Inside the Zhenwei Martial Arts Hall.

Han Zheng sat cross-legged in the corner of the training ground, meditating silently.

His arm was injured, so it was not suitable for him to practice the White Ape Tongbi Fist for the time being, and it was easy for Li Jingzhong to find him.

So after coming to the martial arts hall today, he told Li Jingzhong that he wanted to practice internal strength and consolidate his cultivation.

The internal strength realm and martial arts fighting complement each other and are indispensable. It is normal for Han Zheng to say so.

At this time, the disciples in the martial arts hall gathered in twos and threes, and fiercely discussed the murder of Feng Yuan, the head of the Sanhe Gang Xingtang.

Heishi County is so small, and Feng Yuan is definitely a number one figure in the county.

As a result, he was beaten to death on the street with a miserable punch, and his head was blown up. This can be said to be extremely explosive news.

However, most people suspected that it was done by the Black Tiger Gang or the Sky Eagle Gang, thinking that the three gangs were about to start a war again.

At this time, Li Feng walked into the martial arts hall, carrying two large bags.

Seeing Han Zheng practicing in the corner, Li Feng came over with a smile and said, "Now I know why you can take the lead in the martial arts hall.

Everyone else in the martial arts hall is chatting, only you are practicing.

The medicinal bath is ready, and I brought it to you today. By the way, I will tell you how to use it."

"Thank you, Pharmacist Li."

Han Zheng's eyes lit up, and he quickly took the two bundles from Li Feng's hand.

"Huh? So heavy?"

Han Zheng was slightly surprised.

These two big bundles are probably more than ten pounds, all of them are spiritual medicines?

Li Feng whispered, "Manager Chen said that he would give you a medicinal bath, but in fact, as long as the proportion of spiritual medicine is correct, it doesn't matter if there are more or less.

I added more of each spiritual medicine, so these can be said to be a half-medicinal bath."

"Thank you very much."

Han Zheng bowed and took Li Feng to the inner hall of the martial arts hall, asking the servants of the martial arts hall to help make a cup of tea.

He is now considered a true disciple of Li Jingzhong, and the servants of the martial arts hall are also very polite to Han Zheng.

Li Feng took a sip of tea and said, "The steps for this medicinal bath to work are a bit complicated.

When you go back, you must first buy a large bathtub and soak the spiritual medicine in boiling water for an hour. When the medicinal power is dissipated, you can enter it to practice.

Remember that each time you enter the medicinal bath to practice, you cannot practice for more than an hour, otherwise the body will not only be unable to absorb too much spiritual medicine power, but it may also block the acupoints and meridians.

A normal spiritual medicine can be used for about three days before the effect will dissipate. I added some more ingredients for you, so it can be used for about four to five days."

Han Zheng nodded and suddenly asked, "If it is a pill, wouldn't it be so complicated?"

"Of course, the pill can be refined by swallowing it directly, and if it cannot be digested for a while, it will be fine. There will be no side effects of blocking the acupoints and meridians.

It's just that those pill recipes are extremely precious. We pharmacists in small counties can envy them, but we have never dreamed of becoming alchemists one day."

Although Li Feng said so, there was still a look of desire in his eyes.

Alchemists and pharmacists are completely different beings, and the former also has a very high status in those big families and sects.

"By the way, Pharmacist Li, have you heard about the murder of Feng Yuan, the head of the Sanhe Gang's Criminal Hall, today?"

Although killing Feng Yuan was considered a murder to silence him, Han Zheng was sure that Gao Kaiyuan would not let it go, and he was still at risk of being exposed, but it was just delayed for a few days.

So Han Zheng also wanted to find out what was going on outside to see what his next move should be.

The news that the disciples in the martial arts hall heard were all kinds of miscellaneous rumors, which were of no use to Han Zheng.

As one of the few senior pharmacists in Heishi County, Li Feng had a wide network of contacts, and the sources of information he obtained were much more reliable.

"Of course I heard about it. This matter has been widely spread outside.

But I don't know who did it yet. Later, I heard that Gao Kaiyuan and the big gang leader Cao Bin had another quarrel during the Sanhe Gang meeting."

Han Zheng was surprised and said, "Didn't they say that the three gang leaders of the Sanhe Gang were sworn brothers, so they founded the Sanhe Gang together? Do they always have conflicts?"

"It's easy to share hardships, but difficult to share happiness."

Li Feng sighed, "At the beginning, the three of them were indeed sworn brothers, the kind who lived and died together, so they were able to develop the Sanhe Gang into one of the three gangs in Heishi County in just a few years.

But when the Sanhe Gang became stronger, with wealth and power ahead, who really dared to say that they had no selfish motives?

Cao Bin is the oldest, almost sixty years old, and his body was injured in his early years. Now His blood began to decline.

The shopkeeper had prescribed medicine for him, but it could only delay the deterioration of his body.

Among the three leaders of the Sanhe Gang, only Cao Bin had an only son named Cao Rui, so Cao Bin had always wanted to pass the position of leader to his son.

But Gao Kaiyuan was naturally unwilling. He was only in his forties and in his prime. Of course, he wanted to control the Sanhe Gang, so he almost broke up with Cao Bin because of this matter.

As for the third leader Jiang Tai, he was the youngest and the weakest. There were not many people in the gang who supported him, so they did not help each other.

