I am immortal

Chapter 660: At the foot of Fangcun Mountain, the Taoist name is Bodhi!

After bidding farewell to the capital, Qi Wuhuo took the child around, visiting mountain gods and looking for places. They traveled from south to north and saw many scenery along the way. The child asked him who the second person he wanted to visit was. Qi Wuhuo didn't answer directly, but just led him forward step by step.

The first step has left the city where he was before, and the second step is thousands of miles away. Pieces of white snow fall from the sky, dancing and falling. The child reaches out his hand and catches the falling pieces in the sky. Xue Hua's eyes widened with a dazzling brilliance. He looked up and saw the mountains in this area towering. The mountains were steep and sharp, like spears and swords, which gave people a subconscious chill.

The child's eyes widened and he said doubtfully: "This is..."

"This is the retreat of an old friend of mine."

The black-robed emperor pulled him step by step through the rugged rocks and the earth, saying: "He is my old friend. He has shown his talents since he was young. He has been lonely in this life. His father and brothers have all stood in front of him. But in the end, he still reached his own ending step by step."

"He is the well-deserved leader of the military strategist."

"A famous general in the world, a mighty king of the human race."

The child's eyes suddenly brightened and he said, "I know!"

"When I went to eat delicious food in the past, someone was telling stories there, saying that the mighty king defeated the enemy city with his eighteen cavalry, the mighty king destroyed the Buddha, and the mighty king Jingnan could not clear his throne!" He was full of curiosity about things he had never experienced before. , like a treasure trove, said all these things in one breath, with bright eyes.

It seems that no child can ignore the stories and legends of these heroes.

Qi Wuhuo smiled slightly. He did not tell the child the bitterness and sacrifice behind the countless heroic legends. He just touched his hair and said softly: "Go, go meet him."

So the child went to visit the mighty king Li Zhai.

But he was a little disappointed.

The legendary armor-clad, high-spirited hero now has white hair on his head. Moreover, because he practiced the complex and cruel power of human destiny back then, his face has wrinkles and his body is no longer as majestic as it once was. He seems to be an ordinary old man.

"Oh? Did your teacher ask you to come see me?"

Li Zhai asked him with a smile.

The little boy saluted respectfully and said in a clear voice: "I am not the disciple of the senior."

"It's just that senior really asked me to ask you."

Li Zhai laughed dumbly and said, "Is he also so arrogant?"

The white-haired old man, whose waist seemed to be a little bent and not as straight as a spear as before, was sitting on the stone. He casually put the fishing rod he had just used for fishing next to him, then stretched out his hand and patted it. He patted the stone with a layer of white frost next to it, asked the child to sit down, and asked freely:

"Tell me, what do you want to ask me?"

The child's eyes lit up, and he subconsciously leaned forward and said, "I want to hear those stories from you! Talk about the monster clan's great victory and the story of how it swept across all countries!"

Li Zhai was speechless and said with a smile: "Do you want to hear these stories? However, my stories may disappoint you."

The child was puzzled and said, "Why?"

Li Zhai said softly: "Because the real me is not like the stories sung outside. I am fearless and invincible. I am also afraid..." He told his story and his former colleagues, but in He died in front of him just a few days later. He drove his mount to charge forward, and the military strategist's luck formation connected them all, and flesh and blood flew everywhere.

More real, more simple, there is nothing to predict, nothing to win.

It's like gambling. Every battle involves putting your life on the line. With fear, you rush forward resolutely and shout to the sky after victory. This expresses the joy of victory as well as the suppressed fear and fear in your heart. The child was stunned when he heard it. The real heroic story is not so elegant. It is filled with the smell of blood and blades, with the sparks caused by the collision of swords. It is a story of iron and fire.

He was stunned and said, "Since you are afraid, do you still want to go forward?"

Li Zhai laughed and said, "What a child."

The palms that were used to holding weapons and killing rubbed the child's head and said: "It is precisely because of fear that we do these things. We are all afraid, aren't the people more afraid? Holding weapons, Opening the way for the unarmed people behind us and protecting our country is what soldiers do."

The child murmured, "What the soldiers did..."

