Chen Hao turned the three wind wolf cubs into cards, and his eyes fell on the giant wolf corpse.

"The corpse can't be wasted." Chen Hao put his hand on the giant wolf corpse: "Transform."

The giant wolf corpse disappeared out of thin air, and a card replaced it.

Chen Hao took the card and looked at it.

The card pattern depicted the appearance of the giant wolf corpse, and it was written on the top of the card.

The corpse of the wind wolf king.

"Wind Wolf King, this name is very domineering."

"Watch those videos of wild survival on TV. The meat of wild animals can be roasted and eaten, and the skin of animals can be used to make clothes..., but I don't have the technology to dissect it." Chen Hao muttered: "Forget it, keep it first, after all, such a powerful monster corpse must have some value."

Chen Hao took out the card that had just been put into the book with a wind wolf cub.

He looked at it carefully.

This card transformed from a wind wolf cub is different from other cards Chen Hao had before.

There is a small mark in front of the four words "Wind Wolf Cub", and the mark has three small words [Cub Period].

Three red, blue and green stripes can be seen on this card.

Next to the red strip is "Hunger".

Next to the blue strip is "Thirst".

Next to the green strip is "Taming".

The Hunger value is: 9%.

The Thirst value is: 10%.

The Taming value is: Zero.

Chen Hao's eyes lit up: "With these three values, I can know whether the animal is hungry or thirsty. This Taming value is also good. With this thing, I can know the degree of taming."

"Nine percent and ten percent, this little guy should be hungry and thirsty now, no wonder it just lay on the Wind Wolf King and kept drinking milk."

"We have to feed it."

Chen Hao did it without hesitation.

He looked around and found a big tree. He sat down on the leaves under the big tree.

"Transform." As Chen Hao's voice fell.

A wind wolf cub appeared in front of him.

The little guy had white fur all over his body, and his eyes were closed.

After changing from a card back to an animal posture, the little guy sniffed the ground with his nose.

Chen Hao knew at a glance that the little guy was hungry and looking for food.

Looking at this furry, chubby little guy, Chen Hao was so happy.

He couldn't help but stretch out his hands to hug it, muttering: "Come, let the master hug you."

Chen Hao stretched out his hands and picked up the little guy.

As soon as he held it, Chen Hao felt heavy.

The heavy feeling came from his hands.

Although he held it up, at this moment, Chen Hao felt something was wrong.

"Turtle, your little guy has grown too big."

This guy was obviously a cub at first glance, but now when he held it, Chen Hao immediately realized that this guy was so big.

"It has not opened its eyes yet, but its size is comparable to that of a small adult dog. If it grows to adulthood, it will be much larger than a large adult dog. I wonder if you can grow as big as your mother."

The little guy did not struggle. It just sniffed Chen Hao's arm with its nose and opened its mouth. Chen Hao noticed that it had not even grown milk teeth in its mouth yet. It stretched out its pink tongue and licked Chen Hao's arm.

This lick made Chen Hao feel warm and moist.

"Haha, good boy, stop licking, it's itchy." Chen Hao couldn't help laughing.

He put the little guy in his arms, hugged the little guy, and stroked his little head with his left hand.

At the same time, he called out the book and took out the infinite food card in the book.

"Woo..." The little guy's stomach must be really hungry. It whined in a milky voice, as if it was acting like a spoiled child.

Hearing this voice, Chen Hao was very happy: "This little guy can act like a spoiled child. Okay, don't worry, I'll get you food right away."

"How do I use this infinite food card?" Chen Hao muttered: "I remember that god said that as long as I want some food, I can think about it in my mind, and then I can have it, right?"

"This little guy has no teeth, so meat is definitely not good. He can only eat milk. Get some milk for him."

"How to do it?"

Chen Hao looked at the infinite food card in his hand: "Try it, milk, milk, milk..."

Chen Hao thought in his mind.

"Is there no milk? Or am I doing it wrong?" Chen Hao looked around and didn't see any milk.

He thought for a while: "Or..."

Chen Hao thought about milk in his mind, and then said: "Melt."

As Chen Hao's voice fell, suddenly, a large can of transparent milk bottles appeared out of thin air in front of Chen Hao.

Chen Hao's eyes lit up, he reached out and took it.

"Tsk, not bad, this milk bottle also has a pacifier, you are really good." Chen Hao was happy.

He looked at the infinite food card, which was still in his hand.

Chen Hao smiled: "Such a big bottle should be enough for three little things."

As he said that, Chen Hao put the infinite food card into the card slot of the book.

Chen Hao silently said "book" in his mind, and the book disappeared out of thin air.

Chen Hao retracted his gaze and looked at the wind wolf cub in his arms.

The wind wolf cub also made a whimpering sound: "Woo... woo..."

He hugged it with one hand, and then said with a smile; "Come, come..." Chen Hao put the nipple of the bottle in front of its mouth.

All of a sudden, the mouth of the wind wolf cub was blocked by the pacifier. It seemed to realize something, and it held the pacifier and sucked it in big mouthfuls.

Chen Hao watched the sucked milk overflow from the edge of its mouth.

He smiled and said, "This little guy is really wasteful."

Of course, Chen Hao was just talking, he didn't care.

The wind wolf cub ate happily for about ten minutes.

The wind wolf cub let go of the pacifier, adjusted its posture, moved closer to Chen Hao's arms, and then turned over its bulging belly, it seemed that it was full and ready to sleep.

Seeing it like this, Chen Hao was happy.

"Go to sleep in the card, I'll go feed your other two brothers."


The wind wolf cub turned into a card.

Chen Hao held the card and glanced at it.

Hunger: 100%.

Thirst: 100%.

Taming: 100%.

Seeing this, Chen Hao was slightly startled, and his eyes suddenly lit up: "Is this taming degree...full?"

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