[Jiejiao Golden Immortal]: Red Envelope@[General Manager Gao of Construction Engineering] This is the enlightenment pill, let Expert Li take it!

"This is from the Immortal Master!"

Gao Qiqiang received the red envelope and handed the enlightenment pill to Li Xiangyang.

Li Xiangyang was also a wonderful person. He swallowed it without asking any questions.

Gao Qiqiang was surprised and quickly retreated to the door to protect him.

"Mr. Gao… I… I have reached the second level of Qi Refining!"

After a day and a night, Li Xiangyang opened his eyes and stood up, and said to Gao Qiqiang who had been guarding him at the door all night in surprise.

Gao Qiqiang was helpless. The difference between people was too big!

He borrowed points from the First Emperor to buy the immortal cultivation method, and then spent nearly half a year to refine the third level of Qi.

This guy has refined the second level of Qi overnight?

In fact, no one realized a problem.

Under the leadership of the First Emperor, more and more people in the Great Qin world took the path of cultivation. Because of the prosperity of the Great Qin, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth has gradually improved.

This is like the blue star. At the beginning of creation, there was no air suitable for living things to breathe. After a long period of evolution, it gradually evolved into today's atmosphere.

The Earth Movement Technique given by Lin Ge was very suitable for Li Xiangyang, so it achieved unexpected results.

Gao Qiqiang followed Lin Ge's instructions and took Li Xiangyang back to meet his relatives first, and dealt with the affairs in the modern world. Three days later, he sent him directly to Chaoge through the chat group.


Wen Taishi Mansion!

Wen Zhong sat at the desk, as if waiting for something.

Since Emperor Xin came to power, although he was diligent in government and loved the people, he also took Many measures have been taken to benefit the people, but due to the low overall productivity of this era, many people still cannot eat. Food is the first necessity of the people!

If the people are not fed, it will eventually become a major hidden danger.

And now that the great catastrophe of the Conferred God has begun, as a disciple, Wen Zhong is very worried.

This is because the rise and fall of Jiejiao and Da Shang are tied together, and the fate of Da Shang is the fate of Jiejiao.

Hearing that the Chanjiao has sent Uncle Jiang Ziya down the mountain to help Xiqi, Master Tongtian has not taken any action.

I thought the master would let it go, but a while ago, Uncle Bixiao's disciple Lin Ge But the junior brother came to tell him that someone will come to help Da Shang to develop agriculture today! He also hinted that it was the master's intention.

Since it was the master who took action, of course it must be carried out without compromise!

Look, junior brother Lin Ge said that the person will appear outside the Grand Master's Mansion today, but he didn't say when.

Wen Zhong had to order his servants to pay close attention to the outside of the mansion and report immediately if they found anyone in strange costumes.

Li Xiangyang opened his eyes wide. Is this Chaoge during the Shang Tang period?

Standing outside Grand Master Wen's Mansion, watching the people coming and going on the street, Li Xiangyang felt a little unreal.

"When you get to Chaoge, find a man named Wen Zhong, who is the current Grand Tutor and will recommend you to the king. And you will be sent directly to the Grand Tutor's Mansion!"

Li Xiangyang felt a little nervous as the immortal's instructions echoed in his ears.

In the modern world, Li Xiangyang often interacts with high-ranking officials such as provincial governors and municipal party committee secretaries, but this is his first time dealing with the national master.

At this time, the door of the Grand Tutor's Mansion opened, and a middle-aged man in ancient costume with extraordinary temperament walked out, followed by a man who looked like a butler.

Grand Tutor Wen?

Strange clothes?

The two looked at each other for about ten seconds, nodded to each other tacitly, and each other determined that the other was the person they were looking for.

The rest was very smooth!

With the strong recommendation of Grand Tutor Wen, Emperor Xin reused Li Xiangyang and asked him to devote himself to the development of Dashang agriculture.

According to the prior plan, Gao Qi Qiang would send the things Li Xiangyang needed in the form of red envelopes through the chat group every now and then.

With modern high-quality seeds and equipment, coupled with Li Xiangyang's modern agricultural technology, Dashang agriculture has made rapid progress.

Outside the city of Chaoge, the roar of agricultural machinery could be heard all day long.

A large amount of wasteland was reclaimed, and many criss-crossing ditches were dug in the fields.

They can provide water in droughts and drain water in floods.

As long as the surrounding people have labor force at home, they can come and claim five acres of land per capita.

In the first year, the government will distribute seeds, and agricultural divisions will lead officials to guide production.

The most important thing is that taxes are exempted for one year.

