Lin Ge returned to the cave, originally planning to let his master try it before giving the pseudo enlightenment pill to the group members.

But after seeing the big fuss his master made, Lin Ge gave up the idea.

Although this pseudo enlightenment pill is fake, it is still an enlightenment pill!

If the medicinal properties are too strong, I'm afraid the group members won't be able to bear it.

Those group members are all mortals, who have just embarked on the path of cultivating immortals, and their consciousness and bodies are still very fragile.

A pill that is too good is not suitable for them.

Lin Ge took the pseudo enlightenment pill, went to the door to pick a piece of enlightenment tea, and started to refine the pill again.

Just when Lin Ge succeeded in refining the pill again, there was a bustle in the chat group.

【Mr. Gao, General Manager of Construction Engineering: I have good news for you all. I declare that the great Great Wall construction project has been completed today!

【The greatest emperor of all time who swept across six kingdoms]: Damn, is the three months up yet?

【Persimmon in the Snow]: The mission is about to be completed, congratulations to Mr. Gao!

【The Ultimate Killer King]: The mission is about to be completed, congratulations, Mr. Gao!

【General Manager of Construction Engineering】:

@【[The greatest emperor in history who swept across the six kingdoms] I wonder if the First Emperor would be so kind as to come and cut the ribbon?

【[The Emperor Who Sweeped Six Kingdoms Throughout the Ages]: Cutting the ribbon? It's quite a ceremonial thing! You must show your respect!

【Wudang Old Taoist Priest]: After Mr. Gao completes his mission, he will be included in the rich list!

【The Little Chef of Peach Blossom Island]: Mr. Gao has been promoted to a new elite, and the red envelopes are coming!

【Snow Moon Sword Immortal]: Mr. Gao is promoted to a new elite, and the red envelopes are coming!


In Gao Qiqiang's live broadcast room, everyone saw the newly built Great Wall, like a vigorous dragon entrenched on the mountains and cliffs, majestic and magnificent.

I couldn't help but take a breath!

It was too shocking!

Not long after, a figure flew in the air on a sword.

Gao Qiqiang looked up and saw that it was the First Emperor.

At this time, all the personnel involved in the construction of the Great Wall gathered around. With Gao Qiqiang's order, the last stone fell steadily.

It's done!

A cheer rang out.

So far, the construction task of the Great Wall, a great project that took eight and a half months, with more than 10,000 modern mechanical equipment, more than a thousand modern technicians and tens of thousands of Daqin people participating, was successfully completed!

At the same time, the chat group also rang the reminder that Gao Qiqiang had been thinking about day and night

【Ding! Gao Qiqiang's mission to build the Great Wall has been successfully completed! Points have been issued to [General Manager Gao of Construction Engineering]'s account!】

【Ding! Gao Qiqiang built the Great Wall to change the fate of the Qin Empire and countless Qin people, triggering a hidden mission and rewarding 200,000 points! 】

Wow, so generous!

Gao Qiqiang was overjoyed.

In order to complete the task quickly, he borrowed money everywhere.

Borrowed Chinese currency! Borrowed points! Borrowed silver!

In total, he spent 200,000 points.

Although there is still money to be made, the cost is too high!

Unexpectedly, the hidden mission was triggered in the end, and an additional 200,000 points were obtained.

This is God's help!

Lin Ge, Xu Fengnian, Ye Wen and others also received prompts from the chat group.

【Ding! Group member Lin Ge assisted Gao Qiqiang in building the Great Wall, changing the fate of the Qin Empire and countless Qin people, triggering a hidden mission and rewarding 100,000 points!】

【Ding! Group member Xu Fengnian assisted Gao Qiqiang in building the Great Wall, changing the fate of the Qin Empire and countless Qin people, triggering a hidden mission and rewarding 20,000 points!】

【Ding! Group member Ye Wen assisted Gao Qiqiang in building the Great Wall, which changed the fate of the Qin Empire and countless Qin people, triggered a hidden mission, and was rewarded with 20,000 points!】

【Ding! Group member Feng Yuxiu assisted Gao Qiqiang in building the Great Wall, which changed the fate of the Qin Empire and countless Qin people, triggered a hidden mission, and was rewarded with 20,000 points!】

【Ding! Group member Huoyun Evil God assisted Gao Qiqiang in building the Great Wall to change the fate of the Qin Dynasty and countless Qin people, triggering a hidden task and rewarding 20,000 points! 】

Can you play like this?

