Han Zheng returned home and immediately summoned the Taotie furnace, preparing to enter it for cultivation.

From the way back from Lingyao Manor to now, Han Zheng has opened up some more acupoints, breaking through to 240 acupoints, but has not opened up more meridians.

Although Feng Yuan, the head of the Xingtang of the Sanhe Gang, has not reached the innate realm, if the opponent is a post-natal great perfection warrior who has opened up twelve meridians, the difference in strength between Han Zheng and the opponent is too big.

If you want to strike first, you must have strength as a back-up.

The 30 points of satiety that were previously reserved were directly thrown into the Taotie furnace by Han Zheng to start practicing.

Li Feng said that Han Zheng has a strong foundation, so he can actually be more radical in his practice.

The most direct way to improve strength is not to open up the acupoints, but to impact the meridians!

In the first 29 days, Han Zheng has been opening up the acupoints.

With a solid foundation and the Dragon Elephant Prajna as a foundation, Han Zheng's practice this time is extremely radical.

The internal force rushed crazily, the blood and qi in the body surged, and sometimes even two acupoints were attacked at the same time.

This behavior seemed to be a death wish to other warriors, but Han Zheng had a deep foundation and could withstand such a shock.

Such radical practice also yielded remarkable results.

In these 29 days, he directly opened up 65 acupoints, an average of more than two acupoints a day.

Han Zheng used the remaining day to directly attack the meridians, opening up two meridians in a day.

In fact, doing so was also a death wish to other warriors.

It was easy to open the acupoints. If it failed, it would be a waste of internal force at most, and then it would be done again.

But the consequences of failing to attack the meridians were very serious. Most warriors had to be careful every time, fearing that something would go wrong.

Moreover, the severe pain of attacking the meridians was not something that all warriors could endure.

After attacking once, it took a long time to recover before the second time.

That is, Han Zheng relied on his deep foundation and lack of pain to dare to do such a death wish.

After his satiety was completely consumed, Han Zheng left the Taotie furnace and checked his current attributes.

[Name: Han Zheng

Cultivation: Acquired Meridian Opening Realm (opened 305 acupoints and ten meridians.)

Martial arts: Acquired Realm "Iron Elephant Gong" perfected, acquired realm "Vajra Fist" perfected.

Innate Realm "Dragon Elephant Prajna Gong" proficiency 17%, Innate Realm "Vajra Demon Seal" proficiency 10%, Innate Realm "White Ape Tongbi Fist" proficiency 3%, Acquired Realm "Blood Evil Sword" proficiency 5%.

Current status: lack of pain, abundant blood and qi]

A acquired martial artist who has opened up ten meridians is very close to acquired perfection. There is a gap in strength between the two sides, but it is not that exaggerated.

In addition, Han Zheng has several innate martial arts, and is fully capable of using the weak to defeat the strong.

After changing into dark green clothes and taking a goose-feather knife, Han Zheng found a piece of black cloth to cover his face, and lurked in the alleys around Zuihualou in the night, staring at Zuihualou's movements without blinking.

Time stopped in the Taotie furnace. Han Zheng killed Liu San and changed clothes to Zuihualou. The whole process took less than a quarter of an hour. At this time, Feng Yuan should still be on the way.

Han Zheng didn't know what Feng Yuan looked like, so he could only use the dumbest elimination method to distinguish whether the guests who came to Zuihualou were Feng Yuan.

The possibility of making a mistake was not great.

Because there was only such a large-scale brothel in the entire Heishi County, and the others were half-closed prostitutes in the slums.

Therefore, those who could come to Zuihualou to drink wine were all well-known figures in Heishi County, and those who had reached the perfection of the acquired realm were even fewer, so it was easy to distinguish.

Han Zheng waited for half an hour, and three waves of guests came to Zuihualou, but they were not warriors, but big businessmen in Heishi County.

One of them was Guo Mingyuan's father, who had personally sent Guo Mingyuan to the martial arts hall.

At this time, a man in green clothes, with a cold face, thin body, and two deep lines on his face walked towards Zuihualou.

At the door, the old procuress who was in charge of welcoming guests with a face full of white powder and a big mouth with a fake smile, her eyes suddenly lit up.

"Mr. Feng, you are here, please come in quickly, is it still the old rules today?"

This person is a big customer of Zuihualou, and he can come 28 days out of 30 days in a month.

And he only does two things, that is, sleeping with girls and eating, and leaving after sleeping, and he still pays for the whole night, which is quite particular.

"It's still the old rules, there is no need to warm the wine this time, there are many things in the gang, it is not suitable to drink."

Han Zheng immediately locked his eyes on the other party, he is most likely Feng Yuan!

The surname is Feng, and judging from the cultivation level, the blood and qi in the body are abundant, it is definitely the late stage of the acquired or the perfect state.

And he said that there are many things in the gang, and there are only three gangs in Heishi County.

If the other party left in the middle of the night, then the other party must be Feng Yuan.

Seeing Feng Yuan enter Zuihualou, Han Zheng stared at the door in the alley.

Others were enjoying the warmth and fragrance in the brothel, while Han Zheng was blowing the cold wind outside, the contrast was obvious.

About half an hour later, Feng Yuan walked out of Zuihualou, but his face was obviously a little tired.

Han Zheng was slightly stunned, so fast?

Excluding the time for eating, it seems that there is not much time in bed.

Is Feng Yuan also a quick shooter?

Suppressing these messy thoughts, Han Zheng restrained his breath to the extreme, slowed down his pace and stuck to the shadow of the alley, following behind Feng Yuan and looking for an opportunity to shoot.

When he walked into a narrow and deserted alley, Han Zheng clenched the handle of the goose-feather knife in his hand, and a trace of murderous aura had subconsciously overflowed.