In the autumn, Li Xiangyang's efforts paid off..

This year, the crops of Dashang (mainly Chaoge) had a bumper harvest.

Every household had stored grain, and the people's faces became ruddy, which was a sign of adequate nutrition.

The large-scale planting of cotton made the price of cloth very affordable.

The city of Chaoge also became more lively.

The people with surplus grain came to the city to exchange for cloth to make clothes.

They really had enough food and clothing!

This was the first step of Lin Ge's plan, returning the land and grain to the people!

Of course it was not enough!

In the long run, there would be long wars in the future, and the treasury was not full.

By then, in order to support the protracted war, the country would inevitably have to increase taxes again, making life difficult for the people..

Therefore, Li Xiangyang had to continue to stay in this strange world and continue to increase the efforts to reclaim wasteland.

Li Xiangyang said no problem.

He gave his wife and his son and daughter one each of the three longevity pills given by the immortal, and told them to take them when their lives were about to end.

As for himself, it was simply too good to practice in the human world of the prehistoric world.

A year later, Li Xiangyang was already at the eighth level of Qi Refining, and his life span naturally increased.

So Li Xiangyang said that he already liked his current job very much, and it didn't matter how many more years he stayed.

When Emperor Xin learned that the agricultural division recommended by the national teacher had achieved fruitful results and expressed his intention to reward him handsomely, Li Xiangyang righteously refused according to Lin Ge's instructions.

""Your Majesty, I admire your great talent and only want to make the Shang Dynasty more prosperous through my insignificant contribution. Apart from this, I have no other request! Therefore, please withdraw the reward!"

Emperor Xin and all the ministers were surprised.

This was the first time they had seen such a person who was single-minded and did not seek fame or profit.

Li Xiangyang's behavior of devoting himself to obscurity and not caring about fame and fortune won the hearts of everyone in Chaoge, from the king to the people!


【[The Emperor Who Sweeped the Six Kingdoms and Became the Greatest Emperor in History]: Great joy! My eternal foundation is about to be completed, and the unification of the world is just around the corner! Moreover, I have triggered the task of unifying the world again, and this time the reward is as high as 1 million points. Don't envy me, this opportunity is not something you can envy!

The chat group, which had been silent for a long time, became lively again after the First Emperor took the lead in sending the message.

【Persimmons in the Snow]: Don't be envious, this prince has triggered two tasks this year, and both have been successfully completed. 1 million points have been obtained, so sweet!

【Sun and Moon Sect Leader]: Haha, this sect leader has already unified the martial arts world and completed the triggered task, 500,000 points are guaranteed!

【[Ultimate Killer King]: I finally defeated He Luo, triggered the mission and completed it, and 500,000 points have been received!

【Master Yip of Wing Chun]: I am very happy that I finally triggered the mission and earned my first pot of gold, a full 300,000 points!


Lin Ge looked through it and found that everyone had gained a lot in the past year.

No wonder the cultivation resources uploaded to the chat group trading mall were bought in large quantities. It seems that it is because the group members have a rich family and sufficient consumption power.

Recently, more than a dozen simplified versions of the Enlightenment Pill uploaded a year ago have also been bought one after another.

When the Enlightenment Pill was uploaded to the chat group trading mall, it was automatically priced at 100,000 per pill by the chat group.

Because of the high price, for a long time, except for the first emperor Yingzheng, Xiongba, Zhu Wusi, and Gao Qiqiang, who each bought one, no one else was interested.

Of course, others did not want to buy it because they did not have enough points. The few people who bought the Enlightenment Pill were truly soaring in strength, breaking through from the Qi Refining Stage to the Golden Pill Stage in one fell swoop.

It was also because of the breakthroughs of several people that stimulated the others in the group to desperately trigger tasks to earn points.

After all, since you have embarked on the path of cultivating immortals, who doesn't want to speed up the progress!

The world in the snow.

Beiliang Prince's Mansion.

Xu Fengnian sat cross-legged on the ground, looking at the pill glowing faintly in his palm, took a deep breath, and swallowed it without hesitation.

With a muffled bang!

Xu Fengnian's aura suddenly changed, and he turned into a vortex that kept swallowing the surrounding spiritual energy.

What happened?

Xu Xiao and others who were discussing in the meeting room were stunned to see a large amount of gas surging towards the prince's room.

A month later, the golden pill condensed, and Xu Fengnian came out of retreat, becoming the fifth golden pill stage master in the group.

【Persimmon in the Snow]: Report to the Immortal Master, I have come out of seclusion and have achieved golden elixir!

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