I am in the chaotic world of demons and warriors, and I have become a martial arts god

Chapter 92: First Mission (Additional chapter for the leader's most dazzling life dream)

"There is Lijia Village at the foot of Liyun Mountain in the north of Kaiping Prefecture, which is under the jurisdiction of Ning'an County of Kaiping Prefecture, but that place is too far away from Ning'an County and the county has almost no control over it.

A few days ago, a woman from Lijia Village came to Kaiping Mansion to complain, saying that the head of Lijia Village offered sacrifices to demons, but she was caught up and taken back by the villagers.

You go and investigate. If someone really sacrifices a demon, you take the initiative to deal with it.

Based on his strength and qualifications, Ye Liuyun was the main candidate for this mission. "

In front of Wen Tingyun's table, Han Zheng and four others stood, listening to Wen Tingyun's instructions.

After hearing the content of the mission, Yang Tianqi and others had no expression.

It's just a simple exploration mission, nothing too difficult.

Even if that village is really sacrificing demons, it's just a village, what kind of serious demons can No. 100 people sacrifice?

"Yes, sir."

The four people answered with their hands raised and turned around to get ready.

"By the way, Brother Ye, I wanted to thank you for speaking out last time."

After leaving the door, Yang Tianqi cupped his hands at Ye Liuyun and thanked him.

Ye Liuyun shook his head, with a cold and calm expression: "No need to thank you, I wasn't helping you last time, it was just that guy Guo Zhen who went too far.

Now that they have joined the Dangmo Division, they still take out the same set of things from the aristocratic sect, and what they lose is the entire Dangmo Division.

Yang Tianqi, now that you have put on this black armor, you are no longer the little boy who served tea and water before, and can be humiliated at will.

Our Dang Mo Division always looks at strength and ability. You can't tolerate Guo Zhen forever.

Instead of hiding and suffering humiliation, it is better to find opportunities to fight.

I'll go back and pack my luggage first, and we'll meet at the entrance of Dang Mo Division. "

After saying that, Ye Liuyun turned around and left.

Ye Caiyun stuck out his tongue at Yang Tianqi: "My brother is like this, don't worry about it."

After speaking, Ye Caiyun showed a bright smile to Han Zheng: "My name is Ye Caiyun, please take good care of me in the future."

"My lord, Han Zheng, Miss Ye is so polite."

After Ye Caiyun said that, he jumped up and chased Ye Liuyun, looking very youthful and energetic.

Han Zheng looked at Ye Liuyun's back, squinted his eyes and said, "Why do I feel that Ye Liuyun is a bit arrogant?"

The last time he spoke, he was obviously helping Yang Tianqi and himself, but now he refuses to admit it.

He wanted to cheer up Yang Tianqi to fight back against Guo Zhen, but what he said was a bit accusing Yang Tianqi of not living up to expectations.

"Tsundere? What does that mean? Brother Ye is a nice person. He may be a little stiff in his words, but I know he doesn't mean any harm."

Yang Tianqi said: "I have been in contact with Brother Ye a few times. He is a cold-faced person with a warm heart. His words are direct, aggressive and a bit extreme, but he is still a good person.

At least the brothers who have performed missions with him have never said anything bad about him. Whenever there is danger, Brother Ye will almost always rush to the front.

The Ye family brothers and sisters have not had it easy in the family since they were young.

Faced with some threats in the family, he always stood in front of his sister, which is how he developed this character.

I heard that he had a falling out with the direct line of the Ye family because the direct line of the Ye family touched Ye Caiyun, and he almost beat him to death, so he had to leave the Ye family and join the Dang Mo Division. "

Han Zheng nodded clearly, it turned out that he was still a girl.

The strength of sister control is generally not weak. This Ye Liuyun is not very old, but he also has the cultivation level at the peak of the innate transformation realm.

It's just that he couldn't put on the gold-patterned black armor, also because he didn't have enough merit points.

At the entrance of Dang Mo Division, Han Zheng and the other two men each led a horse to meet there.

Except for Yang Tianqi, Han Zheng and others had nothing on them, only he was carrying a big package.

Although the Ye family in Fuyun Valley is not a big family on the level of the Five Families and Seven Sects, it is second only to the five big families in Shannan Road.

Therefore, even if Ye Liuyun brother and sister are not direct descendants, they still have the Qiankun bag.

"Brother Han, do you also have a Qiankun bag on you?"

Seeing that he seemed to be the poorest among the four, Yang Tianqi felt a little embarrassed.

"Of course I can't afford it myself. I killed an opponent casually and snatched it from him."

As soon as these words came out, Ye Liuyun and the other three people all looked at Han Zheng.

What level of opponent actually has the Qiankun Bag on him?

Either the other party has an extraordinary background, or the other party has extraordinary strength.

The words coming out of Han Zheng's mouth were as light as grabbing a penny from a beggar's hand.

