Satisfied, Lin Ge was about to use up the chance to win the lottery he had won by helping the First Emperor unify the world, but he heard a reminder from the chat group.

【Ding! The member Jiejiao Tianxian provided great help to Gao Qiqiang in completing the task, which changed the fate of the Qin Dynasty and countless Qin people, and was rewarded with a chance to draw a lottery! 】


Can it be like this?

Lin Ge found that it seemed that since he was promoted to Jinxian, the chat group had changed vaguely.

What exactly changed, Lin Ge couldn't tell at once.

Well, let me sort it out!

There is a time limit to complete the task!

You can also have a chance to draw a lottery by helping group members complete tasks casually!

If the chat group is compared to a person, it is a lazy person who has become active and diligent.

Anyway, Lin Ge likes this change, especially the chance to draw a lottery.

I just don't know if other group members have a chance to draw a lottery.

I'll find time to test it later.

After all, if they have a chance to draw a lottery and draw something good that is not suitable for them, they can't use it, then I can exchange it with them for other suitable ones.

Well, now draw a lottery and see what good treasures I can draw!

After turning on the function of concealing the secret, Lin Ge clicks on the personal account interface of the chat group to confirm the lottery

【Ding! Member Lin Ge drew the innate treasure: Burning Heaven and Boiling Sea Cauldron!】

【Burning Heaven and Boiling Sea Cauldron: It can refine elixirs and tools, and can refine everything! 】

A flash of white light passed by, and a very plain black cauldron appeared out of thin air, slowly rotating in the air.

Lin Ge was stunned.

Looking at this, is it really that powerful?

However, the chat group determined that this was an innate treasure, so it must be extraordinary. It is better not to judge things by appearance.

The cauldron rotated in front of Lin Ge and stopped. A flash of white light passed by, and Lin Ge felt that he had a little more connection with the cauldron.

It was as if this was originally his thing, and no one else was allowed to touch it.

Is this an active recognition of the owner?

Lin Ge admired the Burning Heaven and Boiling Sea Cauldron for a while, and continued to draw the lottery.

【Ding! Member Lin Ge has drawn an innate top-grade spiritual root enlightenment tea tree! 】

As the prompt sound ended, a peculiarly shaped small tree suddenly appeared in Lin Ge's cave.

Is this the enlightenment tea tree?

Lin Ge looked at it curiously, and saw that the whole small tree was wrapped in a layer of strange light.

The small tree has lush branches and leaves, and each leaf exudes endless Tao rhyme.

Under the cover of the Tao rhyme, Lin Ge felt refreshed, as if he suddenly had a deeper understanding and opinion of all things in the world.

Lin Ge stared at the enlightenment tea tree in a daze, and suddenly thought of something, and couldn't help but sweat.

Isn't it rumored that only Taishang Laojun owns the only enlightenment tea tree in the entire prehistoric world?


【Ding! Member Lin Ge, don't panic, this enlightenment tea tree is not the enlightenment tea tree of Taishang Laojun! 】

Another reminder sounded.

Lin Ge was relieved.

The vastness of the prehistoric world is endless!

Everyone thinks there is only one enlightenment tea tree, but it may not be the case!

Thinking of this, Lin Ge no longer has any worries.

But the problem comes again.

This enlightenment tea tree must be planted somewhere!

Looking at its short appearance, it should still be a young tree, and it is estimated that it is still easy to grow.

So, where should I plant such a precious tree?

I am just a small Taiyi Jinxian now, which is nothing in the eyes of the saint.

If Taishang Laojun knew that I also had an enlightenment tea tree, would he send me to the Conferred God List in advance on false charges!

Lin Ge was terrified when he thought about it.

As the eldest brother, Taishang Laojun took sides at the beginning, and later even worked with Yuanshi Tianzun to deal with Tongtian Jiaozhu.

Facing such a sanctimonious saint, it is always right to be careful.

【Ding, this Wudao tea tree has already attained enlightenment, you can plant it at will! 】

This time, Lin Ge didn't quite understand the chat group's prompt.

What does it mean?

Plant it at will?

Wait, the Wudao tea tree has already attained enlightenment?

What did it attain?

Lin Ge looked at the Wudao tea tree again in confusion.

After a while,

"Well, I'll plant you at the door!"

Lin Ge got up and went out, dug a hole with a magic hoe, and bent over to plant the Enlightenment Tea Tree.

After the Enlightenment Tea Tree fell into the soil, its aura was completely suppressed, and it was no different from ordinary trees.

