I am immortal and I raise a divine beast in another world

Chapter 98: To avoid slacking off, learn something

The God of Law adjusted his mood, looked at Chen Hao, and said with a smile: "Old man, I still have a dark holy beast magic crystal. The extra holy beast magic crystal is not needed. Since you like it so much, I will give it to you."

Chen Hao smiled: "How can I be so embarrassed."

The God of Law smiled and was about to ask Chen Hao not to be polite.

Chen Hao said: "Transform."

The diamond-shaped magic crystal with a diameter comparable to that of a basketball appeared in front of Chen Hao.

Chen Hao handed the diamond-shaped magic crystal to Ye Mei beside him.

Ye Mei took a look, stretched out her little hand to take it, and then looked at Chen Hao.

Chen Hao smiled and said: "Eat it."

Ye Mei heard it, and it hummed, then held the huge magic crystal and ate it bite by bite.

Chen Hao retracted his gaze and looked at the God of Law, only to see the God of Law looking at him awkwardly.

Chen Hao looked at the God of Law and said with a smile: "God of Law, your card collection book looks quite thick."

When the God of Law heard this, he reached out his hand, took the card collection book and put it in his pocket.

The action was very fast.

Chen Hao blinked.

The God of Law coughed, he looked at Ye Mei beside him, and then looked at Chen Hao: "If the magic crystal of the holy beast is directly given to the half-holy period magic beast, won't the magic beast explode and die because it can't bear the pressure of the magic element?"

When Chen Hao heard this, he looked at the God of Law and said with a smile: "I have my own way."

Hearing this, the God of Law stretched his eyebrows, he stroked his sheep beard, and looked at Chen Hao: "Little friend, can you teach me some knowledge of beast control?"

"Hmm?" Chen Hao was slightly startled, he was a little confused: "Aren't you a magician?"

The God of Law smiled: "I am indeed a magician, but before I was a magician, I was also a beast control master."

As he said, the God of Law took out another card collection book from his pocket.

This card collection book looks thin.

The God of Law handed the card collection book to Chen Hao: "These are the various magic beasts and monsters cultivated by the old man."

Chen Hao took the card collection book and opened it to take a look.

One by one, the cards of magic beasts and monsters appeared in front of him.

"Mature stage..."

"Beast King stage..."

"Beast King stage..."

"Mature stage..."

"Beast King stage..."


Chen Hao counted them carefully. The old man had a total of 21 magic beasts and monsters.

The strongest one was in the beast king stage, and the weakest one was in the cub stage.

There were five cards in the beast king stage, and most of the others were in the mature stage.

Chen Hao looked at the God of Law: "Is there no awakening stage?"

When the God of Law heard this, he smiled bitterly: "Although I am a magician, I am also a beastmaster. In these long years, I have studied a lot of knowledge about beastmasters. I found that it is not so easy to train beastmasters to the awakening stage."

"According to my theory, if a beastmaster in the beast king stage wants to evolve to the awakening stage, you can feed it the magic crystal of awakening beasts, and then slowly over time, let it absorb the magic crystals into its own magic crystals little by little."

"In this way, as long as you wait slowly, the beastmaster in the beast king stage will have the opportunity to enter the awakening stage, but even so, you need to have excellent talent and qualifications for beastmastering."

"Otherwise, even if there is enough magic, it will be wasted due to insufficient talent and qualifications, and the beastmaster will not be able to evolve."

Speaking of this, the God of Law touched the gray hair on his head, his face full of distress.

"Six hundred years ago, my magic had reached its limit, so I turned to studying beast control. As a result, more than six hundred years have passed, and the strongest beast control that has been cultivated is only the beast king stage." At this point, the God of Law looked at Chen Hao and said bitterly: "Friend God of Law, you have to save me, an old man."

"Uh..." After Chen Hao heard what the God of Law said, he was a little confused for a while.

Six hundred years, only a beast king stage beast was cultivated?

How did this old man do it?

However, after listening to the God of Law, Chen Hao also realized the difficulty of cultivating beasts.

It turns out that without the help of the book, it is so difficult for a demon beast to evolve from the beast king stage to the awakening stage.

No wonder humans can't cultivate awakening beasts. It's harder than climbing to the sky to cultivate awakening beasts.

Chen Hao looked at the old man's face full of help. Chen Hao touched the back of his head and smiled awkwardly: "To be honest, I can't teach you how to train beasts."

When the God of Law heard this, he sighed deeply.

Looking at the helpless attitude of the God of Law, Chen Hao smiled and comforted: "You don't have to be like this. Even if you don't have much talent in beast control. You have already achieved good results in magic. If you are strong in magic and beast control, how can others survive?"

The God of Law's eyes lit up, he looked at Chen Hao, with a smile on his face: "Not bad."

He raised his skinny hand, stroked his goat beard, tilted his head, and looked proud: "Although I am not good at beast control, I am still quite confident in magic."

Looking at the old man's reaction, Chen Hao always felt that the old man was more like an old naughty boy.

This old naughty boy is the so-called master of the Temple of the God of Law?

Why does it feel so awkward?

Wait a minute

"That's right!" Chen Hao looked at the God of Magic and said, "Aren't you the God of Magic?"

The God of Magic was startled. He looked at Chen Hao with doubt in his eyes.

Chen Hao smiled and said, "You are the God of Magic, so you must know magic, right? Teach me."

The God of Magic was stunned: "Huh?"

The God of Magic probably never thought that he wanted to come here to find Chen Hao to explore the knowledge of beast control, but Chen Hao turned around and asked him to teach him magic.

Chen Hao smiled and said, "I'm idle anyway. Magic looks interesting. I want to learn it."

Indeed, Chen Hao has been very free recently.

His biggest expectation every day is to wait for the changes of the monsters the next day.

Then after watching their changes in the morning, he began to be in a state of idleness, basically doing nothing and not needing to do anything.

He has food to eat and a place to live.

Life lacks entertainment and pursuit.

There are no games to play, so he can only lie on the wooden bed when he has nothing to do, which is called the fishing mode.

Now Chen Hao remembered magic, and it must be interesting to let this God of Magic teach him magic.

The God of Magic looked at Chen Hao's interested look, and he smiled and said, "Magic is easy to talk about."

Then, the God of Magic took out another card collection book from his pocket.

Seeing this, Chen Hao stretched his eyebrows.

This is the third one.

The magic god took out two cards from the card collection book.

The magic god took out the first card.


The card turned into a thick book.

He handed the book to Chen Hao and said with a smile; "This book was written by me, an old man. It contains my lifelong experience in magic and spells of various levels of magic. With it, you can learn magic at will."

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