolf's arms, three little wolf cubs with white hair were lying in the giant wolf's arms drinking milk.

Seeing this, Chen Hao immediately understood.

The big red dot is the adult creature, and the small red dot is the biological cub.

"No wonder God said that this book can help me get biological cubs, so that's it..."

Chen Hao looked from a distance, and he found that the giant wolf was lying on the ground, without any movement.

And the three cubs were drinking wildly.

The three little things ignored Chen Hao.

Chen Hao approached carefully, and he found that the giant wolf had no sound and no breath.

"Is it dead?" Chen Hao squatted down, his hand fell in front of the giant wolf's nose, and he didn't feel any breath.

Already dead.

Chen Hao looked at the three wolf cubs.

The three wolf cubs didn't even open their eyes, just drank milk, and didn't pay any attention to Chen Hao's existence.

Seeing this, Chen Hao sighed: "It's a pity."

"If these three little guys stay here, they will either starve to death or be eaten by other animals. I will be merciful and let you three follow me. I hope that when you grow up, you can be as strong as your mother and protect me at that time."

Chen Hao muttered.

"If you catch them, you shouldn't need a rope." Chen Hao stretched out his hand and touched one of the little wolf cubs.


The little wolf cub disappeared out of thin air, and a card appeared in Chen Hao's hand.

"Wind Wolf Cub." Chen Hao looked at the name on the card and smiled like a father.

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