With the road developed by Lin Ge, the rest of the work was much easier.

First, a large site was leveled and hundreds of simple sheds were built.

In front of one of the larger sheds, there was a sign that read: Great Wall Project Engineering Command.

Gao Qiqiang assigned the work to the right-hand men brought by the Construction Group and Feng Yuxiu.

Everyone performed their duties and pushed the progress of the project in an orderly manner.

During this period, Gao Qiqiang returned to his own world and brought a large number of talents and modern equipment again, basically bringing the entire Construction Group.

The second batch of people were packed and sent directly to the Yalu River in Liaoning, and repaired from both ends to the middle.

In addition, Gao Qiqiang boldly recruited Daqin people to do things.

The living standards of Daqin people are not high, and the wages are not high, which saves Gao Qiqiang a lot of costs.

However, Gao Qiqiang strictly implements the modern labor law, and the working hours shall not exceed twelve hours a day, and there are two days of vacation a month, and food and accommodation are provided.

The Daqin people smiled and told each other, and everyone came to apply for jobs in an endless stream.

A few more people from Daqin came over that day, which was normal.

Unexpectedly, they asked to see the highest-ranking official here.

"It's not us who want to see you, it's this Mr. Li who wants to see you. He said he specializes in agriculture and came from the world of the adults!"

A young Daqin man tried to make his words clearer.

Gao Qiqiang was curious and met Mr. Li in person. Mr.

Li was brought by the First Emperor when he came to unify the world.

"They asked me to come and help them increase the yield of crops, but the productivity here is so low that I can’t do it even if I have the skills!"

Mr. Li, who was"invited here", lived alone in the other world for more than half a year. He was extremely depressed and desperate. He thought he would never be able to go back!

When he heard that someone from another world was repairing the Great Wall, he felt that his chance had come.

Now that he actually met his fellow countrymen, Mr. Li could no longer control his emotions and couldn’t help crying.

"So, is there anything we can do for you?"

"Help me go home, I want to go home!"

Mr. Li hugged Gao Qiqiang's thighs tightly.

"Go home? This…"

Gao Qiqiang helped Mr. Li up and asked him to sit down and talk.

"Do you know where this is? Do you know Qin Shi Huang Ying Zheng? Do you know how he is described in history books?"

"Domineering and tyrannical? Violent and cruel?"

Mr. Li answered tremblingly.

"In fact, I have always believed that the description of the First Emperor in history books is biased. The First Emperor did have many great achievements, such as unifying the writing system, repairing the Wanli…!"

Gao Qiqiang smiled,"You can see that we built the Great Wall!"

Mr. Li was speechless.

In fact, he always felt that this was a fantasy, which contradicted the cognition he had established since childhood. Even now, he sometimes still doubted whether he was dreaming.

"So are you clear? Given Qin Shi Huang's character, if we rescue you, will he let us go?"

Gao Qiqiang opened a pack of instant coffee and poured it into Mr. Li's cup.

"The conditions here are limited, I'll treat you to authentic latte when we get back!"

"What should I do then?"

The light of hope in Mr. Li's eyes faded.

"If you ask me, you should just work hard here. Helping the people increase their grain production and prevent the people of Daqin from going hungry is a great thing that will benefit the present and future generations. How fulfilling it will be if you succeed!"

Gao Qiqiang slowly analyzed (brainwashed) Mr. Li,

"Of course, if you need any material help, we will definitely support you with all our strength!"

Mr. Li was fooled by Gao Qiqiang's words and felt that he would achieve greater success if he did something here. He agreed to help Daqin improve its agricultural production level.

"But Mr. Gao, you have to promise to take me back when the time comes!"

Mr. Li begged again and again.

He didn't want to be left here forever, away from his family and friends.

"No problem! After the matter is done, the First Emperor will not embarrass you, a great contributor!"

Gao Qiqiang comforted.

The members of the live broadcast room watched with relish.

【Tiedan Shenhou]: By abducting people from another world to the Qin Dynasty, isn't this considered a violation of the rules, Qin Shi Huang?

【The Third Young Master of Excalibur Villa]: The First Emperor was concerned about the country and the people, he is truly an emperor of all ages!

【[The greatest emperor in history who swept across the six kingdoms]: I didn’t expect that Mr. Li had such a high opinion of me. I have to promote him to a higher position and make use of him!

【Mr. Gao, General Manager of Construction Engineering: If you say so, then I know why there is the allusion of calling a deer a horse.