Li Zhai rubbed the child's hair, with a gentle look on his old face, and said:

"Before you decide to do something, you must know why you are doing it."

"Why you fight is more important than the fighting and fighting itself."

"What to fight for..."


Li Zhai knelt down, his old but not cloudy eyes held a gentle smile, and he looked at the child at eye level. He stretched out his finger and pointed at his heart, saying: "You have to get the answer to this question by yourself." ”

"But, now..."

Li Zhai raised his head, looked into the distance, and laughed and said: "Qi Wuhuo, I have already answered your disciple's question. Since you are here, come and drink a few jars of strong wine with me. Don't think about it. Just ran away!"

The black-robed Taoist said gently: "Of course it is."

Standing like swords, spears and halberds, a fire was raised in the open space between the rocks pointing at Tianque. The prey was simply processed and roasted on the bonfire. The little boy held a He gnawed on the rabbit legs, making his mouth full of oil. On both sides of the bonfire, black-robed Taoists and white-haired generals sat drinking.

They drank from jar after jar.

The sound of the collision was crisp.

They talked about those years, about the disguises in the Zhongzhou Mingzhen Taoist League, about the sharp edges in the past, and about the Taoist priest who hid his identity that day and pretended to answer the confusion. The white-haired general pointed at the black-robed emperor opposite. laughing out loud.

They talk about the past, they drink jar after jar of wine, and they don't seem to get drunk.

The white-haired military leader lowered his eyes, held the wine jar with one hand, touched the wine jar with the emperor in front of him, and murmured: "I respect you, Your Majesty Xuanwei, for holding a sword alone and daring to enter the demon clan."

The black-robed emperor raised his neck and drank wine, saying: "I respect you, the military strategist Li Zhai, for wearing armor and pointing his spear at the human emperor."

"To honor you, Master, I will open nine monuments and preach all kinds of Dharma."

"Respect the mighty King Wu, bring peace to the nine states, and create a unified world."

They drank wine from jar to jar, and their words were understated and magnificent.

The child over there was so shocked that he couldn't speak.

In the end, the leader of the military strategist seemed to be drunk. He sat there with his drunken eyes blurred, leaning on the bluestone, raising his neck and drinking to himself, saying: "Good wine, so drunk..."

"In the last days, I can still get drunk with you, and Zhai Yu's wish is enough."

"If we say goodbye today, we may not see each other again tomorrow."

The child raised his head and saw the black-robed Taoist looking calm, as if he had understood everything.

He couldn't help but said: "King Mighty, can't you live forever?"

The white-haired general pointed at him, couldn't help laughing loudly, and said: "You are really just a child. Didn't I just say that the reason why you do these things is more valuable than the things themselves!"

He stood up staggeringly, picked up the wine pot, and spread out his arms. When he was drunk, he staggered. He raised the wine jar and pointed it at the sky. Suddenly, he suddenly felt so proud that he said: "My whole life!"

"Rebel the dynasty, attack the country, kill people, slay demons, slay immortals, and destroy Buddhas!"

"Sweeping across the world..."

"Unify the nations!"

In just three words, a surge of heroic spirit reached the sky. The white-haired, wrinkled old man, with his eyes as blazing as fire, displayed a arrogance that would be remembered for the rest of his life. He raised his neck to drink and said:

"My father died because of me, and my brother committed suicide because of me."

"The Sifang Ancestral Temple was destroyed because of me."

"One general has achieved great success, and I have conquered all directions. Many people have died in front of me. They followed me to fight. How could I abandon them, abandon that era, and embark on the so-called road to immortality alone... This is not right, this is not right, I led them onto the battlefield, I told them to leave first, and the brothers would come later.”

The white-haired general looked at the child and said, "My era is in the past, and I belong to that era."

"I started that troubled world with my own hands, and my death should bring it to a final conclusion."

"The grudges last forever, and it is enough for Li Zhai to live only this life."

"Enough to be happy, hearty enough, and turbulent enough!"

The white-haired Li Zhai picked up the wine with a drunken look on his face and a free and easy smile.

The Taoist priest in black robe was holding the wine jar with a gentle look on his face.

Touch it one last time, raise your neck, and drink it all.

Turn around and leave, never look back.


