Opening the Burning Heaven and Boiling Sea Cauldron, a plain and dull rope was quietly lying inside.

Lin Ge's heart sank.

Did I screw up?

Why is it like this?

When Uncle Duobao gave it to me, it was still golden and full of spiritual energy!

With a move of Lin Ge, the Immortal Binding Rope flew out and fell into his hand.

Innate treasure?

Lin Ge felt a connection with this rope, as if it was a part of his body.

It turned out to be an innate treasure. The reason why it looks so inconspicuous is that after being refined by the Burning Heaven and Boiling Sea Cauldron with that ray of the origin of the world, it returned to its original state!

In order to verify whether it is really an innate treasure, Lin Ge put the Immortal Binding Rope in the chat group's trading mall to check its usage function.

Because the upload transaction has not been confirmed, other group members cannot see it.

【Binding Saint Rope: An innate treasure that can attack automatically, unlimited size, and can change at will! 】Binding Saint


Is that what I understand?

Lin Ge was stunned. Is it so powerful?

With such a powerful magic weapon in hand, what am I afraid of?

Looking at the personal accounts in the chat group, the various cultivation techniques and resources sold in the trading mall during this period have allowed Lin Ge's points to exceed 300,000.

Lin Ge secretly calculated that he is currently a second-grade Taiyi Jinxian. It takes 80,000 points to upgrade from the second grade to the third grade,

90,000 points to upgrade from the third grade to the fourth grade, and

100,000 points to upgrade from the fourth grade to the fifth grade.

These points can allow him to upgrade from the second grade of Taiyi Jinxian to the fifth grade, with 30,000 left.

It's still too poor. If there are enough points, it would be great to upgrade directly to Daluo Jinxian.

Although it is said that in the prehistoric world, there are quasi-saints everywhere and Daluo is as numerous as dogs, at least you can be a dog that can bite people!

But now you are not even qualified to be a dog.

Lin Ge put aside his wild thoughts, sat down, activated the group concealment function, and began to use points to break through the realm

【Consume 80,000 points! Congratulations on your breakthrough to the third level of Taiyi Golden Immortal!】

【Consume 90,000 points! Congratulations on your breakthrough to the fourth level of Taiyi Golden Immortal!】

【Consume 100,000 points! Congratulations on your breakthrough to the fifth level of Taiyi Jinxian! 】

In the cave, a huge and extremely pure spiritual energy continuously poured into Lin Ge's body from the top of his head, circulated through his body, and transformed Lin Ge's physique over and over again.

When the realm was completely stabilized, the spiritual energy also stopped and disappeared.

Lin Ge stood up, and another flower bloomed on his head.

"It feels so good to be powerful!"

Lin Ge shook his hand gently.

Lin Ge, who was a fifth-grade Taiyi Golden Immortal, was indeed not on the same level as Lin Ge, who was a second-grade Taiyi Golden Immortal. He still used the chat group's shielding function to shield his real cultivation level, and only displayed the ninth-grade Golden Immortal.

This retreat was nearly three months. After checking the messages in the chat group, he found that all the group members had begun to cultivate immortals.

And because of the help of the Enlightenment Pill, everyone had cultivated to at least the third level of Qi Refining.

And Zhang Sanfeng, who cultivated the earliest, had reached the middle stage of foundation building. Huang Rong and Ying Zheng were not far behind. They were now at the sixth level of Qi Refining, and Feng Yuxiu was at the eighth level of Qi Refining.

From a normal perspective, the cultivation speed of these people was very fast and amazing.

But Lin Ge still felt it was not enough.

He was waiting for everyone to cultivate their realm as high as possible, and maybe it would be useful.

Since the Chan Sect could send people to the Western Zhou Dynasty to help, why couldn't the Jie Sect find people to help the Shang Dynasty!

Look at that Emperor Xin was originally a good monarch who was diligent and loved the people, otherwise he would not have been able to reach the position of the common leader of the human race, and he still had thirty years of luck!

So what should we do from then on ? Where to start?

At this time, Lin Ge's mentality has changed a lot.

Before joining the chat group, he just wanted to hide and try not to get involved in this catastrophe.

Because at that time, he was not even qualified to be a cannon fodder.

