The next day was the fifteenth day of the third month in the seventh year of King Zhou, Nuwa's birthday.

Because she received the incense from Emperor Xin yesterday, Nuwa was in a good mood. She got up early in the morning and was thinking about how to celebrate her birthday, but she was invited by Fuxi of Huoyun Cave, saying that it was her birthday today and they hadn't seen each other for a long time.

There are three saints living in Huoyun Cave, namely: Fuxi, Suiren, and Youchao.

And Fuxi is Nuwa's brother.

For some reasons that cannot be said, the three saints have been staying in Huoyun Cave and have never come out.

Nuwa was infinitely happy to get invited by her brother. She dressed up and happily went out of the palace to keep the appointment. Before

Nuwa went out, a figure covered in black clothes in the distance also left stealthily.

Knowing that Nuwa was indeed invited by Huoyun Cave, Yuanshi stroked his beard proudly, smiled and nodded lightly.

Everything is under control!

Next, it depends on the means of Zhunti Taoist.

In order to successfully complete the Conferred Gods mission, Yuanshi Tianzun also took great pains.

But is it so easy to complete the Conferred Gods mission?

Although the dispute between Xiqi and Chaoge has been decided, seeing that Chaoge is now thriving, relying solely on the current strength and determination of Xibo Hou Jichang, it is unknown when it will take to capture Chaoge.

Moreover, Yuanshi knew very well that it was a dispute between Xiqi and Chaoge, but in essence it was a dispute between his own Chan Sect and Tongtian's Jie Sect.

All of his disciples were excellent disciples, so he would let those Tongtian who were"born from eggs and covered with fur and feathers" be included in the Conferred Gods list!

He himself had the righteousness of"Phoenix sings in Xiqi, and the Holy Lord descends from the sky."

Doing some tricks is just to speed up the process of Conferred Gods.

Haven't you seen that the calamity clouds of heaven and earth are getting thicker and thicker?

""I'm sorry, third brother!"

Yuanshi snorted coldly, but his face showed no shame towards his third brother Tongtian Jiaozhu.

Besides, Zhunti from the West, because the West was barren and desolate, he wandered to the East all day, hoping to get some benefits back to the West.

A few days ago, he met a Taoist friend from the Chan Sect, who accidentally revealed to him that Emperor Xin would go to the Nuwa Temple to burn incense on March 15th.

After hearing this news, Zhunti's heart was moved.

The man saw Zhunti's expression and knew that he was moved, so he told him Yuanshi Tianzun's intention in a vague way.

For Zhunti, being able to bring water from the East The more troubled the situation is, the better, so that he in the West can profit from it.

But he doesn't have the courage to do such a thing alone.

Since Yuanshi is the mastermind, what is he afraid of? He can just follow suit.

Not only can he fish in troubled waters, but he can also make Yuanshi owe the West a big cause and effect. Why not do it!

Poor Zhunti hid in the dark, just waiting for Emperor Xin to come to the Nuwa Temple to burn incense, and then secretly plotted. Zhunti couldn't help but get excited when he thought that he could plot against the Emperor of Man.

But he waited and waited, but there was no sign of Emperor Xin.

"Why is Emperor Xin so slow in doing things? No wonder Yuanshi said that his luck has run out!"

Zhunti had no choice but to frown and wait patiently.

He waited from morning until dark, but still could not see Emperor Xin.

Zhunti was a little confused, touched his head, and looked carefully.

"That's right, this is the Nuwa Temple! Could it be that Emperor Xin didn't know the way and went to the wrong place?"

Zhunti was extremely disappointed.

He waited here foolishly for a whole day and felt a little aggrieved. After thinking for a long time, he finally realized that maybe the old man Yuanshi was deliberately teasing me!

In anger, Zhunti actually wanted to find Yuanshi to explain it clearly and ask him why he was teasing him.

But then he changed his mind and thought that Yuanshi didn't come to conspire with him in person at that time, so he could completely deny it.

Zhunti had to endure it, but he cursed Yuanshi in his heart.


After following Emperor Xin back from the Nuwa Temple, Xu Fengnian received a notification from the chat group that his points had been credited to his account after completing the task.

【[Snow Persimmon]:

Haha, I finally completed the task successfully! I'm so happy! Red envelope @ everyone come come come, let's celebrate together!

