[Ding! Group member"Red Flame of Blazing Fire" has triggered a single-player mission!】

【Mission requirements: Reveal the truth that Huagu is the real princess to Mingyang! Successfully complete the mission and you will be rewarded with 100,000 points! 】

Mingzuer lowered her head and thought for a while, then smiled when she looked up again.

The next morning!

Mingyang opened the door and was about to go out, but his eyes were attracted by a piece of envelope under his feet.

He bent down to pick up the envelope, hesitated for a moment, and opened it to read.

The content of the letter surprised him.

"What? The eldest daughter of the Zhu family is an imposter of an opera singer named Huagu? And this Huagu is exactly the princess who has been exiled to the people that I am looking for?"

Mingyang was shocked.

This is simply unbelievable!

If the content of the letter is true, it is too coincidental!

And who put this letter here, and when was it put there?

Mingyang looked around vigilantly, but did not find any valuable clues.

【Ding! Group member"Red Flame of Blazing Fire" successfully completed the task and was awarded 100,000 points!】

【Red Flame of Fire]:

Red Envelope @ [Jiejiao Golden Immortal] I want to cultivate to become an immortal, please give me some advice!

【The Ultimate Killer King]: Wow, this newcomer is quite sensible. He knows how to treat the Immortal Master with courtesy!

【[The Little Cook of Peach Blossom Island]: Humph, almost there! Since you have already asked for my advice, you still call me an immortal!

The Fire Cloud Evil God was originally laughing, but he couldn't help but paused when he saw the message sent by Huang Rong.

Forget it, I'd better stay away from her. She is too good at finding faults in eggs.

Lin Ge smiled and nodded. Sure enough, no one can escape the temptation of cultivating immortals.

Looking at this posture, it is estimated that he came to the door just to get the points.

Lin Ge did not hide it, and accepted the red envelope very readily. It turned out to be 10,000 points.

According to Ming Zuer's own situation, Lin Ge chose a set of cultivation techniques for him, called the Blood Drinking Divine Art.

This technique was originally a very powerful magic technique.

After being improved by Lin Ge, the original defect that could affect the mind of the practitioner was abandoned, and it became the Blood Drinking Divine Art.

【Jiejiao Golden Immortal】:

@【[Red Flame of Blazing Fire] Your Bloodthirsty Blade has a defect. I can help you rebuild it, but it will cost you 20,000 points. Are you willing?

Of course, no one knows the defect of the Bloodthirsty Blade better than Ming Zuer.

In the past, there was no choice. To Ming Zuer now, this blade is like a chicken rib, tasteless to eat and a pity to throw away!

Ming Zuer chose to be willing without hesitation.

【Red Flame of Raging Fire]:

I do! @【Jiejiao Golden Immortal】Red Envelope, please take care of it, Immortal Master!

Ming Zuer is such a smart person.

Before, they were not familiar with each other so he could only call him Immortal, but now the Immortal not only selected the appropriate exercises for him, but was also willing to spend time to transform the sword for him. This is an immortal fate that most people can't even ask for.

Therefore, Ming Zuer called Lin Ge Immortal Master from the bottom of his heart.

Lin Ge was used to being called Immortal Master by the members of the group.

He gave them a lot of guidance on the road of cultivating immortals, and Lin Ge deserved the title of Immortal Master.

Lin Ge received the red envelope, which contained a sword full of hostility with a skull inlaid on the handle and 20,000 points.

"What a good knife!"

After gently stroking the shiny blade, Lin Ge smiled and said to the magic knife:"You are too violent, you need to be reforged!"

The knife seemed to understand Lin Ge's words, and it trembled slightly, making a whine!


The world of hurricane.

Time has come to the year 2023 AD!

It has been twenty years since the first emperor came to unify the world and China was the supreme country.

As time goes by, the limitations of this kind of one country being the only one and all the others being vassals are slowly reflected.

Although China is full of talents, there are always some places where the more than 200 vassal countries and regions in the world are negligent.

Gradually, some vassal countries and regions have become hypocritical and deceived their superiors and subordinates.

There are even more daring people who have done earth-shaking and appalling things. On

August 24, 2023, a shocking news flooded all kinds of news platforms. The

Sakura vassal land actually ignored China's strict prohibition and openly discharged the Fukushima nuclear contaminated water into the sea.

When China ordered it to stop this wrong move, the shameless person in charge of the Sakura vassal land lied that the Fukushima nuclear contaminated water had no effect on humans. What's even more shameless is that they actually said that if they are not allowed to put it into the sea, let China think of a solution for them.

This is purely playing tricks.

And this is more of a signal, a signal to test China's national strength.

After all, after the first emperor completed the great cause of global unification, he led many terracotta warriors back to the underground mausoleum of the first emperor, and then disappeared.

No trace of the first emperor has been found for so many years.

Therefore, some bold vassal states are unwilling to continue to be vassals and have begun to stir.

The Sakura vassal land this time is also because of the support of those with bad intentions.

Otherwise, with their strength, they are not brave enough to do such things that obviously anger the master country.

But those are all things that can be put aside.

The most important thing at present is that the nuclear contaminated water with extremely toxicity has been discharged into the sea in large quantities, causing a great impact on the environment.

Dense dead fish have appeared on the coasts of various coastal areas.

And this is just the beginning of the impact of nuclear contaminated water!

Then these phenomena caused global panic.

Some vassal states who are not afraid of trouble and have ulterior motives secretly instigated the master country China to solve this world problem!

And how easy is it to solve this problem?

For a time, this global event caused by Sakura has pushed China into a very delicate position.

China's position as the only one in the world is in jeopardy!

The top leaders racked their brains but could not find a better way. After all, this matter is beyond human power.

Moreover, China cannot act rashly and do anything to Sakura.

After all, a single move affects the whole body, and maintaining stability is more important.

At this time, Li Xiang already held a high position in the public security department of Kyoto City.

He also participated in high-level meetings and received tasks.

The task he received was not to find a way to solve the problem of nuclear contaminated water, but to let him find Qin Shihuang or people related to Qin Shihuang.

This person reminded him of someone!

Li Xiang immediately drove to Jinghai City to find An Xin and told him the task.

"So, you want me to help you complete the task?"

An Xin looked at Li Xiang opposite her in confusion.

She muttered in her heart, with your current status, you can't find the person you can't find, where can I find him?

"Hey, this matter still needs your help!"

Li Xiang looked at his brother and former comrade-in-arms excitedly!

"Think carefully about the two people we interrogated together 20 years ago!"

Faced with Li Xiang's prompt, An Xin was completely confused.

There were so many people interrogated 20 years ago, who are you talking about?

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