Lin Ge didn't expect that just because of a confiscated red envelope, the group members would change their names and establish a master-disciple relationship.

He was ready to refuse, but then he changed his mind.

This is just a nominal relationship, and it doesn't have much impact.

Recalling the scene when the master came yesterday, Lin Ge was sure that at least the Golden Immortal could not recognize the true form of the Enlightenment Tea Tree.

At that time, Lin Ge was standing next to the Enlightenment Tea Tree, wondering whether he should burn a few more leaves of tea to experience the feeling of flying on the ground.

But he was stopped by the master.

""Lin Ge, you finally came out of retreat. Your master has been waiting for you for a long time!"

In fact, Bixiao had just walked here, but she deliberately said this to see Lin Ge’s reaction.

Sure enough, Lin Ge was surprised, and hurried over to salute and said,"It’s all my fault. I made Master wait for a long time. I will apologize to you now!"

Seeing Lin Ge’s anxious look, Bixiao was very satisfied

""Let me see, have you upgraded again?"

Bixiao looked at Lin Ge and nodded,"Yes, you have reached the eighth level of Golden Immortal!"

Lin Ge flattered,"It's all thanks to Master's cultivation!"

Bixiao smiled,"You have a sweet mouth, it's worth it for your master to fight for you. Come on, follow me!"

Fight for?

Fight for what?

Lin Ge was a little suspicious. Could it be that he ran to Uncle Yunxiao to ask for spiritual tools, spiritual treasures, elixirs and spiritual medicines for himself?

Lin Ge didn't want to go through that embarrassing scene again.

"What are you still standing there for? Hurry up and follow me!"

Bi Xiao, who had flown to the sky, turned around and urged.

Lin Ge gritted his teeth and followed him.

Well, as long as I am not embarrassed, others will be embarrassed!

Jin'ao Island.

Lin Ge followed his master to the cave of Duobao Taoist

"Bixiao greets senior brother Duobao!"

"Lin Ge greets Master Duobao!

Taoist Duobao bowed his head as a token of his return of respect to Bixiao.

""Junior sister Bixiao, what brings you to me today? It's really strange!"

Taoist Duobao asked cheerfully.

Bixiao is lively and cute, and all the senior brothers dote on her.

Bixiao pulled Lin Ge in front of Duobao,"Senior brother Duobao, this is my disciple Lin Ge!"

Taoist Duobao nodded,"Well, my nephew has a good foundation!"

But he felt a little puzzled!

What does Junior sister Bixiao mean?

It seems that her disciple is already in the late Golden Immortal stage, but that's nothing!

There are a lot of disciples like this in Jiejiao!

Suddenly, the instructions of Master Tongtian emerged in his mind,"Your Junior sister Bixiao has a disciple with a good foundation. You can take good care of him when you have the chance!"

Could it be that Master was talking about Junior sister Bixiao, the disciple named Lin Ge?

Bixiao was about to brag about the next step and trick Senior Brother Duobao into giving two spiritual treasures.

But Taoist Duobao suddenly got excited and grabbed Lin Ge's hand

"I think my nephew is gifted and has a good foundation. We are destined to be together!"

Bixiao and Lin Ge looked at each other, stunned by the praise from Duobao Taoist.

What's wrong with Brother Duobao?

I haven't even started to brag yet!

Duobao Taoist searched around in his pocket and took out two magic treasures and handed them to Lin Ge.

"This is the gift from the uncle to Lin, the nephew!"

These two magic weapons are imitations made by Duobao himself.

One is the Immortal Binding Rope, imitating the Immortal Binding Rope, mainly for attack.

The other is the Taiji Purple Immortal Clothes, imitating the Qiankun Immortal Clothes, mainly for defense.

Although these two magic treasures are imitations, they are both acquired treasures, which are quite good for Lin Ge, who is in the late Golden Immortal stage in their eyes.

After all, the saying that a man is innocent but guilty for possessing a treasure is also applicable in the prehistoric world.

Giving Lin Ge a magic weapon that is too good would harm him!

No merit, no reward!