Lin Ge was full of questions. Didn't he reward the chance to draw a lottery last time?

This time, he also rewarded points. Isn't it a bit too generous!

The four people invited by Gao Qiqiang to help were crazy.

In addition to the remuneration promised by Gao Qiqiang, they actually received an additional reward of 20,000 points. It

's too cost-effective.

If you can't trigger the task yourself, it seems pretty good to work everywhere!

Gao Qiqiang asked the First Emperor to cut the ribbon in accordance with modern people's habits, which brought the construction of the Great Wall to a successful conclusion.

When they were about to withdraw, the staff of the Construction Group were reluctant to leave.

Not only did they participate in the construction of the Great Wall, they also met Qin Shihuang and had close contact with him.

They also saw that people could actually fly in the air on a sword. They even saw a fairy who drew a path with a wave of his hand.

Such a rare experience, such a great feat, such a fantastic experience, I am afraid there will be no more in the future.

They took many photos and videos, filling up the memory of their mobile phones.

Still not satisfied.

Finally, Gao Qi took them all to Xianyang City for three days of team building before they stopped.

The happiest person was the agricultural expert Li.

After Gao Qiqiang brought him modern hybrid rice and other excellent seeds, combined with his modern agricultural production technology (this is a real expert with real ability), it happened that God was also very powerful, and Daqin really got a bumper harvest this year.

Food is the foundation of a country.

With abundant food, the people filled their stomachs, and they were naturally grateful to the authorities.

Daqin's national destiny has become more prosperous since then!

In order to return home smoothly, the clever expert Li also taught many students and taught them all the knowledge he knew without reservation.

Of course, he didn't care whether the students could understand it. However, there are indeed a few who have learned well, and they are also officials in charge of agriculture in Daqin.

With them taking care of the logistics, Qin Shihuang's next step of unifying the world will be completely worry-free.

The departure is finally here!

Gao Qiqiang and his team are preparing to return to the modern world, and the First Emperor gave them many gifts.

Ceramics, gold and silver wares, bronze wares and the like, filled several large cars.

The staff had already bought a lot of items during the three days of team building in Xianyang, and now seeing the First Emperor being so generous, they are even more delighted.

After all, these are all antiques!

Back in the modern world, any one of them is priceless!

Expert Li followed the large group and was about to embark on the journey home.

Accidents always come so unexpectedly!

【Jiejiao Golden Immortal】:

@【[General Gao of Construction Engineering] The expert Li that Qin Shi Huang captured is going to go with you, right? Ask him if he is willing to come to Chaoge to be an official?

【Sweeping across the six kingdoms, the greatest emperor of all time]: Master, if you want someone, just tell me directly, why do you have to ask me? I am so upset!

Although it was a questioning tone, Gao Qiqiang understood what the immortal meant in an instant.

【Mr. Gao, General Manager of Construction Engineering: Master, please wait, I will communicate with him!

【Jiejiao Jinxian]: Okay! Tell him that if he is willing, I will give him three first-grade Zengyuan Yanshou Pills for free!

【Mr. Gao, General Manager of Construction Engineering: Thank you for your kindness! Expert Li will definitely agree!

As expected, Expert Li, who was immersed in the joy of being able to go home immediately, could not withstand the temptation of longevity and agreed immediately.

【General Manager of Construction Engineering】:

@【[Jinxian of Jiejiao] Master, Expert Li is extremely honored and is willing to serve you at all costs!

【Jiejiao Jinxian]: Very good! Let him relax and don't resist, I will give him another magic formula!

Then a phantom finger in the air touched Li Xiangyang's forehead.

Instantly, Li Xiangyang felt his mind was filled with a lot of things he had never seen before.

Earth Movement Formula, Immortal Cultivation Formula?

Li Xiangyang was confused and didn't quite understand!

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