Chen Hao's face was full of smiles: "This is too simple. I thought that the taming degree had to be slowly increased."

"Why did the taming degree go from zero to 100% directly?"

"Is it the food characteristics from the infinite food card, or is it due to other reasons?" Chen Hao pondered.

Chen Hao did not get the answers to these questions for the time being.

Forget it for now, feed the other two wind wolf cubs.

Chen Hao spent some time feeding the two wind wolf cubs.

Just like the first one, after feeding, the taming degree of these two wind wolf cubs also became 100%.

Chen Hao could not figure it out for the time being, so he did not think about it anymore.

He stood up and was about to leave.

Suddenly, Chen Hao felt that the vision in front of him became a little dim.

He raised his head and looked at the sky, only to see a dim yellow in the west.

"It's already evening." Chen Hao frowned: "We need to find an open place to put the wooden house for rest, otherwise it will be troublesome if we can't see anything after nightfall."

There are too many trees on the wolf den side, which is convenient for the wind wolf cubs to hide, but not suitable for placing wooden houses.

Chen Hao can only choose to find another place.

In order to avoid being encountered by large beasts, Chen Hao picked up the map projected by the biological sensor and looked for a suitable residence.

Soon, Chen Hao found a spacious place.

He took out the wooden house card and threw it on the wide land in front: "Transform."

As Chen Hao's voice fell, the card disappeared out of thin air.


"Boom boom boom..." Chen Hao could feel the ground under his feet shaking.

Then Chen Hao saw four wooden stakes suddenly grow on the ground in front of him, followed by wooden boards.

In the blink of an eye, a complete wooden house appeared in front of Chen Hao.

This wooden house has a foundation, and its floor is half a meter high from the ground next to it.

There is a staircase in front of the door of the wooden house for people to enter.

Chen Hao stepped into the wooden house.

The wooden house is not big, but there are tables, chairs, beds, and even primitive indoor stoves for burning fires for heating.

When the wooden house was ready, it was already night.

The stars were bright outside the window.

Chen Hao lay on the wooden bed, covered with a quilt, pillowed on the pillow, looking at the unfamiliar ceiling above.

Now Chen Hao was a little worried.

There are so many magical beasts in this forest. Can a wooden house in such a place defend against them?

What if those monsters attack him while he is sleeping?

Chen Hao frowned, and the more he thought about it, the more he couldn't sleep.

He tossed and turned in bed, listening to the noise outside with his ears erect.

Time passed little by little.

A ray of sunlight came through the window and fell into the bedroom of the wooden house.

Feeling the light, Chen Hao suddenly opened his eyes.

He sat up suddenly.

"I fell asleep by accident." Chen Hao got up quickly and looked at the door. The wooden door was still closed and there was no movement.

Chen Hao got up, went out, and looked around.

There were no monsters around. He looked back at the wooden house behind him.

The wooden house was still intact as it was last night.

Seeing this, Chen Hao breathed a sigh of relief.

Although it felt a little strange, since it was not attacked, it was safe.

Chen Hao breathed a sigh of relief.

"Gurgle..." Suddenly, Chen Hao heard a sound.

It was the sound of his stomach.

Chen Hao covered his stomach: "It's time to have breakfast."

He went back to the dining table in the wooden house and sat down.

He took out the infinite food card and the three wind wolf cub cards.

When Chen Hao took out the wind wolf cub card, Chen Hao was slightly startled.

"This is..." Chen Hao picked up one of the wind wolf cub cards, but found that the pattern and name of the card had changed.

"Young Wind Wolf."

On the card pattern, the wind wolf cub that had closed its eyes before has now opened its eyes and changed into another posture.

Chen Hao blinked and threw one of the cards to the ground: "Transform."

The card turned into a young wind wolf.

The wind wolf appeared in front of Chen Hao.

At the sight, Chen Hao's eyes were straight.

Only one night later, the original wind wolf cub had completely changed.

