Li Jingzhong is an extremely qualified teacher.

When it comes to teaching disciples, those who are stronger than him may not be as good as him.

Even some elders of the big sects may not be as good as Li Jingzhong.

After all, those big sects are facing disciples with outstanding talents. They can just give them the skills and explain them briefly. They can understand them after studying for a while.

Li Jingzhong has to start from scratch and teach these disciples who have no martial arts foundation.

Therefore, any tricks and obstacles must be broken down and explained to everyone in detail to make it clear.

Li Jingzhong explained the details of the Xiantian realm to Han Zheng one after another. The level of detail can be said that even a fool can understand it.

"Thank you for your guidance, teacher."

Han Zheng thanked him sincerely.

Li Jingzhong smiled and said, "Don't be so polite. I have taught many disciples over the years, and many of them have broken through the Xiantian realm.

But they all broke through after leaving the martial arts hall. You may be the first disciple I taught who can break through the Xiantian realm in the martial arts hall.

By then, you will be regarded as the signboard of my Zhenwei Martial Arts Hall. When I recruit disciples next year, there may be more people.

Okay, go back and rest. Breaking through the Xiantian realm is not something that can be done in a short time. Although you have a solid foundation, you also need to take steady steps."

"Yes, teacher."

After leaving the martial arts hall, Han Zheng was about to go home, but he suddenly stopped.

Looking around, he didn't find anything unusual.

Just then, Han Zheng felt as if someone was peeping at him, but when he stopped, the peeping feeling disappeared.

This is not that Han Zheng is suspicious.

But after practicing martial arts, the six senses will naturally improve, and the perception is far more acute than ordinary people.

After returning home and closing the courtyard door, Han Zheng frowned slightly.

Was it someone who was just accidentally observing him, or was it someone who was deliberately spying on him?

Since crossing over, he had only secretly had a deadly feud with the Sanhe Gang, but once Wang Xiong died, no one should be able to find out about him.

On the surface, Guo Mingyuan and Song Tianqing had some grudges against him.

Although both of them were defeated by him in the martial arts competition, it was hard to guarantee that they would not be petty and resent him.

But even if they really resented him, they should not have the strength to do it.

The Guo family is now the richest in the county, but they only have silver and not much power.

And the Guo family is too rich now, and many people are jealous of their wealth.

I heard that Guo Mingyuan's father recently transferred all the guards and clerks to the grain store, fearing that someone would steal the grain.

Even if Guo Mingyuan wanted to make trouble for him, his father would not agree.

And Song Tianqing is not the young master of the Song family yet, and he is still being excluded in the Song family.

The only person who truly followed him loyally was the old shopkeeper Zheng Zhishan, who also had no spare energy to trouble him.

Who was spying on him? Could it be someone from the Sanhe Gang?

But with the power of the Sanhe Gang and the arrogance of Gao Kaiyuan, once they were sure that Wang Xiong was killed by them, they would definitely go directly to the martial arts hall to ask for him. Why would they spy in secret?

Han Zheng thought about it for a long time but couldn't figure it out, so he simply stopped thinking about it and concentrated on practicing.

Only when you are strong can you not be afraid of any external threats.

The next day, Han Zheng got up early to go to the martial arts hall, and on the way he felt the prying eyes again.

Although the following was not very close, Han Zheng was 100% sure this time that this person was coming for him.

After arriving at the martial arts hall, Han Zheng was quietly pulled into a corner by Li Sancheng before he had time to go to the inner hall.

"I have something to tell you. Be careful recently. It seems that someone wants to trouble you."

"Trouble me? Who wants to trouble me?"

Li Sancheng shook his head: "I don't know. I heard it from a friend. He was also a disciple of the martial arts school before, but he was eliminated in the first assessment.

Someone asked about you yesterday and asked quite detailed questions.

You are famous in our martial arts school, but who knows you outside the martial arts school?

Someone came to ask about you specifically, and there is a high possibility that they will cause trouble to you."

Han Zheng pondered for a moment and patted Li Sancheng on the shoulder: "Thanks, brother."

"Why should we be polite? Anyway, you should be careful recently."

Today, the martial arts school has a big class. Han Zheng deliberately practiced in the martial arts school for a while and left the martial arts school when it was dark.

As the Wenxiang Sect's movements in Huainan Road became more and more noisy, the price of grain in the county town skyrocketed, and it became more lonely and depressed at night.

Even some idle people did not wander around the streets, mostly because they were too hungry to have the strength.

Han Zheng walked around the corner of an alley, and then his blood and qi suddenly burst out. He stepped and twisted his body, and his figure rushed out like an arrow from a bow.

The people who had been following Han Zheng and watching him saw Han Zheng enter the alley, and subconsciously sped up, fearing that Han Zheng would disappear from their sight for too long.

But he never expected that Han Zheng would suddenly turn around and pounce.

He pressed the other person against the wall and covered his mouth.

Then he punched the other person in the stomach, and the man suddenly hunched over on the ground, wanting to scream but unable to make a sound.

Dragged him into a dark alley, Han Zheng pinched the other person's neck and said coldly: "If you dare to make a sound, I will kill you now!"