The child was stunned and seemed to be shocked. He turned around and saw that the white-haired man with a bent back and sharp eyebrows was actually more heroic than the invincible mighty king in the story. He was really facing the enemy. The true hero who charges against fate and the times.

He may never forget this mighty king again.

The New Year has passed, spring is coming, the spring breeze blows, the willow branches and leaves sway, the originally frozen river in the north gradually melts, and returns to its original appearance. The frost on the river breaks into pieces, and then moves towards the distance as the river flows. It flows everywhere, ups and downs, and when it collides, the sound of broken ice is fine and beautiful.

Then summer came, and it was time for flowers to bloom and flourish everywhere.

Summer is over, the weather has turned cooler, the autumn wind is blowing, and everything is withering.

Along the way, Qi Wuhuo took the child to many places, including the Land of All Spirits, where he met the beautiful Lord of All Spirits, the shores of the East China Sea, and the ancient Canglong in the Undersea Dragon Palace; He even waded through the underworld and reached the underworld in his sleep.

On this day, the black-robed emperor took him to the capital of Zhongzhou. He walked through the streets and alleys, pointed at Lianyang Temple and talked about the past. He pointed at the streets and talked about what the streets were like in the past thousand years. , saying that there used to be a medicine shed here, and there used to be a stall owner with a broken arm. The sesame cakes he sold were delicious.

It is said that starting from the direction of the city tower, extending to the bridge, there are all places where stalls are allowed. Every night when there is no curfew, it is always brightly lit and full of life.

At the fifth watch every day, pilgrims in various temples would make iron signs or wooden fish to announce the dawn, and the markets in various bridges would be open. At that time, restaurants would light up lamps and candles and sell them for less than 20 yuan each, along with porridge, rice and snacks.

Occasionally, there are people selling facial cleansing water and boiling some soup, tea and medicine until dawn.

The child became greedy after hearing this, and went to buy sesame cakes, candied haws and other things. When he came back, he saw the black-robed emperor raising his eyes and walking across the bridge that had a history of more than a thousand years. On the opposite bank, there is an old tree. The tree is very big and has lush branches. There is a stone chessboard under the tree. The traces of thousands of years ago are still clear on it.

A young man was sitting there, as if waiting for something, holding a chess piece in his hand. Suddenly he felt a shadow cast in front of his eyes. He raised his eyes happily, but what he saw was not the person he was waiting for, but a man in black robes, with an imposing manner. It looked very good. The joy on the young man's face was gone, and he felt a little regretful again, but he was not rude.

The black-robed emperor said: "This chess game seems to have a long history."

While the young man was waiting for others, he was not rude and said with a smile: "Yes, it is said to have been around a thousand years ago. It was the beginning of chess in Zhongzhou Fucheng. Therefore, there are many chess players in this Fucheng."

Qi Wuhuo saw what looked like a wound on his forehead.

The young man also noticed the gaze of the person in front of him, touched his forehead, and said with a slightly embarrassed smile: "Sir, you saw it, haha, this is not a scar left by fighting with someone, this is a birthmark. , born with it.”

"The fortune teller said that I collided with the Heavenly Tower in my previous life and was burned by heavenly fire on my forehead, which is why I left this birthmark. It cannot be removed no matter what."

"However, it was noon when I was born, and it rained heavily."

"My mother always said that this is already turning a bad thing into a good thing, and all the things in the past have to be wiped out."

The young man smiled and said, "Sir, if you are waiting for someone, why not play a game of chess?"

The black-robed emperor gently nodded and agreed happily. He glanced at the chess game and said, "Then, let me hold the chess piece first..." He held the chess pieces and gently placed them on the chessboard. His voice was clear and clear, and the young man recognized it. After recognizing this trend, he was a little surprised and said with a smile:

"This is a famous article from ancient times, but it has some more variations. I just happened to study it before."

The willow tree swayed, and the branches cast shadows on the chessboard. The black-robed emperor played chess with the young man with a birthmark on his forehead. One piece after another fell on the chessboard. The sound was clear and crisp, as if it was a fragment of the past after all. The young man There was really a lot of research, but in the end I won. When I was playing the last piece, there was a woman in white walking along the path holding an umbrella.

