Ming Zuer stared blankly at the video clips that Lin Ge sent him.

There were only three clips!

But these three clips basically encompassed his whole life.

He fell in love with Huagu, but Huagu liked Mingyang!

Moreover, he became obsessed with Huagu, his personality changed drastically and he became completely evil!

What shocked Ming Zuer the most was the ending. He accidentally killed Qu Chi, who truly loved him, with the Blood-Drinking Knife, and then he followed Qu Chi!

What is going on?

Would his ending be so tragic?

Ming Zuer's mouth twitched, somewhat unbelievable. What

Li Lianhua saw was just a clip.

The senior brother he had been looking for for ten years was not dead at all.

The senior brother just set up a trap and faked his death for the world to see.

Why is this happening?

Li Lianhua stared at the screen in amazement, muttering to himself that this was not true

"I don't believe it, it must be fake! I want to find my brother in person and hear him tell it all with my own ears!"

Li Lianhua's obsession deepened.

Qiao Feng lay on a huge rock on the mountain, quietly watching the video over and over again.

The video was obviously showing things in the future.

He, Qiao Feng, the leader of the Beggars' Sect, was actually a Khitan.

And when his Khitan background was exposed, he was expelled from the Beggars' Sect!

In the end, he committed suicide!

Qiao Feng watched the video over and over again, and he never thought that he, a hero all his life, would end up with such a tragic death!

【Red Flame】:

@【[Jinxian Jiejiao] Is the thing in the video true? Why should I believe you?

【Lotus OP]:

The video must be fake, I don’t believe it anyway!

【Boss Qiao]:

I can’t believe it, but the Golden Immortal of Jiejiao has no reason to deceive me!

【Sweeping across the six kingdoms, the greatest emperor of all time]:

Believe it or not, I believe it anyway! @【Red Flame of Blazing Fire】@【Lotus Floor Owner】@【[Boss Qiao] Why don't you tell us what's in your videos so that we can help analyze them!

Not only Ying Zheng, but all the group members were curious and wanted to see the videos that the Immortal Master sent to the three newcomers.

However, that was an exclusive video that Lin Ge sent to the newcomers, and no one else could see it.

Everyone tried to pester the Immortal Master, but Lin Ge did not agree to their boring requests.

【Tiedan Shenhou]:

Yes, yes, yes, tell us and let us refer to it, maybe it can help you!

【The Little Chef of Peach Blossom Island]:

You may not believe it, but you will believe it eventually!

【Ultimate Killer King]:

You don’t believe in the Immortal Master? That’s great, life will make you believe!

【Second Palace Master of Yihua Palace]:

You don’t believe in the Immortal Master? Very good, I will remember you!

【[Red Flame of Blazing Fire]:

Immortal Master? Could this Jiejiao Golden Immortal really be an immortal? But where do immortals come from in this world? I have never heard of them! Deep in thought!

【Lotus OP]:

Immortal Master? Why do you all call him Immortal Master? If he is really an immortal, then are the things in the video real? In fear!

【[Boss Qiao]:

So he is really an immortal! Immortals can predict the future. This video should be the future he predicted for me! Is my future so bleak? I am so frustrated!

【One Man’s Martial Arts World]:

It seems that there are still some wise people among the newcomers!

【[Devil's Saint]:

It's normal to find it hard to accept for a while. Didn't we go through this in the beginning?

【Snow Moon Sword Fairy】:

@【Red Flame】@【Lotus Floor Owner】@【[Boss Qiao] I have a video about the Immortal Master here. If you are interested, you can pay to watch it!

Pay again?

Thinking of being cheated of 100 points by the Second Palace Master of Yihua Palace, and now there is another one asking them to pay, the three of them could not help but be more vigilant!

But in the end, curiosity overcame reason.

【Red Flame: Blazing Fire]:

We have no points left! Can't you show it to us for free?

【Lotus OP]:

The 100 points for signing in today have been given to the Second Palace Master of Yihua Palace! We just want to learn more about the immortals, so please let us see it for free!

【[Boss Qiao]:

We are new here and very poor, can you tell us how to trigger the task and earn points? I believe that after we understand the immortal, we will be able to trigger the task as soon as possible! So the sword immortal will show us for free!

【[Snow Moon Sword Immortal]:

Okay! When you have points, come back to watch my videos!

The three of them were stunned.

In fact, the three of them sang the same tune, just wanting to watch the videos about the immortals for free, or at least ask the other party to set the price as low as possible.

As a result, this Snow Moon Sword Immortal did not play by the rules at all.

【Red Flame: Blazing Fire]:

Okay! I'm willing to pay to watch it, but can I pay it in arrears first?

【Lotus OP]:

Okay! I am also willing to pay to watch, but I can only owe you money first!

【Boss Qiao:

I agree with the two above!

Li Hanyi smiled. As expected, the charm of the Immortal Master is infinite. In order to see the Immortal Master's true face, the newcomers are willing to spend money in advance.

【Snow Moon Sword Immortal]:

Deal! 20 points per person, payable after signing in tomorrow!

【Ding! Group member Xueyue Jianxian uploaded a video! Members Red Flame of Liehuo, Lotus Tower Master, and Boss Qiao can click to watch!】


At the end of January in the seventh year of King Zhou, a team of about 50,000 troops led by Huang Feihu, the King of Wucheng, set out from Chaoge to Beihai. In

February of the seventh year of King Zhou, Chaoge heard the news that Yuan Futong and other 72 princes of Beihai had rebelled.

Fortunately, the team led by Huang Feihu, the King of Wucheng, was about to arrive.

In the court, King Zhou put down the memorial and said,"Beihai dared to rebel, I will punish them severely! Fortunately, the Grand Master had foresight and asked me to send King Wucheng to suppress them early. I think I will hear good news soon!"

Wen Zhong stepped forward and reported,"Your Majesty is wise!"

The other ministers all stepped forward and said,"Your Majesty is wise!"

Unexpectedly, Beihai actually rebelled!

After leaving the court, Wen Zhong secretly thought that if it were not for his junior brother's reminder, I would have known about the rebellion in Beihai at this time.

And when he heard the news in a hurry, based on his understanding of the king, he would definitely let me go to Beihai to suppress the rebellion in a panic.

If I leave, there will be no one in the court who can speak out to the king like I do, and I am afraid something unexpected will happen.

When I think about what kind of person Wen Zhong is, I break out in a cold sweat.

Prime Minister Shang Rong catches up from behind and walks side by side with Wen Zhong.

"The Grand Master is really a prophet. He sent a team to Beihai in advance. Now is the time to use it!"

Wen Zhong said calmly:"This is just a coincidence! It's just that Beihai is located in a remote area and must be guarded against! But I didn't expect that Yuan Futong was really that ambitious and just happened to run into him!"

Shang Rong said:"The Grand Master is far-sighted and Rong admires him."

Wen Zhong smiled and said nothing more.

The two walked out of the palace gate together, politely saluted each other and then parted!

Wen Zhong stopped after taking two steps and looked back at Shang Rong's back.

Junior brother Lin Ge once asked him to beware of Shang Rong, but did not say the reason.

"Prime Minister Shang, what do you want?"

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