I am immortal

Chapter 661 Zhenwu sees immortality!

Spring passes and autumn comes, and winter is pure. As we get older, our sense of time will gradually become weaker and weaker. Unconsciously, one day has passed, and one day has passed. Together, every month has passed, and people add years.

Ever since Bodhi entered Fangcun Mountain, Qi Wuhuo taught him the methods of practice step by step, including breathing, breathing, swordsmanship, fists and kicks, each of which was explained in detail. At sunrise, breathing purple With a strong breath, he holds a sword under the snow-capped plum trees, and stands on the mountains at sunset to stretch his fists and legs.

Although this child may appear to be immature, in fact, upon closer inspection, his seniority and heels are ridiculously large.

Everyone in Buddhism must bow deeply when they meet, and perform the disciple ceremony. In such a great Buddhist country, only the Buddha Lord, one of the five elders, can perform the disciple ceremony in front of this child. Among the Taoist sect, he is also the founding disciple of Yu Zun. He lives with the Buddha on his feet and has a majestic foundation.

The Taoist Patriarch of the Sanqing Dynasty has been away in the sky to control the final calamity for a thousand years. Among the six realms and outside, the only one who is qualified to be his teacher is the one who is sitting on the plum blossom with a relaxed and gentle expression, reading a book by himself. Emperor Zhenwu.

What is in this scroll is not some Taoist canon, nor is it a record of magical powers.

It was a message from the Zhenwu Mansion. During the year when he traveled around the world with Bodhi, all the heavens were on guard against the Antarctic Immortal Emperor. However, the Antarctic Immortal Emperor seemed to be unable to hold back, especially when Bodhi... After becoming a disciple, the Antarctic Changsheng Heaven has been filled with thunderous roars.

Jiutian Yingyuan Thunder Universal Transformation Heavenly Lord has had several battles with Tianpeng Dazhenjun.

It was a message from Yang Jian: "The Antarctic Immortal Emperor may have some changes in the near future."

The black-robed emperor's eyes were calm, and he scanned the letter. The words on the scroll slowly ignited, and finally turned into nothingness and did not exist. In fact, according to his inference, the time before the Antarctic Immortal Emperor took action was originally It won't be long, or in other words, there won't be much time left for him.

For thousands of years, the Zhenwu Mansion and the Exorcist Academy continued to eliminate the Changsheng Emperor's backhand.

It is reducing his heritage. In the end, the Antarctic Immortal Emperor has only two choices -

Completely give up the plan of [Reincarnation Tribulation].

Or a complete fight.

Now that the situation has lasted for a thousand years, there may only be one opportunity left before it finally breaks out.

Qi Wuhuo raised his eyes and looked at the clear sky in the distance.

The white snow outside the mountain has also melted, and on Fangcun Mountain, it is like spring all year round. The child stands under the plum blossom tree, doing a set of fists and kicks, just like drawing a circle. Everything is natural, with simple movements and breathing, its essence is The essence, vitality, and spirit naturally flow in harmony with the movements.

Suddenly, there was a shock, and the plum blossoms falling on Bodhi's shoulders were shaken into the air, spinning in the air, falling down, and landing on the pond, causing ripples.

The original three talents were not a problem for this child who took the form of Bodhi Fruit.

But now, the Yuan Qi, Yuan Jing, and Yuan Shen merge into one and turn into Yuan Qi.

And it is the most perfect and natural posture, the most superior breakthrough, just right. The child's eyes light up, he clenches his fists, feeling the flow and changes of Yuan Qi, the improvement and changes in life span brought about by the breakthrough of innate Qi. , for Bodhi, naturally it is nothing.

But that kind of advancement in practice and his improvement in conformity with the Dao, for him, was a wonderful experience that he had never had before. It was so wonderful that he couldn't help but be extremely happy. He looked at the black-robed emperor over there, Said: "Teacher, teacher!"


The young man Bodhi was dressed in a light blue Taoist robe. He bowed his hands and said, "Disciple, you have broken through!"

"The innate Qi has already been accomplished."

Qi Wuhuo paused.

Looking at the disciple with clear and joyful eyes in front of him, he has not gone through any experience, and has not experienced those things like himself back then. Just in this mountain, for a hundred days, he has naturally practiced breathing and breathing, and he has reached the realm of innate energy, and It is the most perfect breakthrough.

With such qualifications and such a clear mind, even Qi Wuhuo sighed slightly.

Did the teacher look at me the same way back then?

Qi Wuhuo sighed to himself.

After traveling for a year, he naturally broke through the realm in more than three months. The young Bodhi was extremely happy, and besides being happy, he also had a lot of curiosity. He couldn't help but say: "Teacher, when you were in San Cai Quan, After that, how long did it take to break through?”

"Huh? Me?"

Qi Wuhuo thought about his experience at sea for a year and then in Zhongzhou Fucheng, turned over a page of Taoist scriptures, and replied calmly: "About a month or so."

More than a month...

The joy on young Bodhi's face solidified.

The little pride that had just risen was shattered in front of the teacher's understatement. When the local people came here to deliver the letter, they only saw the little boy squatting under the plum tree, with a look of sadness on his face.

My master seems to be an invincible genius.


The young man looked puzzledly at the young man who seemed to be shocked. He went to the plum blossom tree, gave a long salute, and called him emperor. Then he took out the letter and the accompanying ring and put them on the table, saying that he was the queen. It was sent by the emperor’s empress.

The Taoist gave him a pill, and the man was so happy that he saluted repeatedly and left with a lot of thanks.