Now these two people did not fight, just because the Black Tiger Gang and the Sky Eagle Gang were outside, they did not dare to fight, for fear of being taken advantage of by outsiders. "

Han Zheng nodded thoughtfully.

Li Feng chatted with Han Zheng for a few more words and then said goodbye and returned to Shenghe Hall.

After the morning class, Han Zheng immediately bought a large bathtub and went home to prepare for a medicinal bath.

First throw a bunch of elixirs into the bathtub, then boil pots of water to soak them.

These spiritual medicines are of various kinds, with different colors and tastes. After being soaked in boiling water, the color is like a pot of dirty yellow soup, emitting a strong smell of medicine.

Han Zheng frowned slightly.

No wonder those disciples of the big sects don't use medicinal baths, but take pills.

Medicinal baths are indeed a bit cumbersome and not very decent.

After an hour, the medicinal power dissipated, Han Zheng took off his clothes and jumped into it, and in an instant a surge of spiritual energy enveloped him.

Running the Dragon Elephant Prajna Gong, the majestic medicinal power was madly absorbed into Han Zheng's body, and the internal force flowed in Han Zheng's body almost madly.

One by one, the acupoints were opened, and there was no need to accumulate internal force again. Under the blessing of the medicinal bath, it was like a whirlwind that continuously broke through the acupoints in Han Zheng's body.

At Han Zheng's previous speed, he could open two or three acupoints every day.

This is already the limit after the blessing of the Dragon Elephant Prajna Gong.

But now, only half an hour has passed, and Han Zheng has opened more than ten acupoints, flowing smoothly without any obstruction.

Li Feng told Han Zheng that the medicinal bath should not last more than an hour, because the body cannot absorb so much medicinal power.

But that was because Li Feng did not know that Han Zheng possessed the Dragon Elephant Prajna Technique.

Dragon swallows elephant drink.

The power of the Dragon Elephant Prajna Technique was extremely terrifying. The medicinal power was absorbed by Han Zheng crazily, and then it madly roamed and impacted in the body, opening the acupoints.

Until three hours later, the medicinal bath that could be used for four or five days was actually consumed by Han Zheng in one night, and the medicinal power was lost.

Han Zheng's body was surging with a faint stream of light at this time, which could only be vaguely seen in the dark.

That was a manifestation of the perfection of the acupoints and the spread of internal strength throughout the body.

There were still two meridians in his body that had not been opened, but for Han Zheng at this time, that was no longer an obstacle.

With a thought, the two meridians were completely penetrated by the surging internal force in an instant.

Three hundred and sixty-five acupoints secretly correspond to the Zhoutian stars, and twelve meridians run through the whole body. Han Zheng has reached the state of postnatal perfection!

Looking at the bathtub that has evaporated a lot of water, Han Zheng shook his head gently.

No wonder so many warriors are flocking to external resources such as medicinal baths and elixirs. It's really that these things are too useful.

This medicinal bath is even enough to match Han Zheng's hard work for a month.

Of course, this is because Han Zheng has a deep foundation and has innate skills such as Dragon Elephant Prajna Gong, so he dares to play like this.

Other warriors of the same level can only soak for one hour a day as Li Feng said, and more will block the acupoints and meridians.

Looking at his arm, the previous minor fracture has even been healed by the power of the medicine under the nourishment of the medicinal bath.

Pushing open the courtyard door, the sky outside is already slightly bright.

Han Zheng suppressed part of his breath and went to the martial arts hall to practice.

Li Jingzhong knew that Li Feng sent him a medicinal bath.

But he used up all the medicinal bath overnight, and his cultivation level soared to the post-natal perfection, which was a bit scary, so he had to hide it.

There was a big class in the martial arts hall today. After class in the evening, Han Zheng went to a small shop that Li Sancheng recommended to him, which sold braised large intestines.

Li Sancheng didn't have many hobbies, but he liked to eat.

After escorting the caravan and getting a lot of silver last time, Li Sancheng gave part of it to his father, and he spent almost all the rest of the money on food.

But he did find a lot of small shops with good quality and low prices.

This small shop selling braised large intestines is in the south city, and it is an inconspicuous stall.

These days, poor people can't even eat enough meat, let alone rice, so pig offal is also very valuable.

But the large intestine is smelly, and the price of spices used to remove the smell is even more expensive, far beyond the reach of poor people.

So even among the offal, not many people are willing to eat pig large intestines.

Only the owner of this small stall has a jar of ancestral brine that is said to have been passed down for several generations, which can remove the fishy smell of pig intestines, so it is very popular among the people.

Han Zheng bought a bowl of braised large intestines, and went to the next door to buy two sesame cakes to eat with it.

He turned over the fragrant large intestines, and found that there was no trace of the original flavor of the large intestines left in it, so he took a bite with confidence.

It was indeed fragrant, soft and glutinous, and very tasty.

At this time, a figure in black and red official uniform suddenly sat opposite Han Zheng with a bowl of braised large intestines.

"I didn't expect that this braised large intestine is still open.

I remember that this stall was originally opened by his father, and then encountered a gang fight.

But his father was still running slowly with the jar of brine, and as a result, a knife flew from nowhere and cut off half of his head. He was holding the brine jar before he died."

Zhang Tianyang chewed the braised large intestines and squinted at Han Zheng.

"This guy, the most terrible thing is greed. Do you think his father would have survived if he had put down the brine jar and escaped?"

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