I am in the chaotic world of demons and warriors, and I have become a martial arts god

Chapter 13: King Kong Suppresses Demons, Dragon Elephant Prajna (Thanks to the book friend Gubu Gubu

[Kill the adult pig demon in the heavenly realm and obtain 30 demon essences]

[The fangs of the pig demon have been detected and can be used for sacrifice, please pick them up]

[It has been detected that the "Blood Fiend Sword Technique" can be used for practice, please pick it up]

Reminders appeared in front of Han Zheng's eyes, which made him stunned.

It's not surprising that Han Zheng can get the essence of blood and blood by killing warriors, and he can get the essence of demons by killing monsters.

But I didn't expect that the parts on the demon's body could also be used for sacrifice.

For Han Zheng, who owns the Taotie Furnace, this demon is really full of treasures.

I walked over to the pig demon's body and looked through it. There was a small cloth bag next to its crotch cloth, which contained some messy things.

There are bone forks and small spoons, as well as some herbs and the like. Among them is a blood-stained book that should be the blood evil sword technique.

This bloody sword technique should have been obtained by the pig demon after killing a warrior, but why did it keep the sword technique? Can demons also practice martial arts?

Han Zheng suppressed his doubts, turned his back to everyone and stuffed the technique into his sleeves calmly.

Then he pulled out the Yanling knife from the pig demon's mouth and cut off the two sharp fangs.

Walking to Li Sancheng, Han Zheng pulled him up.

"I told you that even demons can cut through two holes with one knife. Do you believe it now?"

Li Sancheng covered his chest and grinned: "Brother! You are really my brother!

I really admire you. You dared to take action in that situation just now. Aren't you afraid that the pig demon will poke holes in you? "

The battle just now could be said to be extremely dangerous.

This pig demon was much more powerful than them, and its hard-shell armor was so amazing that they couldn't find any way to break through.

Without Han Zheng's desperate blow to break open the pig demon's belly and weaken its fighting power, they would have had no hope of victory.

In the end, it was Han Zheng who struck a decisive blow and finally killed the pig demon.

"The master of the hall taught us that in martial arts fighting, we should rather think about progress than stop.

In the battle of life and death, the only choice is whether to do it or not. How can anyone dare to do it? "

Wang Bao and Zhao Jinming also looked at Han Zheng with admiration.

Theory is theory, practice is practice.

They all know this truth, but who dares to risk his life at that time?

Li Sancheng looked at Han Zheng carrying two fangs and asked curiously: "What are you doing with this thing? Making soup?"

"Keep it as a souvenir of your first life-and-death fight."

Han Zheng returned to the caravan and grinned at Manager Chen, which immediately frightened Manager Chen and subconsciously took a step back.

The previous knife that tore the belly of the pig demon made Han Zheng's whole body bathed in demon blood, which looked extremely terrifying.

At this time, the grin showed two rows of white teeth, which actually looked a little weird.

"Manager Chen, do you still think that Sheng Hetang's money has been wasted?"

Manager Chen forced a smile: "No, no! Of course not!

Brother Han, you've worked hard, go and have a rest. "

Han Zheng said calmly: "Now is not the time to rest.

Don't forget that this pig demon said that it has a mother and a younger brother, and probably a father.

If I stay here and the pig demon family comes out, I won't be able to stop them.

If everyone works hard and travels all night, we should be able to reach Lingtian Village before dawn. "

Although Manager Chen was the team leader, Han Zheng returned with the power of slaying demons, and the guys in Sheng Hetang looked at him differently.

So Manager Chen had no choice but to hold his nose and listen to Han Zheng's orders for the caravan to rush to Zhuangzi Lingtian overnight.

Li Sancheng and Wang Bao were both injured, and Han Zheng asked them to get on the carriage to avoid aggravating their injuries.

Li Feng checked their injuries and found that their internal organs were only damaged due to concussion, but nothing serious.

When Zhuangzi had enough elixir, he prescribed two pairs of elixirs and rested for a few days, and everything was fine.

I don’t know if it’s because the demon is too exciting.

None of the workers at Shenghetang seemed tired, and the day's journey only took three hours.

It was already midnight when we arrived at Lingtian Zhuangzi. Everyone in the Shenghetang in Zhuangzi was woken up. They thought it was bandits coming.

After learning that they had encountered a demon, the people in Zhuangzi quickly arranged food, accommodation and other messy things.

Half an hour later, Han Zheng washed away all the demon blood, changed into clean clothes and lay down in the guest room.

The Gluttonous Furnace is summoned, and there are 30 demon essence in the inventory.

At the same time, Han Zheng took out the fangs of the pig demon, and with a thought, two fangs also appeared in the inventory.

[Demon Essence: The concentrated power of demons. Sacrifice can gain 10 points of satiety]

[Pig demon fangs: The most powerful weapon on the pig demon. It is polished with iron ore every day to keep it sharp. If you sacrifice it, you can get 100 points of satiety]

"Returning with a full load."

Before, Han Zheng was still thinking about what to sacrifice to the Taotie Furnace, but now he has it?

The rewards from killing monsters are more than those from killing warriors.

Although the price of demon essence and blood essence is the same, both have 10 points of satiety.

However, the monster was large in size and gave him a lot of demon essence, a total of 30 demon essence. The last time he killed Wang Xiongcai, he only had a pitiful 1 energy and blood essence.

There are also pig demon fangs, which are actually worth 100 points of satiety.

Han Zheng sacrificed all the demon essence and pig demon tusks in one breath, and his satiety level instantly increased to 400 points.

If he spent all of his time cultivating in the Taotie Furnace, Han Zheng would even be sure to be promoted to the acquired perfection.

