[Ding! Group member"Jiejiao Jinxian" triggers a single-player mission!】

【Mission requirements: Help group member"General Gao of Construction Engineering" purify the world. Successfully complete the mission and you will be rewarded with 5 million points! 】


5 million points?

The reward is so generous this time?

It seems that the mission is a bit tricky!

【Jiejiao Golden Immortal】:

@【[Mr. Gao from Construction Engineering] I will help and I won’t accept the red envelope!

【General Manager Gao of Construction Engineering:

I kneel down to thank the immortal master for his righteousness! But I still have to accept the red envelope. I can't let you waste your energy in vain!

At this time, Gao Qiqiang has already started a live broadcast to check the disaster situation in various places.

Many group members entered the live broadcast room to watch.

All they saw was devastation and desolation!

【[The Emperor Who Sweeped the Six Kingdoms Throughout the Ages]:

Damn it! Is this still Gao Qiqiang's world? It has changed beyond my recognition!

Lin Ge stroked his forehead.

Ever since Ying Zheng went to the world of Kuangbiao, he has fallen in love with speaking modern language.

And it's all modal particles.

Like"Wow!"、"Yoho!"、""Fuck!" and the like were said almost every day.

At first, the guards and ministers around the Emperor were stunned.

Later... everyone learned it!

【[Iron-hearted Divine Marquis]:

Isn't this the world that the First Emperor went to unify? Is this... to rob that world of its luck?

【The Emperor Who Sweeped Across the Six Kingdoms】:

@【[Iron-hearted Divine Marquis] How dare you slander me! Be careful or my 100,000 Qin cavalry will crush your world!

【Iron-hearted God】:……!

【Ultimate Killer King]:

Tsk tsk, the Divine Marquis is really brave! I dare not say such words!

【Peach Blossom Island Little Cook】:

@【[General Gao of Construction Engineering] It seems that this world is really unbearable! But if the Immortal Master takes action, then everything will be fine!

【The Second Palace Master of Yihua Palace]:

What the above person said is absolutely right, as long as the Immortal Master takes action, everything will be fine!

【Grand Master of Yihua Palace】:

@【[Second Palace Master of Yihua Palace] You finally showed up. Did you trigger the mission? If you need my help, just let me know!

【Snow Moon Sword Immortal]:

The Grand Palace Master’s focus is indeed different!

【One Man's Martial Arts]:

I didn't expect that the future would turn out like this, it's really sad! But since the Immortal Master has decided to take action, there is no problem!

Lin Ge also looked at the screen in the live broadcast room and found that the will of the Heavenly Dao in the Crazy World was in a very weak state, and even the speed of self-repair was extremely slow, almost stagnant.

He couldn't help but be moved!

【Jiejiao Golden Immortal】:

@【[General Gao of Construction Engineering] The world you live in is already very fragile. In order to avoid further harm, I will come directly through the chat group this time.

After saying this, Lin Ge separated a trace of his soul and went from the chat group to the world of Kuangbiao.

I saw auspicious clouds lingering, golden light radiating, and fragrant flowers falling from the sky in all directions. A peaceful and tranquil fairy music sounded all over the world!

All living beings stopped and looked up at the sky

"It's the gods! The gods are here to save us!"

Everyone cheered!

They bowed down to them!

Gao Qiqiang was stunned. The immortal master has arrived?

But I haven't received the request to transfer yet!

When Lin Ge's soul clone descended on the storm world, the weak will of heaven trembled because it couldn't bear the pressure brought by Lin Ge's soul clone.

Lin Ge did not immediately start to purify the world, but communicated with the will of heaven first.

The will of heaven felt Lin Ge's kindness and immediately sent out consciousness to establish a spiritual connection with Lin Ge.

"This world has been messed up by those ignorant humans, and it has made you so weak! Do you still want to protect this world?"

This is the relationship between the will of heaven and the world.

The will of heaven is the protector of the world, and conversely, the world will also affect the strength of the will of heaven. When the world is prosperous and everything is flourishing, the will of heaven is strong! When the world is depressed and everything is withering, the will of heaven is weak!

"Yes, I am inseparable from this world!

I am this world, and this world is me!

If this world is destroyed, then I will no longer exist!"

"I can make you stronger! But you have to submit to me. Are you willing?"

Yes, Lin Ge originally just wanted to complete the task and earn huge points, but looking at the weak Heavenly Will, he decided to help it.

Of course, this is a mutually beneficial thing.

Lin Ge helped the Heavenly Will become stronger, and the Heavenly Will in turn had to recognize Lin Ge as its master.

The Heavenly Will fell silent.

Lin Ge did not urge it, giving it time to consider.

Lin Ge likes to pay attention to mutual consent in such matters.

According to Lin Ge's current strength as a prehistoric Daluo Jinxian, it is not too easy to take down such a weak Heavenly Will that has suffered a great setback in such a Dharma Ending Age. However,

Lin Ge is also a modern person in his heart, and he will not force it by force.

If the Heavenly Will chooses not to, Lin Ge will not do anything.

After billions of years of repair, the Heavenly Will may slowly recover.

Or it may downgrade itself and become a lower-level small world. These are all possible.

"I am willing to acknowledge you as my master!"

The will of Heaven still has some insight.

The one in front of him was just a clone of his original spirit, which made him unable to bear it.

I wonder how powerful his original body is!

The strong are respected!

This is the same principle in every era.

Just when Lin Ge reached an agreement with Heaven, two beams of light descended from the void and enveloped Lin Ge and the nothingness in front of him.

This is the witness and constraint of the rules of the Great Dao on the contract between the two parties.

If either party violates the agreement, it will be punished by the rules of the Great Dao!

Lin Ge knew that the nothingness in front of him was the will of Heaven in this world.

Because it was too weak, it could not be visible.

After regaining the will of the Heaven of the Storm, Lin Ge began to act.

Standing high in the sky, Lin Ge lowered his head and looked down. He was surprised to find that the harm of nuclear pollution in the Storm world was more serious than he had imagined. It is hard to imagine.

���The will of heaven can't even show its shape.

Lin Ge waved his hand, and a picture appeared on the sky.

It was the image of Master Tongtian in Lin Ge's mind.

The soft and holy light of the saint radiates to every corner and every inch of land in the world, cleansing and purifying all things in the world!

Everyone in the world of Kuangbiao was stunned.

An unprecedented feeling spread throughout the body, and the whole body and mind from head to toe were purified and improved.

All things in the world are bathed in the light of the saint!

People did not realize that everything had changed unconsciously.

A quarter of an hour later, the image of Master Tongtian gradually faded and finally disappeared.

But this world suddenly had a loud bang, and the whole world was qualitatively sublimated.

All things in the world are thriving and full of vitality.

The most obvious change was the air quality.

Ordinary people have not felt it yet, but Gao Qiqiang, who has already embarked on the path of cultivation, keenly noticed that the concentration of spiritual energy in the air was gradually increasing.

Gao Qiqiang tried to run the exercises and was surprised to find that the effect of cultivation was surprisingly good.

"Is this... the revival of spiritual energy?"

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