The clothes he wore were those of the official chess players in the city. He had a delicate face and a quiet temperament.

Holding an umbrella in one hand to block the sun, and holding a volume of chess records in the other, he walked over. The young man who was playing chess with Qi Wuhuo stood up. With joy in his eyes, the black-robed Taoist raised his fingers, looked at the fragments of the chess game, and said gently: "It's you, sir." Victory."

This young man was immersed in meeting his sweetheart, Chess Master, when he heard this and subconsciously said:

"The young man's surname is Long, so he can't be called Mr."

But when I raised my eyes again, I saw that the man in black robes playing chess had disappeared under the tree. I couldn't help but feel depressed and was slightly startled. In a trance, I felt as if I had been here before, playing chess with this man in black robes. But when was that?

But no longer remember.

He was no longer obsessed with this matter, and just happily talked about what happened next with his sweetheart.

Under the autumn sunshine, Qi Wuhuo took the child and walked slowly to the city tower. It happened to be an autumn afternoon, and the sunshine was warm and lazy, making all living things lazy, including those in this city. On the stone statues on both sides of the door, Xiaofeng and Jiaotu were lazily basking in the sun as they had a thousand years ago, but they suddenly saw the man in black robe and were stunned.

Chaofeng's tone stuttered, and he said: "Qi Qi Qi, Qi Wu Huo?!"

Jiao Tu's eyes widened: "Hmm?! Qi Wuhuo?! Little Taoist Priest!"

They became happy. Qi Wuhuo took the child up to the tower. Shaofeng greeted him happily and said, "You're here!"

"Well, here we come."

Qi Wuhuo sat between the statues of Chaofeng and Jiaotu. The little boy tried his feet and finally made sure that he would not step on the tiles at an angle, so he slid down with a grunt. Only then did he feel at ease and sit down. here.

Jiao Tu said happily: "Little Taoist priest, it's time for you to accept the little Taoist priest!"

On the contrary, the child was embarrassed, but even though he was embarrassed, he still said seriously:

"No no no."

"I'm not a disciple of Senior."

"Hey, hey? Don't you want to?"

Jiao Tu's words directly hit the young boy.

Chaofeng asked: "What have you been doing for so many years?"

The black-robed Taoist sat here quietly and said, "I am busy with some boring but necessary things."

Chaofeng said thoughtfully, "Really?"

"You also have so many troubles."

Qi Wuhuo laughed and said, "Yes."

Chaofeng said very generously: "Then you stay here and watch the sky and wind with us. I will share them with you!"

The black-robed emperor sat here, quietly looking at Feng and Yunxia, ​​just like he did when he was a boy, talking about these things in a leisurely manner. Xiao Feng and Jiao Tu talked about what happened in Zhongzhou Fucheng over the years, and talked about the future prospects of such and such children. , talking about their youth and innocence, talking about them growing up, talking about their separation and finally coming back.

The sun was warm and lazy, but it gradually sank to the west, and clouds appeared.

Xiao Feng suddenly laughed loudly: "Hahahaha, little Taoist, and little Taoist's little Taoist."

"You are so lucky!"

"Qi Wuhuo, do you remember? Remember what I told you before."

"The scenery is different every day. Sometimes when the sun's light is blocked, the clouds turn into colorful sunset glow, and the light of the setting sun shines through the gaps in the clouds, like a layer of Layers of light beams fell on this road. I remember saying at that time that if such a sunset appeared, I must call you."

"There have been many times over the years, many, many times, but you were not here!"

"Today there is wind, clouds, and beautiful light. It's great that you are here too!"

Qi Wuhuo looked at the glow on the horizon, the wind blowing, his black hair on the temples raised back, and said gently:

"Oh, yes."

He said: "That's great."

The little boy over there was already happy and excited, saying: "It's so beautiful!"

The sunset glow was bright and gentle, and disappeared after a long time. Qi Wuzhuo took the child and said goodbye. When they left, Chaofeng and Jiaotu shouted, "Qi Wuzhuo, Qi Wuzhuo!"

The black-robed emperor stood still and looked sideways at the two of them with a gentle expression.

Jiao Tu Chaofeng asked loudly, "Have you become a god?!"