It grew outside Lin Ge's cave, inconspicuous.

At this time, two disciples of Yun Xiao passed by and greeted Lin Ge.

"Junior Brother Lin, there are a few brothers and sisters over there exchanging ideas, why don’t we go join them?"

"No, my two senior brothers, the master asked me to sit in meditation and recite the Huangting Sutra, and I am not allowed to leave the cave!"

"Junior Brother Lin, you really listen to Uncle Bixiao!"

The two shook their heads and walked away with a smile.

Lin Ge was standing next to the small tree at this time.

The two senior brothers turned a blind eye to the Wudao tea tree. Could this be the enlightenment of the Wudao tea tree?

Perhaps the realm of the two senior brothers in the early stage of the Golden Immortal was too low?

Lin Ge lowered his head and pondered for a while, and decided to pay attention to when to invite the master to come and try.

When returning to the cave, Lin Ge picked a piece of Wudao tea.

Such a good thing, how can you not taste it first!

The brewed tea soup is clear and pure, with a very light and fine rule of the Tao. After a cup of tea soup went into his stomach, the abundant spiritual energy of the cave rushed to Lin Ge's head crazily.

After two and three cups of tea soup went into his stomach, Lin Ge put down the cup and entered a state of meditation.

"Hmm? Someone on the island is going to break through?"

Yun Xiao noticed the unusual movement of the spiritual energy on the island and used his spiritual sense to check and found that the rich spiritual energy was rushing towards Lin Ge's cave at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"It seems that Junior Sister's disciple is not simple! How long has it been?"

Yun Xiao fell into deep thought, happy that Junior Sister had received such a talented disciple.

Bi Xiao also noticed the movement, withdrew from the practice, and slowly opened his eyes.

"It's Lin Ge!" Bi Xiao smiled slightly. This disciple has brought her too many surprises during this period.

���Not much, and not as patient as the elder sister and the second sister to teach the disciples carefully.

As a result, the disciples under her name have been in a state of free range, and their cultivation depends entirely on their own understanding, and their realm has been improving very slowly.

Now, there is finally a proud disciple who can make me proud.

The more Bi Xiao thought about it, the happier he became. He had no intention of practicing, so he simply went to visit his elder sister.


Biyou Palace


""I am here, Master, what do you want me to do?"

Duobao stood in the main hall and bowed to the high-ranking Master Tongtian.

"You are the chief disciple of my sect, and you should know that the catastrophe has come. The catastrophe of the Conferred Gods is the way of heaven and the general trend. Even I cannot go against it. Today, you must repeatedly and strictly warn all junior brothers and sisters to remember: keep the cave door closed, recite three or two volumes of Huangting in silence; go to the Western Land, and be a name on the Conferred God List!"

Tongtian Sect Master had no waves on his face, but his heart of Taoism for billions of years was slightly uneasy.

Now the catastrophe of heaven and earth is getting stronger, and the general trend cannot be violated!

Who knows how many immortals will fall!

Through the last evolution calculation, Tongtian had a hunch that there were many disciples in the Jie Sect, and once they were in the catastrophe, the casualties would certainly be heavy.

As the leader of the Jie Sect, he naturally did not want his disciples to die.

However, apart from repeatedly warning his disciples not to act without authorization, there seemed to be no other way.

"Variables! I wonder if the variable little disciple I noticed last time really has the potential to change the fate of Jiejiao?"

I found it funny again. Even I can only watch from the sidelines. How can I put my expectations on a little disciple?

But I can't say for sure.

Variables are anomalies between heaven and earth. Who can say for sure?

"Alas! I hope everyone can get through this disaster safely!"

Tongtian Sect Master's eyes were deep, staring at the direction of Kunlun Mountain.

There was always a question in his heart, why did Hongjun Daozu give the List of Gods to the second brother?

Logically, it should be given to the eldest brother. Is it because the eldest brother has few children?

I hope I am overthinking!

Retracting his gaze, Tongtian fell into deep thought.

A month later, Lin Ge came out of retreat.

His realm has been raised to the second level of Taiyi Jinxian, and it is extremely stable.

A flower has bloomed on the top, which is the human flower

"I didn't expect that just a small piece of Enlightenment Tea could help me reach a higher level. If I picked a few more leaves and drank the tea a few more times, wouldn't I be able to ascend straight up?"

Lin Ge left the cave and was about to pick a few more pieces of Enlightenment Tea when he heard a familiar voice.

"Lin Ge, you finally came out of seclusion?"

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