The cold murderous aura condensed by the bloody sword technique overflowed, and the man's face turned pale.

In his eyes, Han Zheng has become the kind of murderous maniac who hides deeply. He is a martial arts disciple on the surface, but secretly he may have many lives on his hands!

Moving his hand away, Han Zheng looked at the other party's appearance.

Wearing a blue shorts, he looks ordinary and has mediocre strength. It seems that he doesn't even have a single meridian open.

"Tell me, who are you? And who sent you to spy on me?"

The man trembled and lowered his voice: "I am a subordinate of Feng Yuan, the leader of the Sanhe Gang's Punishment Hall. My name is Liu San. It was Hall Master Feng who asked me to investigate you."

When he heard that the other party was from the Sanhe Gang, Han Zheng's heart suddenly sank.

The Sanhe Gang investigated him and found out that he killed Wang Xiong?

"Why are you investigating me?"

Under Han Zheng's gaze, Liu San said honestly: "Some time ago, Wang Xiong, the confidant leader of the second gang leader, was killed, and at the same time, a young gangster named Ma Gui died.

The second gang leader judged that the other party was not coming for Wang Xiong, but for Ma Gui, so he asked his men to start investigating everyone related to Ma Gui.

Feng Yuan, Hall Leader Feng, was the second gang leader’s supporter within the gang, so he took over the matter.

That guy Ma Gui is just a low-class gangster who knows too many people from all walks of life.

Hall Master Feng asked me to investigate one by one and eliminate the suspicions. In the end, there are still five most suspected ones that need to be investigated in detail, including you.

That's why I started to follow and investigate you in the past two days, but I didn't find anything. Tomorrow I'm going to start tracking and investigating another person. "

Speaking of this, Liu San also regretted it very much.

Feng Yuan asked him to investigate the information of these five people and give it to him first. He wanted to make a preliminary judgment first.

Originally Liu San only needed to investigate one person in one day, but he just wanted to delay the time deliberately, so he followed Han Zheng slowly for two days.

After all, stalking on the street is much easier than practicing boxing in a gang.

Who would have thought that he would be so unlucky that the first person he investigated would actually win the lottery.

Han Zheng frowned slightly.

At first, he thought that killing Wang Xiong of Ma Gui would be regarded as murder and silence.

But he still underestimated Gao Kaiyuan, and he didn't expect that the other party would directly investigate Ma Gui.

It was obvious that the cause and effect on Ma Gui and Wang Xiong was quite big, and Gao Kaiyuan was not ready to give up investigating this matter at all.

This elimination method is the most clumsy, but also the most effective, especially in a small county like Blackstone County with a small population and simple relationships.

"Who knows about these things now? Does Gao Kaiyuan know that your investigation has reached this level?"

Liu San shook his head quickly: "Only the leader of the hall knows now, because the real murderer has not been investigated yet, so it has not been reported to the second gang leader."

"Where is Feng Yuan? What is his strength?"

"The hall master should be preparing to go to Zuihua Building now. He hired a girl there and has to go to Zuihua Building almost every day.

But he never spent the night at Zuihua House. After having sex with the girl, he would immediately go back to the Sanhe Gang.

It is said that it was because he was ambushed in a brothel when he was fighting for territory with the Black Tiger Gang, so he did not dare to sleep anywhere else.

As for the strength, I don’t know. I only know that the hall master is definitely not at the innate realm, but he should be close to breaking through the innate realm.

Because once I overheard the hall leader and the second gang leader asking for advice on how to break through the innate barrier. "

After Liu San finished speaking, he looked at Han Zheng eagerly: "I have said everything and I have not concealed anything. Can you let me go?"

Han Zheng squinted his eyes and looked at Liu San: "You lied to me somewhere."

"I don't!"

Liu San subconsciously raised his voice: "I really didn't lie to you, I told you the truth!"

Han Zheng said quietly: "You said that Feng Yuan is the only one who knows these things now, but in fact there is another one, and that is you.

You even know more than Feng Yuan. Don’t you already know who killed Wang Xiong now? "

A hint of panic appeared in Liu San's eyes when Han Zheng exerted force on his hand, and with a 'click' sound, the opponent's neck had been broken.

This time Han Zheng had enough time to dispose of the body.

On the other side of the alley was the culvert of the moat outside Heishi County. Han Zheng directly stuffed Liu San's body into it.

Killing the opponent's Taotie Furnace didn't even prompt you to obtain Qi, Blood and Essence.

It should be that the opponent is too weak, not even a meridian has been opened, and he is not even considered an acquired warrior, so he cannot condense the energy, blood, and essence.

After taking a detour back home, Han Zheng frowned and pondered.

The current situation is not good for me.

Feng Yuan used the simplest elimination method to narrow down the suspects to a certain range.

If you let the other party continue to investigate, it will take a few days to investigate him and completely lock him down.

Han Zheng's eyes revealed a trace of evil spirit.

To strike first is to be strong, but to strike later is to suffer disaster.

It will be too late by the time the other party investigates him!

The author has added chapter 24. Readers who have already read it can go back and add another chapter (*^ω^*)

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