【The Little Chef of Peach Blossom Island] Hey, who is Mr. Gao from Construction Engineering? Is there a new person in the group?

【The Second Palace Master of Yihua Palace]: There will be notifications when new members come, but I haven’t heard any notifications in the group about new members joining!

【Mr. Gao, General Manager of Construction Engineering: I’m Aqiang, the fishmonger. I don’t know why my name was changed!

【Persimmon in the Snow]: You scared me, I thought the fishmonger Aqiang had left the group, laughing!

【The greatest emperor who swept across the six kingdoms]: The thief Zhao Gao has been eliminated, there will be no more calling a deer a horse!

【Mr. Gao, General Manager of Construction Engineering: There is no such thing as calling a deer a horse, and there is also calling a mule a horse! What I mean is that you can’t reuse someone just because they say a few nice words about you!

【[The Emperor Who Sweeped the Six Kingdoms Throughout the Ages]: Thank you for the reminder! This Mr. Li has good character, but when he first came, he was very resistant and refused to work for me, so I left him alone. Now that he is willing to serve me, I naturally have to promote him!

【Wudang Old Taoist Priest]: The First Emperor is mighty! He actually kidnapped people from another world. I want to ask if this kind of operation has been punished!

【Sun and Moon Sect Leader]: Same question!

【[The Emperor Who Sweeped the Six Kingdoms]: What the hell are you talking about! I took advantage of the global unification to kidnap Mr. Li. I thought kidnapping such a small person was no big deal, but the chat group deducted 100,000 points from the hidden task that was supposed to be awarded to me! I lost a lot!

【Snow Moon Sword Immortal]: So there is still a punishment!

【[Grand Palace Master of Yihua Palace]: Are these the rules of the chat group? Are you not allowed to kidnap people from other worlds?

【Demon Saint]: This rule is good! Otherwise, I'd be worried that one of you would take the opportunity to kidnap me!.JPG!

【The Second Palace Master of Yihua Palace]: Is that a dry joke?

【The Ultimate Killer]: That’s not necessarily just humor!

【Peach Blossom Island Little Cook]: No way? @【Ultimate Killer King】Do you have such an idea? Too perverted, isn't it?

【Ultimate Killer King]: I just want to say that people's hearts are complicated and we have to be on guard! Why do you think of me like this? You have a prejudice against me!

【Jiejiao Jinxian]: Since there is this rule, everyone should not violate it! Shi Huang is only a first-time offender, so 100,000 points will be deducted. If he commits the same offense again, he will definitely be punished more severely!

【Second Palace Master of Yihua Palace]: The Immortal is here! Welcome to the Immortal! Starry Eyes.JPG

【[Little Cook of Peach Blossom Island]: Hey! Immortal, have you upgraded? The celestial immortal has become a golden immortal!

【Persimmon in the Snow]: Rong'er's eyes are indeed sharp! Congratulations on the immortal's upgrade, it's a cause for celebration!

【General Manager Gao of Construction Engineering: Congratulations on the promotion of the immortals. Congratulations! Does the title of the immortals also change automatically?

【Jiejiao Jinxian]: Yes! It seems that there are no secrets in this group! I wanted to keep it a secret for two days and then give everyone a surprise!

Lin Ge joked

【[Iron-hearted Divine Marquis]: Welcome to the Immortal! Congratulations on your promotion to a higher level! I am planning to purchase the Immortal's skills and start practicing, but I don't know which one is suitable. Please give me some advice!

【Jiejiao Golden Immortal]: With the qualifications of a divine marquis, you can practice the Fire Path Technique. With time, you will surely achieve great success!

【Tiedan Shenhou]: Thank you for your advice! @【Jiejiao Jinxian】Red envelope, a little thought, thank you for your advice!

Lin Ge looked at the red envelope and pondered for a while

【Jiejiao Golden Immortal]: The fact that you can receive my guidance shows that you and I have a destiny to be immortals. I will not accept this red envelope. You can use your points to exchange for more cultivation resources!

【[Iron-hearted Divine Marquis]: Touched! Tears welling up in my eyes! The immortal who guides us in cultivation is my master, Immortal Master, please accept my disciple's greeting! Thank you.JPG!

【Wudang]: The immortal who guides us in cultivation is my master. Immortal master, please accept my disciple’s greeting!

【The Little Cook of Peach Blossom Island]: The immortal who guides us in our cultivation is my master. Immortal master, please accept my disciple’s greeting!

【One Person's Martial Arts World]: The immortal who guides us in our cultivation is our master. Immortal master, please accept my disciple’s greeting!


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