I am in the chaotic world of demons and warriors, and I have become a martial arts god

Chapter 93 Either great good or great evil (extra chapter for the leader who doesn't care)

Taking Feng Baotou with them, Han Zheng and others went straight to Lijiacun.

However, after riding for half a day, Feng Baotou suggested that everyone store their horses at an inn first.

"My lords, we have to walk on a winding mountain road to Lijia Village. The road there is rugged and difficult, and horses can easily sprain their feet or fall off the cliff.

It's a pity to lose such a good horse. We'd better walk in. It's not far after entering the mountain. "

Ye Liuyun nodded.

Anyway, for them, walking is no different from riding a horse, they just need to take into account the speed of Feng Capture.

Although he has also practiced martial arts, his strength is at the early stage of the Houtian realm, with no more than three meridians open.

Han Zheng suddenly asked: "Captain Feng, you have been to Lijia Village. Have you ever heard about the sacrifice of demons in Lijia Village?"

Ye Liuyun glanced at Han Zheng in slight surprise. Unexpectedly, Han Zheng, a newcomer, was quite careful in his work and knew to check the information in advance.

In fact, Han Zheng didn't ask about these things, and Ye Liuyun was ready to ask after a while.

Feng Captou shook his head: "I've never heard of it. Lijia Village is quite big. If there are really demons around, wouldn't they all be eaten by now?"

"Then what's your impression of Lijia Village? Don't think about anything else, just tell the truth."

Feng Captou thought for a while and said cautiously: "In fact, I have only been to Lijia Village once, and I don't know much about it.

But if we talk about the impression, it may be rich.

Our Ning'an County is located in a remote area and has few specialties. Even the county seat is actually very poor, as you have seen.

Although the villain is a head catcher, he can't afford meat every day, but the place in Lijia Village is really rich, and every household can eat meat almost every day. "

Yang Tianqi on the side said in surprise: "Why is Lijia Village so rich? Is it possible that there is a gold mine there?"

Feng Captou said: "That's not true. If there is a gold mine, the court will definitely expropriate it.

Lijiacun is close to Liyun Mountain, so almost every family in Lijia Village is a hunter.

Liyun Mountain is rich in products, and the hunters in Lijia Village are also famous for their high skills.

In addition to some common prey, sometimes you can even catch some rare things and bring them to the county to exchange for money.

Because I had heard about Lijiacun's abilities, I went to Lijiacun specifically to see if I could find any good stuff. Unexpectedly, I actually found a white tiger skin.

Therefore, over the years, Lijiacun has been able to eat less meat every day by hunting. Some rare prey are sold to the state capital and exchanged for supplies such as grain, salt and cloth. "

"What about the people in Lijia Village? Especially the village chief who was accused of sacrificing demons."

Feng Captou hesitated for a moment, then Han Zheng said: "Don't worry, just tell me your own opinion."

After scratching his head, Feng Captou said: "The village chief of Lijia Village is called Li Youde. To be honest, I think he is a pretty good person.

Sir, you are in the state capital and you don’t know what the villages at the bottom are like.

The village chiefs of these villages are almost all from local wealthy families. Whoever has more sons and a strong fist will be the village chief.

Usually, bullying the villagers and being domineering is considered a minor offense, and the number of people who cause harm to people is not considered a minority.

But Li Youde is the elected village chief of Lijia Village. He only has one son and one daughter. The daughter died a few years ago and has little power in her own right.

Every time Lijiacun came to the county to sell game furs, Li Youde personally led the team. He didn't keep a penny of the money collected, and distributed it all to the villagers when he returned.

But the mountain road is difficult to travel. I heard that he once fell off a cliff and broke his leg and became a cripple. However, even so, he paid for the medical expenses himself without using a penny from the village. "

Feng Captou said quickly: "Li Youde didn't say this himself, it was the local villager Orion who told me.

The last time I came to buy a white tiger skin, I found the white tiger skin from a hunter's house. Li Youde wanted to curry favor with me, so he directly gave the white tiger skin to me without asking for a penny.

