It's no wonder that Lin Ge thought too much.

Nowadays, there are only a handful of innate treasures in the prehistoric world.

In addition, the Chaos Bell is not an ordinary innate treasure, but one of the three treasures of the Creation.

Thinking of this, I'm afraid I can only keep this treasure temporarily and dare not use it easily.

Looking at the astonishing number of points, Lin Ge suppressed his restless heart to use the points to improve his cultivation immediately, and calmed himself down first.

Then he sacrificed the Burning Heaven and Boiling Sea Cauldron, put one Blood Drinking Knife and one Taiyin Stone Sun Essence Crystal into it, and began to refine!

After three days and three nights, the magic knife was completed!

The Blood Drinking Knife transformed into the lower-grade innate spiritual treasure Blood Drinking Divine Knife.

Lin Ge picked up the knife and admired it carefully.

The shape of the knife did not change, but the skull turned into a human face.

Two white and black lights intertwined on the blade, appearing and disappearing from time to time.

The blade was extremely sharp, and it seemed to cut through the space with a light cut.

After collecting the knife, Lin Ge carefully recalled the process of refining the Blood Drinking Knife this time.

Then he was surprised to find that his Burning Heaven and Boiling Sea Divine Power seemed to have a trend of further improvement.

I remember when I was still a little Taiyi Jin���, the effect of using this magical power is amazing.

I wonder how amazing it will be once I use the Burning Heaven and Boiling Sea magical power as a Golden Immortal!

Maybe I should find a chance to try it again.

Lin Ge nodded with satisfaction and sent the Blood-Drinking Divine Sword to Ming Zuer in the form of a red envelope through the chat group.

【Jiejiao Jinxian]:

Red Envelope [Red Flame of Blazing Fire] This sword has been transformed by me into a lower-grade innate spiritual treasure!

Its evil nature has been removed, so you can use it without worrying about being attacked! I call it the Blood-Drinking Divine Sword!

Ming Zuer received the red envelope and looked at the Blood-Drinking Divine Sword in her hand in shock, staring blankly with her mouth wide open, unable to close for a long time.

【Red Flame】:

@【Jiejiao Golden Immortal] I am extremely grateful!

From now on, my name is Zuer and I belong to the Immortal Master. I will do whatever you ask me to do and follow the Immortal Master's lead without any second thoughts!

Lin Ge nodded with satisfaction.

He is not a saint. He will not provide others with cultivation methods for free or spend huge sums of money to transform their weapons.

The purpose of doing this is to win people's hearts and use them for his own benefit. However, everything must be voluntary. Lin Ge disdains to use the cheap means of coercion and intimidation.

Lin Ge knows very well that no matter which world, anyone can be used by others. It all depends on whether the chips you give are enough!

【Jiejiao Jinxian]:

Very good! Since you are willing to work for me, I will not treat you unfairly! You should take care of the affairs of the mortal world, and I will arrange for you when the time comes!

The reason why Lin Ge extended an olive branch to Ming Zuer was because he had noticed him since Ming Zuer joined the group.

This person has a firm mind and can resist the evil nature of the Blood-Drinking Knife, which is enough to prove that this boy is extraordinary.

The few words they chatted had already attracted the attention of the group members.

【[The Little Cook of Peach Blossom Island]:

It seems that the Immortal Master has found his true love! So sad!

【Second Palace Master of Yihua Palace]:

No way, I worked so hard, but someone else got there first? I'm so sad!

【Grand Palace Master of Yihua Palace]:

It seems that my silly sister is doomed to have her hopes dashed!

【[Iron-hearted Divine Marquis]:

Damn it! Why not me? Am I not worthy of the Immortal Master’s love?

【The greatest emperor in history who swept across six kingdoms]:

Yes, you are very self-aware!

【Ultimate Killer King]:

Ugh! Shen Hou, what you said almost made me vomit the food I ate the night before!

【Wing Chun Master Yip:

Wow! I am so envious! The Immortal Master did not choose me, can you tell me why so I can change it?

