In the guest room of the Spiritual Medicine Manor.

It was getting light outside, and Han Zheng opened his eyes from his practice.

Yesterday, he did not go to sleep after consuming 50 points of satiety to practice, but continued to practice until dawn.

The more exquisite part of the Dragon Elephant Prajna Art than the Iron Elephant Art is that it can be immersed in deep practice.

The body is subconsciously running the internal force, but the mind can rest in a state of half-sleep and half-wakefulness.

So in the future, Han Zheng can even practice while sleeping.

Although the progress is definitely not as good as practicing in a normal state, it can also improve a lot of speed.

Han Zheng summoned the panel to take a look at his attributes.

[Name: Han Zheng

Cultivation: Postnatal Opening Meridian Realm (open 220 acupoints and eight meridians.)

Martial Arts: Postnatal Realm "Iron Elephant Art" is perfected, Postnatal Realm "Vajra Fist" is perfected.

The proficiency of the Xiantian Realm "Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung" is 15%, and the proficiency of the Xiantian Realm "Vajra Demon Seal" is 10%

Current state: lack of pain perception, abundant blood and qi]

Last night, Han Zheng entered the Taotie Furnace twice to practice, and with the improvement brought by the Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung, he directly opened up 100 acupoints and three meridians, and his strength ushered in a surge.

And it's not just strength, the improvement in combat power is even more obvious.

Now Han Zheng is even confident that he can fight the pig demon alone again, and he can kill it head-on.

Walking out of the guest room, Han Zheng's nose was filled with the fragrance of herbs.

The manor is not big, with only ten rooms. Before, only twenty Shenghetang waiters and a pharmacist stayed here to take care of the spiritual medicine.

"Brother Han got up very early, let's go to have breakfast together."

Li Feng walked out of another guest room.

The two came to the dining hall, and many waiters had already gone to pick and harvest spiritual medicine after dinner.

Li Sancheng and the others were still sleeping soundly. After all, they had just experienced a fierce battle, which was understandable.

"Huh? Breakfast is so rich?"

In the dining hall, three dishes and one soup were placed in a large bucket, namely braised pork, chicken stewed with potatoes and scrambled eggs, as well as a large pot of pork ribs soup. The staple food was white flour buns and rice.

All of them were meat dishes, and the only green was the chopped green onion on the pork ribs soup.

You should know that the food shortage in Heishi County has caused a serious surge in food prices.

Ordinary people can hardly afford even rye buns, let alone meat.

Many people even went out of the city to dig wild vegetables for a bite, regardless of the danger outside the city.

Han Zheng didn't dare to eat so well even if he improved his food.

"It's the last day. These guys will follow us back to Heishi County after harvesting the spiritual herbs, so we killed all the pigs and chickens."

Han Zheng was surprised and said, "Shenghetang will only grow this batch of spiritual herbs. Will it not grow them in the future?"

Li Feng drank a mouthful of pork rib soup happily and said, "Of course, but we have to wait for half a year until the spiritual energy of this land recovers before we can grow them.

The reason why spiritual herbs are precious is that their growth conditions are harsh.

They must be grown in areas with beautiful mountains and clear waters, abundant spiritual energy, and no pollution from turbid air.

And after planting a batch of spiritual herbs, we have to Give the land time to recover and gather spiritual energy again.

Otherwise, the second batch of spiritual medicines will grow defective products, which will also cause the spiritual field to be destroyed.

It is not easy for the shopkeeper to find such a spiritual field, so of course we have to treat it with care.

However, the food of these guys is not bad, and the shopkeeper does not treat them badly.

This Lingtian farm is far away from the village and the shop behind, as if it is isolated from the world.

They have to stay here for half a year, of course they can't starve them, so the supplies are still quite sufficient. "

After Han Zheng finished his meal, Li Sancheng and others came to the canteen, and their eyes were red when they saw the braised pork.

They continued to eat, and Han Zheng went to find Manager Chen and asked him to harvest the spiritual medicine quickly and set off as soon as possible.

There are about ten acres of spiritual medicine fields behind the farm, and the guys of Shenghetang are picking them carefully at this time.

One spiritual medicine is more than their monthly salary for a year, so they dare not damage it.

Seeing Han Zheng coming, Manager Chen snorted lightly without even saying hello.

He hadn't forgotten how Han Zheng humiliated him yesterday!

He even made him beg him to take action against the pig demon.

He had never been so humble even in front of Chen Baiqing!

"Manager Chen, how long will it take to harvest the spiritual medicine?"

"About a day, we'll leave tomorrow morning."

Manager Chen said lightly.

Han Zheng frowned slightly: "Too slow, can they speed up and get it done in half a day?

This farm is no more than a hundred miles away from where we killed the pig demon, and the pig demon has parents.

We can get from there to the farm in one night. Do you think the speed of the pig demon will be slower than us?

Once the pig demon follows our trajectory, we may face two more powerful adult pig demons!"

With Han Zheng's current cultivation, he is confident that he can kill the pig demon of the previous strength head-on.

But if it is two, Han Zheng is not sure, and the strength of the pig demon's parents must be stronger than it.

Most demons do not need to practice, they rely on their own racial talents.

Therefore, the longer a demon lives, the stronger it becomes. Unless it is too old and its blood and qi are declining, its strength will weaken.

The mother of the pig demon was able to give birth to a younger brother, so it doesn't look like it has a declining blood and qi.


