Han Zheng sat opposite Zhang Tianyang, his body tensed up involuntarily.

He didn't understand why Zhang Tianyang was here. Could he really just come here to eat braised large intestines?

He could eat, but there were so many places around the stall, but he chose to sit opposite him and said such ambiguous words to him. What did he mean by this?

Li Jingzhong said that Zhang Tianyang was a bit dangerous and he should try to have as little contact with him as possible.

In fact, Han Zheng knew that the aura of the other party was too dangerous even if Li Jingzhong didn't say it.

But now that Zhang Tianyang took the initiative to sit opposite him and talk, Han Zheng couldn't offend him, so he just left.

After a moment's silence, Han Zheng said in a deep voice: "The world's affairs are always interdependent.

He abandoned the brine jar and ran away, but without the ancestral brine, how could he make a living?

Perhaps he and his descendants would lose their means of livelihood, and eventually starve to death due to poverty.

Now he is dead, but the brine jar has been saved, and his descendants can at least have a full meal with this skill.

Greed is not terrible, who in the world is not greedy?

What is terrible is greed."

Zhang Tianyang laughed and said: "Hahaha! Interesting, interesting, your statement is more honest than most.

Han Zheng, in fact, in terms of seniority, I still have to call you Master. Brother, after all, we are all disciples of the teacher. "

Han Zheng hurriedly said: "I dare not pretend to be your junior brother, please eat slowly, I will leave first after I am full."

Zhang Tianyang chewed the braised large intestine slowly and said lightly: "You left after eating half of it? I, Zhang Tianyang, am not a vicious wolf or a tiger, what are you afraid of?

I came here to remind you that although you have not been exposed, you are not far away. The people of the Sanhe Gang are about to find you. "

Han Zheng tilted his head and showed a puzzled expression: "What did Master Zhang say, why don't I understand it a little bit?"

After the voice fell, Han Zheng subconsciously looked around.

At this time, it was already dark, there were no other diners, and the stall owner was also packing up, some distance away from them.

Han Zheng's meridians and blood were all boiling and surging in his body. Although he looked calm on the outside, he could burst out the ultimate power at the fastest speed.

Seeing Han Zheng like a volcano about to erupt, Zhang Tianyang's eyes showed a touch of approval.

As still as a mountain, as aggressive as fire.

No wonder he could kill Feng Yuan so easily.

This "junior brother" of his is naturally a good candidate for martial arts fighting.

"Don't get excited, I have no ill will towards you.

Feng Yuan is not a good guy, and he has done many things that have forced the people to break up their families. You killed him and eliminated harm for the people.

I came here just to remind you that Gao Kaiyuan takes this matter very seriously.

Feng Yuan is not his confidant, to be more precise, he should be his ally.

Now that Feng Yuan is dead, Gao Kaiyuan is like a broken arm in the Sanhe Gang, he will not let it go.

Gao Kaiyuan has been investigating during this period, and he will soon find out about you.

Of course, you can continue to kill, but the more you kill, the greater the risk of exposure."

Han Zheng's face did not change, but his thoughts were turning rapidly.

Han Zheng knew without Zhang Tianyang's words that killing Feng Yuan could only delay for a period of time at most, and it would be easy to be found out sooner or later.

He just didn't expect Gao Kaiyuan's progress to be so fast that he found out about him in two days.

Zhang Tianyang's purpose in telling him this was also very suspicious.

He didn't believe that Zhang Tianyang reminded his "junior brother" because he was also Li Jingzhong's student.

At this time, Zhang Tianyang chuckled and flicked out a piece of broken silver, which fell in front of the stall owner.

"Help me get a pot of wine, and the rest of the money will be yours."

The stall owner was immediately overjoyed and ran out with the silver.

When there was no one around, Zhang Tianyang said, "Actually, I am not interested in the feud between you and the Sanhe Gang. I am here to remind you, just to remind you.

But in addition to reminding you, I also want to make a deal with you. You do me a favor and I will help you block the investigation of the Sanhe Gang. How about it?"

Han Zheng shook his head gently and said, "What can I do if you can't do it with your identity, Lord Zhang?"

"It is because of my identity that I can't do some things."

Zhang Tianyang looked at Han Zheng with a smile: "My teacher should have told you about my strength. Aren't you curious about why I came to Heishi County to be a head constable with my strength?

To put it bluntly, I don't even look down on the position of the chief constable of the state government."

Han Zheng hesitated for a moment, but still nodded.

Li Jingzhong said that if Zhang Tianyang wanted to kill him, it would be easy, and he would definitely not be his opponent.

So Zhang Tianyang's strength is definitely at the peak of innateness, and his combat power far exceeds Li Jingzhong.

To put it bluntly, the constables and the head constables in a small county like Heishi County are used to maintain public order.

It is a waste of talent to be a head constable in the Xiantian realm, let alone a master like Zhang Tianyang who is at the peak of the Xiantian realm.

Zhang Tianyang squinted his eyes while chewing on the braised large intestine and said, "I came to Heishi County to be the chief head constable because of the rebellion of the Wenxiang Sect."

"The Wenxiang Sect has not even completely conquered Huainan Road, and they dare to attack Shannan Road?"

