Huoyun Evil God felt so wronged!

He just didn't want to let off those newcomers who spoke outrageously so easily. He had to punish them and teach them a lesson!

What bad intentions could our evil god have?

How come in their eyes, he was the one questioning the Immortal Master and teaching him how to do things?

You can find a sense of existence from the Immortal Master, but don't bring me with you!

【The Ultimate Killer】:

@【Peach Blossom Island Little Cook】@【[Second Palace Master of Yihua Palace] I wonder if you two have any big misunderstandings about me? My loyalty to the Immortal Master is obvious to all and witnessed by the heavens and the earth!

@【Jiejiao Jinxian] Master, you must believe me, I am innocent! Holding the heart.JPG!

Lin Ge smiled and didn't care about the quarrels among the group members.

I don't know when the style of the group became like this.

These people are very different from the original characters in the plot, and the style is very different. They even have some live treasures!

If it weren't for Lin Ge's ability to deduce, I would have thought that these people were all fake names!

What puzzled Lin Ge was that even���With my level of cultivation, I can deduce the past and present lives of these people!

Then, can the Master or even the Saints deduce their existence?

I don’t know if everyone will be implicated after I get involved with the people in the group?

However, from the current point of view, Tongtian Sect Master has not expressed anything, and the Master and others seem to be completely unaware of it.

So at least there is no problem now!

A chat group: Group member Lin Ge, wake up, have you forgotten my existence!

【Jiejiao Golden Immortal】:

@【Red Flame】@【Lotus Floor Owner】@【[Boss Qiao]

The fact that you can come to this group shows that there is some chance. In this case, I will give you a greeting gift!

【Ding! Group member"Jiejiao Jinxian" uploaded a video, and group member"Red Flame of Fiery Flame" can click to watch it for free!】

【Ding! Group member"Jiejiao Jinxian" uploaded a video, group member"Lianhualou" can click to watch it for free!】

【Ding! Group member"Jiejiao Jinxian" uploaded a video, group member"Qiao Gangzhu" can click to watch it for free! 】

Lin Ge uploaded three videos in a row, and each video was labeled with a name to avoid confusion among the three.

The three people clicked on their own exclusive videos with doubts, and were instantly attracted by the scenes inside.

The spectators in the group were suddenly confused.

Master, are you mistaken?

How can we eat spectators if you do this!


The prehistoric world.


Another two months passed in a flash, and the time entered the first month of King Zhou's spring.

At this time, Wen Zhong had thoroughly investigated Beihai's rebellious intentions.

According to Lin Ge's plan, Wen Zhong recommended the two to Emperor Xin in the court today.

""Your Majesty, because of the great reputation of the Shang Dynasty, countless talented people have come to you to seek refuge.

Now I have two such talented people under my tutelage, and I hope to serve you!"

Emperor Xin was very pleased and asked Wen Zhong to bring the two to the court. He saw that Xiongba and Xu Fengnian were indeed as the Grand Tutor said.

One was tall and had bright eyes, looking majestic and heroic, while the other had sword-like eyebrows and bright eyes, looking handsome and elegant.

At this time, King Zhou was still a wise monarch who valued talents very much. Seeing the two, he liked them very much.

"The two people recommended by the Grand Tutor are very talented and should be used. I wonder what the Grand Tutor has in mind?"

King Zhou asked.

Since they are talents recommended by the Grand Tutor, he must have a plan in mind. Why not see the Grand Tutor's opinion?

"Your Majesty, the North Sea has been ready to make a move recently. I recommend Xiong Ba to follow the King Wucheng to guard the North Sea to prevent rebellion in the North Sea!"

Lin Ge asked his senior brother to say this after careful consideration.

Lin Ge has been thinking about why Wen Zhong, as a civil official, led troops to fight and suppress rebellions everywhere in the original plot.

Although his senior brother is both civil and military, you have done the work of a military general, so what should the King Wucheng do?

Huang Feihu is quite capable of leading troops to fight.

If he doesn't take the initiative to stand up and shoulder the burden, then let Wen Zhong put the burden on him and give him a push.

Emperor Xin pondered for a while,"Okay!"

Wen Zhong secretly glanced at Shang Rong, and said,"Although Xu Fengnian is young, he is very good at deduction. I beg the king to let Mr. Xu be the divination!"

Xu Fengnian was shocked when he heard it.

When did I become very good at deduction? Isn't this... a crime of deceiving the emperor?

【Persimmon in the Snow】:

@【[Jinxian of Jiejiao] Master, please save me. Your senior brother seems a little unreliable! Can you talk to him and help me change my position?

Emperor Xin agreed again, and said some words of cherishing talent and comforting him.

After the two thanked the emperor, they left with the ministers.

Xiongba was a little worried that the monsters in the North Sea would be difficult to deal with, so he was very happy that a general was assigned to lead them.

Xu Fengnian, however, was frowning and drooping.

He called the master in the group, but there was no response, and he couldn't help feeling a little uneasy.

As the prince of Beiliang, he naturally understood the truth that serving the emperor is like serving a tiger.

【Persimmon in the Snow】:

Immortal Master! Immortal Master! @【Jiejiao Golden Immortal】@【Jiejiao Golden Immortal】@【Jiejiao Golden Immortal】@【Jiejiao Jinxian]

Xu Fengnian frantically tagged Lingge in the group, hoping that the immortal master would persuade his senior brother to change his position for him

【Jiejiao Golden Immortal】:

@【Persimmon in the Snow] What’s the matter? Is the prince not satisfied with this position?

【[Persimmon in the Snow]: Master, you know me well. I have no problem going to the battlefield, and I have no problem talking.

But I can't deduce. If you want me to take on any kind of divination position, I can't do it!

【Jiejiao Jinxian]:

Haha, isn't being a fortune teller just talking nonsense?

Xu Fengnian is about to cry, Master, this is not the time to joke!

【Jiejiao Golden Immortal】:

@【[Persimmons in the Snow] Don't worry, I'll help you, what are you afraid of?

Xu Fengnian was happy, okay, I have the immortal master to protect me, what am I afraid of?

The Palace of King Wucheng, the guardian of the country.

Huang Feihu's wife Jia advised worriedly:"Master, the North Sea is such a dangerous place, it is hard to predict whether it will be good or bad. Otherwise, you should go and ask the king to take back his order!"

Huang Feihu shook his head:"Madam, you are wrong! Nowadays, whenever there is a war in the court, I have never volunteered. If I still refuse now, I am afraid that the Grand Master will report me to the king and make the king lose trust in me!"

Mrs. Jia had tears in her eyes:"What can I do!"

Although both the court and the public said that the Shang Dynasty had Grand Master Wen Zhong for literature and King Wucheng Huang Feihu for martial arts.

Literature is enough to stabilize the country, and martial arts is enough to stabilize the country!

But as Huang Feihu's wife, Jia knew it very well.

Although Huang Feihu had a very high status in the court and controlled the army and horses of Chaoge.

He was also a powerful warrior with outstanding military achievements.

But no matter how powerful Huang Feihu was, he was just an ordinary man without any magical powers.

Although the North Sea was far away and remote, the reputation of the evil was so fierce that even Mrs. Jia, who lived in the boudoir, had occasionally heard of it.

"Could it be that your achievements have become so great that the king wants to get rid of you?"

Huang Feihu comforted,"Madam, you are worrying too much. The king is not suspicious of me. This is all the idea of the Grand Tutor! And today the Grand Tutor recommended a capable person to the king. He seems to be no simple man. Maybe he has the ability to deal with the monsters in the North Sea!"


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