【Ultimate Killer King]:

Congratulations to Persimmon! Come grab the red envelopes, the quick ones will get the prize!

【Ding! The ultimate killer of group member got 2 points!】

【Ding! Group member Taohua Island Little Chef has grabbed 88 points!】

【Ding! Group member Yihua Palace Grand Master has grabbed 68 points!】

【Ding! Group member Wing Chun Master Yeh got 125 points!】


Huoyun Evil God:...!

A little boy standing nearby saw that Huoyun Evil God looked unhappy, and asked with concern:

"Master, what happened to you? Are you sick?"

Huoyun Evil God was feeling depressed, and turned around and smiled awkwardly.

"It's okay! Did you practice the martial arts secret book I found for you?"

"Master, I have been practicing diligently!"

"Okay, go down and continue practicing, don't be lazy!"

The little boy agreed and left obediently.

Looking at the little boy's back, Huoyun Evil God thought, next time there is a red envelope, I won't be so excited to grab it first, let my disciple try, maybe he will be lucky!

【Tianxiahui Gang Leader】:

@【[Persimmon in the Snow] Now that you have completed your mission, you can consider coming to help me! The reward is negotiable!

Xiongba couldn't help but feel envious when he saw that Xu Fengnian had completed his mission.

The two came to the immortal master's world together. Persimmon had completed the mission, but he hadn't. Would it affect his impression in the immortal master's mind?

Otherwise, if Persimmon is left behind, and they both come and go at the same time, there shouldn't be any big problems!

It has to be said that Xiongba is quite cunning.

Xu Fengnian is actually considering whether to stay or leave.

The spiritual energy here is rich and very suitable for cultivation.

To be honest, it's a bit hard for him to leave right away.

【Persimmon in the Snow】:

@【[The leader of Tianxiahui] You need to ask the Immortal Master for his opinion on this. I have no problem with it!


You clearly want to stay, but you still want me to tell the Immortal Master.

Forget it, I'll ask the Immortal Master for his opinion!

【Tianxiahui Gang Leader】:

@【[Jinxian of Jiejiao] Master, can I ask Persimmon to stay and help me?


Because Xu Fengnian successfully completed the task, some people's plot to blacken Emperor Xin was thwarted. At this time, Lin Ge was in a good mood.���Drinking Tea with Master

"Little Lin Ge, you look like you’re in a good mood today, don’t you?"

Bixiao teased Lin Ge while drinking tea.

The eldest and second sisters hadn’t come out of retreat yet, and other people on the island were also practicing crazily.

Bixiao felt very bored, so he could only find Lin Ge who also had nothing to do to drink tea and chat.

Lin Ge had originally planned to give the enlightenment tea to his master.

Suddenly he thought that the general trend could not be violated, and what if all he did was useless, and things would eventually develop according to the original plot.

At that time, he would give the enlightenment tea to his master to drink, and let her retreat and break through, then wouldn’t it be possible to perfectly avoid the catastrophe!

Lin Ge also took a sip of the fairy tea. Although it was not as good as the enlightenment tea, it tasted pretty good.

"I feel good because I saw Master!"

"How have you considered the matter I proposed last time?"

Bi Xiao raised his eyebrows.

Lin Ge was confused. He had completely forgotten what his master had proposed.

"It's about the ginseng fruit! Have you forgotten it?"

Oh my god!

Master hasn't forgotten about it yet. Is he so greedy?

Lin Ge was thinking about how to deal with Master, when he suddenly heard someone in the group tag him.

""Master, I... I seem to have some new insights. I have to go practice!"

After saying this, Lin Ge ran away.

【Tianxiahui Gang Leader】:

@【[Jinxian of Jiejiao] Master, can I ask Persimmon to stay and help me?

【Jiejiao Golden Immortal]:

As long as Persimmon is willing, I have no problem!

【Tianxiahui Gang Leader]:

Thank you, Master, for your help! @【Snow Persimmon】How long have you been here?

【Persimmon in the Snow]:

Thank you for the immortal master's help! @【The Leader of the Tianxiahui】I will come over after I report to the king!

Ming Zuer looked at the interaction between Xiongba and Xu Fengnian in the group and envied them!

Wait, one day I will also go to the immortal master's world!


PS:Please generate electricity for love!

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