"In theory, they dare not. To put it bluntly, the Wenxiang Sect is just an evil sect, and it is far from challenging the order of the entire Great Zhou.

Dividing the troops to Shannan Road and attacking the two roads of the Great Zhou at the same time is courting death. They don't have that kind of power yet.

The reason why Huainan Road was hit so hard by the Wenxiang Sect was because it was not prepared, and the Wenxiang Sect infiltrated it, which led to the collapse of the court's defense.

However, our people have undercovers in the Wenxiang Sect, and they have learned that someone in Heishi County is colluding with the Wenxiang Sect, and they are ready to offer Heishi County as a bridgehead for the Wenxiang Sect to enter Shannan Road.

Although Heishi County is only a small county, its geographical location is important.

If you want to take Shannan Road, you must first take Jingzhou Prefecture, and if you want to take Jingzhou Prefecture, you must first take Heishi County.

If the Wenxiang Sect really takes Heishi County, Jingzhou Prefecture will be in danger.

And once the Wenxiang Sect takes Jingzhou Prefecture, they can release the followers in all directions and eat away at Shannan Road. ”

Zhang Tianyang pointed at himself and said: "This kind of thing must be strangled in advance, so the superiors sent me to be the chief constable in order not to alert the enemy and secretly investigate who is colluding with the Wenxiang Sect.

It can be said that all forces in Heishi County are suspected, and the three gangs are the most suspected. This kind of grassroots gang has no bottom line and is most likely to do such things.

But the yamen runners in Heishi County are too useless. I have no manpower available, and I dare not reveal my identity to start the investigation directly.

The last person who came to Heishi County to investigate has died, and his death is unclear.

So I need someone to help me secretly confuse the situation in Heishi County, so that I can find out who is colluding with the Wenxiang Sect. "

Han Zheng was silent for a moment, shook his head and said: "Master Zhang, it's not that I don't want to help, but it's too dangerous.

The Wenxiang Sect is a cult sect that can occupy the entire Huainan Road. I am just an apprentice in a martial arts hall and can't afford to offend the Wenxiang Sect.

My strength is involved in this kind of thing, just like a small shrimp being caught in a storm, and it will be torn apart in an instant.

Besides, the last person who investigated is dead, and his strength must be stronger than mine. If I get involved, I'm afraid I will die faster. "

"The last person died because his identity was exposed, but you don't have to worry about that. You are Han Zheng, a martial arts apprentice who grew up in Heishi County. What identity are you afraid of exposing?

And I don't need you to investigate the Wenxiang Sect directly. You just need to muddy the water in Heishi County, and I can naturally tell which force is wrong.

And you killed Feng Yuan, and you have already made a deadly feud with the Sanhe Gang.

Although I don't know what grudge you have with Gao Kaiyuan, it is obvious that once he finds you out, he will definitely not let you go. "

Han Zheng was silent for a moment and said: "I can't afford to provoke, but I can afford to hide. At worst, I will leave Heishi County."

Zhang Tianyang looked at Han Zheng with a smile: "Junior brother, in fact, you and I are the same person, a wolf, and you will never let go of any grievances!

Gao Kaiyuan didn't let you go, and you also didn't think about letting Gao Kaiyuan go.

If you know how to escape, you should have escaped after killing Wang Xiong, instead of staying in Heishi County. Are you willing to escape now? "

Han Zheng was silent again.

Zhang Tianyang said something very right. Han Zheng seemed peaceful, but he was a wolf in his heart, and he was ruthless and revengeful.

In his previous life, Han Zheng's family didn't have much money when he was a child. His parents always told him not to make trouble. In addition, he was a bit taciturn, so he was always bullied at school.

Once he was bullied so badly that Han Zheng almost stabbed the bully's eyes with a pencil. His fierce look stunned everyone.

From then on, from elementary school to junior high school, Han Zheng was still taciturn, but he was never bullied again.

In his previous life, it was a harmonious society. You couldn't fight back if you were beaten, otherwise it would be a fight.

So Han Zheng hid his personality very well. He has always been a good guy in the company and worked hard.

And what about this world? Demons In troubled times, the strong prey on the weak. If you don't eat people, others will eat you!

So Han Zheng's hidden character deep in his heart was also triggered inadvertently.

Just like the first time he killed someone, there was no ripples, no discomfort at all.

In this life, 'Han Zheng' died unclearly. Although he should have been killed by the Buddha statue, why he was taken out of the city by Wang Xiong was the key to his death.

This is a knot. If it is not solved, Han Zheng will always have a feeling of incomprehension in his heart.

It may be because although he occupied the body after crossing, 'Han Zheng' in this life still has some reluctance and obsession.

At this time, Zhang Tianyang smiled and said, "It's normal for you to worry about me. Let me take you to see someone, and you can decide whether to agree to me after meeting him. "

As he said that, Zhang Tianyang stood up and walked directly to the city gate.

Han Zheng had no choice but to follow him out of the city without offending Zhang Tianyang.

The owner of the braised large intestine stall came back with a pot of wine, and scratched his head in confusion when he saw the empty space.

After waiting for a while and seeing no one coming back, he simply carried a pot of free wine and happily closed the stall.

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