Its white fur has now turned grayish white, with gray on its back and white on its belly.

Its current size is comparable to that of a medium-sized adult dog, with light blue pupils and full permanent teeth on its mouth.

It stared straight at Chen Hao, wagging its tail, sticking out its tongue, and rubbing its head against Chen Hao's feet like a spoiled child.

"Ah..." It made a howling sound, like a whisper of spoiled childishness.

" growing too fast?" Chen Hao muttered as he reached out and stroked its head.

The little guy closed his eyes and enjoyed Chen Hao's touch.

"Normally, it would be impossible for it to grow so fast. In other words, it is the influence of infinite food cards and cardization?"

"No, God said that this world is set up like this. All animals in this world can be cardized. In other words, is this the influence of food?"

"It has grown so big in such a short time. It's really amazing."

Chen Hao smiled: "You should be able to eat meat."

Thinking of this, Chen Hao stood up and took out a pot of pork and a pot of water from the infinite food card and placed them in front of it.

The little guy immediately shook his tail excitedly and started eating.

Chen Hao looked at its tail that was wagging so happily, and he touched his chin.

"Is this little guy a dog or a wolf..., don't wolves know how to wag their tails..."

Forget it, although it is a wolf, it is also a monster. It is obviously not good to use the common sense of the world on monsters.

Chen Hao also called out the other two young wind wolves and fed them.

Chen Hao looked at the three young wind wolves that had grown to the size of medium-sized adult dogs, and he thought: "I wonder if they can use wind magic now."

Chen Hao took out food from the unlimited food card, and he ate breakfast by himself, thinking to himself.

Maybe I can take them outside to try..., I wonder if they can understand what I say.

The IQ of monsters should be much smarter than that of the puppies in that world, right?

Thinking of this, Chen Hao decided to take a look later.

After breakfast, Chen Hao took the three young wind wolves out.

Chen Hao fixed his eyes on a tree not far away that was as thick as an adult's thigh, and then looked at the young wind wolves beside him.

The three young wind wolves were shaking their tails, staring at Chen Hao with their eyes, as if waiting for something.

Chen Hao stretched out his hand and pointed at the tree not far away, and said; "Attack."

The three young wind wolves looked at the tree in front of them together, and then looked at Chen Hao again. They tilted their heads together and stared at Chen Hao with their big eyes.

That look was just short of writing a question mark on their heads.

Obviously, they didn't understand.

Chen Hao touched the back of his head.

Yes, even if the Warcraft is smarter than ordinary animals, they are not smart enough to understand human language after listening once.

Chen Hao thought for a while.

Chen Hao squatted down and picked up a stone from the ground.

He stared at the big tree not far away and smashed it hard.

The stone flew out.


Accompanied by a muffled sound.

The stone hit the tree.

The three young wind wolves looked at them, and their eyes became fierce.

"Ah!" accompanied by a tender wolf howl.

Chen Hao could see that a wind blade emerged from the front of the three young wind wolves, and the wind blades shot towards the big tree in front.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

Three muffled sounds.

The tree as thick as a thigh was directly cut off by three wind blades.

"Boom." The big tree fell down with a muffled sound.

Chen Hao's eyes lit up slightly when he saw this.

"The diameter of this wind blade is only 30 centimeters, and only one of them can be fired, which is not as good as their mother, but the destructive power is not weak."

"Not bad."

"Ah..." A voice came from the side.

Chen Hao saw that the three little guys were surrounding him, wagging their tails, looking straight at Chen Hao, and their expressions were full of expectation.

Seeing this, Chen Hao was happy, he squatted down, stretched out his hand and stroked their heads.

"Well done."

Enjoying Chen Hao's touch, the three little guys closed their eyes and wagged their tails more happily.

Chen Hao smiled. With these three little guys, he had some fighting power.

This way, he could go hunt those adult monsters and use the trapping rope to get new monsters.

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