Probably, apart from hiding and taking care of himself, he could only watch his master, uncles, and fellow disciples who were as close as family members go to their deaths.

But now there is a chat group!

Everything has changed!

He has also transformed from a small and insignificant celestial being to a Taiyi Jinxian.

And there is a chat group. With the help of the group, becoming a Daluo Jinxian is not impossible, but just around the corner, okay?

Confident and confident Lin Ge began to plan how to help the disciples of Jiejiao avoid the catastrophe as much as possible.

Since they will be involved in the catastrophe sooner or later, why not take the initiative to jump into the catastrophe?

In the original plot, Tongtian Sect Master also repeatedly warned his disciples to sit in meditation and recite Huangting, and not to leave the mountain gate.

In fact, this is just Tongtian's wishful thinking!

The disciples of Jiejiao who are in the catastrophe, broken bones and connected tendons, how can they stay out of it?

【[The Great Emperor Who Sweeped the Six Kingdoms]: Hahaha, I have already reached the sixth level of Qi Refining. It is not easy to review memorials and practice at the same time!

【The Little Cook of Peach Blossom Island]: As expected of the First Emperor, he has reached the same level as me. I admire you!

【Tiedan Shenhou]: I am only at the fourth level of Qi Refining, please wait for me, big brothers!

【One Person’s Martial Arts]: My progress is slow, and I have only reached the eighth level of Qi Refining!

【Snow Moon Sword Immortal]: Haha, are you being Versailles?

【Wudang Taoist priest】:

@【One Man’s Martial Arts] You are indeed slow, I am already in the middle stage of foundation building!

【General Manager Gao of Construction Engineering: I am holding you back. I have just entered the third level of Qi Refining.

【Ultimate Killer King]: Hehe, I have reached the fifth level of Qi Refining, Mr. Gao, just leave the security issues to me!

【Mr. Gao, General Manager of Construction Engineering: I am a little worried about leaving it to you! You are obsessed with cultivation every day and don't care about anything. Last time, a Daqin man caused trouble and it was Master Ye who dealt with it. Humph, I will deduct the reward later!

【[Persimmon in the Snow]: Mr. Gao is really clear about rewards and punishments, thumbs up! Xiao Xiu and I can work and practice at the same time. Mr. Gao is very observant, will he give us a little more when the time comes?

【A Person's Martial Arts World]: Mr. Gao is really clear about rewards and punishments, thumbs up! Persimmon and I can work and practice at the same time. Mr. Gao is very observant, will he give us a little more when the time comes?

【General Manager of Construction Engineering: Feng Yuxiu, you have learned bad things. If I had known, I would not have let you follow Shizi over there.

【The Emperor Who Sweeped Across the Six Kingdoms】:

@【[General Manager of Construction Engineering Gao] Repairing from both sides to the middle can save a lot of time! I don't know how long it will take to complete. When you finish the construction, I will hold a celebration banquet for you!

【General Manager of Construction Engineering Gao: Thank you, His Majesty! We will be done in three months!

According to the current progress, the task can be completed ahead of schedule in less than a year.

Gao Qiqiang was very happy when he thought of the generous reward for completing the task.

This was the first time he triggered a big task in the chat group.

Seeing that the task was about to be completed, how could he not be excited?

【[The Emperor Who Sweeped the Six Kingdoms and Became the Greatest Emperor in History]: Very good! I will be waiting for you in Xianyang City in three months! By the way, I will announce a piece of news. I plan to lead the Qin Iron Cavalry to unify the world and see if I can trigger another task. If anyone is willing to come and help me, I will welcome them all!

【Persimmon in the Snow]: The First Emperor is mighty! I am the first to sign up, the First Emperor must not leave me behind this time!

【Ultimate Killer King]: The First Emperor is mighty! Aren't we all here? We must be here to lend a hand to the First Emperor! Apart from anything else, I am a professional at killing people!

【Sun Moon Sect Leader]: The First Emperor is mighty! Count me in as a member of the Sun Moon Sect!

【[The Grand Master of Yihua Palace]: The First Emperor is mighty! How can I leave out Yihua Palace for such a matter!


Ying Zheng looked at the group with satisfaction as they were blown away by the news he had announced.

"As expected, I am the undisputed second in the group besides the Immortal!"

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