The four of them got on their horses and headed straight for Ning'an County.

Although they are going to Lijia Village, they don't even know where Lijia Village is.

The territory of the Great Zhou Dynasty is vast, not to mention that the current strength of the central court is not as strong as before. Even when the Great Zhou Dynasty was first established, the imperial power did not extend to the counties.

The official positions of the imperial court were only appointed to the county seat. In other towns and villages, the heads of the townships and villages were recommended by their own people. They were usually the heads of the local gentry and clansmen. People with high moral character and high respect could just go to the county magistrate to register.

Moreover, villages in remote counties all over the country appear and disappear very quickly.

There may be only a few families in a certain place at the beginning. With the continuous migration of people or the development of several generations, it may develop into a small village in a few decades.

And if you encounter some evil spirits, or encounter a murderer like the ghost-eating boy, the entire village will be slaughtered and disappeared overnight.

It is simply unrealistic to expect the local county to update the map diligently, so the map on Danmosi's side cannot accurately reach the village at all, so he can only go to the county to find someone to lead the way.

After galloping day and night, Han Zheng and his companions arrived at Ning'an County three days later.

Ning'an County is a county town smaller than Heishi County.

Heishi County is at least an important road to Shannan Road, and there are many caravans passing by.

Ning'an County is located in the corner of the jurisdiction of Kaiping Prefecture, surrounded by mountains on three sides, and the area is barren.

They went straight to the county government office. When they arrived at the gate, Ye Liuyun had already slapped the waist badge of the Demon-Slaying Division on the other party's face before the constable guarding the county government office had time to ask.

"Go, call out your county magistrate."

After a while, a short and fat county magistrate with small green bean eyes and red nose, while buttoning his official uniform in a panic, smiled and said: "I didn't know that the gentlemen of the Demon-Slaying Division were coming. I am sorry for not welcoming you."

Han Zheng could clearly smell the strong smell of powder on the other party, and there was even a lip mark on his neck.

This county magistrate is having sex here in broad daylight, he is really in the mood for sex.

Ye Liuyun obviously saw all this, his face was slightly gloomy, and he said in a cold voice: "The Demon-Slaying Division has received a mission. Someone from Lijia Village in Ning'an County went to Kaiping Prefecture to appeal for injustice, saying that the local village chief sacrificed demons. Do you know about this?"

The county magistrate's green bean eyes showed a trace of confusion: "Sacrificing demons? Haven't heard of this?"

Then the county magistrate said viciously: "These unruly people! If you have something to say, don't come to me, but go to Kaiping Prefecture to talk nonsense and disturb the adults of the Demon-Slaying Division. It's really hateful!"

Ye Liuyun frowned: "We will investigate whether it is nonsense or not. Now you immediately find someone who is familiar with the route of Lijia Village to take us to Lijia Village to have a look."

The county magistrate suddenly froze there, and then showed Ye Liuyun a flattering smile: "Please wait for a while, sir."

Then the county magistrate shouted to the outside: "Master! Master!"

A middle-aged Confucian scholar wearing a Confucian robe and a thin figure walked in.

"What do you want, sir?"

"Is there a village called Lijia Village in our county? Do you know where it is?"

Ye Caiyun rolled her eyes, and Han Zheng and others were speechless.

This county magistrate is so incompetent that he doesn't even know if there is such a village in his jurisdiction.

The lawyer was very capable. Hearing this, he said, "There are three Lijia Villages in Ning'an County. I wonder which one you are asking about, sir?"

Ye Liuyun said indifferently, "The Lijia Village at the foot of Liyun Mountain."

"Oh, it's that Lijia Village. They are the farthest from our county town. They only send people to the county town once every six months to bring some animal skins and mountain products to sell, and buy some salt, wine, cloth and other things. Your tiger bone wine was sent by people from Lijia Village."

The county magistrate glared at him and said, "You answer whatever I ask you. Why do you say so many useless things? Has anyone been to that Lijia Village?"

"That The place is too far away, and not many people have been there, but Feng, the head constable of our county government, went there three years ago.

It was the birthday of the prefect at that time, and you didn't know what gift to give, so Feng went to Lijia Village to get a rare white tiger skin as a birthday gift for the prefect.

You promoted him to the head constable because of this incident, have you forgotten? "

The county magistrate glared at him fiercely again: "Get out! You answered whatever I asked you, and you said so much useless nonsense!"

After driving the lawyer out, the county magistrate immediately called a thirty-year-old head constable with a slick face.

"These adults from the Demon-Slaying Division are going to Lijia Village under the Liyun Mountain. You take them with you. Listen to the instructions of the adults in everything and be smart, do you hear me?"

"Don't worry, my lord, I won't do it."

Captain Feng had a flattering and slick smile on his face, and it was obvious that he was much more sensible than the lawyer.

Sorry, sorry, I just realized I forgot to check the typos before publishing. It's a bit late.

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