They still blessed loudly as before: "Qi Wuzhuo, Qi Wuzhuo!"

"You have to practice hard and become a god!"

The black-robed emperor waved to them, agreed with a smile, and walked away amidst their blessings. He walked through the clear night of stars and rivers, through mountains and rivers, when leaves withered and white snow fell on the mountains. At that time, he took the child to the small town. The small courtyard in the past seemed to be the same as it was a thousand years ago.

The iron chain lock of the house was locked. He stretched out his hand and opened the chain. In the yard, the winter plum blossom was as before, but it was in full bloom today, just like back then, under the plum tree, the black-robed emperor stretched out his hand. Come, when the wind blew, the plum blossom tree swayed slightly, and a petal fell on his palm.

Qi Wuhuo smiled slightly, holding the petals, turned around, looked at the young boy, and said:

"Let's go."

The little boy nodded, thinking he was going to meet someone again. He followed Qi Wuhuo out of the town and followed the path to the mountain road. Tao Taigong did not have the talent for cultivation after all, so he took the elixir and fairy wine to extend his life. Five hundred years ago, he reincarnated and passed away five hundred years ago. It seems that there are not many old friends left in this place.

The trees have been replaced for countless generations, and the descendants of the original little deer spirit are no longer there.

Only the bluestone from back then is still there, and the sunset is red. Several mountain gods are on top of this bluestone, preaching and enlightening living beings. However, there are many strange beasts walking around in this mountain, which is more beautiful than before. It is prosperous, and because this place is the Qi Wuhuo Taoist Temple, and there are no demons or gods coming here, it is a rare and pure place.

The child followed the black-robed emperor slowly, but after several turns, he saw a Taoist temple deep in the forest.

It's a good Taoist temple, but where it is, the scenery is splendid, the mist is scattered, the sun and the moon are shaking.

Thousands of old cypress trees, thousands of knots are repaired. Thousands of old cypresses are green in the sky with the rain; thousands of bamboos are being repaired, and the color of the valley is green with smoke. There are exotic flowers and brocades outside the door, and the fragrance of Yao grass beside the bridge. The stone cliffs are abrupt and green with moss, and the overhanging walls are high and green moss grows. Every now and then I hear the chirping of the cranes, and every time I see the phoenix flying.

When the crane chirps, the sound trembles far into the sky; when the phoenix soars, its feathers are in five-colored clouds.

The black ape and the white deer are hidden, and the golden lion and the jade elephant are hiding in hiding.

This child had never seen such a pure and blessed land before. His eyes were blinded by the sight. He looked here and there, as if he couldn't see enough. He said, "Senior, where is this?!"

Qi Wuhuo stretched out his hand, pointed at his heart like Fu Ziqiu and Li Zhai, and replied:

"It's a place of spiritual cultivation."

"It's Lingtai Fangcun Mountain, and it's Xianyue Sanxing Cave."

The child was not yet able to understand the truth. The black-robed emperor smiled and pushed open the door of the Taoist temple. Inside, a large cauldron was burning with smoke, pure and natural. He turned around and looked at the man who was looking around and was dazzled by the sight. The young man paused and said gently:

"Are you willing to be my disciple?"

The child was stunned for a moment and then reacted immediately.

He straightened his clothes, followed the most solemn etiquette in the world, knelt in front of the Taoist, kowtowed three times.

Qi Wuhuo folded his hands in front of him and watched him salute with a calm expression.

The bodhi fruit matured for one year, and after traveling through the spring, summer, autumn and winter, traveling all over the world, Qingwei Daojun of the Taoist sect accepted a disciple.

He stretched out his palm and gently pressed it on the boy's head.

The white jade capital in the sky has five cities on the twelfth floor.

Immortals caress my head, knotting my hair and receiving immortality.

With a gentle voice, he said:

"My teacher Qi Wuhuo, this place is not close to the mountains."

"You are my first disciple, and perhaps my only disciple."

"Because of your heel, I will give you a number——"

Qi Wuhuo's voice paused.

The green smoke is curling up, the bells and drums in the Taoist temple are ringing, the smoke is surging, and the auspicious colors are flowing, seeming to surround this name.


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