Feng Yuan suddenly stopped, looked at the dark alley behind him, and sneered: "Are you from the Black Tiger Gang or the Sky Eagle Gang? Come out, don't hide.

You guys dare to attack me, you are just looking for death!

It's almost the same if Pang Heihu and Qiu Tianying come!"

The three gangs in Heishi County have been fighting for territory for many years, and the situation has basically stabilized now.

The Sanhe Gang is the strongest, and the Black Tiger Gang has to join forces with the Sky Eagle Gang to resist.

But the two gangs also have their own scheming, so even if they join forces, they can't do anything to the Sanhe Gang.

At this point, the gang leader level almost won't fight, and it's all the younger brothers who are fighting.

Feng Yuan is the senior level of the Sanhe Gang second only to the gang leader. He thought that the gang members of the other two gangs who wanted to get ahead didn't know how high the sky was and wanted to kill him for a rich future.

Han Zheng breathed a sigh of relief in secret.

He had killed Wang Xiong, slashed demons, and fought with Song Tianqing and others before.

But only Feng Yuan was a warrior with rich experience in the martial arts world, who had experienced countless battles and had an extremely sharp perception.

He just revealed a little bit of murderous intent, but was caught by the other party.

Since there is no way to hide, then don't hide!

The next moment, Han Zheng drew his sword directly from the sheath, and a bright knife light suddenly flashed in the dark night, and slashed directly at Feng Yuan!

"Postnatal Perfection!?"

Feng Yuan thought it was a small character before, but he didn't expect that the man who made the move was so powerful, even if it was not Postnatal Perfection, it was almost the same.

The next moment, Feng Yuan moved his hand, and a bright silver pistol as long as an arm slipped out from his sleeve.

Holding the spear, he swung it violently, accompanied by a clanging sound of metal clashing, and Han Zheng was instantly repelled by a huge force.

Han Zheng's eyes condensed.

The worst result appeared.

This Feng Yuan is indeed a post-natal perfection, and he is only one step away from shedding his mortal body and achieving the innate!

Feng Yuan threw out a section of the gun barrel from his other sleeve, aligned it with the other section of the gun body, and locked it with two "clicks", and a fine iron and bright silver gun appeared in Feng Yuan's hand.

The tip of the gun pointed at Han Zheng, and Feng Yuan frowned and said, "Which gang are you from?"

The three gangs in Heishi County have been fighting each other for so many years. People at the level of post-natal perfection must be high-ranking gang members. There is no reason for him not to know them.

But he is indeed unfamiliar with the other party's figure and strength attributes.

"The one who wants you dead!"

Han Zheng lowered his voice and shouted, and the blood evil power overflowed. The goose feather knife in his hand slashed towards Feng Yuan with a cold wind.

The proficiency of the blood evil knife technique is not high, but at present, this is the only knife technique that Han Zheng can show off.

However, as a magic technique, the blood evil knife technique has the attribute of extreme lethality and quick power.

As long as Han Zheng mastered the method of condensing evil spirit, this bloody sword technique would be violent and fierce. The dazzling sword light almost instantly submerged Feng Yuan.

The fine iron and bright silver spear danced in Feng Yuan's hand, and the spear flowers rotated and hit the Yanling sword with a clanging sound.

His spear technique was not the way of the army, but the standard spear technique of the rivers and lakes.

It was fancy and complicated, but also powerful.

The fine iron and bright silver spear weighed twenty or thirty pounds, but he danced it tightly, so that Han Zheng's sword force could no longer move forward.

"Hahaha! It turns out that you are not the acquired perfection!"

After fighting for more than ten moves, Feng Yuan roughly realized Han Zheng's strength.

Although his strength was not weak, it was obviously still a long way from the acquired perfection.

With a loud shout, the fine iron and bright silver spear in Feng Yuan's hand trembled wildly, like a spirit snake, probing into Han Zheng's sword light and heading straight for his throat!

Han Zheng's eyes fixed, and his blood and qi were boiling. He pushed the power of the Dragon Elephant Prajna to the extreme.

Instead of retreating, Han Zheng twisted his body and swung his arm. His left hand was like a white ape swinging his arm, smashing the fine iron and bright silver spear!

The flesh body hit the iron spear hard, and the two intertwined and made a muffled roar.

Feng Yuan's spear was deflected, but Han Zheng's goose feather knife slashed closely against the long spear, with dazzling sparks all the way, directly slashing towards Feng Yuan's neck!

"White Ape Tongbi Fist!"

He recognized it instantly. It was the famous skill of Li Jingzhong of Zhenwei Martial Arts Hall.

But at this time, Feng Yuan had no time to think about why the people of Zhenwei Martial Arts Hall wanted to kill him.

The blood gathered, and the cold chill gave Feng Yuan goose bumps instantly.

Picking up the end of the spear, Feng Yuan gathered all his strength and swung it violently!

The internal force suddenly burst out. Although the bright silver spear knocked the goose feather knife in Han Zheng's hand away, it also slipped out of his hand.

Before Feng Yuan could breathe a sigh of relief, Han Zheng had already crossed his hands, made a slightly strange fist seal, and smashed it on his head!

The strong wind whistled, and Feng Yuan subconsciously crossed his hands to block in front of him, but his arms were broken and torn apart at the moment of being hit by this seal!

With a scream, Han Zheng's second seal had already fallen, and the Vajra was furious, suppressing demons and killing evil!

Feng Yuan spurted out a mouthful of blood, and his face was full of horror.

Innate martial arts! This man actually possessed two innate martial arts!

As soon as this thought flashed through his mind, Han Zheng's third seal in his hand had already smashed down in the air with the ultimate power of the Dragon Elephant Prajna.


With a muffled sound, Feng Yuan's head split like a watermelon, and red and white pulp splashed everywhere.

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