As for Emperor Xin, as the last emperor of the human race, he had his own strengths except for his bad temper.

At this time, he was not confused and still had his own wise judgment.

Therefore, although he felt that it was a bit strange that Prime Minister Shang suddenly advised him to go to the Nuwa Temple to burn incense, he couldn't figure it out for a while. However, seeing that Master Wen did not object, he thought that for the sake of the people and the world, it would not be a bad idea to worship Nuwa.

Emperor Xin trusted Master Wen 100%.

If there was anything wrong with this matter, Master Wen would definitely jump out to object.


When Shang Rong was talking until his mouth was dry, Emperor Xin finally responded with great mercy.

Hearing the king's answer, Shang Rong secretly breathed a sigh of relief!

Finally, he completed the task assigned by that person.

Emperor Xin has a bad temper and a stubborn personality. It's really hard to fool him!

If that person hadn't promised to give him a magic treasure after the matter was accomplished, Shang Rong would not have taken this job.

But that person was right. The king should go to the temple of Nuwa to worship.

According to that person, the prosperity of the Shang Dynasty in recent years is all due to the protection of Nuwa.

The king has never been to worship, which has caused the dissatisfaction of Nuwa, so he rebelled against the 72 princes of the North Sea.

Don't blame me, my king, I am doing this all for the sake of our Shang Dynasty!

After retiring from the court, Shang Rong went to the agreed place to report to that person.

The person was tightly wrapped in black clothes, and it was impossible to tell who he was.

"So, is this done?" a hoarse and unpleasant voice asked.

"Yes, Emperor Xin agreed in front of all the civil and military officials in the court!"

"Very good, this acquired superb spiritual treasure is your reward!"

The immortal is indeed generous!

Shang Rong was delighted.

He knew that this person was an immortal. Apart from an immortal, who else could produce such a good spiritual treasure!

The man in black left in a hurry.

Kunlun Mountain Yuqing Palace!

"Teacher, it's been done!"

"Well, I see. You did a great job! Please leave for now!"

"is teacher!"


Wen Zhong and Xu Fengnian privately requested to see Emperor Xin late at night on March 13th.

"What can't the Grand Tutor and Xu Aiqing say in the court?"

Emperor Xin was puzzled.

He said that he couldn't understand the behavior of these ministers one by one in recent times.

"I have come here to ask Your Majesty to change your decision to go to the Nuwa Temple to burn incense on March 15th!"

Emperor Xin:"……!"

You, the Grand Master, are a bit weird! You didn't bring it up in the court, but now you come to tell me about it?

The decision on this matter has been made for several days, are you asking me to deny myself?

What are you thinking?

""Does the Grand Master mean that I should not go to the Nuwa Temple to burn incense?"

Emperor Xin was a little displeased, but he still asked patiently.

There was no other way. All the civil and military officials in the court were afraid of him, but he was afraid of Grand Master Wen.

If Grand Master Wen had not recommended Xiongba and Huang Feihu to Beihai before him, he really wanted to send the Grand Master away when Beihai rebelled.

The days without the Grand Master must be free and easy!

"That's not what I meant. I just suggested that Your Majesty go to the Nuwa Temple to burn incense one day in advance!"

Wen Zhong bowed and answered calmly.


Emperor Xin was curious.

"Can you give me a reason, Grand Master?"

Wen Zhong said,"Go one day in advance, this is what the divination means!"

Emperor Xin turned his head and looked at Xu Fengnian, who was standing beside him with his hands hanging down and his head slightly lowered.

"My dear minister, you'd better convince me!"

Xu Fengnian stepped forward and reported:"Your Majesty, I have been working diligently these past few days. After observing the celestial phenomena and doing a series of divinations, I found that March 14th is the most appropriate day to go to the Nuwa Temple!"


"Because... because on the fifteenth day, Nuwa is not in the temple! The king's sincerity in going to the temple, Nuwa can't feel it immediately!"

Xu Fengnian was just making up a story, but the more he talked, the smoother it became, as if it was the way it was.

"Your Majesty, think about it, it's like ordinary people going to a relative's house to wish him a happy birthday, but the relative is out for something, then wouldn't the effect of the birthday celebration be so poor?"

"Well, that makes sense, keep talking!"

Emperor Xin was interested and encouraged.

What else are you talking about?

Shouldn't it be approved normally?

Xu Fengnian had no choice but to speak sweetly and do his best to fool people!

Finally, Emperor Xin was satisfied and agreed.

Wen Zhong and Xu Fengnian breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

It's done!

The two of them took their leave, and before leaving, they did not forget to remind Emperor Xin not to make it public so as to give Nuwa a surprise.

【The Third Young Master of Excalibur Villa]:

Tsk tsk, Persimmon’s ability to deceive people is so great that I am ashamed of myself!

【The Ultimate Killer King]:

My heart is trembling when I see this, I'm afraid that King Di Xin will suddenly order you to be tied up! Snickering!

【Sun and Moon Sect Leader]:

Everyone should be careful of Persimmon, so as not to be brainwashed accidentally!

【[The Little Cook of Peach Blossom Island]:

Alas, Persimmon's ability to deceive people is second to none!

If I could deceive people as well as Persimmon, would the Immortal Master look at me more?

【Second Palace Master of Yihua Palace]:

I agree! I think it must be because I am too dumb to talk that I cannot win the favor of the Immortal Master!

【[Grand Palace Master of Yihua Palace]:

You two are never done, no matter what the topic is, you always bring it up with the Immortal Master.

The Immortal Master ignores you, not because you are not good at talking, but because you are too weak!

【[Iron-hearted Divine Marquis]: The

Grand Palace Master is right! If you want to gain the attention of the Immortal Master, you must find a way to become stronger! By the way, I seem to have signs of a breakthrough recently!

Huang Rong:...!

Lian Xing:……!


Wen Zhong walked out of the palace gate, waited for a while, and walked side by side with Xu Fengnian.

"Lord Xu was able to persuade Emperor Xin to change the date of his trip. He is indeed an extraordinary person!"

"No way! It's because the king is so willing to accept good advice and cares about the people, that he can listen to my advice!"

Xu Fengnian quickly replied politely

"You don't have to be too distant with me. You were recommended by my junior brother, and we are family!"

Wen Zhong saw the other party's alienation and reminded him.

We are in the same group!

The next morning, Emperor Xin really announced that he would set off immediately to the Nuwa Temple to burn incense.

All the ministers accompanied him.

Shang Rong was dumbfounded!

Didn't he agree to go tomorrow?

Why did he suddenly change his mind!

But on second thought, it was nothing.

The person who said that we should go to the Nuwa Temple to burn incense, today is also a day of burning incense!

It should be nothing!

As Lin Ge expected, Emperor Xin went to the Nuwa Temple a day in advance, catching the person hiding behind the scenes off guard.

Emperor Xin The whole process of offering incense was in accordance with the rules and regulations, without any transgression.

Nuwa was very satisfied when she saw the emperor offering incense to her sincerely in the palace.

The benefits brought to Nuwa by the emperor's incense offering were obvious.

The strong power of faith turned into merit, which made Nuwa's cultivation loosen a little bit.

Nuwa also gave feedback to Da Shang in response, making Da Shang's fortune even better!

Wen Zhong followed Shang Rong very closely, and Shang Rong himself did not realize the importance of this matter, and did not report it at all.

But now the way of heaven is not obvious, the secret of heaven is obscured, and Yuanshi Tianzun did not expect that things have changed!


PS:Please generate electricity for love!

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