Li Xiang eagerly reminded:"Think carefully, those two people, when Qin Shihuang resurrected to cause trouble, we were interrogating them!"

An Xin looked at Li Xiang blankly, and tried to recall according to his prompts.

"You mean… um, it seems like your last name is Gao?"

The relationship between An Xin and Gao Qiqiang is not as intertwined as in the original plot.

Ever since Gao Qiqiang and Feng Yuxiu were arrested and interrogated,

Gao Qiqiang has gone to An Xin several times.

An Xin was puzzled by Gao Qiqiang's unusual enthusiasm, and each time he was indifferent and very reluctant.

Gao Qiqiang also knew that they were not the same kind of people. They were not the same kind of people according to the original plot, and they are still not the same kind of people now.

Therefore, he never went to find him again. He just told An Xin that if she needed any help, she could go to him and he would do his best.

Li Xiang also knew about this and had made a joke about An Xin and Gao Qiqiang.

""Yes, yes, you finally remembered!"

Li Xiang said happily,"The guy who was with Gao Qiqiang at the time told us that something big was about to happen, and we thought he was talking nonsense!"

"But what does this have to do with Gao Qiqiang? It's useless to find him!"

An Xin was puzzled.

Li Xiang laughed and said,

"Hey, how come you are still as stupid as you were 20 years ago! Think about it, Qin Shi Huang's resurrection is such a big thing, even we don't know about it, but he, an ordinary citizen, knows it in advance, what does it mean?"

"Does it mean that they are related to Qin Shi Huang?"

An Xin followed the other party's line of thought and analyzed.

"But that's not right! Qin Shihuang didn't treat them specially!

The man with Gao Qiqiang seemed to have disappeared, while Gao Qiqiang was still working in the Construction Group.

If he was really protected by Qin Shihuang, who knows what level he would have reached!"

Li Xiang was stunned when he heard this, it seemed to make sense.

Considering Qin Shihuang's achievements in unifying the world, if Gao Qiqiang and the others really had a close relationship with the first emperor, they should at least be high-level leaders!

It's not possible that Gao Qiqiang has only been working in the business world for these years, while the other person has disappeared without a trace.

"No matter what, we should find Gao Qiqiang first to ask him about it. I remember that Gao Qiqiang was very nice to you back then, so please take the trouble to make the trip!"


At this time, as time went by, the horror of nuclear pollution has gradually emerged.

Not only did marine life suddenly die in large numbers.

More creatures, including those on land, began to mutate genetically, becoming strange and changing their temperaments.

Humans living on the coast got some diseases they had never seen before, and they were spreading inland.

The hospital was full of people groaning in pain.

The climate also began to become strange, sometimes hot and sometimes extremely cold!

Lightning and thunder, strong winds and rainstorms, all kinds of extreme weather often appear.

In fact, this is a warning from the Heavenly Dao of this world to humans!

The modern world is in the last days of the law with a lack of spiritual energy, and the Heavenly Dao is weak.

The impact of nuclear pollution is even worse, making the Heavenly Dao more fragile.

Obviously, the impact of nuclear pollution on the entire world has threatened the Heavenly Dao.

It is warning humans in its own way!

Gao Qiqiang naturally noticed the extreme changes in the environment.

So he called his younger brother and sister and told them to pay attention in the near future and try to go out less.

Because the news said that the rain from the sky also contains nuclear pollution, and it is very bad for the body to get too wet.

After hanging up the phone, Gao Qiqiang remained silent for a long time, looking at the gloomy sky and drizzling rain outside.

Gao Qisheng and Gao Qilan both have a good life now.

Gao Qisheng has a well-educated and virtuous wife and two cute and sensible children.

The more troublesome thing is Qilan, who has been single until now.

At this time, the secretary came in and reported that someone wanted to see him.

"He didn't have an appointment, but he said you'd definitely see him if you heard his name!"

"Oh? Who is so confident?

Gao Qiqiang couldn't think of it at once.

"He said his name was An Xin!"

"An Xin?"

Gao Qiqiang stood up from his seat,"Please ask him to come in!"

After seeing the original life trajectory from the immortal, and knowing that An Xin was a good person, Gao Qiqiang treated An Xin differently.

Although the life trajectory has changed now, and everything that was originally will not happen again, Gao Qiqiang still treats An Xin differently.

You have taken care of me and helped me in the past, so now let me take care of you and help you!

"What brought such a busy man like Officer An here?"

Gao Qiqiang was in a good mood.

"I don't come to you for no reason! I need your help!"

An Xin said with a lack of confidence.

"Haha, I knew you wouldn't come to see me easily. Tell me, what do you want to talk to me about?"

An Xin relayed what Li Xiang said to Gao Qiqiang.

"You mean, you want to ask the First Emperor to solve the nuclear pollution problem?"

Gao Qiqiang was stunned.

Who made such a naive suggestion?

Can the First Emperor solve nuclear pollution?

It would be better to let him kill everyone.

"Are the top government officials powerless to solve this problem?

With so many scholars and experts, don’t they have a better solution?"

An Xin:"Experts are still trying to find a solution, but this is already a global problem, and ordinary solutions are obviously useless!

But this is not just about solving environmental problems!

Those vassal states are ready to make trouble secretly, and put China on the fire. Finding Qin Shihuang should also have a deterrent effect!"


Gao Qiqiang couldn't help but complain in his heart.

"Qin Shihuang was resurrected once and then left. Should he be allowed to be resurrected again?"


An Xin also suddenly realized that this idea was too absurd!

Looking at An Xin's disappointed expression, Gao Qiqiang suddenly felt that his previous thoughts were too selfish.

What he thought before was that if this���The world's environment is too bad to be suitable for human habitation, so he will take the people he cares about to live in other worlds.

However, it is too difficult for Gao Qiqiang to solve this problem.

It seems that he has to ask the immortal master for help.

【[General Gao of Construction Engineering]:

Red Envelope @ [Jiejiao Jinxian] Our world is in trouble and needs the help of the immortal master!

Lin Ge is in the Bixiao Cave Mansion of his master at this time, and hears his master complaining that he is tired of eating the immortal fruits on the island.

"How about we go to the Wuzhuang Temple on Wanshou Mountain to pick two ginseng fruits to eat?"

Bi Xiao's sudden proposal startled Lin Ge.

Is this really the Lady Bi Xiao among the Three Sisters?

Is she worshipping a fake Fairy Bi Xiao as her master?

Just when Lin Ge didn't know how to respond, he heard someone in the chat group tag him.

""Master... Well, I seem to have some new insights. I'll take my leave now!"

He ran away in a flash.


Bi Xiao shouted from behind,"You haven't said whether you're going or not! You are such an unfilial disciple!"……!"

Lin Ge returned to his cave and was about to reply when he heard the prompt to trigger the task.

【Ding! Group member"Jiejiao Jinxian" triggers a single-player mission!】


PS:Please generate electricity for love!

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