【Sun Moon Sect Leader]:

I thought that with my beauty, the Immortal Master would look at me differently! I can’t believe it!

【[Snow Moon Sword Fairy]:

No way, Sister Leader, you can compete with your strength, but you insist on competing with your looks? This is not the Sister Leader I know! I am surprised!


Seeing Ming Zuer being so loved by the Immortal Master, everyone was a little impatient.

Who wouldn't want to hold the Immortal Master tightly?

For a while, everyone tagged Lin Ge, showing their loyalty and hoping to get his favor.

But Lin Ge was in no mood to reply, because his attention was on Beihai at this time. In the second month of the seventh year of King Zhou, Yuan Futong and other 72 princes of Beihai officially rebelled.

Xiongba followed the King of Wucheng, who was in charge of the country, and just caught up.

At this time, the two sides were about to fight and the battle was fierce.

According to the request of his wife, Huang Feihu brought his good brothers and friends with him.

With their great help, plus Xiongba who had the lower-grade innate spiritual treasure, they could barely hold on and prevent the rebels from crossing the checkpoints and developing to other places.

This battle was already the third war of Xiongba and others.

Unlike the panic of facing monsters and demons for the first time, Xiongba already had a lot of experience in fighting enemies.

Although his strength was low, relying on the lower-grade innate spiritual treasure made for him by the Immortal Master, Xiongba won repeatedly and soon became famous in Beihai.

The rebels all knew that there was a powerful mortal named Xiongba among the defenders of Chaoge.

But his reputation did not scare the enemy.

Instead, he attracted more powerful enemies to challenge him because of the magic treasure in his hand.

They all hoped to defeat him and get the magic treasure in his hand!

This made Xiongba overwhelmed and miserable!

Being challenged more than ten times a day is not a wonderful thing!

Huang Feihu and his relatives and friends were happy to let Xiongba fight every time.

After all, the opponents are all monsters and monsters, and they are powerful. The swords on the battlefield are blind, and if you can avoid the enemy, you naturally have to hide and rest.

Early in the morning of this day, a tall and burly wolf demon ran up to challenge.

The wolf demon held a huge mace, stood in front of the camp and shouted and demanded a big fight with Xiongba.

Xiongba had no choice but to ride his warhorse.

The warhorse was so scared that its four legs trembled before it walked over, and it refused to move forward halfway.

This is Xiongba's distress!

Without a good mount, it feels that the momentum is a lot worse.

Although this is also a rare BMW.

However, in front of those monsters, the suppression from bloodline cannot be overcome.

Look at how awesome the colorless divine bull of Huang Feihu, the King of Martial Arts, is. It can walk on clouds and fog, has infinite strength, and is not afraid of any ferocious beasts.

Xiongba was extremely envious.

The wolf demon was still shouting and cursing.

This is also the characteristic of war in this era, a war of shouting and cursing.

Xiongba felt very uncomfortable when he heard it. He was a gang leader with 100,000 disciples under him. When had he ever suffered such humiliation?

He thought to himself, you are sharp-tongued, wait for me to capture you and let you be my mount!

In anger, Xiongba took out the Blood Drinking Mad Knife and flew over.

One man and one demon fought fiercely.

The wolf demon had a very high cultivation level, and his strength was far beyond that of Xiongba in the incarnation period.

If it weren't for the Blood Drinking Mad Knife in his hand, which was a lower-grade innate spiritual treasure with its own deterrent power, Xiongba would have been defeated.

The two sides were barely tied, evenly matched.

But the longer the time drags on, the more disadvantageous it will be for Xiongba.

After all, Xiongba is a mortal with low cultivation, but he holds a low-grade innate spiritual treasure.

It's like a child playing with a big knife. After playing for a long time, the energy is exhausted and he will naturally fall.

We must fight quickly!

Otherwise, I'm afraid I will die here!

Xiongba's face became ferocious, staring fiercely at the wolf demon opposite.

You forced me to do this!


PS:Please generate electricity for love!

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