Qi Wuhuo unfolded the letter and read it. The empress talked about what happened in the past few years, saying that with the improvement and feedback of human luck, Empress Wa, who had been cultivating for thousands of years, gradually became closer to the imperial realm, and Emperor Ziwei of the Arctic The matter of reviving his Taoist companion has reached an extremely critical moment.

After spending a thousand years, Emperor Ziwei would not miss this opportunity and went into seclusion directly. As the elder brother of Emperor Wa, Fuxi, who had an agreement with Emperor Ziwei, was extremely busy during this period. While having a good relationship, I have to look after Emperor Wa at the same time. I wish I could use all twelve hours of the day.

On the other hand, I had made an agreement with Emperor Ziwei of the North Pole back then, saying that I would do my best to help Emperor Ziwei to get his Taoist companion to return. When this time came, I had to assist Emperor Ziwei. If he didn't come, The Ziwei sword was already placed on Fuxi's neck.

Emperor Ziwei is currently the one in the Six Realms who can restrain Fuxi the most except Emperor Wa.

No matter what Fuxi said or did, he only looked at the results.

If you don't come, the Ziwei Sword will be placed directly on your neck, and if you don't come, I will chop you.

It can be said that Tianke Fuxi!


Qi Wuhuo said to himself: "Emperor Ziwei is in seclusion, Emperor Wa is trying to break through, Empress Houtu is protecting the law personally, and Fuxi has to divide his mind into two, running in two directions at the same time?" How many great emperors and emperors in the heaven are here? The top experts all encountered things at the same time and could not be distracted.

At this moment, the combat power of the Heaven Realm, or the Six Realms, reached its weakest point.

This is not a coincidence, nor is it a design.

It's a tacit understanding.

A kind of wordless communication, after thousands of years of suppression, the arrogance and foundation of the Antarctic Immortal Emperor have been continuously weakened. This moment is his last chance - the last, best chance to take action, otherwise, once this opportunity passes.

With the return of Beidi's Taoist companions, the state of Northern Emperor Ziwei will return from ruthlessness to the peak of love.

Empress Wa came to the throne.

Fuxi can also be completely free.

After that, there is Bodhi beside Qi Wuzhuo who is not inferior to the original Buddha. If the Antarctic Changsheng Emperor does not take action at this moment, if he does it again, he will not encounter Qi Wuzhuo alone.

It is the way to eternal life that completely gives up one's own cycle of tribulations and never falls.

"The time has come..."

Qi Wuhuo raised his head and looked at the Tianque in the distance. Bodhi was puzzled and said:

"Teacher, when is the time?"

Qi Wuhuo looked at the young Taoist and just smiled faintly. He raised his hand and took out the contents of the ring. Inside were the peaches given by the Peach Banquet. They exuded aura and were prepared for him. They were naturally the best in the entire peach tree. A good fruit can bring peace of mind and stabilize the foundation. Qi Wuhuo put this peach on Bodhi's hair.

The young man shrank his neck subconsciously, then stretched out his hand to hold the peach. Qi Wuzhuo smiled and said, "Don't ask, kid. It's early to practice today. Since you have made a breakthrough, you can have a good rest."

Bodhi nodded.


The black-robed emperor put the scroll in his hand on the table and stood with his hands behind his back. It was quiet under the plum blossom tree. The black-robed emperor walked down the Fangcun Mountain with only his hands empty. The little boy looked at the teacher's back, He was endlessly curious, but he was sure that his Taoist mind was clear and natural. If the teacher didn't tell him, he wouldn't ask.

I smelled the sweet and attractive taste of the peach again, and my lips and teeth couldn't help but salivate. I ate the peach in one big mouth. After the peach meat entered my mouth, it turned into a puff of air and fell into my stomach. After I was full, I felt warm. At this time, the young man realized that this was a great treasure, which was very beneficial to practitioners who were laying the foundation.

"It's so sweet."

The little boy thought for a while and found a place on the mountainside where the earth veins were the most concentrated. He stood on the rock and stretched out his hand to throw it gently. The peach core rolled down and landed in the crack of the rock. , connected with the energy of the earth's veins, and quickly took root.

The young man Bodhi held his chin with his hands and looked at a small bud that had quickly grown over there. He couldn't help but think, this peach is a spiritual fruit. Spiritual fruits must not grow that fast, no. Do you know when this fruit will really grow, and how many years will it take for it to grow?

Today I made a breakthrough and my teacher gave me a peach. I will accept him as a disciple in the future, right?

When the time comes, I will also let you eat peaches until you are full.

He is still a young man at heart, simple and relaxed. If he wants to accept a disciple in the future, he should learn from his teacher. It depends on his character and his understanding...


The young man on the mountain is thinking about the future, and there are peach stones taking root on the mountainside.

The wind stirred, the clouds gathered and dispersed, and thunder arose in the south.

The black-robed emperor walked down the mountain with a peaceful expression. The scenery on the mountain was quite beautiful, with twists and turns. The wind blew on the willow trees, the fragrance of flowers was fragrant, and the sound of running water gurgled. At a turning point, Qi Wuzhuo suddenly saw colorful fallen flowers in front of him, and there was a tree passing by. A pavilion that never existed stood here. Under the pavilion, a young man in green shirt stood with his hands behind his hands. Looking outside, he seemed to see the thousands of scenery and countless sentient beings, his eyes were peaceful and pure.

As if he noticed something, the man in green shirt looked back and saw Qi Wuhu.

All around him, there were bursts of thunder, majestic vitality, and joy in all things.

He is the immortal emperor of Antarctica.

The Antarctic governs life, the North Pole governs death.

The time has come.

It's the Antarctic meeting the Northern Emperor, the immortal meeting Zhenwu!

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