The wolf demon became more and more courageous as the battle went on. Seeing that the human on the opposite side was already at a disadvantage, he could not help but feel happy.

Then he raised his mace high and smashed it towards Xiongba.

"Damn it! Don’t you have enough strength to bully me?"

Xiongba held the mace with a knife in one hand, and took out a celestial attack talisman from his arms with the other hand, and slammed it hard on the wolf demon. The wolf demon was caught off guard and was knocked to the ground with a bang, creating a pit more than ten feet deep.

Xiongba stood on the edge of the pit and looked down, only to see that the wolf demon was covered in wounds, lying in the pit like a rag, motionless, and only breathing in but not out. It was obvious that the blow had injured it very seriously.

Seeing that Xiongba seemed to be raising the Blood Drinking Mad Knife to chop him, the wolf demon was frightened and struggled with the last bit of strength to lie in the pit and beg for mercy.

"Sir... spare my life!"

"Are you willing to submit to me and serve me?"

Xiong Ba pointed his knife at the wolf demon and asked fiercely.

He looked as if he was saying that if you don't submit, you can die.

For this guy, he wasted 5,000 points!

"I do! I am submit to you, sir, and serve you! I am so...willing!"

In the face of life and death, one's potential can be greatly stimulated.

The wolf demon was obviously dying, but he was so scared that he hurried to answer. But he secretly groaned in his heart, do I have any other choice in this situation?

If I don't want to, I will die!

Who the hell instigated me to challenge this person?

I will beat him to death next time I meet him!

Xiongba signed a master-servant contract with the wolf demon according to the method given by Lin Ge, and then let the wolf demon come out.

The wolf demon showed its true form, but it was a big and majestic white wolf.

But his body was covered with wounds, there was a big hole in his chest, and his entire right front leg was broken. It seemed that he would not be healed without a year or two. Seeing that the wolf demon was defeated and defected, the Beihai side sounded the horn to withdraw the troops and ended the attack.

Huang Feihu and others stood on the city wall and watched from afar.

"It seems that I was worrying too much. As expected, General Xiong has a backup plan. The person recommended by the Grand Master is not just a name for nothing!

Huang Feihu said to his second brother beside him with a smile.

""Hahaha! Big brother, that's a good idea!"

Huang Feibiao laughed.

Earlier, the big brother was a little worried that Xiongba would lose.

After all, the people in Beihai have been looking for Xiongba to challenge for a while, and although Xiongba is a martial arts expert, he can only hold on with a good weapon.

The wolf demon is very powerful, and it is obvious that it is coming for the magic knife in Xiongba's hand.

Huang Feihu is happy that someone is resisting in front, so he can be free in the back, so he is not willing to see Xiongba defeated.

When Xiongba was fighting with the wolf demon, he was still instructing his second brother to rescue Xiongba if his life was in danger.

Huang Feibiao disagreed. He believed that Xiongba must have a backup plan.

Therefore Only then did the two of them have the conversation just now.

Xiongba returned triumphantly again, and Bailang limped behind him.

Huang Feihu and his brother greeted him with smiles on their faces, and said congratulations and compliments.

Xiongba was exhausted at this time, and felt a little annoyed. He said a few polite words to the two of them coldly, and then took Bailang back to his room.

Xiongba crossed his legs and practiced the Yi Qi Hua San Qing Gong method deduced by Lin Ge from San Fen Gui Yuan Qi.

Then he was immediately revived with full blood and full of energy.

Looking at the pitiful and weak Bailang lying on the side, Xiongba spent a thousand points in the trading mall to exchange for a healing elixir.

"Take this elixir and your injury will be healed! Even I am reluctant to take it. Don't worry, following me as your master will not treat you unfairly!"

The wolf demon's eyes lit up. As a native creature of the prehistoric world, it naturally knew what was good.

It swallowed the elixir without hesitation, and the white wolf's injuries healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After a while, the white wolf recovered to its best condition.

Xiongba was amazed as he watched from the side. This was the first time he had seen the effect of the elixir. His previous injury was not serious, and he only recovered through practicing martial arts. After all, he was a little reluctant to take the elixir that cost a thousand points.