However, after thinking for a moment, Han Zheng gave up the idea.

One is that he will learn the White Ape Tongbi Fist from Li Jingzhong after he returns, and Li Jingzhong will definitely check his cultivation.

Being one step ahead of others is a good talent, but being too fast is a bit of a monster, which will cause unnecessary suspicion.

Another is that Han Zheng wants to break through the Iron Elephant Kung Fu or the Vajra Fist first.

What he lacks now is not only the realm, but also the fighting power to match it.

The level of Iron Elephant Kung Fu and Vajra Fist is still too low.

It is okay to face the low-level warriors like Wang Xiong who hang out in gangs.

But it is easy to be beaten by warriors of the same level who have other powerful martial arts inheritance.

This time when he encountered the pig monster, Han Zheng felt that his foundation was seriously insufficient, and he could only take risky moves and rely on risking his life to kill the pig monster.

Entering the Taotie furnace, Han Zheng first checked the proficiency of the skills.

Among them, the proficiency of "Iron Elephant Kung Fu" has reached 75%, and the proficiency of "Vajra Fist" has soared to 95% after a fierce battle with the pig monster, which is close to perfection.

Sitting cross-legged in the void, Han Zheng began to practice Vajra Fist and Iron Elephant Skill.

After practicing in the Taotie furnace for forty days and consuming 40 points of satiety, the proficiency of Iron Elephant Skill and Vajra Fist finally reached perfection.

After exiting the furnace, Han Zheng looked at the breakthrough options above the furnace.

[Current breakthrough skills:

The post-natal realm "Iron Elephant Skill" breakthrough requires 180 points of satiety.

The post-natal realm "Vajra Fist" breakthrough requires 100 points of satiety. ]

Han Zheng frowned slightly.

The satiety required for breakthrough is more than he thought.

Especially the skills, which are nearly twice as much as the martial arts.

"Breakthrough in both skills!"

Fortunately, the harvest from killing the pig monster this time was quite fruitful. Although it consumed a lot, Han Zheng could still afford it.

The Taotie dragon pattern on the Taotie furnace seemed to come alive again, its big mouth opened and kept wriggling, and finally spit out two balls of light that merged into Han Zheng's body.

[Postnatal Realm "Iron Elephant Kung Fu" breaks through to the Innate Realm "Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung Fu", initial proficiency 10%]

[Postnatal Realm "Vajra Fist" breaks through to the Innate Realm "Vajra Demon Seal", initial proficiency 10%]

Han Zheng sat cross-legged on the bed, and two techniques suddenly emerged in his mind, and even some of his memories of practicing them.

The technique that broke through the Taotie furnace actually came with 10% proficiency, which was an unexpected surprise.

Although 10% proficiency is not much, at least the technique after the breakthrough can be used by oneself.

Checking the content of the technique in his mind, Han Zheng, who has always been calm, couldn't help but show a look of surprise on his face.

Innate and acquired, the difference between one word is a world of difference!

Similarly, the innate technique and the acquired technique are also a world of difference.

The Dragon-Elephant Prajna Technique is a tantric Dharma-protecting skill, which is divided into ten levels, and each level has the power of a dragon and an elephant.

Its internal force is strong and domineering, and it is unparalleled in strength. It is many times stronger than the Iron Elephant Technique.

Of course, the power of a dragon is actually an exaggerated description, but the power of an elephant is no problem.

Now Han Zheng's 10% proficiency has already been considered to have mastered the first level of the Dragon-Elephant Prajna Technique.

If he fights the pig monster again at this time, he will definitely not be slapped by the pig monster.

And the Vajra Demon Seal is also extremely powerful. It has the same origin as the Dragon-Elephant Prajna Technique and belongs to the Buddhist Tantric Seal.

Its true meaning of martial arts is the angry eyes of the Vajra, suppressing demons and demons, with unparalleled might and strength, and the burst of strength is extremely exquisite.

Compared with it, the Vajra Fist is not even a starting move.

Now Han Zheng finally understood why Li Jingzhong's White Ape Tongbi Fist was so famous in Heishi County, and all the martial arts school disciples wanted to learn the White Ape Tongbi Fist.

Iron Elephant Kung Fu and Vajra Fist were only worth three hundred taels.

And the innate realm of the White Ape Tongbi Fist could not even be bought for three thousand taels.

Han Zheng took out the "Blood Evil Sword Technique" he had found from the pig demon.

He just needed a sword technique, and now he had it ready.

However, after flipping through it, Han Zheng frowned more and more.

This sword technique seemed to have some problems.

Some of the key points were not to teach you how to exert force, cut out the sword intent, etc., but to teach you how to condense evil spirit, and even how to burn blood and qi.

This thing didn't look like a good way at all. Han Zheng thought for a moment and didn't practice it. He was going to take it back and let Li Jingzhong see if there were any other problems.

This sword technique is far less sophisticated than the Dragon Elephant Prajna Sutra and the Vajra Demon Seal, and it should not be a congenital level technique, so Han Zheng is not afraid that Li Jingzhong will have other ideas to take away the technique.

Besides, Li Jingzhong's character is still fine.

He has taught thousands of disciples over the years, but even those who were driven away halfway have never said a bad word about Li Jingzhong.

He took a look at the remaining satiety, there are still 80 points.

Han Zheng thought about it, consumed 50 points and continued to practice in the Taotie Furnace.

The remaining 30 points are used to deal with emergencies, and can improve one's strength at a critical moment.

Thanks to the book friend Gu Bu Gu Bu Li's leader for the reward (*^ω^*) Congratulations on becoming the first leader of this book

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