But he secretly gave the Orion fifty taels of silver, saying that he wanted to give Shangguan face, but he could not let him suffer.

The Orion was so stunned that he came to me at night and asked me to return the money to Li Youde. He said that the village chief had done so much for everyone, and if he still accepted the village chief's money, he would really be a human being.

I heard all these things from the mouth of the Orion. "

Ye Liuyun, Han Zheng and others looked at each other with a strange look in their eyes.

Let's not talk about whether the village chief did anything to sacrifice the demon. Just what he did felt wrong.

Li Youde is so good, even a little too good.

In this kind of world, such people are either truly selfless saints, or they are treacherous and evil people who pretend to be extremely good.

In short, no matter which one it is, they must first determine whether the other party has sacrificed a demon.

For Dang Mo Si, even if you are a saint, as long as you sacrifice a demon, you will still be killed.

The road to Lijia Village was indeed difficult. After walking on the mountain road for most of the day, we finally saw a sizable village at the foot of the mountain.

Shannan Road is mountainous and hilly, and Liyun Mountain is one of the branches of the Tiancang Mountain Range, the largest mountain range in Shannan Road.

Although Liyun Mountain is not majestic and dangerous, its dense forests are deep. Except for the hunters in Lijiacun, few people enter the mountain.

Ye Liuyun said in a deep voice: "Although I have never heard of any demons appearing in Liyun Mountain, judging from its appearance, it is indeed easy for demons to breed."

Han Zheng's attention was focused on Lijia Village.

"This village is really quite big."

Han Zheng had seen many villages in Jingzhou Prefecture before when he was escorting the caravan for Sheng Hetang.

But those villages were so miserable that a house built with thatch and yellow mud was considered a house.

Some of the local villagers don't even have a neat and intact set of clothes, and their faces are sullen.

Moreover, most villages have a small population, with some having hundreds of households and some having only dozens of households.

The Lijia Village in front of us is different. Judging from the size of the houses, there are at least a thousand households, and the houses are all built with serious bricks and stones.

Many people still dry meat and fur in their courtyards, and the villagers all have rosy complexions, and their appearance is even better than that of the people in Ning'an County.

However, few outsiders came to Lijia Village. When they saw Han Zheng and others, the villagers immediately showed vigilant expressions.

Some villagers even took out their swords, guns, bows and arrows.

There is little cultivated land in Lijia Village, and almost all the men are hunters. It can be said that the folk customs are tough.

"What are you doing? Put away your swords! Do you want to rebel? This is Captain Feng from the county town. He came to our village three years ago. Have you forgotten?"

An old man in his sixties who was slightly fat and limping in the crowd scolded the villagers while facing Han Zheng and others.

"This old man is Li Youde."

Feng Captou whispered to Han Zheng and the others.

Han Zheng took a careful look at Li Youde and found no strange aura on him. He was not even a warrior.

Ye Liuyun also shook his head slightly, indicating that he found no abnormality.

"Forgive me, Mr. Feng, but the common people in the mountains have never seen the market. There are very few outsiders in our small village. They are a bit sensitive."

Li Youde smiled apologetically and asked: "What kind of goods is Feng Captou looking for this time?

I happen to still have some stock here. I just shot a white deer a few months ago, and the deerskin is absolutely in top quality.

There are also three jars of tiger bone wine, two jars for you, and one jar for the county magistrate. "

Feng Captou coughed: "Stop talking nonsense! Today, these adults who came to your Lijia Village want to ask you something."

Feng Captou didn't dare to talk directly about the demon, since he was just a leader anyway.

Ye Liuyun stared at Li Youde and said in a deep voice: "A woman from your village came to Kaiping Mansion to complain, saying that you, the village chief, sacrificed to demons. Is this the case?"

There was no trace of panic or surprise on Li Youde's face.

When he heard this, he just sighed: "Oh, I didn't expect that I would trouble all the masters of Dang Mo Division to do this in person. It's really a sin.

Sacrifice to demons and so on are all crazy talk, as you adults will know after seeing me. "

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