"Thank you, Master, for the elixir!"

White Wolf prostrated himself on the ground respectfully to express his gratitude.

If he had previously accepted Xiongba as his master out of necessity, now he was sincere.

"Let's go! Let's go for a stroll!"

Xiongba rode the white wolf out of the city to inspect it. He definitely didn't think that he was just showing off.

Xiongba usually opened a live broadcast room when doing important things.

And riding a wolf out is such a cool thing that it is even more necessary to open a live broadcast room.

Sure enough, some people in the group were drooling with envy.

【[Ultimate Killer King]:

Gang leader Xiong looks so majestic riding on the white wolf!

【One Man's Martial Arts]:

Is that a white wolf? That's a wolf demon!

The two sides were fighting in a live broadcast room.

【Master Yip of Wing Chun:

Leader Xiong is indeed mighty. He subdued the wolf demon. He not only got a mount, but also gained more fighting power!

The strength of the wolf demon is obvious to all. If Xiong Ba didn't have that good sword, he would not be its opponent at all.

【[The Little Cook of Peach Blossom Island]:

What a cute big white wolf, how come I didn’t get to ride such a cool thing? I’m so jealous!

Lin Ge: Sorry, you could have ridden the eagle!

【Second Palace Master of Yihua Palace]:

Perhaps it would be more interesting to travel the world with a sword and a white wolf! Contemplation!

【Grand Master of Yihua Palace】:

@【[Second Palace Master of Yihua Palace] Sister, have you triggered your mission?

【Snow Moon Sword Immortal]:

Although it is not elegant for a girl to ride a white wolf, it seems cool, doesn’t it?

【[Devil Sect Saint]:

I wonder if Gang Leader Xiong is willing to transfer it? Or give a price?

【[Persimmons in the Snow]:

Why did we come together? You won the battle and got the mount, but I have to learn the boring art of divination? Woohoo!

That's right, Xu Fengnian was recommended by Wen Zhong to Emperor Xin as a fortune teller. In order not to be exposed, he had to study divination skills like crazy.

Those words are hard to recognize and understand. I read them every day.���Dizzy.

Xu Fengnian only hoped that his mission would come soon, so that he could go home after completing it.

Fortunately, this day came.

On the tenth day of the third month of the spring of King Zhou.


Shang Rong, a veteran of three dynasties, advised Emperor Xin to go to the Nuwa Temple to burn incense on the fifteenth day of the third month.

"Go to Nuwa Temple to burn incense? Who is Nuwa?"

Emperor Xin was confused and didn't understand.

Since he ascended the throne, he has never gone to Nuwa Temple to burn incense. But today he suddenly came to persuade him to go. What was the prime minister thinking?

"My king, March 15th is the birthday of Nuwa. Nuwa has done great deeds for our human race by mending the sky. We should go to offer sacrifices to protect our Shang Dynasty and bring peace and prosperity to the country and the people!"When

Wen Zhong heard this, he was here!

His junior brother Lin Ge's words were still fresh in his mind.

""Brother, if someone persuades the king to go to Nuwa Temple to burn incense, you should stay put. After the king agrees, persuade him privately to go one day earlier!"

So Wen Zhong closed his eyes slightly and let Shang Rong play.

When Xu Fengnian heard it, the mission finally came!

The immortal master once said that when someone in the court persuaded King Zhou of Shang to go to Nuwa Temple to burn incense, it would be the time for his mission.

He only needs to cooperate with Wen Zhong and Master Wen, and persuade King Zhou to go to Nuwa Temple to burn incense one day earlier to complete the mission!

Haha, it's finally over.

But looking at the look of Emperor Xin, it is estimated that this mission is still a bit difficult.

Otherwise, why did the immortal master send me here to assist Master Wen!

And let me be an official of divination, isn't it just pretending to be a god to fool people?

【[Snow Persimmon]:

Everyone, is there any good way to make Emperor Xin change his mind and go to Nuwa Temple to burn incense one day earlier? Waiting online!


PS:Please generate electricity for love!

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