Lin Ge is not as thick-skinned as his master, and he doesn't know whether to accept it or not.

"Then, why are you being polite to your Uncle Duobao? Uncle Duobao doesn't have much else, but he has a lot of magic weapons!"

Seeing this, Bixiao smiled and took the magic weapon and stuffed it into Lin Ge's mouth without being polite.

"Thank you, Senior Brother Duobao! Bixiao will take my leave now!"

Lin Ge hurriedly thanked Taoist Duobao:"Lin Ge thanks Senior Brother Duobao for the treasure!"

Looking at the backs of Bixiao and his disciple going away, Taoist Duobao shook his head in amusement. It turned out that this little sister came to ask for magic weapons for her disciple!

After returning to Sanxian Island, Bixiao wanted to take Lin Ge to find his second sister, Fairy Qiongxiao.

Lin Ge really didn't want to go, so he had to decline.

"Master, I suddenly have some insights, I need to go back to practice!"

Bi Xiao was shocked when he heard this, practicing is a big deal, so he hurriedly asked Lin Ge to go back.

"Then you go back and practice well, and we will go to visit the second sister when we have time later!"

Lin Ge flew back to his cave as if escaping.

Bixiao looked at his back as he left, a little puzzled.

Why, the disciple seems a little impatient?

He must have got two new treasures and wanted to go back to appreciate them!

He also lied that he had new insights. He just came out of retreat, who is he trying to fool!

Bixiao showed an understanding smile, took out a fairy fruit from his body, didn't even wipe it, put it directly into his mouth and ate it with a"crunch, crunch".


It's confirmed!

When I first saw the Enlightenment Tea Tree, I could tell it was extraordinary.

When my master saw me standing next to the Enlightenment Tea Tree, he was not surprised at all, and he didn't even notice when there was a small tree here.

Except for a few saints, I'm afraid no one in the whole prehistoric world can recognize this Enlightenment Tea Tree!

As for whether the saints can recognize it, Lin Ge has no way to verify it.

Unless one day Tongtian Sect Master has a whim and runs to Sanxian Island to see me, but the probability of this is basically zero.

Lin Ge pondered. During this period, my master not only gave me a lot of cultivation resources, but also put down his face to find spiritual tools, spiritual treasures, elixirs and elixirs for me, not just because he saw my rapid progress.

It seems that my master has also felt the danger of the Conferred God Tribulation and wants to give his disciples more means of self-protection.

After figuring this out, Lin Ge suddenly felt the urgency of time again.

According to calculations, Jiang Ziya has already come down the mountain with the list, and it will be less than two years before Emperor Xin goes to Nuwa Temple to pay homage.

The saint warned that the big trend cannot be violated, so what about the small trend?

There are 365 gods in the Conferred God List, but it does not say that they must be disciples of Jiejiao.

Whether it is a disciple of Chanjiao or Jiejiao, who is on the Conferred God List does not affect the general situation!

So before Emperor Xin goes to Nuwa to pay homage, what can he do?

But the most urgent task is to improve his strength.

Lin Ge went to the door of the cave and picked another piece of enlightenment tea, thinking about whether it can have that amazing effect again.

The result was as Lin Ge expected.

Although he was looking forward to it!

After drinking seven pieces of enlightenment tea for seven consecutive days, Lin Ge did not get the expected take-off, and did not even upgrade to the third grade of Taiyi Jinxian.

It just increased some of his perception and understanding of the laws of the Tao.

Lin Ge couldn't help but laugh at his naivety.

If one leaf really improves a small grade, wouldn't it be too against the sky?

Lin Ge still has a trace of the origin of the world in his body. After thinking about it, he didn't use it to improve his realm.

To be honest, he is already a Taiyi Jinxian, and it is impossible to increase several grades at once by refining a trace of the origin of the world.

It's not very useful.

It is better to use it to refine spiritual treasures.

Thinking of it, Lin Ge sacrificed the Burning Heaven and Boiling Sea Cauldron and refined the world origin and the Binding Immortal Rope together.

After 49 days, Lin Ge collected the Burning Heaven and Boiling Sea magical power.

The magic weapon was refined!

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