The will of heaven has also become much stronger because the whole world has been upgraded, even stronger than before when it was at its peak.

It is far from the state just now when it was so weak that it could not transform.

"I will call you Kuang Tian! Your world has been promoted from the previous tiny world to the small world. You should guard it well, and I can help you become a medium world in the future!"

Lin Ge smiled and said to the Heavenly Will that had already appeared.

The appearance of the Heavenly Will was actually a cute child.

"Kuang Tian thanks the master for giving me a new life! Kuang Tian will follow the master's instructions and protect this world!"

Lin Ge nodded, and the soul clone returned to the original body through the chat group.

【Ding! Group member"Jiejiao Jinxian" successfully completed the task and was awarded 5 million points! Get a chance to draw a lottery!】

【Ding! Group member"Jiejiao Jinxian" purified the Kuangbiao world to trigger a hidden task, strengthened the origin of the heavenly way of the Kuangbiao world, and was rewarded with 5 million points! Get a chance to draw a lottery! 】

Chat group prompts sounded one after another.

Lin Ge was not surprised to trigger the hidden task and get a chance to draw a lottery.

This time, helping the will of the Kuangbiao Heavenly Way is a great merit.

However, this trip to the Kuangbiao world actually earned such a generous number of points, which still made Lin Ge a little excited.

It seems that there are more chances of winning in this Conferred God Tribulation!

In Gao Qiqiang's live broadcast room, the group members have exploded.

Everyone couldn't suppress their moving hearts, and they were discussing it enthusiastically.

But the most excited ones were the three new members.

【[Red Flame of Blazing Fire]:

Turning one's hand to make clouds and another to make rain is not enough to describe the power of the Immortal Master! I must hold on to this thigh tightly!

【Lotus OP]:

Shocking! This spectacular scene has conquered me!

【Boss Qiao:

You have all said all these words of praise. I don’t know what words I can use to express my admiration for the immortal!

【The Ultimate Killer】:

@【[Red Flame of Blazing Fire] You changed your words now? I remember you were still questioning the Immortal Master a few days ago?

Ming Zuer suddenly understood why everyone in the group seemed to dislike this ultimate killer.

【Sun and Moon Sect Leader]:

I feel like the Immortal Master can destroy a world with just one finger, this is something we can only look up to!

【[The Holy Maiden of Demon Sect]:

Is there anything more amazing than transforming the world by one's own strength?

【The Third Young Master of Shenjian Villa]:

My admiration is like the endless torrent of the river! Master, I am your loyal younger brother, please accept my knee!


【[The Little Cook of Peach Blossom Island]:

Ever since I met you, I have been obsessed with you! How can I live my life...! Humming!

【Second Palace Master of Yihua Palace]: How come the person above stole my lines? Little girl, put away your thoughts that shouldn't be on your mind!

Lian Xing wandered all the way, triggered several small tasks, and earned some points.

But it was not enough, her grand goal was far more than becoming a figure that people looked up to in her own world!

Gao Qiqiang finally came back to his senses from his daze, only to find that the immortal master had returned the red envelope.

Without having time to pay attention to An Xin's complex eyes of shock, doubt and curiosity, Gao Qiqiang hurriedly ate Lingge

【[General Manager Gao of Construction Engineering]:

Red envelope @ [Jiejiao Jinxian] How come the immortal master returned the red envelope? Please accept it on your knees!

The immortal master made a move and the whole world changed drastically. He even refused to accept the red envelope.

This made Gao Qiqiang feel a little terrified!

And he felt very sorry!

【Jiejiao Jinxian]:

If I say no, then no, I don't care about these small points. Now that the spiritual energy of your world is slowly recovering, you can use points to improve your realm!

In fact, Lin Ge has always been a little confused why other members in the group don't use points to improve their realm.

For this reason, Lin Ge also asked some other members specifically.

It turns out that using points to improve realms in the Zongwu world is too cost-effective.

For example, it takes 10,000 points to break through from the early stage of the acquired to the middle stage of the acquired.

And it takes 100,000 points to break through from the early stage of the innate to the middle stage of the innate.

At the master level, each small realm upgrade requires one million points.

Before knowing Lin Ge, it was difficult to successfully complete and obtain points after triggering the task because it was too difficult.

After knowing Lin Ge, I used points from Lin Ge to exchange for immortal cultivation techniques and embarked on the road of immortal cultivation.

Then I exchanged them for immortal cultivation resources, and it became very easy to break through the cultivation level.

For example, the last time I bought Lin Ge's enlightenment pill in the trading mall, all members were promoted to two major realms.

I don't know how many points I would need to consume if I exchanged them for points.

Lin Ge analyzed the reason and concluded that it was caused by insufficient spiritual energy.

Therefore, group members have become accustomed to exchanging points for cultivation resources, but no one directly uses points to improve their cultivation.

Lin Ge didn't know how many points were in the red envelope sent by Gao Qiqiang.

But looking at his wealth, he knew it was not a lot.

If it were the previous Lin Ge, he would definitely accept it. No matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat!

But now!

That little money is really not worth it.

I am also a wealthy person, haha!

Lin Ge's refusal to accept the red envelope caused another round of heated flattery and discussion in the group.

Everyone wants to get in front of the immortal master and leave a good impression.

Naturally, they spared no effort to praise Lin Ge!


Lin Ge didn't know what was being discussed and how he was being praised in the group, because he had more important things to do now.

Last time, he asked Ming Zuer to send the Bloodthirsty Blade over to him, and he was ready to reforge it, but he didn't do it because he was short of a material.

This time, he got two more chances to draw a lottery, and he was ready to use them immediately, hoping to draw what he wanted.

After turning on the concealment function, Lin Ge clicked on the personal account interface of the chat group to confirm the lottery.

【Ding! Member Lin Ge has drawn the innate spiritual treasure: 1000 pieces of Taiyin Stone! 】

Taiyin Stone is the same as the Sun Essence Crystal, and is also the best material for refining weapons, and it is just the opposite of the Sun Essence Crystal.

One is the most yang, and the other is the most yin!

One is the most hard, and the other is the most soft!

Lin Ge wants to transform the Bloodthirsty Blade to suppress its evil characteristics that affect the owner's mind, and he just needs the Taiyin Stone.

【Ding! Member Lin Ge has drawn the innate treasure: Chaos Bell! 】

Lin Ge was shocked by the reward he drew this time.

You know, this Chaos Bell is one of the three innate treasures. After the birth of the prehistoric world, it fell on the sun star transformed by Pangu.

It is the companion magic weapon of Donghuang Taiyi, so it was once called Donghuang Bell.

It has the power to suppress the"Hongmeng World", reverse the power of"the time and space of the heavens", evolve the"mystery of the way of heaven", and refine the power of"earth, water, fire and wind".

It is the companion magic weapon of Donghuang Taiyi, so it was once called Donghuang Bell.

After the witch and demon catastrophe, it returned to chaos and disappeared! But today, Lin Ge drew it in the lottery.

If this news is leaked, I am afraid it will cause an uproar in the prehistoric world and bring Lin Ge a fatal disaster.

"Fortunately, I was cautious enough and always turned on the chat group's secret-covering function! Otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous!"

Lin Ge wiped the non-existent cold sweat and muttered to himself with lingering fear


PS:Please generate electricity for love!

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