Flower Drum World

"Is this an immortal?"

Looking at the majestic figure and the earth-shaking scene in the video, Ming Zuer couldn't help but get excited.

It turned out that there was such an unattainable figure beyond her cognition.

Thinking about the arrogant faces of Prince Jinpeng and others, and then looking at the immortal's demeanor that was above the mortal world,

Ming Zuer suddenly realized!

All power and wealth are fleeting, and mortals are short-sighted and think that is the ultimate goal of life.

Little do they know that above the mortal world, there is a realm that they can never imagine!

I also want to cultivate immortality!

I also want to become like an immortal, so that all mortals will admire me!

Ming Zuer Ming Zuer was inexplicably excited, holding the Blood-Drinking Knife in his hand, and performing a set of sword techniques smoothly.

Suddenly Ming Zuer stopped and looked at the Blood-Drinking Knife in his hand carefully again and again.

A sense of loss arose in his heart!

Although the Blood-Drinking Knife is a supreme sword, it is a magic sword. It is not only extremely vicious, but also has a nemesis. If it were the previous Ming Zuer, the Blood-Drinking Knife would be a unique and precious sword in the world.

But now, especially after seeing the final ending in the video sent by the immortal, the Blood-Drinking Knife suddenly doesn't make sense!

Lotus World.

Lotus Tower.

Li Lianhua watched Lin Ge's feat in the video without blinking, and a strange feeling arose in his heart.

"Is this an immortal?"

No wonder those people in the group defended this"Jiejiao Golden Immortal" so much, it turns out that he is indeed an immortal!

There is a difference between immortals and mortals!

Even in his heyday, he can't catch up with one ten-thousandth of the immortals.

After watching the video, Li Lianhua lowered his head and pondered for a long time.

Finally, he made up his mind to find his senior brother first and ask him why he did this.

Was the affection over the years all fake?

In fact, Li Lianhua was already very clear about the truth of the matter, but he didn't give up after all.

Or rather, he had to hear it from his senior brother's mouth before he gave up.

"After this matter is settled, let me follow the footsteps of the immortals!"

Tianlong World.

Beggars' Sect

"Is this the immortal?"

Qiao Feng has locked himself in the room for a day and a night.

He understood his life experience, saw the final ending, and witnessed the immortal's beauty.

Qiao Feng's mind was in a mess.

Suddenly he was confused.

Where should he go?

Maybe, entering this chat group and meeting the immortal was a chance given to him by God!

A fate that can change the tragic ending.





These are the things I cherish most. Since I know all this, let me protect those who deserve to be protected!

As for those hypocritical villains who are full of benevolence and morality but are actually selfish and ungrateful, I'm sorry, please stand aside!

"Ding! Group member"Boss Qiao" triggers the task: 1. Kill Madam Ma, Kang Min; 2. Resign as the leader of the Beggars' Sect! Choose Task 1 to get 50,000 points, choose Task 2 to get 100,000 points!"A sudden reminder sounded in his ears, and Qiao Feng was stunned.

This task was so strange.

Option 1 would undoubtedly allow him to continue to serve as the leader of the Beggars' Sect, because killing Kang Min would not expose his identity.

Option 2 is exactly the opposite of Option 1.

So let's choose option 2!

I just don't covet the position of leader, and it's definitely not because of more points!

""Boss, what do you want me to do?"

Deputy Boss Ma Dayuan came immediately after hearing the news from Qiao Feng.

In addition to the elders who taught skills and the elders who enforced laws, the four elders Chen, Wu, Song, and Xi were also present.

Qiao Feng stood by the bed with his hands behind his back, and remained silent for a long time.

Several people looked at each other in confusion.

Finally, Ma Dayuan stepped forward and asked.

Qiao Feng turned around, walked up to the few people, and announced word by word:"I want to resign from the position of Boss and leave the Beggars' Sect. The position of Boss will be succeeded by Deputy Boss Ma!"

"What? Why is the leader doing this?"

Everyone was shocked.

Puzzled, shocked, bewildered, secretly happy, relieved, all kinds of expressions.

Qiao Feng glanced at everyone and saw their emotions.

""Boss, we can talk it over in peace, why do we have to do this!"

Ma Dayuan hurriedly spoke to persuade him to stay.

Others also tried to persuade Qiao Feng to stay, either sincerely or falsely.

Qiao Feng was a man of temperament and could not stand hypocritical faces.

So he interrupted them and said coldly:"I have made up my mind, there is no need to keep me. Let's have a gang meeting tomorrow and pass on the dog-beating stick!"

The next day, at a meeting attended by all the disciples with six bags or above in the Beggar Gang, Qiao Feng gave a resignation speech and passed the dog-beating stick to the new leader Ma Dayuan.

Then he left the Beggar Gang without looking back.

【Ding! Group member"Boss Qiao" completes the task and is rewarded with 100,000 points! 】

The prompt sounded at the right time, and Qiao Feng was delighted.

Is this it?

【Boss Qiao]: I didn’t expect the mission to be so easy to complete! @【Xueyue Jianxian】Red envelope!

【Ding! Snow Moon Sword Fairy received the red envelope of 20 points!】

【Snow Moon Sword Immortal]: Awesome! @[Boss Qiao] I thought you were the last of the three newcomers to pay back the money, but I didn't expect you to be the first!

Qiao Feng:……!

【Lotus Boss]: Has Boss Qiao triggered and completed the task? That's great, it means that triggering the task is not that difficult! Confidence boosted!

Li Lianhua had just finished practicing the Yangzhou Slow Heart Method, and was encouraged to see that Boss Qiao, one of the three newcomers, had already triggered and completed the task.

Recently, the effect of Yangzhou Slow to suppress the green tea poison has become less and less effective.

He needs to earn points as soon as possible to exchange for detoxification pills in the chat group's trading mall.

【Ding! Group member"Lotus Tower Master" triggers the task, anonymously announcing that the true identity of the master of Wansheng Dao is Shan Gudao! Successfully completing the task will reward 50,000 points!

Although he already knew from the video given by the immortal that his senior brother was faking his death, deep down in his heart, Li Lianhua was unwilling to admit that this was true.

In fact, the task triggered by Li Lianhua was actually very simple, so simple that it felt like giving away points for free.

But for Li Lianhua, it was difficult to break through the knot deep in his heart.

Therefore, the seemingly simple task was not so easy to complete.

This further strengthened Li Lianhua's determination to meet his senior brother.

【[Red Flame of Raging Fire]: What? This Boss Qiao is so powerful? He triggered and completed the task so quickly, it seems that this person should not be underestimated!

Ming Zuer was thinking hard about where to start triggering the task, but someone got there first.

After looking at the chat group, he learned that the newcomer named Boss Qiao had triggered and completed the task and earned 100,000 points, but Ming Zuer was not in a hurry.

He firmly believed that being pulled into the chat group must be his opportunity.

Then it is only a matter of time before the task is triggered!

It’s just that the Zhu Yunyun I met today turned out to be the princess that the uncle of the country had been looking for. If it were my old self, I would have fallen in love with the princess.

So now that I know the plot in advance, what should I do now? At this time, Ming Zuer has not fallen in love with the flower drum pretending to be Zhu Yunyun, and she can directly hand over the flower drum to the uncle of the country. But Ming Zuer doesn't want to do this.

【Ding! Group member"Red Flame of Blazing Fire" triggered the mission! 】

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