Manager Chen sneered, "Do you think picking spiritual herbs is like pulling carrots at home?

This is a delicate job. Who can guarantee the quality of the spiritual herbs if it's too fast?

Besides, it's a hundred miles away. How could the pig demon catch up?

That's a pig demon, not a dog demon!

And Han Zheng, you have to know your own position!

You are just guards hired by Shenghetang, or escorts.

I am the manager of the caravan. When will it be your turn to point fingers here?"

Before, facing the threat of the pig demon, Manager Chen was humble to Han Zheng.

Now that he has come to the manor, Han Zheng still wants to give orders. He is simply ignorant!

Han Zheng sneered, and without talking nonsense to Manager Chen, he turned around and left.

This old guy only remembers to eat and not to be beaten. I don't know why Chen Baiqing let him be the manager.

Seeing Han Zheng leave, Manager Chen showed a hint of disdain at the corner of his mouth.

A low-level warrior from a martial arts school is destined to be a guard or escort for others in this life. Do you really think you are a big shot?

Han Zheng returned to the guest room and knocked on Li Feng's door.

"Brother Han, what can I do for you?"

Li Feng was reading a book in the room.

He came here to identify the quality of spiritual medicines, and he would not start working until the spiritual medicines were picked.

"Pharmacist Li, based on your experience, how long will it take to pick all the spiritual fields in the manor?"

Li Feng thought for a while and said, "Whether it is the guys in the manor before or the ones we brought, they are all skilled hands. Half a day should be enough. Give me another half an hour to identify the spiritual medicines."

Han Zheng sneered, "But Manager Chen said it would take a day and a night, and we can only leave tomorrow morning."

Li Feng thought of something and shook his head and said, "If it is what Manager Chen said, it's normal. Half a day is enough to pick spiritual medicines, but he has private matters."

"Private matter? What private matter?"

Li Feng closed the door of the guest room and whispered: "Brother Han, we have been through hardships together. I believe you. Don't spread these things even if you know them.

In fact, picking spiritual herbs can be faster. I told Manager Chen last night that they can pick spiritual herbs while I identify them.

This can speed up the process, but Manager Chen refused and insisted that I wait for his notification before identifying the spiritual herbs.

So I guess Manager Chen insisted on delaying time and staying here just to enrich himself and make false accounts.

The same spiritual herbs also have grades. The price difference between high-quality and low-quality spiritual medicines can be more than ten times.

For example, the farm produces 100 kilograms of high-quality spiritual medicines, but Manager Chen only reports 60 kilograms, classifying the high-quality spiritual medicines as medium-quality or even low-quality spiritual medicines.

Then, after returning to Shenghetang, these nominally "medium-quality" spiritual medicines are sold at the price of high-quality spiritual medicines, but only medium-quality spiritual medicines are recorded on the books. The profit is amazing. "

Han Zheng was surprised and said, "This old guy is so excessive, and the manager doesn't care? Since you know why don't you say it?"

Li Feng shook his head and said, "Manager Chen's surname is Chen, he is the distant uncle of the manager, his family Relatives.

We are outsiders after all. If we say too much and don't have enough evidence, we will be blamed. Isn't it bad luck?

And Brother Han, do you know why Manager Chen insisted on letting his nephew escort the caravan?

It's because he wanted to falsify the accounts secretly and conceal the level of the spiritual medicine. It's difficult to operate with too many people, so he wanted to replace him with his own people.

In fact, I didn't want to come this time, but the shopkeeper insisted that I come, and I couldn't refuse. "

"It's okay for the old man surnamed Chen to make money, but if we let him delay time like this, we will all die!"

Han Zheng sneered.

"Why do you say that, Brother Han?"

Li Feng was stunned.

"This farm is no more than a hundred miles away from where we killed the pig demon. Once the pig demon's parents find its body, they can easily track it to the farm based on the traces.

You also saw the scene when we killed the pig demon before, Pharmacist Li. How difficult was it?

If one pig demon is like this, who can stop two pig demons?"

Li Feng was shocked: "Is it really so?"

Han Zheng said in a deep voice: "Demons are not beasts. They have intelligence, revenge, and are more cruel.

They will not stay in one place and wait for prey, but will move hundreds of miles to hunt!"

After listening to Han Zheng's words, Li Feng's expression became ugly.

He was too lazy to care about Manager Chen's corruption, but Manager Chen's delay might cause them to die in the hands of demons, and Li Feng could not sit still.

"Pharmacist Li, your relationship with Manager Chen is not very good, right?"

Han Zheng suddenly said.

Li Feng nodded, and was not surprised that Han Zheng could see it.

He didn't say a few words to Manager Chen during the whole journey, but he was on good terms with Han Zheng, which clearly showed that he and Manager Chen were not on the same page.

"The head manager is about to retire, but his son is not good at running a pharmacy, so another head manager must be selected to run Shenghetang.

Of course I have the qualifications and want to compete for this position.

Manager Chen's son is also a senior pharmacist of Shenghetang, and he also has his eyes on this position.

If someone wants to help his son get promoted, it would be strange if he likes me."

Han Zheng narrowed his eyes and said, "Pharmacist Li, you must know that the first to strike is the strongest, and the last to strike will suffer.

He is a relative of the head manager, and he has such a father who can make money. What can you use to compete with him?

Why don’t we take this opportunity to join forces to subdue Chen Moshan, catch him red-handed, and hand him over to the head shopkeeper for handling.”

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