"However, before reading this book, you must first know what your own magic attribute is."

The God of Magic looked at the cards on the table: "Transform."

The card turned into a crystal ball.

The God of Magic looked at Chen Hao and said: "Put your hand on the crystal ball, so you can know what attribute of magic you can learn."

The God of Magic said: "There are seven main magic systems in this world. The seven main magic systems, wind, fire, earth, water, wood, dark and light correspond to the seven colors of green, red, yellow, blue, green, black and white. Just put your hand on the crystal ball and the crystal ball will light up the corresponding color."

"Normal people will be liked by one of the six magic elements according to their birth environment and their own personality. We call the liking of magic elements affinity."

"The higher the affinity, the easier it is to learn. Magic. People with better talents will see a single brighter color when using the crystal ball. "

"People with excellent talents will see two or even three colors."

The God of Magic smiled proudly: "I am an old man, and I am also very talented. When I used the crystal ball to detect magic for the first time, it showed three series of bright colors. I am a genius."

Hearing this, Chen Hao immediately became interested: "Just put your hand on it, right?"

As he said, Chen Hao stretched out his hand and put it on the crystal ball: "Let me see what color I am."

As Chen Hao put his hand on the crystal ball.

The crystal ball lit up.

A little golden brown light lit up.

The God of Magic stroked his sheep's beard and said with a smile: "It is the earth magic element, it looks very bright, this talent is not bad..., wait a minute..."

As the golden brown light lit up, another emerald green light lit up.

There was a hint of surprise in the eyes of the God of Law: "After the earth magic, it is the wood magic element. You can actually get the recognition of two magic elements. Yes, this means that you have a high talent for magic... eh?!"

As the emerald green light lit up, a red light lit up.

The God of Law's eyes were full of surprise, and he looked at Chen Hao: "Fire magic element... You actually got the recognition of three magic elements. This is already a top-notch talent, and the light is so bright, it can be seen that these three magic elements like you very much... ah?"

After the red light lit up, the cyan halo followed.

"Cyan, wind magic element... My God, four kinds of magic elements?!"

After the cyan light lit up, it was the blue magic element.

The God of Law paused with his hand holding the sheep's beard, his eyes widened, his mouth slightly opened, and he couldn't speak for a while.

After the blue light lit up, there was another light, which was the dark shadow.

After the shadow appeared, a ball of bright white light appeared.

The God of Law stood up suddenly, his eyes stared at Chen Hao, his skinny face full of disbelief.

Chen Hao looked at the crystal ball and saw that no other light was on, so he retracted his hand.

The light of the crystal ball went out.

Chen Hao looked at the God of Law and found that the God of Law was staring at him blankly.

Chen Hao looked at his hand.

He almost forgot.

The body that Chen Hao was reborn in was also given by God.

Attracting magic essence is obviously related to the human body.

Through the existence of the "book", Chen Hao realized that the god gave Chen Hao the kind of thing that he would give if he could, just because he was afraid that Chen Hao would not have enough.

Obviously, this body created by God is the type that everyone loves, and magic essence also loves it when it sees it.

The seven types of magic essence like Chen Hao.

What Chen Hao has is the affinity of the seven types of magic essence.

Chen Hao looked at the God of Magic and asked with interest: "My talent is not bad, right?"

The God of Magic adjusted his mood and said with a smile: "People in the Walf Continent call me the God of Magic. Now it seems that the real God of Magic is about to be replaced. With your talent, your future achievements will definitely be better than mine."

Chen Hao crossed his arms and said: "I am not interested in gods or anything like that. I just have nothing to do and want to learn some magic, so that it is easier to light a fire, cook, walk, etc."

The God of Magic's eyelids twitched, he slowly sat down and shook his head: "It's really annoying to compare people."

"I always thought that in the magic world, no one's talent can surpass mine. I really didn't expect..." The God of Magic sighed helplessly: "It seems that the future is still the world of you young people. I'm old."

Chen Hao smiled: "Don't be old, sit down, tell me about magic, how can I use magic."

Chen Hao is quite interested in the magic of this world.

After all, this is a magic world.

I have nothing to do, but I can use magic.

Chen Hao doesn't understand magic at all, so he just asks this old man.

The God of Law was also very patient. Whenever Chen Hao asked, he would answer.

Time passed by minute by minute.

It was evening.

"I think it's almost dark." The God of Law said with a smile, "Old man, I should go back too."

Chen Hao was slightly startled: "Go back? Where?"

The God of Law stood up and said with a smile, "I'm living in the Temple of the God of Law now. You can come to the Walf Continent to find me when you have time."

Chen Hao said with a smile, "You came all the way here, why don't you stay a few more days? I still have many doubts about magic that I want to ask you."

"Haha..." The God of Law smiled awkwardly, "I've suffered too many setbacks today. The doubts about magic are all recorded in the magic experience book that I left for you. It can answer your doubts."

Seeing that the God of Law looked like he wanted to slip away, Chen Hao didn't try to keep him any longer.

He stood up, "Then I'll take you there."

Chen Hao took the God of Law out the door.

The fire crow flapped its wings and landed in front of the God of Magic.

Chen Hao looked at the fire crow in front of him, and he crossed his arms over his chest: "God of Magic, this fire crow looks good."

The God of Magic, who was about to climb onto the fire crow, paused when he heard it, and his speed of climbing onto the fire crow suddenly increased a little.

He sat on the back of the fire crow and looked at Chen Hao with a smile: "Then my friend, we will meet again if we are lucky." He seemed not to hear Chen Hao's hint.

Chen Hao smiled: "Go."

The fire crow flapped its wings and flew into the sky with a gust of wind.

Chen Hao watched the God of Magic fly away, and he stretched his eyebrows: "Today is not in vain, I learned a lot."

Thinking of this, Chen Hao raised his hand, and he silently recited a bunch of incomprehensible spells.

In an instant, a ball of fire lit up from his palm.

The flame rolled above his palm.

This is a magic that Chen Hao learned this afternoon.

Magic requires mental power, and mental power is the key to communicating magic elements.

In addition, there are spells, which are equivalent to giving orders to magic essence.

Chen Hao basically spent the afternoon reciting spells.

"It's interesting, but too troublesome, just like reciting a text, it gives me a headache." Chen Hao waved his hand, and the fireball flew up and slowly dissipated in his vision.

"Master." Suddenly, a voice came from the side.

Chen Hao looked at the voice and saw Ye Mei standing there. It was surrounded by black mist. It frowned and looked a little uncomfortable. It covered its stomach with its hands: "Master, I feel a little uncomfortable..."

Chen Hao was stunned, and he nodded slightly: "It should be the problem of the magic essence you took before. You go back to the book and rest."


"Change." Chen Hao said.

Ye Mei turned into a card.

Chen Hao put Ye Mei's card into the book.

Looking at Ye Mei's card.

Tomorrow Xiaoying can evolve to the level of a holy beast.

What will it be like when the strongest dark magic beast evolves to the level of a holy beast?

Chen Hao was somewhat looking forward to it.

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